49 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetic Consideration to Formulate Sustained Release Drugs: Understanding the Controlled Drug Diffusion through the Body Compartment of the Systemic Circulation and Tissue Medium-A Caputo Model

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    الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تقديم لمحة عامة عن النماذج المختلفة لدراسة انتشار الدواء لفترة طويلة في جسم الإنسان وداخله. تم التأكيد على نماذج المقصورة الرياضية باستخدام نهج المشتقة الجزئية (نموذج كابوتو) للتحقيق في التغير في تركيز الدواء المستدام في أجزاء مختلفة من نظام جسم الإنسان من خلال الطريق الفموي أو الطريق الوريدي. و تم استخدام قانون العمل الجماعي ، وحركية الدرجة الأولى ، ومبدأ الإرواء لفيك لتطوير نماذج المقصورة الرياضية التي تمثل انتشارا مستداما للأدوية في جميع أنحاء جسم الإنسان. للتنبؤ بشكل كافٍ بانتشار الدواء المستمر في أجزاء مختلفة من جسم الإنسان، وضعنا في الاعتبار(نموذج كابوتو (للتحقيق في معدل تغير التركيز اعتمادًا على التغيير في ترتيب التمايز الجزئي في جميع الأجزاء الممكنة من الجسم، أي الدوران الجهازي وحجرات الأنسجة. أيضا ، تم تعيين قيمة معلمة عددية لمعدل تدفق الدواء في مقصورات مختلفة لتقدير تركيز الدواء. تم حساب النتائج وتصوير الأرقام باستخدام برنامج MATLAB (الإصدار R2020a). التأثيرات الرسومية الموضحة للتغير في معدل التركيز بافتراض قيم وسيطة مختلفة وفقا للمشتقة الكسرية (نموذج كابوتو ). التأثيرات الرسومية الموضحة للتغير في معدل التركيز بافتراض قيم وسيطة مختلفة وفقا للمشتقة الكسرية (نموذج كابوتو). يخلص التمثيل البياني الناتج إلى أنه بالنظر إلى ترتيب قيم المعادلات التفاضلية ، يختلف تركيز الدواء اعتمادا على معدل الثوابت في المقصورات المتعلقة بالوقت.   النظر في الحالة الأولية للتقدير التقريبي حيث يشير الجسم كحجرة كاملة، بعد تقسيم الجسم إلى مقصورتين نموذجيتين. في حين أن النموذج الأول يمثل المعدة والكبد والدم الجهازي ؛ والنموذج الثاني يأخذ في الاعتبار الدم الشرياني وأنسجة الكبد والدم الوريدي.The aim of this study is to provide an overview of various models to study drug diffusion for a sustained period into and within the human body. Emphasized the mathematical compartment models using fractional derivative (Caputo model) approach to investigate the change in sustained drug concentration in different compartments of the human body system through the oral route or the intravenous route. Law of mass action, first-order kinetics, and Fick's perfusion principle were used to develop mathematical compartment models representing sustained drug diffusion throughout the human body. To adequately predict the sustained drug diffusion into various compartments of the human body, consider fractional derivative (Caputo model) to investigate the rate of concentration changing depending upon the change in the order of fractional differentiation in all the possible compartments of the body, i.e., systemic circulation and tissue compartments. Also, assigned a numerical parameter value to the rate of drug flow in different compartments to estimate the drug concentration. Results were calculated and figures were depicted by using MATLAB software (version R2020a). Illustrated graphical effects of change in concentration rate by assuming various intermediate values according to the fractional derivative (Caputo model). The resultant graphical representation concludes that considering the order of the differential equation values, the drug concentration varies depending upon its rate of constants in compartments concerning time. Considering the initial case for rough estimation where the body is indicated as a whole compartment, following division of the body into two model compartments. Whereas, the model I represents stomach, liver, and systemic blood, and model II consider arterial blood, liver tissue, and venous blood

    Construction of Linear Codes from the Unit Graph G(Zn)G(\mathbb{Z}_{n})

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    In this paper, we consider the unit graph G(Zn)G(\mathbb{Z}_{n}), where n=p1n1 or p1n1p2n2 or p1n1p2n2p3n3n=p_{1}^{n_{1}} \text{ or } p_{1}^{n_{1}}p_{2}^{n_{2}} \text{ or } p_{1}^{n_{1}}p_{2}^{n_{2}}p_{3}^{n_{3}} and p1,p2,p3p_{1}, p_{2}, p_{3} are distinct primes. For any prime qq, we construct qq-ary linear codes from the incidence matrix of the unit graph G(Zn)G(\mathbb{Z}_{n}) with their parameters. We also prove that the dual of the constructed codes have minimum distance either 3 or 4. Lastly, we stated two conjectures on diameter of unit graph G(Zn)G(\mathbb{Z}_{n}) and linear codes constructed from the incidence matrix of the unit graph G(Zn)G(\mathbb{Z}_{n}) for any integer nn

    Management of adhesive capsulitis of shoulder joint with arthroscopic release vs. manipulation under anaesthesia: a comparative study

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    Background: Shoulder stiffness is a manifestation of various pathologies or clinical scenarios variously described as scapula humeral periarthritis, frozen shoulder and adhesive capsulitis. Frozen shoulder is characterized by significant restriction of active and passive motion of the shoulder that occurs due to unknown factors. Adhesive capsulitis causes contracted, thickened joint capsule that seemed to be drawn tightly around the humeral head with a relative absence of synovial fluid and chronic inflammatory changes within the subsynovial layer of the capsule. In this study we did a comparison of 30 patients treated with arthroscopic release and manipulation under anesthesia. Methods: There were 30 patients in this study with 15 patients in each group of different age groups. All the patients were studied for a period of one year between July 2021 to July 2022. The functional outcomes were assessed using dash scoring system. Results: in this study of 30 patients with different age groups followed for 12 months and assessed by DASH scoring system. We had excellent results in arthroscopic group with postop dash score standard deviation is 5.87. Conclusions: The arthroscopic capsular release of shoulder joint in adhesive capsulitis was found to have a better functional outcome as compared to the manipulation of shoulder joint under anaesthesia. Currently no treatment protocols are universally effective which needs more and more research and developments for proper treatment strategies. Morbidity with this condition has caused significant loss both economically and psychologically

    Neuroendocrine Disruption: More than Hormones are Upset

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    Only a small proportion of the published research on endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC) directly examined effects on neuroendocrine processes. There is an expanding body of evidence that anthropogenic chemicals exert effects on neuroendocrine systems and that these changes might impact peripheral organ systems and physiological processes. Neuroendocrine disruption extends the concept of endocrine disruption to include the full breadth of integrative physiology (i.e., more than hormones are upset). Pollutants may also disrupt numerous other neurochemical pathways to affect an animal's capacity to reproduce, develop and grow, or deal with stress and other challenges. Several examples are presented in this review, from both vertebrates and invertebrates, illustrating that diverse environmental pollutants including pharmaceuticals, organochlorine pesticides, and industrial contaminants have the potential to disrupt neuroendocrine control mechanisms. While most investigations on EDC are carried out with vertebrate models, an attempt is also made to highlight the importance of research on invertebrate neuroendocrine disruption. The neurophysiology of many invertebrates is well described and many of their neurotransmitters are similar or identical to those in vertebrates; therefore, lessons learned from one group of organisms may help us understand potential adverse effects in others. This review argues for the adoption of systems biology and integrative physiology to address the effects of EDC. Effects of pulp and paper mill effluents on fish reproduction are a good example of where relatively narrow hypothesis testing strategies (e.g., whether or not pollutants are sex steroid mimics) have only partially solved a major problem in environmental biology. It is clear that a global, integrative physiological approach, including improved understanding of neuroendocrine control mechanisms, is warranted to fully understand the impacts of pulp and paper mill effluents. Neuroendocrine disruptors are defined as pollutants in the environment that are capable of acting as agonists/antagonists or modulators of the synthesis and/or metabolism of neuropeptides, neurotransmitters, or neurohormones, which subsequently alter diverse physiological, behavioral, or hormonal processes to affect an animal's capacity to reproduce, develop and grow, or deal with stress and other challenges. By adopting a definition of neuroendocrine disruption that encompasses both direct physiological targets and their indirect downstream effects, from the level of the individual to the ecosystem, a more comprehensive picture of the consequences of environmentally relevant EDC exposure may emerge