361 research outputs found

    Health Reform in Bulgaria

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    Utilization of health care services by migrants in Europe-a systematic literature review.

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    Introduction: Our study reviewed the empirical evidence on the utilization of health care services by migrants in Europe, and on differences in health service utilization between migrants and non-migrants across European countries. Sources of data: A systematic literature review was performed, searching the databases Medline, Cinahl and Embase and covering the period from January 2009 to April 2016. The final number of articles included was 39. Areas of agreement: Utilization of accident and emergency services and hospitalizations were higher among migrants compared with non-migrants in most countries for which evidence was available. In contrast, screening and outpatient visits for specialized care were generally used less often by migrants. Areas of controversy: Utilization of general practitioner services among migrants compared with non-migrants presents a diverging picture. Growing points: Compared with previous systematic reviews, the results indicate a clearer picture of the differences in health service utilization between migrants and non-migrants in Europe. Areas timely for developing research: A comprehensive comparison across European countries is impossible because the number of studies is still limited. Further research should also help to identify barriers regarding the utilization of health care services by migrants

    Bulk Density of a Sandy Loam: Traffic, Tillage, and Irrigation-Method Effects

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    Modern crop production creates a cycle between soil compaction caused by traffic and alleviation of this condition by tillage or natural processes such as freezing and thawing. The objective of this study was to evaluate important management practices as they relate to changes in bulk density of a tilled sandy loam soil. Practices evaluated were irrigation method, time between tillage and traffic, tire pressure and wheel load of applied traffic, and controlled traffic. Relationships among bulk density, penetration resistance, and infiltration rate were determined. Experiments were conducted in the San Joaquin Valley of California, on a sandy loam soil (Entisol) with an organic-matter content of <1%. After tillage, settling and trafficking of a soil resulted in rapid changes in its bulk density until a new equilibrium was reached. Tire pressure of 408 kPa and wheel weight of 2724 kg applied at moisture contents near field capacity resulted in a bulk density of 1.92 Mg m-3 , compared with a value of 1.67 for no traffic. The time interval between tillage and traffic did not affect final bulk density. Drip irrigation, which did not saturate the soil, resulted in a bulk density of ≈0.1 Mg m-3 lower than flood irrigation, which saturated the soil surface. Wheel traffic in the furrow resulted in only small changes in the bulk density within the row. When tillage did not occur between cropping seasons, traffic caused high bulk densities in the furrow but only small changes in the row. An increase in bulk density from 1.7 to 1.89 Mg m-3 decreased the infiltration rate by four times and increased resistance to penetration at the end of the season by three times. Knowledge of how management practices affect bulk density can aid growers in reducing recompaction following tillage

    Health and health systems in the Commonwealth of Independent States.

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    The countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States differ substantially in their post-Soviet economic development but face many of the same challenges to health and health systems. Life expectancies dropped steeply in the 1990s, and several countries have yet to recover the levels noted before the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Cardiovascular disease is a much bigger killer in the Commonwealth of Independent States than in western Europe because of hazardous alcohol consumption and high smoking rates in men, the breakdown of social safety nets, rising social inequality, and inadequate health services. These former Soviet countries have embarked on reforms to their health systems, often aiming to strengthen primary care, scale back hospital capacities, reform mechanisms for paying providers and pooling funds, and address the overall shortage of public funding for health. However, major challenges remain, such as frequent private out-of-pocket payments for health care and underdeveloped systems for improvement of quality of care

    Predictors of blaCTX-M-15 in varieties of Escherichia coli genotypes from humans in community settings in Mwanza, Tanzania

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    Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae commonly cause infections worldwide. Bla CTX-M-15 has been commonly detected in hospital isolates in Mwanza, Tanzania. Little is known regarding the faecal carriage of ESBL isolates and bla CTX-M-15 allele among humans in the community in developing countries. A cross-sectional study involving 334 humans from the community settings in Mwanza City was conducted between June and September 2014. Stool specimens were collected and processed to detect ESBL producing enterobacteriaceae. ESBL isolates were confirmed using disc approximation method, commercial ESBL plates and VITEK-2 system. A polymerase chain reaction and sequencing based allele typing for CTX-M ESBL genes was performed to 42 confirmed ESBL isolates followed by whole genome sequence of 25 randomly selected isolates to detect phylogenetic groups, sequence types plasmid replicon types. Of 334 humans investigated, 55 (16.5 %) were found to carry ESBL-producing bacteria. Age, history of antibiotic use and history of admission were independent factors found to predict ESBL-carriage. The carriage rate of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli was significantly higher than that of Klebsiella pneumoniae (15.1 % vs. 3.8 %, p = 0.026). Of 42 ESBL isolates, 37 (88.1 %) were found to carry the bla CTX-M-15 allele. Other transferrable resistance genes were aac(6')Ib-cr, aac(3)-IIa, aac(3)-IId, aadA1, aadA5, strA, strB and qnrS1. Eight multi-locus sequence types (ST) were detected in 25 E. coli isolates subjected to genome sequencing. ST-131 was detected in 6 (24 %), ST-38 in 5 (20 %) and 5 (20 %) clonal complex - 10(ST-617, ST-44) of isolates. The pathogenic phylogenetic groups D and B2 were detected in 8/25 (32 %) and 6/25 (24 %) of isolates respectively. BlaCTX-M-15 was found to be located in multiple IncY and IncF plasmids while in 13/25(52 %) of cases it was chromosomally located. The overlap of multi-drug resistant bacteria and diversity of the genotypes carrying CTX-M-15 in the community and hospitals requires an overall approach that addresses social behaviour and activity, rationalization of the antibiotic stewardship policy and a deeper understanding of the ecological factors that lead to persistence and spread of such alleles

    Where There Is No Health Research: What Can Be Done to Fill the Global Gaps in Health Research?

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    As part of a cluster of articles leading up to the 2012 World Health Report and critically reflecting on the theme of “no health without research," Martin McKee and colleagues examine the question of what to do to build capacity in the many countries around the world where health research is virtually non-existent

    Challenging assumptions of the enlargement literature : the impact of the EU on human and minority rights in Macedonia

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    This article argues that from the very start of the transition process in Macedonia, a fusion of concerns about security and democratisation locked local nationalist elites and international organisations intoa political dynamic that prioritised security over democratisation. This dynamic resulted in little progress in the implementation of human and minority rights until 2009, despite heavy EU involvement in Macedonia after the internal warfare of 2001. The effects of this informally institutionalised relationship have been overlooked by scholarship on EU enlargement towards Eastern Europe, which has made generalisations based on assumptions relevant to the democratisation of countries in Eastern Europe, but not the Western Balkans