17 research outputs found

    ICROFS news 1/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS

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    News and research dissemination from ICROF

    Organic for the future

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    Organic research and innovation moves the organic food sector from a niche to a general reference model for sustainable agriculture. Europe faces major challenges to conserve biodiversity, secure soil, and promote animal welfare and there is an urgent need to ensure global food security. Organic food and farming paves the way to meet these challenges; but to succeed a further development of organic food and farming is key


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    The EU research project, CERTCOST, has issued the first digital CERTCOST newsletter. Despite the fact that organic certification and its costs might be a somewhat dry subject from a consumer’s point of view, we intend to present the results in a eatable manner. The International Center for Research in Organic Food Systems, ICROFS, is responsible for dissemination of the CERTCOST project

    International økologisk forskning i Danmark

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    Danmark er globalt set førende inden for forskning i økologi. Det gælder både metoder, volumen, faciliteter, erfaring og evnen til at skabe tværvidenskabeligt samarbejde mellem højt specialiserede forskere. Fødevareministeriet har understøttet dansk økologisk forskning for cirka 5,3 mio. euro årligt siden 1996, da det første økologiske forskningsprogram blev søsat. Siden da har det danske center ICROFS koordineret tre store, danske forskningsprogrammer, hvor det tredje udløber i 2011. Et nyt program, Organic RDD, er begyndt i 2011. ICROFS koordinerer desuden europæisk økologi-forskning på vegne af 22 lande

    ICROFS news 2/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS

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    News from ICROFS: CORE Organic ERA-net proposal is formulated, FAO side-event was a success, upcoming course in media handling Articles: J. Eriksen, M. Askegaard & K. Søegaard: Nitrogen management on large organic daity farms C. Daugbjerg & K. M. Sønderskov: Organic labelling systems and consumer confidence G. T. Svendsen: Organic farmers can gain from Green House Gas trade H. Egelyng: Certified Organic Agriclture: Policy Instrument for Sustainable Development? M.S. Carter & N. Chirinda: No effect of cropping system on the greenhouse gas N2O J.H. Ingemann: Economics, Policy, and Organic Agriculture Brief news: TP ORganics needs you!, New publication: The World of ORganic Agriculture: Statistics and emerging trends, NJF seminar, Organic farmers bite back!, International conference on organic agriculture in Scope of environmental problems, Expo - MENOPE: 7th Middle East Natural and Organic Product

    ICROFS nyt 1/2009 - nyheder fra ICROFS

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    Nyheder fra ICROF

    ICROFS nyt 3/2009 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS

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    Nyheder fra ICROF

    Organic Rules and Certification

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    Development of the database, www.organicrules.org: The database was developed by ICROFS (DARCOF) and FiBL in 2005 - 2006 for comparison of European and international standards with the EU Regulation 2092/91 in the EU FP6 project, ”EEC 2092/91 Revision” (www.organic-revision). In the EU FP7 project, Economic Analysis of Certification Systems in Organic Food and Farming, www.CERTCOST.org (2008-2011). The database has been further developed by ICROFS. The information for the database is collected by the 9 partners of the CERTCOST project, and it is edited by Lizzie Melby Jespersen, ICROFS

    ICROFS nyt 2/2008 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS

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    Nyheder fra ICROF

    Naturfagsmaraton inviterer naturfagsdidaktikkens forskere

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