347 research outputs found

    Fächerübergreifender Unterricht in der Schulpraxis

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    Es gibt verschiedene Möglichkeiten fachübergreifend zu unterrichten. Mitunter wird schon das Ansprechen einer Thematik aus einem anderen Schulfach innerhalb des Mathematikunterrichtes als fachübergreifender Unterricht angesehen. Eine echte Fächerverbindung besteht jedoch erst dann, wenn auch eine Absprache mit dem Fachlehrer des anderen Faches erfolgt und die Thematik zeitnah in beiden Fächern zum Unterrichtsgegenstand wird

    Waves of Liberation Theology: God non-science since Rubem Alves

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    The present text problematizes the debate about theology while scientific knowledge related to divine mysteries since Rubem Alves' theological thought through a bibliographical exploratory approach. It redeems the possibilities Rubem Alves set to the problem of the scientificity of theology starting from two ideas of the author regarding the theological speech: 1) In order to know God we have to forget God and 2) Theology is a game which is played when life is at stake. The text concludes that Rubem Alves' theological thought points out some directions: (Re-)thinking theology as a human science leaned on religious experience, its symbols, legacies and hopes; (Re-)thinking theology focused on the social daily life, the reality, a theology that is born from the bowels of people who can speak from them and for them; (Re-)thinking a theology that does not lose its fascination with the mystery, a theology that sustains its poetic freedom and its prophetic criticality, i.e., a theology that is, first of all, beautiful because it is from dreams of beauty that lovers are born of.Ondas da Teologia da Libertação: a não-ciência de Deus a partir de Rubem AlvesO presente texto problematiza o debate acerca da teologia enquanto saber científico relacionado aos mistérios divinos a partir do pensamento teológico de Rubem Alves por meio de uma abordagem bibliográfica exploratória. O texto recupera as possibilidades que Rubem Alves coloca para o problema da cientificidade da teologia a partir de duas ideias do autor acerca do discurso teológico: 1) Para conhecer Deus é necessário se esquecer de Deus e 2) A teologia é um jogo que se joga quando a vida está em jogo. O texto conclui que o pensamento teológico de Rubem Alves indica algumas direções: (re)pensar a teologia como uma ciência humana calcada na experiência religiosa, seus símbolos, legados e esperanças; (re)pensar a teologia focada na vida social cotidiana, na realidade, a teologia que nasce das entranhas das pessoas, as quais são capazes de falar a partir delas e por elas; (re)pensar a teologia que não perde seu fascínio pelo mistério, a teologia que mantém sua liberdade poética e sua crítica profética; isto é, uma teologia que é, antes de tudo, bela porque é a partir dos sonhos de beleza que nascem os amantes

    Trio of Terror

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    From the earliest silent films such as Georges Méliès\u27 The Devil\u27s Castle (1896) to the recent Twilight adaptation, the vampire genre, like the creatures it presents, has been resurrected throughout cinematic history. More than a hundred vampire films have been produced, along with over a dozen Dracula adaptations. The Count has even appeared in films not pertaining to Bram Stoker\u27s original novel. He has been played by the likes of Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee (fourteen times) both John and David Carradine, and even Academy Award winner Gary Oldman. For as long as vampire movies have been made, Bram Stoker\u27s Dracula has never been out of print.[1] Yet despite the multitude of vampire movies and TV shows made in the past century, three of the earliest portrayals have remained the most influential and terrifying from generation to generation: Nosferatu (1922), Dracula (1931), and Vampyr (1932)

    Strukturen und Ausdifferenzierung der Vereinsfunktion PR im Amateurfußball

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    This dissertation is about the origin, the aims, the measures and the different types of public relations (PR). Moreover it will demarcate the idea of public relation opposite to the ideas of advertising, journalism and propaganda. The relation of PR and marketing will be illuminated closer. On that account these subjects are put at the beginning of the dissertation, so important basics are laid down to frame the examination and the studies itself. In the other chapters of this dissertation the reader will get scientific explanations of choosen theoretical basics of PR-research. This includes the systematic-theoretical, the marketing-orientated and the organizing-theoretical perspective. One meaning of every type will be discussed and critical illuminated. Based on these explanations it will be clear to the reader why the organizing-theoretical perspective is the most suitable perspective to explain the function of PR in amateur football. Because of that the connection of the theory of structure (by Anthony Giddens) and PR as a function of organizing makes it possible to view PR on the meso-level (organisation) as well as on the micro-level (acting of the participants of PR). To guarantee the best transition from theory to practice, there will be a detailed explanation of how PR is linked to sports, especially in football. Therefore the sportclubs will be defined as nonprofit- organisations, that have dealt more and more with the aspect of PR in the last decade and will have to go on with that even more intensive in future to survive in the business. To show the importance of PR for these clubs, the dissertation includes studies about the function of PR in amateur football clubs in the german Oberliga Nordost-Nord and results are shown at the end. Besides the function of a club within its structure will be analyzed, as well as the work of the PR-people. At least the author comes to the result, that the importance of PR is highly underestimated in the daily work in amateur football clubs today. Serious structures in the sector of PR are still weakly elaborated in amateur football. Nevertheless the daily work of all participants and the will to transplant PR-theory in practice, are a sign that the development is going in the right direction.In der Diplomarbeit wird dem Leser der Begriff Public Relations (PR) oder Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, beide Begriffe werden synonym verwendet, bezüglich seiner Herkunft, Ziele, Maßnahmen sowie die verschiedenen Arten seiner Ausprägung nähergebracht. Des Weiteren werden Public Relations gegenüber Werbung, Journalismus, Propaganda abgegrenzt und die Beziehung zwischen PR und Marketing näher beleuchtet. Daher werden jene thematischen Aspekte an den Beginn der Arbeit gestellt, um so gewisse Grundlagen für den theoretischen Rahmen der Studie sowie der Untersuchung selbst zu schaffen. In den weiteren Kapiteln dieser Diplomarbeit erfolgt eine wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit ausgewählten theoretischen Ansätzen der PR-Forschung. Dazu gehören die systemtheoretische, die marketingorientierte sowie die organisationstheoretische Perspektive. Ein Ansatz aus jeder Perspektive wird diskutiert sowie kritisch beleuchtet. Aufgrund die ser Ausführungen wird dem Leser deutlich, warum der organisationstheoretische Ansatz den geeigneten Bezugsrahmen für die Studie der PR-Vereinsfunktion im Amateurfußball bildet. Denn die Verknüpfung von Strukturrationstheorie (Anthony Giddens) und PR als Organisationsfunktion ermöglicht die Betrachtung der PR sowohl auf Meso-Ebene (Organisation), als auch Mikro-Ebene (Handeln der PR-Tätigen) gleichermaßen. Um einen geeigneten Übergang von der theoretischen Auseinandersetzung zum praktischen Teil der Arbeit zu gewährleisten, erfolgt eine Erläuterung der Beziehung zwischen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und dem Sport – im speziellen dem Fußball. Sportvereine werden demnach als Nonprofit-Organisationen gekennzeichnet, die im vergangenen Jahrzehnt eine verstärkte Auseinandersetzung mit dem Bereich Public Relations betrieben haben und in Zukunft weiter intensivieren müssen, um ihre Existenz auf Dauer gewähr l eisten zu können. Um diesen gestiegenen Stellenwert zu belegen, wurde eine Studie der PR-Vereinsfunktion der Amateurvereine der Oberliga Nordost-Nord durchgeführt, die am Ende der Arbeit ausgewertet wird. Dabei wird die Vereinsfunktion im Strukturgebilde des Vereins unter die Lupe genommen sowie die praktische Arbeit der PR-Tätigen im Verein. Der Autor kommt zum Fazit, dass der gestiegenen Bedeutung der PR kaum Rechnung getragen wird. Adäquate Strukturen im Bereich der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sind im Amateurfußball nur schwach ausgeprägt. Jedoch lässt die praktische Umsetzung der PR-Arbeit erahnen, dass eine Entwicklung in diese Richtung stattfindet.Ilmenau, Techn. Univ., Diplomarbeit, 200


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    O presente ensaio visa perceber como Machado de Assis, em sua obra de forma geral, não deixou de estabelecer posicionamentos, como alguns críticos o acusam de não tê-lo feito. Partimos da leitura de Memórias Póstumas de Brás-Cubas (1881) e do conto “Pai contra Mãe” (1906), procurando perceber a forma como ele aborda a escravidão e, de sua forma, faz uma crítica à sociedade brasileira de sua época

    Contos com monstros : aspectos da identidade e da fantasia em contos do escritor contemporâneo António Vieira

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Antonio Augusto NeryDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba, 25/07/2014Inclui referênciasÁrea de concentração: Estudos literáriosResumo: Falar sobre a questão identitária nos leva a questionar inúmeros (pré) conceitos, inclusive o de identidade, seja ela individual ou social. Esse questionamento é perceptível em diversos contextos históricos, acompanhando o desenvolvimento humano. Inclusive, em nossa contemporaneidade, encontramos traços dessa inquietude, que nada mais são que ecos do passado, ainda não resolvidos ou delimitados. De tal modo, a Literatura, como representante do real, explicita tais questões, demonstrando as diversas facetas dessa "jornada identitária" que a humanidade cumpre. Nosso objetivo neste trabalho é verificar como tal problematização se apresenta, por intermédio da análise de dois contos da obra Contos com monstros, do autor português contemporâneo António Vieira. Partimos de apontamentos teóricos, usando, para isso, alguns pensadores, entre os quais Norbert Elias, Northrop Frye, Octavio Ianni, Tzvetan Todorov e Ian Watt, que apontam considerações em seus escritos sobre identidade e um dos gêneros literários no qual essa questão figura: a Literatura Fantástica. Procuramos fazer uma junção entre teoria e obra ficcional, tentando, assim, abarcar os aspectos necessários para nos ajudar a estabelecer o diálogo entre Literatura, Identidade e Fantasia. Palavras-chave: António Vieira, Contos com monstros, Literatura Portuguesa Contemporânea, Identidade, Fantástico.Abstract: Talking about the identitary question leads us to questioning innumerable (pre) concepts, including identity's, individual or social. This questioning is perceptible in several historical contexts, following the human development. Besides, in our contemporaneous time, we found traces of this inquietude, which are no more than echoes of the past, still not resolved or delimited. In this way, the Literature, as an agent of real, makes explicit such questions, showing the several sides of this "identitary journey" which humanity fulfills. Our gold in this work is to verify how such troublesomeness presents itself, through the analysis of two short stories from the book Contos com monstros, written by António Vieira, an contemporary portuguese author. We start with theorical notes, using, to do that, some thinkers works, like Norbert Elias, Northrop Frye, Octavio Ianni, Tzvetan Todorov and Ian Watt, who, in their texts, write some entries about identity, and one of literary genres this question appears in is: the Fantastical Literature. We look for to do the junction between theory and fictional work, trying to embrace the needed aspects to help us to establish the dialogue between Literature, Identity and Fantasy. Keywords: António Vieira, Contos com monstros, Contemporary Portuguese Literature, Identity, Fantastic


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    The aim of this article is see how the nuances of police literature are present in the work of Fernando Pessoa, genre which devoted himself so accurate, producing a good set of texts. For this, we begin it with brief theorical and critical notes about this literature, in the sequence we present our perception about this in Pessoa novel, having in the Dr. Quaresma figure — detective, or decipherer as Pessoa preferred — our north.O objetivo deste artigo é verificar como as nuances da literatura policialesca estão presentes na escrita de Fernando Pessoa, gênero a qual se dedicou de forma acurada, produzindo um bom conjunto de textos. Para tanto, começamos o mesmo com um breve levantamento teórico-crítico acerca desta literatura para, logo em seguida, apresentarmos nossas percepções destas matizes na obra pessoana tendo na figura de Dr. Quaresma — detetive, ou decifrador como preferia Pessoa —  nosso lastro

    A teologia e a saga dos super-heróis: valores e crenças apresentados e representados no gibi

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    This text presents possibilities of theological analyses of comic books stories, especially, of superheroes. Starting from the dialogue between theology and literature and of the hero concept while archetype regards human being, it introduces as analysis perspectives: the presence of religious elements in the narrative; in superhero’s origin (the character) and in the existence of mythological and religious elements anchored in the sense of heroism and its included values. The text concludes that the comic books stories are windows of reality and windows for another reality and that they are much more than a mere entertainment: they are the human being possibility to know more on her or himself, her/his (religious and non-religious) values, anguishes, hopes and quest for a place in the world.Este texto apresenta as possibilidades de análises teológicas das histórias em quadrinhos, em especial, dos super-heróis. A partir do diálogo entre teologia e literatura e do conceito de herói enquanto arquétipo atinente ao ser humano, ele introduz como perspectivas de análise: a presença de elementos religiosos na narrativa; na origem do super-herói (o personagem) e a existência de elementos mitológicos e religiosos ancorados no sentido do heroísmo e nos valores que o abrangem. O texto conclui que as histórias em quadrinhos são janelas da realidade e janelas para uma outra realidade e elas são mais que um mero entretenimento: as histórias em quadrinhos são a possibilidade do ser humano conhecer mais sobre si mesmo, seus valores (religiosos e não religiosos) suas angústias, suas esperanças e sua busca por um lugar no mundo


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