34 research outputs found

    Why do people mis-diagnose themselves with food hypersensitivity? An exploration of the role of biopsychosocial factors

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    Up to 35% of people self-diagnose food allergy or intolerance (food hypersensitivity [FH]), or diagnose it in their child, and self-manage the condition rather than seek a clinical diagnosis. This is much higher than the latest FH prevalence rate, estimated to affect 2–5% of the general population. The actual prevalence rate may be underestimated due to the lack of diagnostic services; however, this can only account for a small proportion of the discrepancy because only a small percentage of self-reported FH can be clinically confirmed. Many people are therefore misdiagnosing their or their child’s symptoms as FH and needlessly removing foods from their or their child’s diet. There are a number of possible reasons for this misdiagnosis, which can be considered from a biopsychosocial perspective. Psychological factors include a confusion over the diagnosis, coincidental pairing of food and symptom, psychological or psychosomatic reactions, and taste aversions. There are also biological mechanisms that have not been fully considered in food allergy research that may be relevant, such as conditioning of the immune system or stress responses. A social context pertains to a greater awareness of FH due to media coverage and changes in food labelling laws. Any of these theories are plausible, but the research to date has a number of methodological issues. Most studies report on small self-selected samples recruited from clinics and there is a lack of general population data. Studies also tend to be cross-sectional, which does not allow cause and effect to be established. Future research needs to include longitudinal designs that incorporate qualitative elements to enable a detailed exploration of reasons why people self and misdiagnose FH

    The Role of Outcome and Experience in Hypothesis Testing about Food Allergy

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    It is important to understand the reasoning strategies that health behaviours are based on. Croker and Buchanan (2011b) found that the strategies people use when choosing how to test a hypothesis about oral health are affected by whether the participant is seeking to reproduce a positive outcome (i.e., good health) or eliminate an unwanted outcome (i.e., bad health). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of outcome on reasoning strategies in a food allergy context. Participants with and without food allergy were given hypothesistesting tasks and asked to choose which of three alternative patterns of food consumption could be used to test a hypothesis that a person is allergic to a particular food. Participants were more likely to select a controlled test of the hypothesis that a specific food causes an allergic reaction when a reaction to a food had been observed after eating, than when a reaction had not been observed due to food avoidance. Although the potential severity of making an incorrect choice in a food allergy context is both greater and more proximal than in an oral health context, the same bias in reasoning strategy was found. Logically appropriate hypothesis-testing behaviour may not, therefore, underpin real-world decision making

    Exploring quality of life in families of children living with and without a severe food allergy

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    This study aimed to explore the impact of food allergy on quality of life in children with food allergy and their primary caregivers, compared to a healthy non-food allergy comparison group. Food allergy children (n = 34) and control children (n = 15), aged 8–12, and their respective primary caregivers (n = 30/n = 13), completed generic quality of life scales (PedsQL™ and WHOQOLBREF) and were asked to take photographs and keep a diary about factors that they believed enhanced and/or limited their quality of life, over a one-week period. Questionnaire analysis showed that parents of children with food allergy had significantly lower quality of life in the social relationships domain and lower overall quality of life than the comparison parents. In contrast, children with food allergy had similar or higher quality of life scores compared to comparison children. Content analysis of photograph and diary data identified ten themes that influenced both child and parental quality of life. It was concluded that although food allergy influenced quality of life for some children, their parent's quality of life was hindered to a greater extent. The variability in findings highlights the importance of assessing quality of life in individual families, considering both children with allergies and their primary caregivers

    Parental self-efficacy in managing food allergy and mental health predicts food allergy related quality of life

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    BACKGROUND: Food allergy has been shown to have a significant impact on quality of life (QoL) and can be difficult to manage in order to avoid potentially life threatening reactions. Parental self-efficacy (confidence) in managing food allergy for their child might explain variations in QoL. This study aimed to examine whether self-efficacy in parents of food allergic children was a good predictor of QoL of the family. METHODS: Parents of children with clinically diagnosed food allergy completed the Food Allergy Self-Efficacy Scale for Parents (FASE-P), the Food Allergy Quality of Life Parental Burden Scale (FAQL-PB), the GHQ-12 (to measure mental health) and the Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM), which measures perceived likelihood of a severe allergic reaction. RESULTS: A total of 434 parents took part. Greater parental QoL was significantly related to greater self-efficacy for food allergy management, better mental health, lower perceived likelihood of a severe reaction, older age in parent and child and fewer number of allergies (all p<0.05). Food allergy self-efficacy explained more of the variance in QoL than any other variable and self-efficacy related to management of social activities and precaution and prevention of an allergic reaction appeared to be the most important aspects. CONCLUSIONS: Parental self-efficacy in management of a child's food allergy is important and is associated with better parental QoL. It would be useful to measure self-efficacy at visits to allergy clinic in order to focus support; interventions to improve self-efficacy in parents of food allergic children should be explored. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Preliminary development of proxy-rated quality-of-life scales for children and adults with Niemann-Pick type C

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    OBJECTIVES: Niemann-Pick disease type C (NPC) is a rare life-limiting disease for which there is no cure. No scales currently exist to measure the impact of medication, physical therapy or clinical trials. The aim of this study was to develop age-appropriate Quality-of-Life (QoL) scales to measure the impact of NPC on children and adults. DESIGN: Scale development study using a phenomenological approach to data generation and analysis. METHODS: Fourteen interviews were conducted with people living with NPC and/or their parents/carers. Themes were generated and examined against an existential-phenomenological theory of wellbeing. A matrix was constructed to represent the phenomenological insight gained on participants' subjective experiences and a bank of items that were related to their QoL was developed. RESULTS: NPC quality-of-life questionnaires for children (NPCQLQ-C) and adults (NPCQLQ-A) proxy prototype scales were produced and completed by 23 parents/carers of children (child age mean = 8.61 years) and 20 parents/carers of adults (adult age = 33.4 years). Reliability analysis resulted in a 15-item NPCQLQ-C and a 30-item NPCQLQ-A, which showed excellent internal consistency, Cronbach's α = 0.925 and 0.947, respectively. CONCLUSION: The NPCQLQ-C and NPCQLQ-A are the first disease-specific QoL scales to be developed for people living with NPC. This novel approach to scale development values the experiential, real life impact of living with NPC and focused on the lived-experiences and impact on QoL. The scales will enable healthcare professionals and researchers to have a better understanding and quantifiable measurement of the impact of living with NPC on a patient's daily life

    Validation of the English version of the Scale for Psychosocial Factors in Food Allergy and the relationship with mental health, quality of life, and self-efficacy

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    Background. The Scale for Psychosocial Factors in Food Allergy (SPS-FA) is based on the biopsychosocial model of health and was developed and validated in Chile to measure the interaction between psychological variables and allergy symptoms in the child. We sought to validate this scale in an English speaking population and explore its relationship with parental quality of life, self-efficacy, and mental health. Methods. Parents (n = 434) from the general population in the UK, who had a child with a clinical diagnosis of food allergy, completed the SPS-FA and validated scales on food allergy specific parental quality of life (QoL), parental self-efficacy, and general mental health. Findings. The SPS-FA had good internal consistency (alphas = .61-.86). Higher scores on the SPS-FA significantly correlated with poorer parental QoL, self-efficacy, and mental health. All predictors explained 57% of the variance in SPS-FA scores with QoL as the biggest predictor (β = .52). Discussion. The SPS-FA is a valid scale for use in the UK and provides a holistic view of the impact of food allergy on the family. In conjunction with health-related QoL measures, it can be used by health care practitioners to target care for patients and evaluate psychological interventions for improvement of food allergy management

    Is there a role for telemedicine in adult allergy services?

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    Telemedicine refers to the application of telecommunication and information technology (IT) in the delivery of health and clinical care at a distance or remotely and can be broadly considered in two modalities: store-and-forward and real-time interactive services. Preliminary studies have shown promising results in radiology, dermatology, intensive care, diabetes, rheumatology and primary care. However, the evidence is limited and hampered by small sample sizes, paucity of randomised controlled studies and lack of data relating to cost-effectiveness, health related quality of life and patient and clinician satisfaction. This review appraises the evidence from studies that have employed telemedicine tools in other disciplines and makes suggestions for its potential applications in specific clinical scenarios in adult allergy services. Possible examples include: triaging patients to determine the need for allergy tests; pre-assessment for specialised treatments such as allergen immunotherapy; follow up to assess treatment response and side effects; and education in self-management plan including training updates for self-injectable adrenaline and nasal spray use. This approach might improve access for those with limited mobility or living far away from regional centres, as well as bringing convenience and cost savings for the patient and service provider. These potential benefits need to be carefully weighed against evidence of service safety and quality. Keys to success include delineation of appropriate clinical scenarios, patient selection, training, IT support and robust information governance framework. Well-designed prospective studies are needed to evaluate its role. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Prospective Analysis of the Temporal Relationship between Psychological Distress and Atopic Dermatitis in Female Adults: A Preliminary Study

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) has been associated with psychological distress, but few studies have examined the causal relationships. This study aimed to investigate whether stress, anxiety, or depression could lead to an increase in AD severity or vice versa in adults using a longitudinal study design. Daily diaries measuring psychological stress were completed over four weeks; validated questionnaires measuring stress, anxiety, depression, and AD severity were completed weekly for twelve weeks. Thirty-six participants (all female, aged 18–46 years) were recruited; complete data were returned from 19. Stress and disease severity were significantly correlated when measured daily and weekly for the duration of the study. Cross-lagged panel model (CLPM) analyses identified that for the weekly measures, stress, anxiety, and depression on week X significantly predicted disease severity on week X + 1. Disease severity on week X also predicted psychological stress, anxiety and depression on week X + 1 for the majority of the twelve weeks. There appears to be a bi-directional relationship between stress, anxiety and depression, and AD severity in women. High levels of distress should be identified so that optimum management strategies can be implemented to reduce the risk of increased AD severity and the resulting impact severity might have on psychological wellbeing

    Peanut Allergy impact on PRoductivity and QUAlity of life (PAPRIQUA):Caregiver-reported psychosocial impact of peanut allergy on children

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    BACKGROUND: Limited research has examined the impact of peanut allergy (PA) on children using validated instruments to assess psychosocial burden and the factors influencing burden. OBJECTIVE: The PAPRIQUA study aimed to assess the caregiver-reported impact of living with PA on children's health-related quality of life (HRQL), correlations between PA severity and child's sex, and associations of caregivers' sex and anxiety with the proxy report of their child's HRQL and to identify significant predictors of a child's HRQL. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of caregivers of children with mild, moderate and severe PA, based on caregiver perception, was conducted in the United Kingdom. Participants were recruited through a survey recruitment panel; a maximum quota of 20% who rated their child's PA as mild was set to ensure population diversity; however, the quota was not required as few participants considered their child's PA mild. The survey, funded by Aimmune Therapeutics, included sociodemographic and clinical questions, the EQ-5D-Y, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire-Parent Form (FAQLQ-PF) and Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM). RESULTS: One hundred caregivers of children with PA (aged 4-15 years) completed the survey. Child's sex was not associated with proxy-reported burden. For younger children (aged 4-10 years), there was no effect of PA severity; parents of older children (aged 11-15 years) reported low to higher burden for their child on the EQ-5D-Y and FAQLQ-PF dependent upon PA severity. For all measures of child burden except the EQ-5D-Y, two or more reactions in the past 12 months and parental anxiety significantly predicted higher levels of burden for the child (P < .05-P < .001). Experiencing a life-threatening event in the past 12 months significantly predicted EQ-5D-Y proxy utility (P < .01). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Caregivers report that children with PA experience high levels of psychosocial burden, particularly those with more severe PA and a reaction history. Interventions to decrease caregiver anxiety and reaction frequency may help reduce the child's burden. Self-report studies in children with PA would help confirm these findings

    A snapshot of the lives of women with polycystic ovary syndrome:a photovoice investigation

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome affects 6  percent of women. Symptoms include hirsutism, acne, and infertility. This research explores the impact of polycystic ovary syndrome on women's lives using photovoice. Nine participants photographed objects related to their quality of life and made diary entries explaining each photograph. Three themes emerged from thematic analysis of the diaries: control (of symptoms and polycystic ovary syndrome controlling their lives), perception (of self, others, and their situation), and support (from relationships, health care systems, and education). These findings illuminate positive aspects of living with polycystic ovary syndrome and the role pets and social networking sites play in providing support for women with polycystic ovary syndrome