17 research outputs found

    Attractive Interactions between Heteroallenes and the Cucurbituril Portal

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    In this paper, we report on the noteworthy attractive interaction between organic azides and the portal carbonyls of cucurbiturils. Five homologous bis-α,ω-azido­ethyl­ammonium alkanes were prepared, where the number of methylene groups between the ammonium groups ranges from 4 to 8. Their interactions with cucurbit[6]­uril were studied by NMR spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and computational methods. Remarkably, while the distance between the portal plane and most atoms at the guest end groups increases progressively with the molecular size, the β-nitrogen atoms maintain a constant distance from the portal plane in all homologues, pointing at a strong attractive interaction between the azide group and the portal. Both crystallography and NMR support a specific electrostatic interaction between the carbonyl and the azide β-nitrogen, which stabilizes the canonical resonance form with positive charge on the β-nitrogen and negative charge on the γ-nitrogen. Quantum computational analyses strongly support electrostatics, in the form of orthogonal dipole–dipole interaction, as the main driver for this attraction. The alternative mechanism of n → π* orbital delocalization does not seem to play a significant role in this interaction. The computational studies also indicate that the interaction is not limited to azides, but generalizes to other isoelectronic heteroallene functions, such as isocyanate and isothiocyanate. This essentially unexploited attractive interaction could be more broadly utilized as a tool not only in relation to cucurbituril chemistry, but also for the design of novel supramolecular architectures

    Repercussões da episiotomia sobre a sexualidade Repercusión de la episiotomía sobre la sexualidad Episiotomy repercussion on sexuality

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    O estudo visa descrever as sensações vivenciadas pelas mulheres durante a realização da episiotomia e analisar as repercussões desta prática sobre sua sexualidade. É de natureza qualitativa e foi realizado com dez mulheres em uma maternidade pública da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, de setembro a dezembro de 2005. Os dados foram obtidos através da entrevista semi-estruturada, e os depoimentos foram categorizados seguindo as técnicas da análise de conteúdo. As sensações vividas pelas mulheres durante o procedimento estão associadas ao trauma por serem dolorosas, provocadas por agentes externos à sua fisiologia corporal e sem o seu consentimento prévio. A episiotomia afetou a sexualidade das mulheres por interferir em seus par tos, em suas relações sexuais e familiares. Concluímos que, por ser a episiotomia uma violação dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das mulheres, tornase imprescindível que as enfermeiras realizem a proteção perineal como prática incorporada.<br>El estudio busca describir las sensaciones vividas por las mujeres durante el logro de la episiotomía y también analizar las repercusiones de esta práctica en su sexualidad. Es un estudio cualitativo logrado con diez mujeres en un maternidad gubernamental administrada de por la Oficina Municipal de Salud de Río de Janeiro, de septiembre a diciembre de 2005. Los datos fueron obtenidos por entrevistas semi-estructuradas y las deposiciones fueron clasificadas según la metodología de análisis de contenido. Se asocian las sensaciones vividas por las mujeres durante el procedimiento a un trauma por ser doloroso, por ser provocado por agentes externos a su fisiología corpórea y sin su consentimiento anterior. La episiotomía afectó la sexualidad de las mujeres por interferir en sus partos, en sus relaciones sexuales y familiares. Nosotros concluimos que, porque ser la episiotomía una violación de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las mujeres, es indispensable que enfermeras logren el procedimiento de la protección perineal como incorporado en su práctica diaria.<br>The study aims to describe the sensations lived by women during the accomplishment of episiotomy and also to analyze the repercussions of this practice on their sexuality. It is qualitative study accomplished with ten women in a governmental maternity administrated by the Rio de Janeiro&#8217;s Municipal Health Office, from September to December 2005. Data were obtained by semi-structured interview and the statements were classified according the content analysis methodology. The sensations lived by the women during the procedure are associated to a trauma for being painful, for being provoked by external agents to their corporal physiology and without their previous consent. The episiotomy affected the women&#8217;s sexuality for interfering in their childbirths, in their sexual and family relationships. We concluded that, because the episiotomy represents violation of the women&#8217;s sexual and reproductive rights, it is indispensable that nurses accomplish the perineal protection procedure as one incorporated in their daily practice