2,415 research outputs found

    Producing Peripheral Locations: Double Marginality in Italian and Danish Television Crime Narratives

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    Alongside the enduring interest in capitals, location strategies in European crime series production have showcased an increased attention towards stories from and topographies of peripheral, distant and rural locations. We define and discuss this transcultural and transnational trend through the concepts of peripheral locations and double marginality, in the sense that these locations are usually distant from both production hubs and the symbolic centres of the nations, thus providing a fresh, sought-after visual identity to new crime series. Combining representational studies with a production studies perspective on Italian and Danish PSB crime dramas, including a media systemic exploration, we analyse the particular location strategies in a range of profiled series broadcasted by Rai in Italy and TV 2 in Denmark. In the end, we compare these strategies and reconfigure the notion of peripheral locations in the view of the analyses, while lifting the perspective to European level, thus showing how the tendency towards using peripheral locations in television dramas uncovers a new, European translocal sense of place and emphasize the role of TV series in forming a collective spatial imaginary of Europe

    “Far Away Places”: forme del melodramma tra Mad Men, Todd Haynes e Douglas Sirk

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    L’articolo intende discutere come il cinema (in particolare quello di Todd Haynes) e la serialità televisiva (in particolare il caso di Mad Men) degli ultimi decenni abbiano ripreso, attualizzato, rielaborato i melodrammi realizzati a Hollywood da Douglas Sirk e, quindi, le categorie di family e woman’s melodrama che proprio in relazione (seppur non esclusiva) all’opera di Sirk la critica accademica ha elaborato. Esaminare le forme del melodramma nella produzione (soprattutto seriale) contemporanea può risultare fondamentale per misurare la complessità di un dibattito, quello sul melodramma, che continua ad apparire irrisolta e proprio per questo ancora produttiva

    Italy on Demand: distribuzione online, copyright, accesso

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    Concussion Rehabilitation

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    Concussion represents one of modern medicine’s biggest challenges. As we are gaining more and more information on pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment, a lot is still to be cleared. On the side of pharmacology, rehabilitation is the leading treatment for concussion signs and symptoms. From acute to the chronic phase of brain dysfunction, rehabilitation is nowadays providing help to people recover faster and better. In this chapter, we will analyze in depth the key information and evidence supporting current concussion rehabilitation methods and protocols. Through this chapter, we are exploring how aerobic training, vestibular rehabilitation, and oculomotor exercises are working together with the treatment of migraine and neck pain. We also aim to provide the basis and relevance of cognitive rehabilitation and double-task-multifunctional training and the importance of fatigue and mood problem management

    Translocal Landscapes: La porta rossa and the Use of Peripheral Locations in Contemporary Italian TV Crime Drama

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    The article introduces and discusses the notion of ‘peripheral locations’ as a key concept for understanding the relation between, on the one hand, the production and distribution strategies of contemporary Italian television and, on the other, screen tourism initiatives. After defining the notion and stressing its relevance in the European circulation of national crime productions, the article focuses on the TV series La porta rossa (The Red Door) as a case study. The series is co-produced by Rai Fiction and Vela Film (Garbo Produzioni from the second season) and is internationally distributed by Studio Canal. Set in the city of Trieste, close to the border between Italy and Slovenia, the story plot intertwines crime and fantasy. The series’ production history demonstrates the complex role played by peripheral locations in both the writing process and the represented fictional world. The Virtual Reality walking tours organised by Esterno/Giorno – a tourism organisation related to the regional film commission of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which also contributed its own funding into the production – underline how peripheral locations can help create innovative and engaging forms of screen tourism

    A multilevel theoretical study to disclose the binding mechanisms of gold(III) bipyridyl compounds as selective aquaglyceroporin inhibitors

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    Structural studies have paved the avenue to a deeper understanding of aquaporins (AQPs), small ancient proteins providing efficient transmembrane pathways for water, small uncharged solutes such as glycerol, and possibly gas molecules. Despite the numerous studies, their roles in health and disease remain to be fully disclosed. The recent discovery of AuIII complexes as potent and selective inhibitors of aquaglyceroporin isoforms paves the way to their possible therapeutic application. The binding of the selective human AQP3 inhibitor, the cationic complex [Au(bipy)Cl2]+ (Aubipy), to the protein channel has been investigated here by means of a multi-level theoretical workflow that includes QM, MD and QM/MM approaches. The hydroxo complex was identified as the prevalent form of Aubipy in physiological media and its binding to AQP3 studied by MD. Both non-covalent and coordinative Aubipy–AQP3 adducts were simulated to probe their role in the modulation of water channel functionality. The electronic structures of representative Aubipy–AQP3 adducts were then analysed to unveil the role played by the metal moiety in their stabilisation. This study spotlights the overall importance of three key aspects for AQP3 inhibition: 1) water speciation of the AuIII complex, 2) stability of non-covalent adducts and 3) conformational changes induced within the pore by the coordinative binding of AuIII. The obtained results are expected to orient future developments in the design of isoform-selective AuIII inhibitors

    Guías propias de BIM para la gestión de portfolio

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    BIM is blooming in many Countries but in most of them it is unclear how its adoption can be governed and by whom. The BIM-market is increasing every day, with plenty of training courses and software, but there still is a great lack of guidelines and procedures to take clients (owners and users) through the risky path of BIM adoption. This paper aims to show main results of a case study research carried out by the authors for a public Italian client: development of guidelines, procedures, BIM objects and templates to be used for managing an asset portfolio. The proprietary guidelines developed are meant to solve problems related to e.g. missing and not updated data, loss of subcontractors’ control and inaccurate quantity take-offs. Starting from a clear definition of roles and activities to be done, the research focused on the steps to be taken to write some comprehensive guidelines that deal with new construction, existing buildings and maintenance. The results of the research will guide the public client in his transition from traditional to BIM-based procedures. Examples are provided in this paper aim at exemplifying the use of the proprietary guidelines; the case study presented in this paper is the RAI (Italian public broadcaster) settlement of Bologna, composed by a set of four buildings used for several activities.BIM se está desarrollando en muchos países, pero en su mayoría no es claro cómo y quién debería gestionar su adaptación. El mercado de BIM crece cada día, con un número significativo de cursos de formación y software disponibles, pero aún hace falta definir directrices y procedimientos que permitan orientar a clientes (propietarios e usuarios) a través del complejo proceso de adopción de BIM. Este trabajo pretende mostrar los principales resultados de una investigación realizada por los autores en un caso de estudio para un cliente público italiano que comprende: elaboración de guías, procedimientos, objetos BIM y plantillas para la gestión de una cartera de activos. Las directrices desarrolladas están destinadas a resolver problemas como, por ejemplo, datos faltantes o desactualizados, pérdida de control por parte de los subcontratistas y calculo inexacto de cantidades. Partiendo de una clara definición de los roles y las actividades a realizar, la investigación se concentró en los pasos a seguir para redactar directrices comprensibles dedicadas a construcciones nuevas, edificaciones existentes y al mantenimiento de las mismas. Los resultados de la investigación guiarán al cliente público en su transición desde procedimientos tradicionales a procedimientos basados en BIM. En este documento, se proveen ejemplos con la intención de ejemplificar el uso de directrices específicas, el caso de estudio presentado en este artículo es el asentamiento de la RAI (Emisora pública italiana) en Bologna (Italia), compuesto por el conjunto de cuatro edificaciones utilizados para diferentes propósitos

    Role of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Concentrate Using Selective Retention Cell Technology in Posterolateral Spinal Fusion

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    IntroductionWith increasing rate of spinal fusion, the problem of pseudarthrosis which contributes to recurrent pain with patient disability is considered to be the most common cause of revision lu..

    Combined hepatectomy and radiofrequency ablation for multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma: a case report

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    Introduction: At the present time, the best possible choice for the local management of a multifocal hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) developing on liver cirrhosis is multimodal treatment of the disease. Combined approach based on simultaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) together with limited surgical resection represents a valid choice of treatment. Case presentation: A 75-year-old white female patient affected of HCV-associated cirrhosis in BChild-Pugh\u2019s functional class A5, developed a bifocal HCC. The patient had undergone a limited surgical resection together with simultaneous RFA, without intraoperative and postoperative surgical complications. At 36 months after surgery, still shows no sign of disease relapse. Conclusion: This strategy directed at the management of multifocal HCC, may prove more useful for the reduction of surgical risk and post-operative progression of the liver cirrhosis than large-scale hepatectomy, since it presents no peri-operative mortality and a complication rate of less than 10%