4 research outputs found

    Influential Role of Culture on Leadership Effectiveness and Organizational Performance

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    The purpose of this research paper is to examine the influential role of culture on leadership effectiveness and organizational performance in Pakistan. Culture is discussed with its two dimensions, national and organizational culture. In this competitive and globalized arena, culture plays a significane role in the organizational performance and leadership effectiveness. It was also found that supportive leadership style is frequent in most of the orgnaizations in Pakistan. Participative leadership style has also a positive impact on organizational performane and leadership effectiveness but to some extent, but instrumental leadership style has a negative impact. This research paper is exploratory in nature which explains the importance of leadership styles and its impact on decision making which influence the overall performance of the organization. Our study is limited regarding the national culture and organizational culture as a mediating role. Practically there is some diversity among cultures of the Pakistani organizations which leades to the diversity in the leadership behavior

    Organization Performance Influenced by the BSD and Consultative Management Style

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among Balanced Scorecard, consultative management style, participative management style and organization size with organizational performance. All the variables are highly correlated with each other. This is an empirical study and data is collected from 100 respondents of service sector from Azad Kashmir. We used five likert scales to collect data from the respondents and data analyzed through SPSS. The result showed that there is a significant positive correlation among variables. This study also indicates that effective management style is necessary for improving the performance of organization. The result indicates that Balanced Scorecard has significant impact on performance of organization. Organization use BSC to handle the complexity and challenges that management faces during their operations. The collection of data is from small area due to time constraint. In the future comparative study can be done with other organizations for better analysis of results

    Impact of CSR, Quality of Work Life and Organizational Structure on Employee’s Performance in Pakistan

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    The trends of organizations are changing and demanding satisfied employees rather than dissatisfied employees. This paper provides factors through which employee’s performance can be increased to achieve organizational goals and objectives. To attract the motivated employees and building relations, CSR can perform for society which will change the thoughts of stakeholders. Quality of work life has impact on organization’s effectiveness which is essential for firms to be healthy and productive. Firms should adopt employee oriented policies which satisfies them to achieve organizational objectives. This study also indicates that effective organizational structure is necessary for improving the performance of employees and the organization. The structure is a source of success or failure because it empowers the employee which will increase the sense of responsibility. For the improvement in the organization and removing stress of the employees management must consider the hygiene factors to motivate the employees. The conceptualized work is conducted which is proved through evidence. For further study statistical analysis can be done for confirmation of the hypothesis

    The impact of Diversity training on Commitment, Career satisfaction and Innovation

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between diversity training with organizational commitment, career satisfaction, and innovation in the organization. The paper builds conceptual understanding of the model. The paper takes organization commitment, career satisfaction and Innovation, as Innovation is the part of organization environment. There are many studies on diversity training but no one focused its effect of innovation. The paper concluded that employees who are trained for diversity are more committed towards their organizations, and more satisfied with their careers. The paper also concluded that diversity training has positive effect on innovation. This paper builds relationship among different variables through previous studies. Limitations of this paper are that it is not guaranteeing the empirical reliability of the model, than the research on innovation is difficult to conduct because innovation is very gradual and systematic process. While talking about the innovation in the organization, diversity training is a very technical and worth while approach for today’s organizations. The paper finds that diversity training has its effect on commitment, career satisfaction and innovation