171 research outputs found

    Pengaruh zikir terhadap kesihatan mental dan tekanan psikologi dalam mendepani cabaran revolusi industri 4.0

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    Revolusi Industri 4.0 (IR4) telah memberi implikasi negatif terhadap kesihatan mental dan psikologi dalam masyarakat seperti kemurungan, kebimbangan dan tekanan perasaan. Masalah-masalah ini mampu diatasi dengan amalan zikir sebagai terapi psikospiritual berunsur kerohanian Islam. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif dengan menggunakan kaedah temu bual separa-berstruktur serta analisis secara deduktif, induktif dan tematik untuk mengetahui kesan sebelum dan selepas berzikir secara berjemaah. Pendekatan Lataif Qur’aniyyah digunakan untuk memaknakan kedudukan al-zikr dan pengamalannya lebih meluas. Peserta-peserta majlis zikir bulanan dalam kajian ini terdiri daripada 83 orang dan diadakan di Kediaman Rasmi Menteri Besar Selangor. Hasil kajian menunjukkan ‘zikir bersanad’ yang diamalkan secara konsisten merupakan santapan rohani terbaik dalam mempengaruhi jiwa dan emosi individu ke arah celik akal yang menjadi matlamat kemuncak dalam kaunseling. Hal ini berkesan dalam membantu perubahan minda dan tingkah laku manusia dalam pembentukan keluarga dan masyarakat yang bersahsiah dan harmoni. Justeru, zikir yang bersanad, yakni dalam bimbingan bersama guru rohani (Mursyid), dengan fokus niat untuk mencapai ‘keterhubungan kerohanian’ dengan Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w.) dan ‘jiwa fakir’ kepada Allah (s.w.t.), serta memenuhi adab-adab dan syarat-syarat takwa adalah terapi psikospiritual yang mujarab dalam merawat pelbagai masalah mental

    Spore Micromorphology and Anatomy of the Fern GenusHistiopterisJ. Sm. (Dennstaedtiaceae) in Peninsular Malaysia

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    More recent classifications used mainly morphological data when Histiopteris was included as one of the genera in the family Dennstaedtiaceae. A study on spore micromorphological and anatomical studies of Histiopteris J. Sm. from Peninsular Malaysia was undertaken to provide spore micromorphological and anatomical information of the stipes, lamina and rhizomes for the genus. These information would become the source of reference and comparison for other members within the family Dennstaedtiaceae and would deem necessary in future classification considerations of Histiopteris when similar studies are carried out for all genera of the Dennstaedtiaceae in the near future

    Current review towards the new best practices of Corporate Real Estate Management (CREM) in Malaysia

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    Corporate Real Estate (CRE) is referring to land and buildings owned by companies which are not primarily in the real estate business used for operational purpose. CRE covers the entire range of activities. Awareness of knowledge of CRE in Malaysia lacks because the researcher found that the operation of properties owned by a few large companies is undermanaged and underused. This review paper focuses on the definition of corporate real estate (CRE), components of CRE, and the current practice in the industry. This paper a desk analysis reviewing the literature on general management of the corporate real estate. By using the secondary data such as Company Annual Report, Previous studies and other relevant sources. There are several different issues to examine along the way, from the business strategies, Constituent and tools to help make the right decisions. It draws a framework for CRE analysis. From this paper, we can find the issue to improve the current practice on the CRE in Malaysia

    Diagnosing students' difficulties in learning mathematics

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    This study considers the results of a diagnostic test of student difficulty and contrasts the difference in performance between the lower attaining quartile and the higher quartile. It illustrates a difference in qualitative thinking between those who succeed and those who fail in mathematics, illustrating a theory that those who fail are performing a more difficult type of mathematics (coordinating procedures) than those who succeed (manipulating concepts). Students who have to coordinate or reverse processes in time will encounter far greater difficulty than those who can manipulate symbols in a flexible way. The consequences of such a dichotomy and implications for remediation are then considered

    An integrated framework for affordable housing demand projection and site selection

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    Highly priced properties cause affordability problems among low and middle-income buyers. To overcome this, the Malaysian government introduces affordable housing through National Urbanisation Policy, National Physical Plan, National Housing Policy, and Eleventh Malaysia Plan. Whilst having good market response, some areas experience either shortage or surplus of houses reflecting ineffective affordable housing policies. Inappropriate estimation technique and aggregate location estimations limit the accuracy and usability of demand estimations. Thus, this research aims to establish a framework to estimate local demands for affordable housing. This study selects and reviews the theoretical and modelling framework of Artificial Neural Network Model (ANN) due to its superior performance in forecasting demand. The ANN theoretical and modelling framework guides the modelling process, which includes data collection and preparation, model development, data analysis and model evaluation. Potential sites for affordable housing development identified from the model's coefficients are visualised spatially through Geographic Information System (GIS). Localised housing demand forecasts are highly beneficial for policy-makers and housing developers to allocate the number of supplies across locations. This allows maximum take-up rate for affordable housing, avoids supply and demand mismatch and thus achieving the national housing policy agenda

    Reliability of graphene as charge storage layer in floating gate flash memory

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    This study aims to investigate the memory performances of graphene as a charge storage layer in the floating gate with difference doping concentration of n-channel and p-channel substrates using Silvaco ATLAS TCAD Tools. The simulation work has been done to determine the performance of flash memory in terms of memory window, P/E characteristics and data retention and have been validated with the experimental work done by other researchers. From the simulation data, the trend of memory window at low P/E voltage is nearly overlapped between simulation and experimental data. The memory window at ±20V P/E voltage for n-channel and p-channel flash memory cell are 15.4V and 15.6V respectively. The data retention for the n-channel flash memory cell is retained by 75% (from 15.4V to 11.6V) whereas for the p-channel flash memory cell is retained by 80% (from 15.6V to 12.5V) after 10 years of extrapolation with -1/1V gate stress which shows that p-channel flash memory cell demonstrates better data retention compared to n-channel flash memory cell

    Cloud-Based Routing Resource Allocation in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    Wi-Fi Direct technology is enabled to support multiple services to be done via Wi-Fi connection. It provides the most efficient method to develop ad-hoc community among mobile devices for connecting quickly with one another without needing an access to the network. It allows communicating at common Wi-Fi rates for various applications including document exchange and online connection. This one-stop WiFi Direct application is able to connect a device to a single device at a time, i.e., only peer to peer communication is allowed within one hop. Hence, multi-device communication within multi-hop distance in a trusty Cognitive Radio (CR) network environment is in demand. This paper presents the development of an Android-based application with optimum cloud routing service to transfer files or chatting via Wi-Fi Direct technology in CR network. A system is developed using smartphones (with developed applications) and nodes with WI-FI connection. An indirect multi-hop routing approach is created if more devices transfer files simultaneously from hop to hop. After login and initializing, a device discovers the neighboring nodes first and then connects those (as necessary) to transfer a file or start chatting. The very moment a connection is established, a log file is generated in internal memory and save a backup copy in cloud containing necessary networking information of the client devices. The aim of these backup log files is for forensic investigation for intrusion detection/prevention and secured communications. Then the chatting or file transfer is carried out between the connected devices either in single or multi-hop routes. Results show that the system’s efficiency is around 92%. It shows that multi-device, multi-hop Wi-Fi Direct services can be implemented using Android devices with Eclipse Java programming in CR networks

    Ramadan fasting and sports performance: A Malaysian perspective

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    The purpose of this study was to identify factors that would affect Muslim athletes in their training or competition during the Ramadan fast. This would lead to a better understanding of the changes in lifestyle, behavioural and training practices of Muslim athletes when they participate in Ramadan fasting and exercise at the same time. A total of 172 Malaysian Muslim national elite athletes participated in a questionnaire survey assessing personal perception on sport performance, sleep pattern, food and fluid intake during Ramadan fasting. The results showed that a quarter of these athletes perceived that there was an adverse effect from the Ramadan fast on their sport performance. A majority of them (58.1%) said that Ramadan fasting did not affect their sleep pattern but 52.3% of them did take an extra nap during the daytime. Most of the athletes (45.9%) ate the same amount of calories as they normally would however 86.0 % believed that they drank more fluids than usual. The changes in lifestyle during the Ramadan fast did not adversely affect the perceived sport performance in this cohort of Muslim elite athletes. However, there is an equivocal opinion on the impact of Ramadan fasting on the quality of training

    The Study Of Dynamic Response Using ARX Model In Extraction Process

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    This work presents a model using system identification approach namely as ARX to represent the dynamic response for essential oil extraction process. A fresh set of data under feed in disturbance was collected using MATLAB Simulink. The 3000 samples of data was collected by using PRBS as an input and temperature in oC as an output. The collected data was separated into two groups; training data and estimation data by using interlacing technique. The model estimation was done by using linear regression method. The robustness of the model was evaluated by using best fit (R2), OSA, root mean square error (RMSE), correlation analysis and residual analysis (histogram). Based on validation results, the ARX model was successfully capturing the dynamic response of extraction process by provide the high best fit, low RMSE error and normally distributed by producing small mean and variance

    On the Diversification of Feedstock in Gasification of Oil Palm Fronds

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    Co-gasification of biomass can be beneficial since relying on only one type of biomass can interrupt operations if the supply of feedstock is disrupted for any reason. Despite this a gasifier system is usually designed for operation with only one specific feedstock. The gasifying of different biomasses can lead to failure or inefficiency. In this work the gasification of different forms of feedstock derived from oil palm frond was tested in an updraft gasifier that was specially designed for oil palm fronds. The feedstocks considered were dried frond blocks, briquetted fronds and overdried (at 150°C) frond blocks. The air flow rate was maintained to the value set for dried fronds in order to investigate the robustness of such configurations. The resulting syngas from the gasification was analyzed in terms of the composition of combustible gases and higher heating value (HHV). Overall, it was found that the altered forms of feedstock caused degradation in the syngas quality, which resulted in a decrease in the HHV of up to 65%