50 research outputs found

    Improving the transition of older adults into residential aged care: A scoping review

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    Objectives: The transition into residential aged care (RAC) is often associated with loss, grief, isolation and loneliness. This scoping review aimed to identify quantitative research which focused on reducing the negative effects associated with transition, thereby improving the transition experience. Methods: A scoping review, which concentrated on quantitative research, was conducted. MEDLINE, CINAHL andPSYCHINFO databases were searched using the initial search terms ā€œolderadultsā€, ā€œresidential aged careā€ and ā€œtransitionā€. Results: From the 457 original citations identified, four met the inclusion criteria. The interventions used a range of professionals and clinicians, diverse content, and a mixture of outcomes. The content of the more successful studies were underpinned by mental wellness themes and helped to reduce depressive symptoms among new residents. Conclusions: Our review provides a summary of interventions aimed at improving the transition experience for older adults moving into RAC and highlights gaps in the literature. This review is limited by the paucity of quantitative research in this area. Further research is required to address the negative psychosocial effects associated with transition into RAC. Clinical Implications: Assessing which of the transition phases an individual is in can help individualize interventions to reduce negative symptoms relating to transition

    A randomised, controlled, observer-masked trial of corneal cross-linking for progressive keratoconus in children : the KERALINK protocol

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    This work was supported by the Efficacy and Mechanism Evaluation Programme (reference 14/23/18), a MRC and NIHR partnership.Introduction: The KERALINK trial tests the hypothesis that corneal cross-linking (CXL) treatment reduces the progression of keratoconus in comparison to standard care in patients under 17 years old. KERALINK is a randomised controlled, observer-masked, multicentre trial in progressive keratoconus comparing epithelium-off CXL with standard care, including spectacles or contact lenses as necessary for best-corrected acuity. Methods and analysis: A total of 30 participants will be randomised per group. Eligible participants aged 10-16 years with progressive keratoconus in one or both eyes will be recruited. Following randomisation, participants will be followed up 3-monthly for 18 months. The effect on progression will be determined by K-2 on corneal topography. The primary outcome measure is between-group difference in K-2 at 18 months adjusted for K-2 at baseline examination. Secondary outcomes are the effect of CXL on (1) keratoconus progression, (2) time to keratoconus progression, (3) visual acuity, (4) refraction, (5) apical corneal thickness and (6) adverse events. Patient-reported effects will be explored by questionnaires. Ethics and dissemination Research Ethics Committee Approval was obtained on 30 June 2016 (ref: 14/LO/1937). Current protocol: V.5.0 (08/11/2017). Study findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Randomized controlled trial of a comprehensive home environment-focused weight-loss program for adults.

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    Behavioral weight loss programs (BWL) provide limited instruction on how to change the environmental context of weight-regulating behaviors, perhaps contributing to regain. Drawing on social ecological models, this trial evaluated a comprehensive weight loss program that targeted both an individualā€™s behavior and their physical and social home environment

    IL-10ā€“producing Tfh cells accumulate with age and link inflammation with age-related immune suppression

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    Aging results in profound immune dysfunction, resulting in the decline of vaccine responsiveness previously attributed to irreversible defects in the immune system. In addition to increased interleukin-6 (IL-6), we found aged mice exhibit increased systemic IL-10 that requires forkhead box P3ā€“negative (FoxP3āˆ’), but not FoxP3+, CD4+T cells. Most IL-10ā€“producing cells manifested a T follicular helper (Tfh) phenotype and required the Tfh cytokines IL-6 and IL-21 for their accrual, so we refer to them as Tfh10 cells. IL-21 was also required to maintain normal serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10. Notably, antigen-specific Tfh10 cells arose after immunization of aged mice, and neutralization of IL-10 receptor signaling significantly restored Tfh-dependent antibody responses, whereas depletion of FoxP3+ regulatory and follicular regulatory cells did not. Thus, these data demonstrate that immune suppression with age is reversible and implicate Tfh10 cells as an intriguing link between ā€œinflammagingā€ and impaired immune responses with age

    Pandemic Influenza Outbreak on Troop Shipā€”Diary of a Soldier in 1918

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    A Dual Role for the Bacillus anthracis Master Virulence Regulator AtxA: Control of Sporulation and Anthrax Toxin Production

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    Bacillus anthracis is an endemic soil bacterium that exhibits two different lifestyles. In the soil environment, B. anthracis undergoes a cycle of saprophytic growth, sporulation, and germination. In mammalian hosts, the pathogenic lifestyle of B. anthracis is spore germination followed by vegetative cell replication, but cells do not sporulate. During infection, and in specific culture conditions, transcription of the structural genes for the anthrax toxin proteins and the biosynthetic operon for capsule synthesis is positively controlled by the regulatory protein AtxA. A critical role for the atxA gene in B. anthracis virulence has been established. Here we report an inverse relationship between toxin production and sporulation that is linked to AtxA levels. During culture in conditions favoring sporulation, B. anthracis produces little to no AtxA. When B. anthracis is cultured in conditions favoring toxin gene expression, AtxA is expressed at relatively high levels and sporulation rate and efficiency are reduced. We found that a mutation within the atxA promoter region resulting in AtxA over-expression leads to a marked sporulation defect. The sporulation phenotype of the mutant is dependent upon pXO2-0075, an atxA-regulated open reading frame located on virulence plasmid pXO2. The predicted amino acid sequence of the pXO2-0075 protein has similarity to the sensor domain of sporulation sensor histidine kinases. It was shown previously that pXO2-0075 overexpression suppresses sporulation. We have designated pXO2-0075 ā€œskiAā€ for ā€œsporulation kinase inhibitor.ā€ Our results indicate that in addition to serving as a positive regulator of virulence gene expression, AtxA modulates B. anthracis development

    Heteromerization of the Ī¼- and Ī“-Opioid Receptors Produces Ligand-Biased Antagonism and Alters Ī¼-Receptor TraffickingSāƒž

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    Heteromerization of opioid receptors has been shown to alter opioid receptor pharmacology. However, how receptor heteromerization affects the processes of endocytosis and postendocytic sorting has not been closely examined. This question is of particular relevance for heteromers of the Ī¼-opioid receptor (MOR) and Ī“-opioid receptor (DOR), because the MOR is recycled primarily after endocytosis and the DOR is degraded in the lysosome. Here, we examined the endocytic and postendocytic fate of MORs, DORs, and DOR/MOR heteromers in human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably expressing each receptor alone or coexpressing both receptors. We found that the clinically relevant MOR agonist methadone promotes endocytosis of MOR but also the DOR/MOR heteromer. Furthermore, we show that DOR/MOR heteromers that are endocytosed in response to methadone are targeted for degradation, whereas MORs in the same cell are significantly more stable. It is noteworthy that we found that the DOR-selective antagonist naltriben mesylate could block both methadone- and [d-Ala2,NMe-Phe4,Gly-ol5]-enkephalin-induced endocytosis of the DOR/MOR heteromers but did not block signaling from this heteromer. Together, our results suggest that the MOR adopts novel trafficking properties in the context of the DOR/MOR heteromer. In addition, they suggest that the heteromer shows ā€œbiased antagonism,ā€ whereby DOR antagonist can inhibit trafficking but not signaling of the DOR/MOR heteromer