5,003 research outputs found

    State permutations from manipulation of near level-crossings

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    We discuss some systematic methods for implementing state manipulations in systems formally similar to chains of a few spins with nearest-neighbor interactions, arranged such that there are strong and weak scales of coupling links. States are permuted by means of bias potentials applied to a few selected sites. This generic structure is then related to an atoms-in-a-cavity model that has been proposed in the literature as a way of achieving a decoherence free subspace. A new method using adiabatically varying laser detuning to implement a CNOT gate in this model is proposed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Substantial revision and extension of the introduction and the atoms-in-a-cavity section

    Further studies on relic neutrino asymmetry generation II: a rigorous treatment of repopulation in the adiabatic limit

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    We derive an approximate relic neutrino asymmetry evolution equation that systematically incorporates repopulation processes from the full quantum kinetic equations (QKEs). It is shown that in the collision dominant epoch, the said equation reduces precisely to the expression obtained previously from the static/adiabatic approximation. The present treatment thus provides a rigorous justification for the seemingly incongruous assumptions of a negligible repopulation function and instantaneous repopulation sometimes employed in earlier works.Comment: RevTeX, 11 pages, no figure

    Next nearest neighbour Ising models on random graphs

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    This paper develops results for the next nearest neighbour Ising model on random graphs. Besides being an essential ingredient in classic models for frustrated systems, second neighbour interactions interactions arise naturally in several applications such as the colour diversity problem and graphical games. We demonstrate ensembles of random graphs, including regular connectivity graphs, that have a periodic variation of free energy, with either the ratio of nearest to next nearest couplings, or the mean number of nearest neighbours. When the coupling ratio is integer paramagnetic phases can be found at zero temperature. This is shown to be related to the locked or unlocked nature of the interactions. For anti-ferromagnetic couplings, spin glass phases are demonstrated at low temperature. The interaction structure is formulated as a factor graph, the solution on a tree is developed. The replica symmetric and energetic one-step replica symmetry breaking solution is developed using the cavity method. We calculate within these frameworks the phase diagram and demonstrate the existence of dynamical transitions at zero temperature for cases of anti-ferromagnetic coupling on regular and inhomogeneous random graphs.Comment: 55 pages, 15 figures, version 2 with minor revisions, to be published J. Stat. Mec

    Generation of entangled states and error protection from adiabatic avoided level crossings

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    We consider the environment-affected dynamics of NN self-interacting particles living in one-dimensional double wells. Two topics are dealt with. First, we consider the production of entangled states of two-level systems. We show that by adiabatically varying the well biases we may dynamically generate maximally entangled states, starting from initially unentangled product states. Entanglement degradation due to a common type of environmental influence is then computed by solving a master equation. However, we also demonstrate that entanglement production is unaffected if the system-environment coupling is of the type that induces ``motional narrowing''. As our second but related topic, we construct a different master equation that seamlessly merges error protection/detection dynamics for quantum information with the environmental couplings responsible for producing the errors in the first place. Adiabatic avoided crossing schemes are used in both topics.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. Minor changes. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Spin models on random graphs with controlled topologies beyond degree constraints

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    We study Ising spin models on finitely connected random interaction graphs which are drawn from an ensemble in which not only the degree distribution p(k)p(k) can be chosen arbitrarily, but which allows for further fine-tuning of the topology via preferential attachment of edges on the basis of an arbitrary function Q(k,k') of the degrees of the vertices involved. We solve these models using finite connectivity equilibrium replica theory, within the replica symmetric ansatz. In our ensemble of graphs, phase diagrams of the spin system are found to depend no longer only on the chosen degree distribution, but also on the choice made for Q(k,k'). The increased ability to control interaction topology in solvable models beyond prescribing only the degree distribution of the interaction graph enables a more accurate modeling of real-world interacting particle systems by spin systems on suitably defined random graphs.Comment: 21 pages, 4 figures, submitted to J Phys

    Further studies on relic neutrino asymmetry generation I: the adiabatic Boltzmann limit, non-adiabatic evolution, and the classical harmonic oscillator analogue of the quantum kinetic equations

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    We demonstrate that the relic neutrino asymmetry evolution equation derived from the quantum kinetic equations (QKEs) reduces to the Boltzmann limit that is dependent only on the instantaneous neutrino number densities, in the adiabatic limit in conjunction with sufficient damping. An original physical and/or geometrical interpretation of the adiabatic approximation is given, which serves as a convenient visual aid to understanding the sharply contrasting resonance behaviours exhibited by the neutrino ensemble in opposing collision regimes. We also present a classical analogue for the evolution of the difference in να\nu_{\alpha} and νs\nu_s number densities which, in the Boltzmann limit, is akin to the behaviour of the generic reaction ABA \rightleftharpoons B with equal forward and reverse reaction rate constants. A new characteristic quantity, the matter and collision-affected mixing angle of the neutrino ensemble, is identified here for the first time. The role of collisions is revealed to be twofold: (i) to wipe out the inherent oscillations, and (ii) to equilibrate the να\nu_{\alpha} and νs\nu_s number densities in the long run. Studies on non-adiabatic evolution and its possible relation to rapid oscillations in lepton number generation also feature, with the introduction of an adiabaticity parameter for collision-affected oscillations.Comment: RevTeX, 38 pages including 8 embedded figure

    Energy-dependent solar neutrino flux depletion in the Exact Parity Model and implications for SNO, SuperKamiokande and BOREXINO

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    Energy-dependent solar neutrino flux reduction caused by the Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) effect is applied to the Exact Parity Model. Several scenarios are possible, depending on the region of parameter space chosen. The interplay between intergenerational MSW transitions and vacuum ``intragenerational'' ordinary-mirror neutrino oscillations is discussed. Expectations for the ratio of charged to neutral current event rates at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) are estimated. The implications of the various scenarios for the Boron neutrino energy spectrum and BOREXINO are briefly discussed. The consequences of MSW-induced solar neutrino depletion within the Exact Parity Model differ in interesting ways from the standard νeνμ,τ\nu_e - \nu_{\mu, \tau} and νeνs\nu_e - \nu_s cases. The physical causes of these differences are determined.Comment: 43 pages, 8 figures, RevTeX; to appear in Phys. Rev. D, accepted versio

    Networking - A Statistical Physics Perspective

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    Efficient networking has a substantial economic and societal impact in a broad range of areas including transportation systems, wired and wireless communications and a range of Internet applications. As transportation and communication networks become increasingly more complex, the ever increasing demand for congestion control, higher traffic capacity, quality of service, robustness and reduced energy consumption require new tools and methods to meet these conflicting requirements. The new methodology should serve for gaining better understanding of the properties of networking systems at the macroscopic level, as well as for the development of new principled optimization and management algorithms at the microscopic level. Methods of statistical physics seem best placed to provide new approaches as they have been developed specifically to deal with non-linear large scale systems. This paper aims at presenting an overview of tools and methods that have been developed within the statistical physics community and that can be readily applied to address the emerging problems in networking. These include diffusion processes, methods from disordered systems and polymer physics, probabilistic inference, which have direct relevance to network routing, file and frequency distribution, the exploration of network structures and vulnerability, and various other practical networking applications.Comment: (Review article) 71 pages, 14 figure

    Sparsely spread CDMA - A statistical mechanics-based analysis

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    Sparse code division multiple access (CDMA), a variation on the standard CDMA method in which the spreading (signature) matrix contains only a relatively small number of nonzero elements, is presented and analysed using methods of statistical physics. The analysis provides results on the performance of maximum likelihood decoding for sparse spreading codes in the large system limit. We present results for both cases of regular and irregular spreading matrices for the binary additive white Gaussian noise channel (BIAWGN) with a comparison to the canonical (dense) random spreading code. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Higher Order Spin Resonances in a 2.1 GeV/c Polarized Proton Beam

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    Spin resonances can depolarize or spin-flip a polarized beam. We studied 1st and higher order spin resonances with stored 2.1 GeV/c vertically polarized protons. The 1st order vertical ({\nu}y) resonance caused almost full spin-flip, while some higher order {\nu}y resonances caused partial depolarization. The 1st order horizontal ({\nu}x) resonance caused almost full depolarization, while some higher order {\nu}x resonances again caused partial depolarization. Moreover, a 2nd order {\nu}x resonance is about as strong as some 3rd order {\nu}x resonances, while some 3rd order {\nu}y resonances are much stronger than a 2nd order {\nu}y resonance. One thought that {\nu}y spin resonances are far stronger than {\nu}x, and that lower order resonances are stronger than higher order; the data do not support this.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures Note that Fig. 5 did not appear in the PRL due to space limitation, but did appear in the March 2012 CERN Courier News Item "Results from SPIN@COSY may bode well for RHIC