21,897 research outputs found

    A compilation of information and data on the Manson impact structure

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    A problem for the impact hypothesis for the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) mass extinction is the apparent absence of an identifiable impact site. The Manson Impact Structure is a candidate because it is the largest recognized in the U.S.; it is relatively close to the largest and most abundant shocked quartz grains found at the K-T boundary; and its age is indistinguishable from that of the K-T boundary based on paleontological evidence, fission track dates, and preliminary Ar-40/Ar-39 measurements. The region of northwest central Iowa containing the Manson Impact Structure is covered by Quaternary glacial deposits underlain by Phanerozoic sedimentary rocks (mostly flat-lying carbonates) and Proterozoic red clastic, metamorphic, volcanic, and plutonic rocks. In a circular area about 22 miles (35 km) in diameter around Manson, Iowa, this normal sequence is absent or disturbed and near the center of the disturbed area granitic basement rocks have been uplifted some 20,000 ft (6000m). Attention was drawn to Manson initially by the unusual quality of the groundwater there. Within the structure three roughly concentric zones of rock associations have been identified: (1) displaced strata; (2) completely disrupted strata, and igneous and metamorphic rocks. Manson was established as an impact structure based on its circular shape, its central uplift, and the presence of shocked quartz within the granitic central uplift. A gravity survey identified locations of low-density brecciated rocks and high-density uplifted crystalline rocks, but the outer boundary of the structure could not be established. Aeromagnetic and ground magnetic surveys showed locations and depths of shallowly buried crystalline rock and the locations of faults. A refraction seismic survey identified the crystalline central uplift, determined that the average elevation of bedrock is 70 ft (20 m) higher outside the structure than within, and was used to map the bedrock topography within the structure. A connection between the Manson impact and the K-T boundary may be established or refuted through study of the impact energy, the impact time, and composition of host rock, possible impactors, and impact melts

    Open-Loop Spatial Multiplexing and Diversity Communications in Ad Hoc Networks

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    This paper investigates the performance of open-loop multi-antenna point-to-point links in ad hoc networks with slotted ALOHA medium access control (MAC). We consider spatial multiplexing transmission with linear maximum ratio combining and zero forcing receivers, as well as orthogonal space time block coded transmission. New closed-form expressions are derived for the outage probability, throughput and transmission capacity. Our results demonstrate that both the best performing scheme and the optimum number of transmit antennas depend on different network parameters, such as the node intensity and the signal-to-interference-and-noise ratio operating value. We then compare the performance to a network consisting of single-antenna devices and an idealized fully centrally coordinated MAC. These results show that multi-antenna schemes with a simple decentralized slotted ALOHA MAC can outperform even idealized single-antenna networks in various practical scenarios.Comment: 51 pages, 19 figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Penentuan Jumlah Teller yang Optimal dengan Metode Antrian di PT Bank Haga

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    This article presents the optimization of the number of tellers at the service counter at PT BANK Haga. Its done by comparing the some alternatives related to the number of tellers employed. Conclusion indicates that optimal condition is that 5 tellers at Abdul Muis Branch and 4 tellers at Daan Mogot Branch

    Compilation of information and data on the Manson Impact Structure

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    A problem for the impact hypothesis for the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) mass extinction is the apparent absence of an identifiable impact site. The Manson Impact Structure is a candidate because it is the largest recognized in the U.S.; it is relatively close to the largest and most abundant shocked quartz grains found at the K-T boundary; and its age is indistinguishable from that of the K-T boundary based on paleontological evidence, fission track dates, and preliminary Ar-40/Ar-39 measurements.by Jack B. Hartung and Raymond R. Anderson.Geology of Northwest Central Iowa -- Geology of the Manson Impact Structure -- Geophysical Studies of the Manson Impact Structure -- Ages of Samples from the Manson Impact Structure -- The Manson Impact Structure and the K-T Boundar

    1966 Ohio Farm Income: Estimated Cash Receipts From Farm Marketing and Government Payments by Counties and Major Commodity Groups

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    Experimentally Constrained Molecular Relaxation: The case of hydrogenated amorphous silicon

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    We have extended our experimentally constrained molecular relaxation technique (P. Biswas {\it et al}, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 71} 54204 (2005)) to hydrogenated amorphous silicon: a 540-atom model with 7.4 % hydrogen and a 611-atom model with 22 % hydrogen were constructed. Starting from a random configuration, using physically relevant constraints, {\it ab initio} interactions and the experimental static structure factor, we construct realistic models of hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Our models confirm the presence of a high frequency localized band in the vibrational density of states due to Si-H vibration that has been observed in a recent vibrational transient grating measurements on plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposited films of hydrogenated amorphous silicon.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    X-Ray Emission from M32: X-Ray Binaries or a micro-AGN?

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    We have analysed archival {\it ROSAT} PSPC data for M32 in order to study the x-ray emission from this nearest elliptical galaxy. We fit spectra from three long exposures with Raymond-Smith, thermal bremsstrahlung, and power-law models. All models give excellent fits. The thermal fits have kT\approx4 keV, the Raymond-Smith iron abundance is 0.40.3+0.70.4^{+0.7}_{-0.3} Solar, the power-law fit has α\alpha=1.6±\pm0.1, and all fits have NHN_H consistent with the Galactic column. The source is centered on M32 to an accuracy of 9'', and unresolved at 27'' FWHM (\sim90 pc). M32 is x-ray variable by a factor of 3--5 on timescales of a decade down to minutes, with evidence for a possible period of \sim1.3 days. There are two plausible interpretations for these results: 1) Emission due to low-mass x-ray binaries; 2) Emission due to accretion onto a massive central black hole. Both of these possibilities are supported by arguments based on previous studies of M32 and other old stellar systems; the {\it ROSAT} PSPC data do not allow us to unambiguously choose between them. Observations with the {\it ROSAT} HRI and with {\it ASCA} are required to determine which of these two very different physical models is correct.Comment: 9 pages, 5 PostScript figures, uses AASTeX style files, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Optimizing the discrete time quantum walk using a SU(2) coin

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    We present a generalized version of the discrete time quantum walk, using the SU(2) operation as the quantum coin. By varying the coin parameters, the quantum walk can be optimized for maximum variance subject to the functional form σ2N2\sigma^2 \approx N^2 and the probability distribution in the position space can be biased. We also discuss the variation in measurement entropy with the variation of the parameters in the SU(2) coin. Exploiting this we show how quantum walk can be optimized for improving mixing time in an nn-cycle and for quantum walk search.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure