265 research outputs found

    The solution structure of the heavy chain–only C5-Fc nanobody reveals exposed variable regions that are optimal for COVID-19 antigen interactions

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    Heavy chain–only antibodies can offer advantages of higher binding affinities, reduced sizes, and higher stabilities than conventional antibodies. To address the challenge of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, a llama-derived single-domain nanobody C5 was developed previously that has high COVID-19 virus neutralization potency. The fusion protein C5-Fc comprises two C5 domains attached to a glycosylated Fc region of a human IgG1 antibody and shows therapeutic efficacy in vivo. Here, we have characterized the solution arrangement of the molecule. Two 1443 Da N-linked glycans seen in the mass spectra of C5-Fc were removed and the glycosylated and deglycosylated structures were evaluated. Reduction of C5-Fc with 2-mercaptoethylamine indicated three interchain Cys–Cys disulfide bridges within the hinge. The X-ray and neutron Guinier RG values, which provide information about structural elongation, were similar at 4.1 to 4.2 nm for glycosylated and deglycosylated C5-Fc. To explain these RG values, atomistic scattering modeling based on Monte Carlo simulations resulted in 72,737 and 56,749 physically realistic trial X-ray and neutron structures, respectively. From these, the top 100 best-fit X-ray and neutron models were identified as representative asymmetric solution structures, similar to that of human IgG1, with good R-factors below 2.00%. Both C5 domains were solvent exposed, consistent with the functional effectiveness of C5-Fc. Greater disorder occurred in the Fc region after deglycosylation. Our results clarify the importance of variable and exposed C5 conformations in the therapeutic function of C5-Fc, while the glycans in the Fc region are key for conformational stability in C5-Fc.</p

    The structure of a reduced form of OxyR from Neisseria meningitidis

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited - © 2010 Sainsbury et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.Background: Survival of the human pathogen, Neisseria meningitidis, requires an effective response to oxidative stress resulting from the release of hydrogen peroxide by cells of the human immune system. In N. meningitidis, expression of catalase, which is responsible for detoxifying hydrogen peroxide, is controlled by OxyR, a redox responsive LysR-type regulator. OxyR responds directly to intracellular hydrogen peroxide through the reversible formation of a disulphide bond between C199 and C208 in the regulatory domain of the protein. Results: We report the first crystal structure of the regulatory domain of an OxyR protein (NMB0173 from N. meningitidis) in the reduced state i.e. with cysteines at positions 199 and 208. The protein was crystallized under reducing conditions and the structure determined to a resolution of 2.4 Å. The overall fold of the Neisseria OxyR shows a high degree of similarity to the structure of a C199S mutant OxyR from E. coli, which cannot form the redox sensitive disulphide. In the neisserial structure, C199 is located at the start of helix α3, separated by 18 Å from C208, which is positioned between helices α3 and α4. In common with other LysR-type regulators, full length OxyR proteins are known to assemble into tetramers. Modelling of the full length neisserial OxyR as a tetramer indicated that C199 and C208 are located close to the dimer-dimer interface in the assembled tetramer. The formation of the C199-C208 disulphide may thus affect the quaternary structure of the protein. Conclusion: Given the high level of structural similarity between OxyR from N. meningitidis and E. coli, we conclude that the redox response mechanism is likely to be similar in both species, involving the reversible formation of a disulphide between C199-C208. Modelling suggests that disulphide formation would directly affect the interface between regulatory domains in an OxyR tetramer which in turn may lead to an alteration in the spacing/orientation of the DNA-binding domains and hence the interaction of OxyR with its DNA binding sites.This work was supported by UK Medical Research Council, the Biotechnology Biological Research Council, and by a MRC Research Studentship

    Structure of the PII signal transduction protein of Neisseria meningitidis at 1.85 Å resolution

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    The structure of the PII signal transduction protein of N. meningitidis at 1.85 Å resolution is described

    A versatile ligation-independent cloning method suitable for high-throughput expression screening applications

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    This article describes the construction of a set of versatile expression vectors based on the In-Fusion™ cloning enzyme and their use for high-throughput cloning and expression screening. Modifications to commonly used vectors rendering them compatible with In-Fusion™ has produced a ligation-independent cloning system that is (1) insert sequence independent (2) capable of cloning large PCR fragments (3) efficient over a wide (20-fold) insert concentration range and (4) applicable to expression in multiple hosts. The system enables the precise engineering of (His6-) tagged constructs with no undesirable vector or restriction-site-derived amino acids added to the expressed protein. The use of a multiple host-enabled vector allows rapid screening in both E. coli and eukaryotic hosts (HEK293T cells and insect cell hosts, e.g. Sf9 cells). These high-throughput screening activities have prompted the development and validation of automated protocols for transfection of mammalian cells and Ni-NTA protein purification

    Results of endoluminal grafting in an experimental aortic aneurysm model

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    AbstractWe studied the impact of an endoluminally placed stented aortic graft on the geometry of a surgically created abdominal aortic dilation (AAD) in nonatherosclerotic mongrel dogs. Patulous iliac vein patch infrarenal aortoplasty produced a fusiform AAD, doubling the aorta diameter. Lumbar and mesenteric aortic tributaries were preserved and no mural thrombus formed. AADs created in 23 dogs were endoluminally excluded through transfemoral placement of a thin-wall Dacron graft 4 ± 2 months later. Balloon-expandable stents were used to anchor each end of the graft to the aorta. The graft was crimped radially in its body and longitudinally at its ends to provide longitudinal and radial expandability in these respective zones. Serial color duplex, angiography, and direct caliper measurements were made. Before graft placement, a 19% ± 11% diameter growth was observed. At graft placement, flow arrest immediately occurred in the space between the graft and the AAD intima in all cases. Although microscopic recanalization of the thrombus in this space was seen at sacrifice 6 and 12 months later, no macroscopic duplex flow was imaged. A 10% ± 11% reduction in AAD diameter was measured at 6 months (p < 0.001), with no further reduction at 12 months. Graft dimensions remained stable. No anastomotic leaks developed. AAD growth stopped during the first year after effective endoluminal exclusion in normotensive dogs despite patent side branches (<1.5 mm internal diameter) and no mural thrombus at the time of graft placement. Whether microscopic recanalization of the thrombus that forms outside the graft has an impact after 1 year remains to be seen. (J Vasc Surg 1996;23:819-31.

    From llama to nanobody: a streamlined workflow for the generation of functionalised VHHs

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    Nanobodies are recombinant antigen-specific single domain antibodies (VHHs) derived from the heavy chain–only subset of camelid immunoglobulins. Their small molecular size, facile expression, high affinity, and stability have combined to make them unique targeting reagents with numerous applications in the biomedical sciences. From our work in producing nanobodies to over sixty different proteins, we present a standardised workflow for nanobody discovery from llama immunisation, library building, panning, and small-scale expression for prioritisation of binding clones. In addition, we introduce our suites of mammalian and bacterial vectors, which can be used to functionalise selected nanobodies for various applications such as in imaging and purification

    Crystal structure of signal regulatory protein gamma (SIRPγ) in complex with an antibody Fab fragment

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    BACKGROUND Signal Regulatory Protein γ (SIRPγ) is a member of a closely related family of three cell surface receptors implicated in modulating immune/inflammatory responses. SIRPγ is expressed on T lymphocytes where it appears to be involved in the integrin-independent adhesion of lymphocytes to antigen-presenting cells. Here we describe the first full length structure of the extracellular region of human SIRPγ. RESULTS We obtained crystals of SIRPγ by making a complex of the protein with the Fab fragment of the anti-SIRP antibody, OX117, which also binds to SIRPα and SIRPβ. We show that the epitope for FabOX117 is formed at the interface of the first and second domains of SIRPγ and comprises residues which are conserved between all three SIRPs. The FabOX117 binding site is distinct from the region in domain 1 which interacts with CD47, the physiological ligand for both SIRPγ and SIRPα but not SIRPβ. Comparison of the three domain structures of SIRPγ and SIRPα showed that these receptors can adopt different overall conformations due to the flexibility of the linker between the first two domains. SIRPγ in complex with FabOX117 forms a dimer in the crystal. Binding to the Fab fixes the position of domain 1 relative to domains 2/3 exposing a surface which favours formation of a homotypic dimer. However, the interaction appears to be relatively weak since only monomers of SIRPγ were observed in sedimentation velocity analytical ultracentrifugation of the protein alone. Studies of complex formation by equilibrium ultracentrifugation showed that only a 1:1 complex of SIRPγ: FabOX117 was formed with a dissociation constant in the low micromolar range (Kd = 1.2 +/- 0.3 μM). CONCLUSION The three-domain extracellular regions of SIRPs are structurally conserved but show conformational flexibility in the disposition of the amino terminal ligand-binding Ig domain relative to the two membrane proximal Ig domains. Binding of a cross-reactive anti-SIRP Fab fragment to SIRPγ stabilises a conformation that favours SIRP dimer formation in the crystal structure, though this interaction does not appear sufficiently stable to be observed in solution

    SARS-CoV-2 triggers pericyte-mediated cerebral capillary constriction

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    The SARS-CoV-2 receptor, ACE2, is found on pericytes, contractile cells enwrapping capillaries that regulate brain, heart and kidney blood flow. ACE2 converts vasoconstricting angiotensin II into vasodilating angiotensin-(1-7). In brain slices from hamster, which has an ACE2 sequence similar to human ACE2, angiotensin II evoked a small pericyte-mediated capillary constriction via AT1 receptors, but evoked a large constriction when the SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain (RBD, original Wuhan variant) was present. A mutated non-binding RBD did not potentiate constriction. A similar RBD-potentiated capillary constriction occurred in human cortical slices, and was evoked in hamster brain slices by pseudotyped virions expressing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. This constriction reflects an RBD-induced decrease in the conversion of angiotensin II to angiotensin-(1-7) mediated by removal of ACE2 from the cell surface membrane, and was mimicked by blocking ACE2. The clinically-used drug losartan inhibited the RBD-potentiated constriction. Thus, AT1 receptor blockers could be protective in Covid-19 by preventing pericyte-mediated blood flow reductions in the brain, and perhaps the heart and kidney

    Cataclysmic Variables from SDSS II. The Second Year

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    The first full year of operation following the commissioning year of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey has revealed a wide variety of newly discovered cataclysmic variables. We show the SDSS spectra of forty-two cataclysmic variables observed in 2002, of which thirty-five are new classifications, four are known dwarf novae (CT Hya, RZ Leo, T Leo and BZ UMa), one is a known CV identified from a previous quasar survey (Aqr1) and two are known ROSAT or FIRST discovered CVs (RX J09445+0357, FIRST J102347.6+003841). The SDSS positions, colors and spectra of all forty-two systems are presented. In addition, the results of follow-up studies of several of these objects identify the orbital periods, velocity curves and polarization that provide the system geometry and accretion properties. While most of the SDSS discovered systems are faint (>18th mag) with low accretion rates (as implied from their spectral characteristics), there are also a few bright objects which may have escaped previous surveys due to changes in the mass transfer rate.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 126, Sep. 2003, 44 pages, 25 figures (now with adjacent captions), AASTeX v5.

    A One Health Framework for the Evaluation of Rabies Control Programmes: A Case Study from Colombo City, Sri Lanka

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>One Health addresses complex challenges to promote the health of all species and the environment by integrating relevant sciences at systems level. Its application to zoonotic diseases is recommended, but few coherent frameworks exist that combine approaches from multiple disciplines. Rabies requires an interdisciplinary approach for effective and efficient management.</p><p>Methodology/Principal Findings</p><p>A framework is proposed to assess the value of rabies interventions holistically. The economic assessment compares additional monetary and non-monetary costs and benefits of an intervention taking into account epidemiological, animal welfare, societal impact and cost data. It is complemented by an ethical assessment. The framework is applied to Colombo City, Sri Lanka, where modified dog rabies intervention measures were implemented in 2007. The two options included for analysis were the control measures in place until 2006 (“baseline scenario”) and the new comprehensive intervention measures (“intervention”) for a four-year duration. Differences in control cost; monetary human health costs after exposure; Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) lost due to human rabies deaths and the psychological burden following a bite; negative impact on animal welfare; epidemiological indicators; social acceptance of dogs; and ethical considerations were estimated using a mixed method approach including primary and secondary data. Over the four years analysed, the intervention cost US $1.03 million more than the baseline scenario in 2011 prices (adjusted for inflation) and caused a reduction in dog rabies cases; 738 DALYs averted; an increase in acceptability among non-dog owners; a perception of positive changes in society including a decrease in the number of roaming dogs; and a net reduction in the impact on animal welfare from intermediate-high to low-intermediate.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The findings illustrate the multiple outcomes relevant to stakeholders and allow greater understanding of the value of the implemented rabies control measures, thereby providing a solid foundation for informed decision-making and sustainable control.</p></div