13,629 research outputs found

    Multiple Equilibria in a Single-Column Model of the Tropical Atmosphere

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    A single-column model run under the weak temperature gradient approximation, a parameterization of large-scale dynamics appropriate for the tropical atmosphere, is shown to have multiple stable equilibria. Under conditions permitting persistent deep convection, the model has a statistically steady state in which such convection occurs, as well as an extremely dry state in which convection does not occur. Which state is reached depends on the initial moisture profile.Comment: Submitted to Geophysical Research Letter

    Bisphosphonate's and Intermittent Parathyroid Hormone's Effect on Human Spinal Fusion: A Systematic Review of the Literature.

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    There has been a conscious effort to address osteoporosis in the aging population. As bisphosphonate and intermittent parathyroid hormone (PTH) therapy become more widely prescribed to treat osteoporosis, it is important to understand their effects on other physiologic processes, particularly the impact on spinal fusion. Despite early animal model studies and more recent clinical studies, the impact of these medications on spinal fusion is not fully understood. Previous animal studies suggest that bisphosphonate therapy resulted in inhibition of fusion mass with impeded maturity and an unknown effect on biomechanical strength. Prior animal studies demonstrate an improved fusion rate and fusion mass microstructure with the use of intermittent PTH. The purpose of this study was to determine if bisphosphonates and intermittent PTH treatment have impact on human spinal fusion. A systematic review of the literature published between 1980 and 2015 was conducted using major electronic databases. Studies reporting outcomes of human subjects undergoing 1, 2, or 3-level spinal fusion while receiving bisphosphonates and/or intermittent PTH treatment were included. The results of relevant human studies were analyzed for consensus on the effects of these medications in regards to spinal fusion. There were nine human studies evaluating the impact of these medications on spinal fusion. Improved fusion rates were noted in patients receiving bisphosphonates compared to control groups, and greater fusion rates in patients receiving PTH compared to control groups. Prior studies involving animal models found an improved fusion rate and fusion mass microstructure with the use of intermittent PTH. No significant complications were demonstrated in any study included in the analysis. Bisphosphonate use in humans may not be a deterrent to spinal fusion. Intermittent parathyroid use has shown early promise to increase fusion mass in both animal and human studies but further studies are needed to support routine use

    Calorimetric Investigation of CeRu2Ge2 up to 8 GPa

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    We have developed a calorimeter able to give a qualitative picture of the specific heat of a sample under high pressure up to approximately 10 GPa. The principle of ac-calorimetry was adapted to the conditions in a high pressure clamp. The performance of this technique was successfully tested with the measurement of the specific heat of CeRu2Ge2 in the temperature range 1.5 K<T<12 K. The phase diagram of its magnetic phases is consistent with previous transport measurements.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Controlling laser spectra in a phaseonium photonic crystal using maser

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    We study the control of quantum resonances in photonic crystals with electromagnetically induced transparency driven by microwave field. In addition to the control laser, the intensity and phase of the maser can alter the transmission and reflection spectra in interesting ways, producing hyperfine resonances through the combined effects of multiple scattering in the superstructure.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Compressibility of lithium hexafluorophosphate solutions in two carbonate solvents

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    Speed-of-sound measurements are performed to establish how the isentropic bulk modulus Ks of the electrolyte system comprising lithium hexafluorophospate (LiPF6) in blends of propylene carbonate (PC) and ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC) varies with salt molality m, mass fraction of PC in the PC:EMC cosolvent f, and temperature T. Bulk moduli are calculated by combining acoustic time-of-flight data between parallel walls of a liquid-filled cuvette with densitometric data for a sequence of binary and ternary salt solutions. Correlations are presented to yield Ks (m, f, T) accurately for nine compositions spanning the range m = 0–2 mol kg–1 and f = 0–1, at temperatures T ranging from 283.15 to 313.15 K. Electrolyte compressibility varies most with solvent ratio, followed by salt content and temperature, with Ks ranging from 1 to 3 GPa. Composition-dependent acoustical properties elucidate the nature of speciation and solvation states in bulk electrolytes, and could be useful to identify the features of individual phases within solution-permeated porous electrodes

    The gas density around SN 1006

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    The density of the ambient medium where the supernova remnant evolves is a relevant parameter for its hydrodynamical evolution, for the mechanism of particle acceleration, and for the emission at TeV energies. Using XMM-Newton X-ray observations, we present a study of the ambient medium density of the historical supernova remnant SN 1006. We modelled the post-shock thermal emission to constrain the ambient medium density. Our study is focused on the North-West and the South-East rims of the remnant, where the thermal emission dominates. We used a plane-parallel shock plasma model plus another component for the ejecta that are not negligible in the regions of our study. The importance of the synchrotron component is also studied. In order to improve statistics, we combined several observations of the remnant. The density found in the South-East rim is low, roughly 0.05 cm-3, and seems to be representative of the rest of the remnant. However, in the North-West rim (close to the bright optical filament), the density is significantly higher (about 0.15-0.25 cm-3). This confirms a picture of SN 1006 evolving in a tenuous ambient medium, except in the North-West where the remnant has recently encountered a denser region. A density this low is compatible with the non-detection of the remnant by the HESS gamma-ray observatory. The lower density in the South-East implies a higher shock speed of 4900 km/s, higher than that of 2890 km/s measured in the North-West. This new estimate of the velocity could increase the maximum energy that accelerated particles can reach to energies of about 1 PeV.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, Figure 3 correcte

    X-ray Line Emission from Supernova Ejecta Fragments

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    We show that fast moving isolated fragments of a supernova ejecta composed of heavy elements should be sources of K_alpha X-ray line emission of the SN nuclear-processed products. Supersonic motion of the knots in the intercloud medium will result in a bow-shock/knot-shock structure creation. Fast nonthermal particles accelerated by Fermi mechanism in the MHD collisionless shocks diffuse through a cold metallic knot, producing the X-ray emission. We modeled the X-ray emission from a fast moving knot of a mass M ~ 10^{-3} \Msun, containing about 10^{-4} \Msun of any metal impurities like Si, S, Ar, Ca, Fe. The fast electron distribution was simulated using the kinetic description. We accounted for nonlinear effects of shock modification by the nonthermal particles pressure. The K_alpha line emission is most prominent for the knots propagating through dense molecular clouds. The bow shock should be a radiative wave with a prominent infrared and optical emission. In that case the X-ray line spectrum of an ejecta fragment is dominated by the low ionization states of the ions with the metal line luminosities reaching L_x \gsim 10^{31} erg/s. High resolution XMM and Chandra observations are able to detect the line emission from the knots at distances up to a few kpcs. The knots propagating through tenuous interstellar matter are of much fainter surface brightness but long-lived. The line spectra with higher ionization states of the ions are expected in that case. Compact dense knots could be opaque for some X-ray lines and that is important for their abundances interpretation. The ensemble of unresolved knots of galactic supernovae can contribute substantially to the iron line emission observed from the Galactic Center region and the Galactic ridge.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure; Astronomy and Astrophysics (in press

    Effects of Neutron Irradiation on Carbon Doped MgB2 Wire Segments

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    We have studied the evolution of superconducting and normal state properties of neutron irradiated Mg(B.962_{.962}C.038_{.038})2_2 wire segments as a function of post exposure annealing time and temperature. The initial fluence fully suppressed superconductivity and resulted in an anisotropic expansion of the unit cell. Superconductivity was restored by post-exposure annealing. The upper critical field, Hc2_{c2}(T=0), approximately scales with Tc_c starting with an undamaged Tc_c near 37 K and Hc2_{c2}(T=0) near 32 T. Up to an annealing temperature of 400 o^ oC the recovery of Tc_c tends to coincide with a decrease in the normal state resistivity and a systematic recovery of the lattice parameters. Above 400 o^ oC a decrease in order along the c- direction coincides with an increase in resistivity, but no apparent change in the evolution of Tc_c and Hc2_{c2}. To first order, it appears that carbon doping and neutron damaging effect the superconducting properties of MgB2_2 independently
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