873 research outputs found

    A critical examination of the dramatic theory of atonement

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    News Networks in Early Modern Europe

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    “We Never Get Stuck:” A Collaborative Analysis of Change and Coastal Community Subsistence Practices in the Northern Bering and Chukchi Seas, Alaska

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    The Indigenous communities of the northern Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea are experiencing extensive social, economic, and technological change. The region’s marine ecosystem is also characterized by a high degree of variability and by rapid change. Residents of eight coastal communities from Savoonga to Utqiaġvik were involved in the Chukchi Coastal Communities Project, which used the results of a literature review together with the experiences of the community participants to co-analyze what is known about societal and environmental change in the region and what the communities’ experiences have been in responding to those changes. Some of the observed changes are transient in duration and effect, such as the passage of an individual ship, whereas others, such as the creation of the Red Dog Mine Port Site, persist and may force coastal residents to make lasting changes in their activities. Some responses can use existing knowledge (e.g., hunting bowhead whales in fall as well as spring), whereas others may require learning and experimentation (e.g., harvesting new species such as the Hanasaki crab). Our findings show that the results of a change are more important than the source of the change. They also emphasize the continuing importance of traditional values and practices as well as attitudes conducive to persistence and innovation. Indigenous leadership is an essential component of continued resilience as the ecosystem continues to change. The resilient characteristics of coastal communities and their ability to determine their own responses to change need greater attention to match the research effort directed at understanding the ecosystem. Les collectivitĂ©s autochtones du nord de la mer de BĂ©ring et de la mer des Tchouktches font face Ă  d’importants changements sur les plans social, Ă©conomique et technologique. L’écosystème marin de la rĂ©gion est Ă©galement caractĂ©risĂ© par un grand degrĂ© de variabilitĂ© et de changement rapide. Les habitants de huit collectivitĂ©s cĂ´tières, de Savoonga Ă  Utqiaġvik, ont participĂ© au projet des collectivitĂ©s cĂ´tières des Tchouktches. S’appuyant sur l’examen de documentation et sur l’expĂ©rience des participants des collectivitĂ©s, les responsables de ce projet ont co-analysĂ© les faits connus au sujet du changement social et environnemental dans la rĂ©gion de mĂŞme que l’expĂ©rience des collectivitĂ©s en matière de rĂ©ponse Ă  ces changements. La durĂ©e et l’effet des changements observĂ©s sont parfois transitoires, comme le passage d’un navire, tandis que d’autres, comme l’amĂ©nagement du site portuaire de la mine de Red Dog, perdurent et risquent de forcer les habitants de la cĂ´te Ă  modifier leurs activitĂ©s en permanence. Certaines des rĂ©ponses peuvent s’appuyer sur des connaissances dĂ©jĂ  acquises (comme le fait de chasser la baleine borĂ©ale Ă  l’automne ainsi qu’au printemps), tandis que d’autres pourraient nĂ©cessiter de l’apprentissage et de l’expĂ©rimentation (comme la rĂ©colte d’une nouvelle espèce comme le crabe Hanasaki). Nos constatations dĂ©montrent que les rĂ©sultats d’un changement sont plus importants que la source du changement. Elles mettent Ă©galement l’accent sur l’importance continuelle des valeurs et des pratiques traditionnelles ainsi que sur les attitudes propices Ă  la persistance et Ă  l’innovation. Le leadership autochtone est une composante essentielle de la rĂ©silience continue alors que l’écosystème Ă©volue sans cesse. Les caractĂ©ristiques de rĂ©silience des collectivitĂ©s cĂ´tières et leur capacitĂ© Ă  dĂ©terminer leurs propres rĂ©ponses au changement doivent faire l’objet d’une plus grande attention afin d’être Ă  la hauteur de l’effort de recherche visant Ă  comprendre l’écosystème.&nbsp

    European Postal Networks

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    During the early sixteenth century state postal routes, based on a sequence of horses ridden by a single rider across a series of organised stages, were developed across Europe and were progressively transformed into public services. Postal communication was fundamental to European news, and though they were by no means the only basis of communication they formed the essential spine to news networks.1 We have two working assumptions: the first, that the penetration of avvisi into the public culture of early-modern Europe (i.e. beyond official communications) depended on the development of accessible postal services. The second is that (relatively) predictable public postal deliveries, which developed out of state administrative needs and manuscript culture, including manuscript news, were a precondition for the development of a (relatively) periodic newspaper press. Once newspapers were established, they could draw in communications from other types of network connection (merchants, churches and monasteries, booksellers, diplomatic couriers, soldiers, travellers, ships’ captains, and so on), but to be widely established in the first place they needed reliable public posts, bringing correspondence from a number of newswriting centres elsewhere. In this article we sketch the various postal systems that transversed Europe, and, crucially, how they were interconnected.Durante el siglo XVI, las rutas postales estatales, basadas en una sucesión de caballos montados por un solo ciclista a través de una serie de etapas organizadas, se desarrollaron en toda Europa y se transformaron progresivamente en servicios públicos. La comunicación postal era fundamental para las noticias europeas y, aunque no eran en modo alguno la única base de comunicación, formaban la columna vertebral esencial de las redes de noticias.1 Tenemos dos suposiciones de trabajo: la primera, que la penetración de la avvisi en la cultura pública de las primeras (Es decir, más allá de las comunicaciones oficiales) dependía del desarrollo de servicios postales accesibles. La segunda es que las entregas postales públicas (relativamente) predecibles, que se desarrollaron a partir de las necesidades administrativas del estado y de la cultura manuscrita, incluidas las noticias manuscritas, eran una condición previa para el desarrollo de una prensa periodística (relativamente) periódica. Una vez que se establecieron los periódicos, podían recurrir a comunicaciones de otros tipos de conexión de red (comerciantes, iglesias y monasterios, libreros, correos diplomáticos, soldados, viajeros, capitanes de buques, etc.), pero ser ampliamente establecidos en primer lugar Necesitaban puestos públicos fiables, trayendo correspondencia de un número de centros de redacción de noticias en otros lugares. En este artículo bosquejamos los diversos sistemas postales que atravesaban Europa, y, crucialmente, cómo estaban interconectados

    Internal Auditors’ Position, Recognition and Independence in Ghana: Evidence from State Owned Enterprises

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    The paper focused on exploring the level of internal auditors’ (IAs) placement/position and recognition/respect and the implications of their independence. The paper employs data from the various state-owned enterprises in Ghana. This paper was conceived from the call to strengthen IAs’ independence to facilitate their effectiveness. Three objectives were developed from the problem statement. Quantitative analytical procedure was used coupled with survey design. Mean scale and regression analysis was adopted in this paper. It was revealed that the threat to IAs’ placement is high resulting in low perceived placement. It also found that the level of recognition of IAs is threatened as evidence by low level of recognition. The inferential statistics indicated that IAs’ placement and recognition significantly determine the level of IAs’ independence. It is recommended that IA units should be restructured both by legislation and in practice to cure the lapses in IAs’ placement and recognition in order to improve IAss’ independence in state-owned enterprises

    Ekiden: A Platform for Confidentiality-Preserving, Trustworthy, and Performant Smart Contract Execution

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    Smart contracts are applications that execute on blockchains. Today they manage billions of dollars in value and motivate visionary plans for pervasive blockchain deployment. While smart contracts inherit the availability and other security assurances of blockchains, however, they are impeded by blockchains' lack of confidentiality and poor performance. We present Ekiden, a system that addresses these critical gaps by combining blockchains with Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs). Ekiden leverages a novel architecture that separates consensus from execution, enabling efficient TEE-backed confidentiality-preserving smart-contracts and high scalability. Our prototype (with Tendermint as the consensus layer) achieves example performance of 600x more throughput and 400x less latency at 1000x less cost than the Ethereum mainnet. Another contribution of this paper is that we systematically identify and treat the pitfalls arising from harmonizing TEEs and blockchains. Treated separately, both TEEs and blockchains provide powerful guarantees, but hybridized, though, they engender new attacks. For example, in naive designs, privacy in TEE-backed contracts can be jeopardized by forgery of blocks, a seemingly unrelated attack vector. We believe the insights learned from Ekiden will prove to be of broad importance in hybridized TEE-blockchain systems
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