618 research outputs found

    An Improved Model for Estimating Evaporation over Lakes and Ponds

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    The objective of this study is to develop an improved method for calculating the evaporative energy that is being transferred from the surface of a pond or lake to the surrounding atmosphere. The energy balance method developed in this study is based on the equations, assumptions and empirical relations for conductive, convective and radiative energies that are developed by various researches at the air-water interface conducted in the past. This method is then tested with field data for verifying its correctness. The experiment was conducted on a 200-meter diameter and 9 meter deep fresh water pond. Water temperatures were measured at the surface and at 2.5, 10, and 50 centimeters below the surface. Solar and sky radiation were recorded on nearby land based optical pyronameters. The following thesis is a careful study of the several published research methods in comparison with the energy-balance method

    An Improved Model for Estimating Evaporation over Lakes and Ponds

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    The objective of this study is to develop an improved method for calculating the evaporative energy that is being transferred from the surface of a pond or lake to the surrounding atmosphere. The energy balance method developed in this study is based on the equations, assumptions and empirical relations for conductive, convective and radiative energies that are developed by various researches at the air-water interface conducted in the past. This method is then tested with field data for verifying its correctness. The experiment was conducted on a 200-meter diameter and 9 meter deep fresh water pond. Water temperatures were measured at the surface and at 2.5, 10, and 50 centimeters below the surface. Solar and sky radiation were recorded on nearby land based optical pyronameters. The following thesis is a careful study of the several published research methods in comparison with the energy-balance method

    Disaggregating the Differential Impact of Healthcare IT in Complex Care Delivery: Insights from Field Research in Chronic Care

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    This study focuses on the impact of digitizing medical information on the efficiency and perceived quality of chronic care delivery at the individual physician level. This study extends the theory of task technology fit to activity systems consisting of highly interdependent tasks. We find that the outcomes of efficiency and quality gains are driven by the structure of interdependencies between tasks that physicians perform. While structured information plays a key role in enabling both decision-making and task execution, we find that physician-created semistructured information is also an important predictor of both efficiency and quality gains. We show that the structure of activity systems (task interdependencies) has a strong moderating influence on the factors that drive efficiency and quality gains. We find that digitization enables physicians to preprocess patients’ records prior to their visit which in turn drives gains in both the efficiency and the perceived quality of care delivered


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    Knowledge sharing means the exchange of knowledge and share of experience among different organizational units. Knowledge sharing is about stimulating the exchange of experiences, ideas, and thoughts between people. The barriers which resist in the KS are known as knowledge Sharing Barriers (KSBs). The main aim of this paper is to understand mutual influence of KSBs using interpretive structural modeling (ISM) and to identify driving KSBs (KSBs that support other KSBs) and dependent KSBs (KSBs that are most influenced by others KSBs). It has been observed that KSBs ‘Lack of top management support and KM is not well understood’ has high driving power and low dependency

    Evaluation of compound tibial fractures managed with an Ilizarov ring fixator

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    Background: The tibia is the most commonly fractured long bone and because of its location and the tenuous soft tissue coverage, its more prone for open fractures tibia than any other long bone. The ideal management of such fractures still remains controversial. We have evaluated the healing of fractures and functional outcomes in patients with open tibial fractures treated with an Ilizarov ring fixator.Methods: 32 patients who had open fractures of the tibia (II, IIIA or IIIB) who were treated with an Ilizarov fixator were included in the study. The patients were followed up for a minimum period of 1 year after removal of the fixator. Functional and radiological results were analysed using association for the study of applications of methods of Ilizarov scoring.Results: There were 20 cases of type IIIB, 7 cases of type IIIA, 5 cases of type II fractures. Union was achieved in all patients. Mean time for union was 25.2 weeks, with faster union times in type II, type IIIA fractures. Six cases of type IIIB needed flap cover. Limb discrepancy was seen in 3 cases. 17 cases of pin tract infections were seen, most of which were grade 3 and were managed with antibiotics. Two cases had delayed union, of which one was treated with bone marrow aspirate injection and the other one with bone grafting. At one year, 21 (65.6%) had excellent results, six (18.7%) had good results, four (12.5%) had fair outcomes and one (3.2%) had a poor result.Conclusions: Despite the associated complications, Ilizarov fixator is the ideal treatment for compound tibial fractures

    Ureteric double-J stent related complications: a single tertiary care center experience from South India

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    Background: The double-J (DJ) ureteral stents is most commonly used urological procedure and is associated with complications. This study was done to analyse the complications of ureteral DJ stents, modalities of management and outcomes.Methods: The present study is a prospective observational study of patients who presented with DJ stent related complications between February 2016 and November 2017. Patients were evaluated by history, examination, urine analysis, cultures, KUB ultrasonography, abdominal roentgenogram, CT-KUB, intravenous urogram and DTPA renogram. Complications like fever, hematuria and irritable bladder symptoms were managed conservatively. Patients with stent migration underwent endoscopic removal. Combined endourological procedures were performed in single or staged manner in cases with retained DJS with encrustation.Results: Total 120 patients presented with DJ stent complications during the study period. Males were 63.3% and females 36.7%. The mean age was 31.5 years. The majority 65.33% of the stents were placed for postsurgical prophylaxis. Irritable bladder symptoms 42.5% was most common complication, followed by retained stent with encrustation 17.5%, fever 15.9%, hematuria 13.3%, stent migration 5.8% and retained sent with minimal and no encrustation 5%. Stent removal was done in 47 (39.16%) patients; all patients with retained stent, stent migration, 5 (26.3%) patients with fever and 8 (15.6%) patients with irritable bladder symptoms. Common site of encrustation was bladder alone and kidney with bladder in 5 (23.80%) patients each. The mean stent indwelling time was 3.2 years. Twenty-one (17.5%) patients required combined endourological procedures such as cystolithotripsy (CLT), ureteroscopic lithotripsy (URSL), percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) with intracorporal lithotripsy. One (4.76%) patient required nephrectomy.Conclusions: Double-J stent is an important tool to prevent and relieve obstruction. Their use must be strictly restricted to selected cases with proper documentation, counseling and close tracking. Encrustation in forgotten stents should be managed with stent removal with combined endourologic techniques


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    In the current scenario network security is emerging the world. Matching large sets of patterns against an incoming stream of data is a fundamental task in several fields such as network security or computational biology. High-speed network intrusion detection systems (IDS) rely on efficient pattern matching techniques to analyze the packet payload and make decisions on the significance of the packet body. However, matching the streaming payload bytes against thousands of patterns at multi-gigabit rates is computationally intensive. Various techniques have been proposed in past but the performance of the system is reducing because of multi-gigabit rates.Pattern matching is a significant issue in intrusion detection systems, but by no means the only one. Handling multi-content rules, reordering, and reassembling incoming packets are also significant for system performance. We present two pattern matching techniques to compare incoming packets against intrusion detection search patterns. The first approach, decoded partial CAM (DpCAM), pre-decodes incoming characters, aligns the decoded data, and performs logical AND on them to produce the match signal for each pattern. The second approach, perfect hashing memory (PHmem), uses perfect hashing to determine a unique memory location that contains the search pattern and a comparison between incoming data and memory output to determine the match. The suggested methods have implemented in vhdl coding and we use Xilinx for synthesis

    Assess the frequency and severity of adverse drug reactions due to errors in drug intake at a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Drug-related problems are an important cause of morbidity and mortality and a significant burden on healthcare resources. There are few studies to account for errors in drug intake leading to adverse drug reactions (ADRs). This study was pursued with the objective of determining the frequency and severity of the ADRs resulting from erroneous drug intake, the expenses incurred in treating the same.Methods: The study was a prospective, cross-sectional, observational study. The study subjects were patients with ADRs due to errors in drug intake and from self-medication. All the information regarding the ADR were collected as per ADR reporting form issued by Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. Causality was assessed by both Naranjo and the WHO criteria for causality assessment. Direct cost of all the medications, hospital charges (admission, bed charges, consultations paid, treatment charges, investigations, and conveyance charges) were recorded to find the financial burden due to error in drug intake.Results: The study showed that nearly 30% of the ADRs were due to errors in drug intake and the major contributing factor is self-modification either by discontinuation or missed doses. Major drugs that are implicated in these ADRs were that of metformin and insulins among anti-diabetic drugs and amlodipine and atenolol among antihypertensives. These two groups contributed to 18 (62%) of the total 29 ADRs. Organ system commonly involved was central nervous system and that was followed by musculoskeletal system. The average direct cost incurred in the management of these ADRs was Rs. 5773 for non-serious adverse events (SAE’s) and Rs. 11,400 for SAE’s.Conclusion: Proper education about the importance of compliance and damaging consequences of self-modification of drug dosage in patients who are on treatment for chronic disorders like diabetes and hypertension will be an effective strategy to prevent many of these ADRs
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