381 research outputs found

    Bayesian near-boundary analysis in basic macroeconomic time series models

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    Several lessons learnt from a Bayesian analysis of basic macroeconomic time series models are presented for the situation where some model parameters have substantial posterior probability near the boundary of the parameter region. This feature refers to near-instability within dynamic models, to forecasting with near-random walk models and to clustering of several economic series in a small number of groups within a data panel. Two canonical models are used: a linear regression model with autocorrelation and a simple variance components model. Several well-known time series models likeunit root and error correction models and further state space and panel data models are shown to be simple generalizations of these two canonical models for the purpose of posterior inference. A Bayesian model averaging procedure is presented in order to deal with models with substantial probability both near and at the boundary of the parameter region. Analytical, graphical and empirical results using U.S. macroeconomic data, in particular on GDP growth, are presented.MCMC;Bayesian model averaging;Gibbs sampler;autocorrelation;error correction models;nonstationarity;random effects panel data models;reduced rank models;state space models

    Combining Predictive Densities using Nonlinear Filtering with Applications to US Economics Data

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    We propose a multivariate combination approach to prediction based on a distributional state space representation of the weights belonging to a set of Bayesian predictive densities which have been obtained from alternative models. Several specifications of multivariate time-varying weights are introduced with a particular focus on weight dynamics driven by the past performance of the predictive densities and the use of learning mechanisms. In the proposed approach the model set can be incomplete, meaning that all models are individually misspecified. The approach is assessed using statistical and utility-based performance measures for evaluating density forecasts of US macroeconomic time series and surveys of stock market prices. For the macro series we find that incompleteness of the models is relatively large in the 70's, the beginning of the 80's and during the recent financial crisis; structural changes like the Great Moderation are empirically identified by our model combination and the predicted probabilities of recession accurately compare with the NBER business cycle dating. Model weights have substantial uncertainty attached and neglecting this may seriously affect results. With respect to returns of the S&P 500 series, we find that an investment strategy using a combination of predictions from professional forecasters and from a white noise model puts more weight on the white noise model in the beginning of the 90's and switches to giving more weight to the left tail of the professional forecasts during the start of the financial crisis around 2008

    Markov Switching Panel with Endogenous Synchronization Effects

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    This paper introduces a new dynamic panel model with multi-layer network effects. Series-specific latent Markov chain processes drive the dynamics of the observable processes, and several types of interaction effects among the hidden chains allow for various degrees of endogenous synchronization of both latent and observable processes. The interaction is driven by a multi-layer network with exogenous and endogenous connectivity layers. We provide some theoretical properties of the model, develop a Bayesian inference framework and an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating parameters, latent states, and endogenous network layers. An application to the US-state coincident indicators shows that the synchronization in the US economy is generated by network effects among the states. The inclusion of a multi-layer network provides a new tool for measuring the effects of the public policies that impact the connectivity between the US states, such as mobility restrictions or job support schemes. The proposed new model and the related inference are general and may nd application in a wide spectrum of datasets where the extraction of endogenous interaction effects is relevant and of interest.This paper introduces a new dynamic panel model with multi-layer network effects. Series-specific latent Markov chain processes drive the dynamics of the observable processes, and several types of interaction effects among the hidden chains allow for various degrees of endogenous synchronization of both latent and observable processes. The interaction is driven by a multi-layer network with exogenous and endogenous connectivity layers. We provide some theoretical properties of the model, develop a Bayesian inference framework and an efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating parameters, latent states, and endogenous network layers. An application to the US-state coincident indicators shows that the synchronization in the US economy is generated by network effects among the states. The inclusion of a multi-layer network provides a new tool for measuring the effects of the public policies that impact the connectivity between the US states, such as mobility restrictions or job support schemes. The proposed new model and the related inference are general and may find application in a wide spectrum of datasets where the extraction of endogenous interaction effects is relevant and of interest

    Fiscal Policy Regimes in Resource-Rich Economies

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    We analyse fiscal policy in resource-rich economies using a novel Bayesian regime-switching panel model. The identified regimes capture pro- or countercyclical fiscal behaviour, while the switches between the regimes have the interpretation of changes in fiscal policy. Applying the model to sixteen oil-producing economies, we show that fiscal policy has alternated between a procyclical and countercyclical regime multiple times over the sample. Furthermore, we find fiscal policy to be the most volatile in the procyclical regime and that the probability of being in the procyclical regime is higher for OPEC countries rather than non OPEC countries. We also show that following either an increase or decrease in oil revenues, the growth in government expenditure mostly increases, suggesting there is an upward bias in expenditures in oil-producing countries. These are new findings in the literature

    A flexible predictive density combination for large financial data sets in regular and crisis periods

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    A flexible predictive density combination is introduced for large financial data sets, which allows for model set incompleteness. Dimension reduction procedures that include learning to allocate the large sets of predictive densities and combination weights to relatively small subsets. Given the representation of the probability model in extended nonlinear state-space form, efficient simulation-based Bayesian inference is proposed using parallel dynamic clustering as well as nonlinear filtering implemented on graphics processing units. The approach is applied to combine predictive densities based on a large number of individual US stock returns of daily observations over a period that includes the Covid-19 crisis period. Evidence on dynamic cluster composition, weight patterns and model set incompleteness gives valuable signals for improved modelling. This enables higher predictive accuracy and better assessment of uncertainty and risk for investment fund management

    Combining Predictive Densities using Bayesian Filtering with Applications to US Economics Data

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    Using a Bayesian framework this paper provides a multivariate combination approach to prediction based on a distributional state space representation of predictive densities from alternative models. In the proposed approach the model set can be incomplete. Several multivariate time-varying combination strategies are introduced. In particular, a weight dynamics driven by the past performance of the predictive densities is considered and the use of learning mechanisms. The approach is assessed using statistical and utility-based performance measures for evaluating density forecasts of US macroeconomic time series and of surveys of stock market prices

    Bayesian Combinations of Stock Price Predictions with an Application to the Amsterdam Exchange Index

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    We summarize the general combination approach by Billio et al. [2010]. In the combination model the weights follow logistic autoregressive processes, change over time and their dynamics are possible driven by the past forecasting performances of the predictive densities. For illustrative purposes we apply it to combine White Noise and GARCH models to forecast the Amsterdam Exchange index and use the combined predictive forecasts in an investment asset allocation exercise

    Bayesian Model Averaging in the Presence of Structural Breaks

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    This paper develops a return forecasting methodology that allows for instabil ity in the relationship between stock returns and predictor variables, for model uncertainty, and for parameter estimation uncertainty. The predictive regres sion speci¯cation that is put forward allows for occasional structural breaks of random magnitude in the regression parameters, and for uncertainty about the inclusion of forecasting variables, and about the parameter values by em ploying Bayesian Model Averaging. The implications of these three sources of uncertainty, and their relative importance, are investigated from an active investment management perspective. It is found that the economic value of incorporating all three sources of uncertainty is considerable. A typical in vestor would be willing to pay up to several hundreds of basis points annually to switch from a passive buy-and-hold strategy to an active strategy based on a return forecasting model that allows for model and parameter uncertainty as well as structural breaks in the regression parameters