558 research outputs found

    Mediolateral Damping of an Overhead Body Weight Support System Assists Stability During Treadmill Walking

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    Background Body weight support systems with three or more degrees of freedom (3-DoF) are permissive and safe environments that provide unloading and allow unrestricted movement in any direction. This enables training of walking and balance control at an early stage in rehabilitation. Transparent systems generate a support force vector that is near vertical at all positions in the workspace to only minimally interfere with natural movement patterns. Patients with impaired balance, however, may benefit from additional mediolateral support that can be adjusted according to their capacity. An elegant solution for providing balance support might be by rendering viscous damping along the mediolateral axis via the software controller. Before use with patients, we evaluated if control-rendered mediolateral damping evokes the desired stability enhancement in able-bodied individuals. Methods A transparent, cable-driven robotic body weight support system (FLOAT) was used to provide transparent body weight support with and without mediolateral damping to 21 able-bodied volunteers while walking at preferred gait velocity on a treadmill. Stability metrics reflecting resistance to small and large perturbations were derived from walking kinematics and compared between conditions and to free walking. Results Compared to free walking, the application of body weight support per-se resulted in gait alterations typically associated with body weight support, namely increased step length and swing phase. Frontal plane dynamic stability, measured by kinematic variability and nonlinear dynamics of the center of mass, was increased under body weight support, indicating reduced balance requirements in both damped and undamped support conditions. Adding damping to the body weight support resulted in a greater increase of frontal plane stability. Conclusion Adding mediolateral damping to 3-DoF body weight support systems is an effective method of increasing frontal plane stability during walking in able-bodied participants. Building on these results, adjustable mediolateral damping could enable therapists to select combinations of unloading and stability specifically for each patient and to adapt this in a task specific manner. This could extend the impact of transparent 3-DoF body weight support systems, enabling training of gait and active balance from an early time point onwards in the rehabilitation process for a wide range of mobility activities of daily life

    Coupling rheology and segregation in granular flows

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    During the last fifteen years there has been a paradigm shift in the continuum modelling of granular materials; most notably with the development of rheological models, such as the μ(I) μ(I) -rheology (where μ μ is the friction and I is the inertial number), but also with significant advances in theories for particle segregation. This paper details theoretical and numerical frameworks (based on OpenFOAM) which unify these currently disconnected endeavours. Coupling the segregation with the flow, and vice versa, is not only vital for a complete theory of granular materials, but is also beneficial for developing numerical methods to handle evolving free surfaces. This general approach is based on the partially regularized incompressible μ(I) μ(I) -rheology, which is coupled to the gravity-driven segregation theory of Gray & Ancey (J. Fluid Mech., vol. 678, 2011, pp. 353–588). These advection–diffusion–segregation equations describe the evolving concentrations of the constituents, which then couple back to the variable viscosity in the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. A novel feature of this approach is that any number of differently sized phases may be included, which may have disparate frictional properties. Further inclusion of an excess air phase, which segregates away from the granular material, then allows the complex evolution of the free surface to be captured simultaneously. Three primary coupling mechanisms are identified: (i) advection of the particle concentrations by the bulk velocity, (ii) feedback of the particle-size and/or frictional properties on the bulk flow field and (iii) influence of the shear rate, pressure, gravity, particle size and particle-size ratio on the locally evolving segregation and diffusion rates. The numerical method is extensively tested in one-way coupled computations, before the fully coupled model is compared with the discrete element method simulations of Tripathi & Khakhar (Phys. Fluids, vol. 23, 2011, 113302) and used to compute the petal-like segregation pattern that spontaneously develops in a square rotating drum

    MASSART-PIÉRARD, Françoise. La langue : Vecteur d'organisation internationale. Louvain-la-Neuve, Éditions d'Acadie, 1995, 194 v.

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    Gait and balance training is an essential ingredient for locomotor rehabilitation of patients with neurological impairments. Robotic overhead support systems may help these patients train, for example by relieving them of part of their body weight. However, there are only very few systems that provide support during overground gait, and these suffer from limited degrees of freedom and/or undesired interaction forces due to uncompensated robot dynamics, namely inertia. Here, we suggest a novel mechanical concept that is based on cable robot technology and that allows three-dimensional gait training while reducing apparent robot dynamics to a minimum. The solution does not suffer from the conventional drawback of cable robots, which is a limited workspace. Instead, displaceable deflection units follow the human subject above a large walking area. These deflection units are not actuated, instead they are implicitly displaced by means of the forces in the cables they deflect. This leads to an underactuated design, because the deflection units cannot be moved arbitrarily. However, the design still allows accurate control of a three-dimensional force vector acting on a human subject during gait. We describe the mechanical concept, the control concept, and we show first experimental results obtained with the device, including the force control performance during robot-supported overground gait of five human subjects without motor impairments

    Isololiolide, a carotenoid metabolite isolated from the brown alga Cystoseira tamariscifolia, is cytotoxic and able to induce apoptosis in hepatocarcinoma cells through caspase-3 activation, decreased Bcl-2 levels, increased p53 expression and PARP cleavage

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    Background: Brown macroalgae have attracted attention because they display a wide range of biological activities, including antitumoral properties. In this study we isolated isololiolide from Cystoseira tamariscifolia for the first time.Purpose: To examine the therapeutical potential of isololiolide against tumor cell lines.Methods/Study design: The structure of the compound was established and confirmed by 1D and 2D NMR as well as HRMS spectral analysis. The in vitro cytotoxicity was analyzed by colorimetric 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay in tumoral as well as in non-tumoral cell lines. Cell cycle arrest and induction of apoptosis were assessed by flow cytometry. Alteration of expression levels in proteins important in the apoptotic cascade was analyzed by western blotting.Results: Isololiolidewas isolated for the first time from the brown macroalga C. tamariscifolia. Isololiolide exhibited significant cytotoxic activity against three human tumoral cell lines, namely hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells, whereas no cytotoxicity was found in non-malignant MRC-5 and HFF-1 human fibroblasts. Isololiolide completely disrupted the HepG2 normal cell cycle and induced significant apoptosis. Moreover, western blot analysis showed that isololiolide altered the expression of proteins that are important in the apoptotic cascade, increasing PARP cleavage and p53 expression while decreasing procaspase-3 and Bcl-2 levels.Conclusion: Isololiolide isolated from C. tamariscifolia is able to exert a selective cytotoxic activity on hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells as well as induce apoptosis through the modulation of apoptosis-related proteins. (C) 2016 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved

    Phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of Rocha pear and other pear cultivars: a comparative study

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    The phenolic profile and the antioxidant activity of Rocha pear, a Portuguese pear cultivar, were determined and compared with the commercially available pear varieties Cornice, Abate, General Leclerc and Passe Crassane. Phenolic composition of the methanolic extracts of these pears was determined by high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD), while antioxidant activities were evaluated using three complementary test systems: DPPH radical scavenging activity, ferric reducing power capacity and beta-carotene/linoleic acid bleaching assay. When compared to the studied varieties, Rocha pear (peel and flesh) presented the highest content of total phenolics. Among them, chlorogenic, syringic, ferulic and coumaric acids, arbutin and (-)-epicatechin were detected as major components. In addition, among the tested varieties, Rocha pear presented the best antioxidant activities in the DPPH and ferric reducing power assays.Associação Nacional de Produtores de Pêra Rocha; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT

    Local Hadronic Calibration

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    The scheme of the hadronic calibration is discussed. Based on the cluster reconstruction an effective noise suppression is achieved. In a first step clusters are classified as electromagnetic or hadronic clusters. The weighting scheme to correct for the different e/pion response in the ATLAS calorimeter is presented. Dead material corrections and out of cluster corrections yield finally a signal which is rather close to the energy deposited by the final state particles in the ATLAS calorimeter. The constants and algorithms are derived from single pion MC studies and tested with jets. The validation of the scheme using testbeam data is presented as well