317 research outputs found

    Antiquities of Pratihara Sculptures with Special Reference of Kannauj

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    Kannauj is one among the most ancient place of India having rich archaeological and cultural heritage. The ancient name of Kannauj is Kanyakubja or Mahodyanagar.  Kannauj is also known as the main place of war in the 'Tripartite Struggle' between the Gurjara Pratihara, the Palas and the Rashtrakutas. This war ultimately ended in favour of the Pratihara ruler Nagabhatta IInd. They made the city the capital of the Pratihara State, which ruled for nearly three centuries. Under the Pratiharas, Kannauj reached the zenith of its power, learning and culture.  The entire sculpture obtained from excavation of Kannauj presents an excellent outline of society and culture of Pratihara Period. The sculptures found in the excavation can be classify under the different categories -1 Religious sculptures, 2 - Related to folk life sculptures, 3- Sculptures related to animal- birds and nature, which reflects the religious and supernatural life of Pratihara Period

    Retrospective review of maternal deaths and maternal near misses due to major obstetric haemorrhage at a tertiary care centre in India

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    Background: Maternal near miss (MNM) is now widely accepted as a better indicator of maternal health than maternal death and reflects the quality of obstetric care in a particular institution.Methods: This is a retrospective study conducted at Lady Hardinge Medical College and Smt. Sucheta Kriplani  Hospital over a period of 12 months (April 2016-March 2017), of  all cases of maternal death and near miss maternal deaths due to major obstetric haemorrhage(MOH).Results: During the period reviewed, there were 13,083 deliveries, 12,958 live births and 37 maternal deaths. There were 30 cases of near miss maternal deaths and 2 maternal mortalities due to MOH. The mortality index was 6.25%. Severe maternal outcome ratio (SMOR) was  2.46.Among the near miss cases (n=30), morbidly adherent placenta was the cause in 26.6% of cases(n=8), postpartum hemorrhage in 23% of cases(n=7); rupture uterus in 13% cases(n=4); massive abruption in 13% of cases(n=4) and placenta praevia with antepartum haemorrhage in 3% of cases(n=1). Early obstetric haemorrhage due to ruptured ectopic pregnancy and incomplete abortion resulted in MNM in 16% (n=5) and 3.3% (n=1) cases respectively.It was observed that in 40% (n=12) of MNM cases (8 cases of morbidly adherent placenta plus 4 cases of rupture uterus), previous cesarean section was the single most important causative factor  for the morbidity of the patient.Conclusions: Reduction in cesarean section rates is imperative to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with MOH.

    15-deoxy-delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 attenuates endothelial-monocyte interaction: implication for inflammatory diseases

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Infiltration of leukocytes across the brain endothelium is a hallmark of various neuroinflammatory disorders. Under inflammatory conditions, there is increased expression of specific cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) on activated vascular endothelial cells which increases the adhesion and infiltration of leukocytes. TNFα is one of the major proinflammatory cytokines that causes endothelial dysfunction by various mechanisms including activation of transcription factor NF-κB, a key transcription factor that regulates expression of CAMs. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) is a member of the nuclear hormone superfamily of ligand-activated transcriptional factors. 15-deoxy-δ 12, 14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) is a well recognized natural ligand of PPARγ and possesses anti-inflammatory properties both <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo</it>. This study aims to elucidate the mechanism of 15-PGJ2 on the adhesion of mononuclear cells to activated endothelial cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To delineate the signaling pathway of 15d-PGJ2 mediated effects, we employed an <it>in vitro </it>adhesion assay model of endothelial-monocyte interaction. Expression of CAMs was examined using flow cytometry and real time PCR techniques. To define the mechanism of 15d-PGJ2, we explored the role of NF-κB by EMSA (Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay) gels, NF-κB reporter and p65-transcriptional activities by transient transfection in the brain-derived endothelial cell line (bEND.3).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using an <it>in vitro </it>adhesion assay model, we demonstrate that 15d-PGJ2 inhibits TNFα induced monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, which is mediated by downregulation of endothelial cell adhesion molecules in a PPARγ independent manner. 15d-PGJ2 modulated the adhesion process by inhibiting the TNFα induced IKK-NF-κB pathway as evident from EMSA, NF-κB reporter and p65 mediated transcriptional activity results in bEND.3 cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These findings suggest that 15d-PGJ2 inhibits inflammation at multiple steps and thus is a potential therapeutic target for various inflammatory diseases.</p

    A randomized study comparing rectally administered misoprostol after spinal anesthesia versus intramuscular oxytocin for prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in caesarean section

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    Background: Post-Partum Hemorrhage (PPH) is the commonest cause of maternal death worldwide. Studies suggest that the use of Misoprostol may be beneficial in clinical settings where oxytocin is unavailable. However studies are limited that show its use in prevention of PPH in high risk pregnancy involving elective caesarean section. Therefore our aim of study is to compare the effectiveness of rectal misoprostol with intramuscular oxytocin in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage in cesarean sections.Methods: In a double-blind randomized controlled trial, 200 pregnant women who had cesarean sections were assigned into two groups: to receive either oxytocin intramuscularly or misoprostol rectally after spinal anesthesia.Results: There was no significant difference between the two groups about change in postpartum hemoglobin, need for blood transfusion and incidence of PPH. We also did not observe any significant difference in any side effects.  Conclusions: Misoprostol may be considered as an alternative for oxytocin in low resource clinical settings.

    A Novel Strategy for Remediation of Heavy Metal Removal and Oil/Water Separation from Carbon-Based Nanohybrid

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    Increasing the world population results in the consequent consumption of primary resources, which produces high amounts of waste. The increasing amount of waste has negatively impacted the environment and ecosystem. The growing population demands a high amount of food resources, which increases anthropogenic activities. So, Environmental pollution has become a severe problem due to this anthropogenic activity affecting our planet. This problem cannot be neglected and has become the most challenging task of the 21st century. Researchers are putting effort into developing new nanohybrid, which should be environmentally friendly, with greener methods of synthesis to overcome and remediate the environment from pollutants. Scientists are trying to move towards nanotechnologies and nanomaterials to resolve the upcoming challenges related to environmental pollutants. This article describes heavy metal pollutants, recovery of oil from wastewater, etc. This article will also focus on the carbon-based nanohybrid, which can be used for the environmental recovery strategies of polluted areas. In particular, this article will give more attention towards the recent method developed and method to capturing heavy metal using silver fabricated reduced graphene oxide nanohybrid for the application of heavy metal capture and separation of oil water

    Lipid profile in renal transplant recipients receiving immunosuppressive therapy

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    Background: Immunosuppression has been detrimental for graft survival in renal transplant recipients (RTRs). Now that acute rejection is less of a concern, the main problem with kidney transplantation is the long term adverse effects of immunosuppression; dyslipidemia and subsequent atherosclerosis leading to cardiovascular diseases being one of them. The objective of the study was to determine the association of lipid profile with immunosuppressive therapy in RTRs.Methods: A descriptive qualitative study was conducted in 120 live RTRs following up at the post-renal transplant clinic in 1 year duration. Means of baseline lipid profiles were compared to those of all follow ups and means of all lipid profiles done at different intervals were compared among different sub-groups of patients grouped according to different variables including the individual immunosuppressants and the immunosuppressive therapy.Results: There was a significant increase in TC levels at 6 and 12 months. HDL-C levels were significantly higher at all follow ups and TG levels done at all follow ups were significantly higher as compared to baseline.LDL-C(12) was significantly higher in the group with higher tacrolimus dose. LDL-C(6), LDL-C(24), TC(24) were significantly different among different prednisolone groups reflecting a relation of prednisolone with alteration in lipid profiles. None of the two regimens was found to be superior over the other regarding lipid profile.Conclusions: This study has shown a significant alteration of lipid profile in patients after renal transplantation as compared to pre-transplant status and immunosuppressive therapy seems to be one among the various contributors to it


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    Overweight and obesity are major risk factors for a number of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. Once considered a problem only in high income countries, overweight and obesity are now dramatically on the rise in low and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. A person with a BMI of 30 or more is generally considered obese. A person with a BMI equal to or more than 25 is considered overweight. Medodhatuvridhi causes Snigdhata of Shareera, Udara-parshvavridhi, Kasa, Shwasa, Hikka and Daurgandhya of Shareera. The Medovaha Srotas moola means the organs closely related to the functions of Medodhatu or the important sites related to beginning or ending of the channels of Medodhatu. The Acharya (Charaka, Sushruta and Vagbhata) considered Vrikka as Moola of Medovaha Srotas and also considered Vapavahana, Kati and Mamsa as second Moola respectively. The present study was conducted on 30 clinically diagnosed patients of 'Medoroga' (Obesity). The patients of ‘Medoroga’ (Obesity) were randomly divided into three groups of 10 patients in each. In Group A, 10 patients were treated with ‘Navakaguggulu’ 2 tab (each tab. of 500mg) three times a day with lukewarm water for 30 days. In Group B, 10 patients were treated with ‘Triphala Kwatha’ 50ml two times a day (morning and evening) for 30 days and in Group C, 10 patients were treated with ‘Navakaguggulu’ 2 tab (each tab. of 500 mg) three times a day with lukewarm water and ‘Triphala Kwatha’ 50ml two times a day (morning and evening) for 30 days. After completion of trial, Group C has shown the best result followed by Group A and B while in lab parameters Group A has shown highly significant result only in Triglyceride level. Similarly Group Cprovided better results in majority of the parameters

    The Effect of Roughness Geometries on Heat Transfer Enhancement in Solar Air Heater - A Review

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    Artificial roughness applied on the absorber plate in the solar air heater is the most acclaimed method to improve thermal performance. Moreover it is required to understand how flow field is affected by particular roughness geometry with artificial roughness. This roughness creates turbulence in flowing air by disturbing laminar sub-layer as turbulence increases there in increament of heat transfer rate.Some distinguished roughness geometries have been compared on the basis of heat transfer enhancements, Nusselt number and friction factor correlations as function of system and operating parameters for predicting performance of the system having investigated type of roughness geometry.Arti?cial roughness in the form of ribs is a convenient method for enhancing thermal performance of solar air heaters.W shape rectangular ribs in discrete form with double passwill show the significant increase in heat transfer rate and friction loss over the smooth channel in the range of parameter of Renolds no 10000 to 12000, relative roughness height 0.043 to0.044, relative roughness pitch 10 to 12, angle of attack 60° to 70°

    Chemogenomics of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate dependent enzymes

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    Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) dependent enzymes comprise a large family that plays key roles in amino acid metabolism and are acquiring an increasing interest as drug targets. For the identification of compounds inhibiting PLP-dependent enzymes, a chemogenomics-based approach has been adopted in this work. Chemogenomics exploits the information coded in sequences and three-dimensional structures to define pharmacophore models. The analysis was carried out on a dataset of 65 high-resolution PLP-dependent enzyme structures, including representative members of four-fold types. Evolutionarily conserved residues relevant to coenzyme or substrate binding were identified on the basis of sequence-structure comparisons. A dataset was obtained containing the information on conserved residues at substrate and coenzyme binding site for each representative PLP-dependent enzyme. By linking coenzyme and substrate pharmacophores, bifunctional pharmacophores were generated that will constitute the basis for future development of small inhibitors targeting specific PLP-dependent enzymes

    Incidence of Impacted Mandibular Third Molars with Their Pattern and Associated Complications in Nepalese Population

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    INTRODUCTION: Impaction may be defined as the failure of complete eruption into a normal functional position of one tooth within normal time due to lack of space in the dental arch, caused by obstruction by another tooth or development in an abnormal position.MATERIAL AND METHODS: A cross sectional descriptive study was conducted on 945 patients (males=591, females=354) aged between 18- 50 years of age who had mandibular third molars impacted. The difficulty index for mandibular third molar for angulation and depth was based on Winter’s classification (1926).RESULTS: The most common type of impaction seen was Mesio- angular with (32%) followed by horizontal 264 (27.8%), then followed by other types. Data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0CONCLUSION: Impacted third molars are a common observation in routine dental practice. The impaction rate of third molars is higher as compared to other teeth in the dentition. The high prevalence found in the present study, with more than half of these Nepalese adult patients having at least one impacted third molar
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