923 research outputs found

    Then and Now: An Analysis of Broad-based Merit Aid Initial Eligibility Policies after Twenty Years

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    Using Hall’s framework of policy changes, we sought to document and classify changes in initial eligibility and award provisions of broad-based merit aid scholarship programs at inception and present day. Our analysis revealed five first-order changes, two second-order changes, and only one third order change. Although the policy settings, instruments, and goals remained static in five states, the scholarship dollars in four of them have not kept up with increases in overall cost of attendance

    Low thrust orbit determination program

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    Logical flow and guidelines are provided for the construction of a low thrust orbit determination computer program. The program, tentatively called FRACAS (filter response analysis for continuously accelerating spacecraft), is capable of generating a reference low thrust trajectory, performing a linear covariance analysis of guidance and navigation processes, and analyzing trajectory nonlinearities in Monte Carlo fashion. The choice of trajectory, guidance and navigation models has been made after extensive literature surveys and investigation of previous software. A key part of program design relied upon experience gained in developing and using Martin Marietta Aerospace programs: TOPSEP (Targeting/Optimization for Solar Electric Propulsion), GODSEP (Guidance and Orbit Determination for SEP) and SIMSEP (Simulation of SEP)


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    Whiplash: diagnosis, treatment, and associated injuries

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    Study design Focused review of the current literature. Objective To identify and synthesize the most current data pertaining to the diagnosis and treatment of whiplash and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD), and to report on whiplash-related injuries. Methods A search of OVID Medline (1996–January 2007) and the Cochrane database of systematic reviews was performed using the keywords whiplash and WAD. Articles under subheadings for pathology, diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiology were chosen for review after identification by the authors. Results A total of 485 articles in the English language literature were identified. Thirty-six articles pertained to the diagnosis, treatment, epidemiology of whiplash, and WAD, and were eligible for focused review. From these, 21 primary and 15 secondary sources were identified for full review. In addition, five articles were found that focused on whiplash associated cervical injuries. These five articles were also primary sources. Conclusions Whiplash is a common injury associated most often with motor vehicle accidents. It may present with a variety of clinical manifestations, collectively termed WAD. Whiplash is an important cause of chronic disability. Many controversies exist regarding the diagnosis and treatment of whiplash injuries. The multifactorial etiology, believed to underly whiplash injuries, make management highly variable between patients. Radiographic evidence of injury often cannot be identified in the acute phase. Recent studies suggest early mobilization may lead to improved outcomes. Ligamentous and bony injuries may go undetected at initial presentation leading to delayed diagnosis and inappropriate therapies

    Surgeon Opinions on Use of Epidural Steroids in Treatment of Lumbar Disk Disease: Results of an Online Survey

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    “Standard of care” can vary along regional and specialty lines; it is common to discover that a local “standard” can be different somewhere else. Opinions may differ between pain management specialists, primary care physicians, and spine surgeons with regard to use of conservative treatment modalities. Opinion within a given group of practitioners, however, should converge. Local differences between hospitals may exist, but conferences, professional journals, and national boards for certification are mechanisms that should act to maintain homogeneity within a professional group. It could be expected that commonly utilized treatment approaches within a well defined group of sub-specialists should converge. One of the more common non-surgical options for herniated lumbar spinal discs is epidural steroid injections (ESIs). Patients may be referred to pain management centers for lumbar ESIs by their primary care physician or perhaps after consultation with a surgical specialist. We sought to assess the opinion of practicing spine surgeons with regard to timing and use of lumbar ESIs as a part of a conservative treatment approach to both lumbar disk herniations (HNP) and lumbar degenerative disk disease (DDD)

    Cervical Intramedullary Ganglioma

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    A 48 year male presented to the ER with severe headaches which were episodic in nature and which had been present for several weeks. Patient had a history of traumatic head injury (TBI) several years prior. Otherwise, he was in good health with no significant past medical or surgical history. On physical exam, patient was oriented x 3 with an intact cranial nerve exam. He had significant upper and lower extremity spasticity with mild hand intrinsic weakness. His motor exam was otherwise unremarkable. His gait was very spastic. He had sustained lower extremity clonus, upgoing toes, and increased tone in the upper and lower extremities. His sensation was intact to light touch, pinprick, proprioception and temperature