21 research outputs found

    Trehalose induced drought tolerance in plants: physiological and molecular responses

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    Drought stress is significant abiotic stress that limits crop growth and productivity across the globe. The intensity of drought stress continuously rises due to rapid climate change. Drought-induced alterations in physiological and bio-chemical processes by generating membrane dis-stability, oxidative stress, nutritional imbalance and leading to substantial reduction in growth and productivity. Plants accumulate various osmolytes that protect themselves from abiotic stresses' harmful effects. Trehalose (Tre) is a non-reducing sugar found in multiple microbes ranging from bacteria to yeast and in plants and it possesses an excellent ability to improve drought tolerance. Trehalose appreciably enhanced the plant growth, and counter the drought induced damages by maintaining cellular membranes, plant water relations, stomatal regulation, photosynthetic activities, nutrient uptake, osmolyte accumulation, activating stress proteins and detoxifying the reactive oxygen species (ROS) by strengthening the anti-oxidant system. Therefore, it is essential to understand the mechanism of exogenous and endogenous Tre in mitigating the drought-induced damages and to identify the potential research questions that must be answered in the future. Therefore, to better appraise the potential benefits of Tre in drought tolerance in this review, we discussed the diverse physiological and molecular mechanisms regulated by Tre under drought stress. We have a complete and updated picture on this topic to orientate future research directions on this topic

    Exogenous Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Application Induced Modulations in the Performance of Aromatic Rice Under Lead Toxicity

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    Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a non-protein amino acid and has a multi-functional role in abiotic stress tolerance. A pot experiment was conducted to assess the role of exogenous gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) application to modulate the growth, yield, and related physio-biochemical mechanisms in two aromatic rice cultivars, that is, Guixiangzhan (GXZ) and Nongxiang 18 (NX-18), under Pb toxic and normal conditions. The experimental treatments were comprised of Ck: without Pb and GABA (control), GABA: 1 mM GABA is applied under normal conditions (without Pb), Pb + GABA: 1 mM GABA is applied under Pb toxicity (800 mg kg−1 of soil), and Pb= only Pb (800 mg kg−1 of soil) is applied (no GABA). The required concentrations of GABA were applied as a foliar spray. Results revealed that Pb stress induced oxidative damage in terms of enhanced malondialdehyde (MDA), electrolyte leakage (EL), and H2O2 contents, while exogenous GABA application improved leaf chlorophyll, proline, protein and GABA contents, photosynthesis and gas exchange, and antioxidant defense under Pb toxicity in both rice cultivars. Moreover, glutamine synthetase (GS) and nitrate reductase (NR) activities were variably affected due to GABA application under Pb stress. The yield and related traits, that is, productive tillers/pot, grains/panicle, filled grain %, 1,000-grain weight, and grain yield were 13.64 and 10.29, 0.37% and 2.26%, 3.89 and 19.06%, 7.35 and 12.84%, and 17.92 and 40.56 lower under Pb treatment than Pb + GABA for GXZ and NX-18, respectively. Furthermore, exogenous GABA application in rice reduced Pb contents in shoot, leaves, panicle, and grains compared with Pb-exposed plants without GABA. Overall, GXZ performed better than NX-18 under Pb toxic conditions

    Soil acidification and salinity: the importance of biochar application to agricultural soils

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    Soil acidity is a serious problem in agricultural lands as it directly affects the soil, crop production, and human health. Soil acidification in agricultural lands occurs due to the release of protons (H+) from the transforming reactions of various carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur-containing compounds. The use of biochar (BC) has emerged as an excellent tool to manage soil acidity owing to its alkaline nature and its appreciable ability to improve the soil’s physical, chemical, and biological properties. The application of BC to acidic soils improves soil pH, soil organic matter (SOM), cation exchange capacity (CEC), nutrient uptake, microbial activity and diversity, and enzyme activities which mitigate the adverse impacts of acidity on plants. Further, BC application also reduce the concentration of H+ and Al3+ ions and other toxic metals which mitigate the soil acidity and supports plant growth. Similarly, soil salinity (SS) is also a serious concern across the globe and it has a direct impact on global production and food security. Due to its appreciable liming potential BC is also an important amendment to mitigate the adverse impacts of SS. The addition of BC to saline soils improves nutrient homeostasis, nutrient uptake, SOM, CEC, soil microbial activity, enzymatic activity, and water uptake and reduces the accumulation of toxic ions sodium (Na+ and chloride (Cl-). All these BC-mediated changes support plant growth by improving antioxidant activity, photosynthesis efficiency, stomata working, and decrease oxidative damage in plants. Thus, in the present review, we discussed the various mechanisms through which BC improves the soil properties and microbial and enzymatic activities to counter acidity and salinity problems. The present review will increase the existing knowledge about the role of BC to mitigate soil acidity and salinity problems. This will also provide new suggestions to readers on how this knowledge can be used to ameliorate acidic and saline soils

    Sustainable Irrigation Management for Higher Yield

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    Sustainable irrigation is sensible application of watering to plants in agriculture, landscapes that aids in meeting current survival and welfare needs. Sustainable irrigation management can help with climate change adaptation, labor, energy savings, and the production of higher-value and yield of crops to achieve zero hunger in water-scarce world. To ensure equal access to water and environmental sustainability, investments in expanded and enhanced irrigation must be matched by improvements in water governance. Sustainable irrigation must be able to cope with water scarcity, and be resilient to other resource scarcities throughout time in context of energy and finance. The themes and SDGs related to clean water, water resources sustainability, sustainable water usage, agricultural and rural development are all intertwined in the concept of “sustainable irrigation for higher yield.” Sustainable irrigation management refers to the capability of using water in optimum quantity and quality on a local, regional, national, and global scale to meet the needs of humans and agro-ecosystems at present and in the future to sustain life, protect humans and biodiversity from natural and human-caused disasters which threaten life to exist. Resultantly higher yields will ensure food security

    Response of Soil Water and Wheat Yield to Rainfall and Temperature Change on the Loess Plateau, China

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    Understanding the influences of rainfall and temperature on soil water and the grain production of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), is of great importance to ensure the sustainability of food production on the Loess Plateau of China. Based on calibration and evaluation, the Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) model was employed to determine the response of soil water and winter wheat to rainfall and temperature changing over the last 30 years in different regions. Results showed that (1) the EPIC model simulated soil water content well in 0–2 m soil, with a relative root mean square error (RRMSE) value of 6.0~14.0%, and the mean value of R2 was 0.824, which was similar to the value of ME (0.815); (2) rainfall decreased 13.6–24.9% more from 2001 to 2010 than it did during 1961–2000, while its minimum and maximum temperature increased 1.00–1.55 °C and 0.30–0.84 °C respectively, in comparison with 1961–2000; (3) both the increase of maximum temperature and the decrease of rainfall were harmful to the production of winter wheat. Contrarily, the increase of minimum temperature was beneficial to the production of winter wheat on the Loess Plateau of China. Furthermore, due to rainfall decreasing, the winter wheat yield of Luochuan, Changwu, Yuncheng, and Yan’an decreased by 8.5%, 7.6%, 11.7%, and 12.3%, respectively. Because of the rising of the maximum temperature, winter wheat yield decreased 6.4%, 6.8%, 7.2%, and −3.0%, respectively. On the other hand, the increase of the minimum temperature raised the winter wheat yield of 8.8%, 10.2%, 1.5%, and 12.0%, respectively. Climate change, either precipitation reduction or temperature increase, decreased soil water in the dry land winter wheat field. Therefore, more water-saving technologies are needed to adapt to climate change, to store and use water sources more effectively in semi-arid regions. Though precipitation reduction and maximum temperature increase produced negative impacts on winter wheat yield, the uptrend in minimum temperature is better for increasing the winter wheat yield, which can be used by farmers and governments to adapt to climate change, by adjusting planting time properly

    Crop Water Stress Detection Using Remote Sensing Techniques

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    To meet the demand for increasing global food production while using limited water resources, crop water stress must be improved in agriculture. Remote-sensing-based plant stress indicators have the benefits of high spatial resolutions, a cheap cost, and short turnaround times. This study discusses the current advancements in agricultural water stress monitoring and irrigation scheduling, some of the challenges that have been met, and the upcoming research needs. Remote sensing systems are prepared to handle the intricate and technical evaluations of agricultural productivity, security, and crop water stress quickly and effectively. We explore the use of remote-sensing systems in the evaluation of crop water stress by looking at the existing research, technologies, and data. This study examines the connection between relative water content (RWC), equivalent water thickness (EWT), and agricultural water stress. Using remote sensing, evapotranspiration, and sun-induced chlorophyll content are examined in connection to crop drought. Spectral indices, remote sensing satellites, and multi-spectral sensing systems, as well as systems that measure land surface temperature, are examined. This critical study focuses on cutting-edge techniques for assessing crop water stress

    Negative and Positive Impacts of Rape Straw Returning on the Roots Growth of Hybrid Rice in the Sichuan Basin Area

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    Incorporating oilseed-rape straw in soil is one of the effective methods for enhancing the use efficiency of agricultural resources in the rape-rice rotation system. However, the impacts of oilseed-rape straw incorporation on root growth and dynamic changes in soil are still unclear. In order to provide a deeper understanding of the oilseed rape straw return on rice growth and productivity, the experiment was conducted in the field and in a specially-designed pots system from 2016 to 2017 by means of two straw returning methods and four straw returning amounts. In the early stage of rice growth (0–36 days after rice transplanting) the straw returning treatments decreased 1.0–8.6 mg/plant in bleeding density and 0.10–6.11, 0.06–0.31, and 0.52–0.84 μmol/(g h) in the activity of glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamic-oxalacetic transaminase (GOT), and glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT), respectively. Oilseed rape straw returned by mulching induced negative impacts on new germinating roots in 0–10 cm of soil, while the negative impacts were observed on roots in 10–30 cm of soil for straw returned by plowing. In the later stage of rice growth (56–75 days after rice transplanting), oilseed rape straw returning produced some positive impacts on rice roots, which enhanced the yield of rice. Conclusively, our findings suggested that dynamic root growth and the activity of root enzymes are two major factors behind the slow reviving of rice after transplanting in the straw returning field. Plowing is a more appropriate method of straw returning than mulching in the rape-rice rotation system in the Sichuan basin area, with a straw incorporation rate of 3.0 t/hm2

    Drought Monitoring with Multiple Indices and Management through Various Techniques: A Review

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    Drought is a complex natural disaster with significant implications for agriculture, water resources, and socioeconomic development. Accurate and timely assessment of meteorological drought is crucial for effective management and mitigation strategies. Climate change has led to a rise in climatic anomalies, such as droughts, floods, heatwaves, and cold snaps, which have severe impacts on human well-being and societal patterns. Droughts, which are prolonged periods of limited or absent rainfall, pose significant challenges for sectors like agriculture, energy, and enterprises, especially in economically reliant countries with inadequate water management infrastructure. Drought indicators are essential in meteorology, agriculture, and hydrology for monitoring drought conditions. Accurate drought assessment relies on quantitative index-based comprehensive drought indices, such as India’s Aridity Anomaly Index (AAI), Deciles Index, Percent of Normal Index, Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI), and the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI). Drought management involves analyzing risk components and using analytical tools for decision making. A decision support system includes institutional, methodological, public, and operational components. Long-term actions include demand reduction through economic incentives, while short-term actions include increasing water supply through wastewater reutilization, inter-basin water conveyance, reservoir construction, and agricultural ponds. Impact minimization is achieved through educational initiatives, reallocating water resources, early warning systems, and insurance programs. Challenges include developing technologies to integrate data sources and create unified indicators, and geospatial decision-support systems facilitate hazard mapping and strategic drought management plans

    Effects of Seaweed Extracts on Promoting Growth and Improving Stress Resistance in Sugarcane

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    A field investigation was executed in sugarcane producing area of Zhanjiang,Guangdong Province with Yt03-373 as the test variety to understand the possible impacts of seaweed extracts on phenology,yield and quality attributes of sugarcane.Foliar application of seaweed extracts were carried out on sugarcane at seedling and tillering stages. Agronomic traits, yield, sugar content, leaf drought resistance and pest resistance of sugarcane were analyzed for optimization of application time at proper phenological stages . The results that compared to the control, the application of seaweed extracts at different stages of sugarcane enhanced production of sugarcane with increase rate of 10.83%-12.87%, and improved theoretical sugar yield of sugarcane up to 1.9 t/ha while enhancing water retention capacity and water content of sugarcane leaves that consequently led to wilting risk reduction by escaping drought and improved resilience to grought impact on sugarcane. Seaweed extracts also performed excellent in pest management of sugarcane wad observed to be 15.09% compared to control,while the net income was improved by up to 32.64% in the seaweed extracts application treatment. Foliar application of seaweed extracts not only enhanced growth, cold resistance, pest resistance, output value but also inproved economic returns, giving a positive affirmation for the recommendation of seaweed extract application