35 research outputs found


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    The Structural Description System stores pre-semantic visual information about the shape of objects. During visual perception, the actually perceived shape should activate the SDS before accessing the Semantic System. The standard shape of known objects results from the assembly of distinct parts, each of a given size with respect to the other parts. Also the size of the whole object in comparison to other objects may be variable, but only within a definite range. The aim of this study is to assess the knowledge of shape, features- and whole object\u2019s dimensions, checking the influence of demographic variables. In addiction, we wanted to analyse the relationship between the knowledge of object\u2019s shape, of whole-size and of subparts-size. To this aim we created a new neuropsychological battery which consists of 4 test based on 10 tools and 10 animals pictures from the Snodgrass set. In the Feature Dimension Assessment (FDA), the size of one feature of the picture was progressively reduced or amplified, so that only 50% of the resulting shapes was still acceptable. In the Object Dimension Assessment (ODA), two pictures were presented on the same sheet of paper, and the relative size of one of two objects was progressively reduced or amplified, so that only in 50% of the cases the relative size of the stimuli was acceptable. In addition, the battery included a picture reality judgment (FINOFI), based on real and chimerical pictures of animals and tools, and a Semantic Questionnaire (SQ) with verbal probes about perceptual and functional aspects of animals and tools. The battery was given to 100 Italian healthy participants. Each test was standardised with the Equivalent Score procedure by calculating the contribution of demographic variables. Normal control subjects\u2019 performances were correlated to one another with Pearson\u2019s linear correlation. The battery was also administered to 24 right brain-damaged patients and to 11 left brain-damaged patients. We used Cohen\u2019s weighted k and McNemar test to assess the agreement between different tests in right brain-damaged patients. Right occipital patients were then picked out to verify their performance on each of the 4 tests at issue. Results show that FDA and FINOFI are apparently tapping similar aspects of the Structural Description System. ODA seems neither related to Semantic System, nor to the Structural Description System

    Índice financiero multidimensional : una aplicación de componentes principales

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    Fil: Rassiga, Paula. Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Economía; Argentina.Sosa Escudero, Walte

    Quality of experience during horticultural activities : an experience sampling pilot study among older adults living in a nursing home

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    Horticulture was shown to represent a well-being source for older adults, encompassing the physical, mental and social domains. Aim of this pilot study was to contribute to extant literature through the investigation of the quality of experience associated with horticultural versus occupational activities. A group of 11 older residents of a nursing home were involved in a crossover study with a baseline measure. Participants attended weekly horticultural and occupational sessions for two six-week cycles. Experience Sampling Method was administered before the program and after each session, to assess participants' levels of happiness, concentration, sociability, involvement, challenges and stakes, and self-satisfaction. Altogether, 332 self-report questionnaires were collected. Findings showed that participants' levels of the cognitive and motivational variables increased during both activities, but horticulture was also perceived as providing higher challenges and stakes, and improving self-satisfaction. Results can have practical implications for well-being promotion among older adults through meaningful activity engagement