477 research outputs found

    Development of a condenser for the dual catalyst water recovery system

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    Conceptual evaporation/condensation systems suitable for integration with the catalytic water recovery method were evaluated. The primary requirements for each concept were its capability to operate under zero-gravity conditions, condense recovered water from a vapor-noncondensable gas mixture, and integrate with the catalytic system. Specific energy requirements were estimated for concepts meeting the primary requirements, and the concept most suitable for integration with the catalytic system was proposed. A three-man rate condenser capable of integration with the proposed system, condensing water vapor in presence of noncondensables and transferring the heat of condensation to feed urine was designed, fabricated, and tested. It was treated with steam/air mixtures at atmospheric and elevated pressures and integrated with an actual catalytic water recovery system. The condenser has a condensation efficiency exceeding 90% and heat transfer rate of approximately 85% of theoretical value at coolant temperature ranging from 7 to 80 deg C

    Induction of peripheral tolerance in ongoing autoimmune inflammation requires interleukin 27 signaling in dendritic cells

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    Peripheral tolerance to autoantigens is induced via suppression of self-reactive lymphocytes, stimulation of tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs) and regulatory T (Treg) cells. Interleukin (IL)-27 induces tolerogenic DCs and Treg cells; however, it is not known whether IL-27 is important for tolerance induction. We immunized wild-type (WT) and IL-27 receptor (WSX-1) knockout mice with MOG35-55 for induction of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and intravenously (i.v.) injected them with MOG35-55 after onset of disease to induce i.v. tolerance. i.v. administration of MOG35-55 reduced disease severity in WT mice, but was ineffective in Wsx-/- mice. IL-27 signaling in DCs was important for tolerance induction, whereas its signaling in T cells was not. Further mechanistic studies showed that IL-27-dependent tolerance relied on cooperation of distinct subsets of spleen DCs with the ability to induce T cell-derived IL-10 and IFN-γ. Overall, our data show that IL-27 is a key cytokine in antigen-induced peripheral tolerance and may provide basis for improvement of antigen-specific tolerance approaches in multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. © 2017 Thom, Moore, Mari, Rasouli, Hwang, Yoshimura, Ciric, Zhang and Rostami

    Study of selected fission reactions with the application of Nilsson orbitals

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    Fission fragment angular anisotropies from neutron induced fission of 232Th and 235U were analyzed within the frame work of the statistical model. The analysis were made at neutron energies from threshold up to 50 MeV to deduce the variance K 2 of the K-distribution of levels in the transition nucleus. Our analysis shows, that the strength for the K-transition states comes mainly from the higher angular momentas and is in accordance with Nilsson model orbitals

    On the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions to classes of steady state reaction diffusion systems with multiple parameters

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    We study positive solutions to the steady state reaction diffusion systems of the form: \begin{equation} \left\{\begin{array}{ll} -\Delta u = \lambda f(v)+\mu h(u), & \Omega,\\ -\Delta v = \lambda g(u)+\mu q(v),& \Omega,\\ \frac{\partial u}{\partial \eta}+\sqrt[]{\lambda +\mu}\, u=0,& \partial\Omega,\\ \frac{\partial v}{\partial \eta}+\sqrt[]{\lambda +\mu}\, v=0, & \partial\Omega,\\ \end{array}\right. \end{equation} where λ,μ>0{\lambda,\mu>0} are positive parameters, Ω{\Omega} is a bounded in RN\mathbb{R}^{N}(N>1)(N>1) with smooth boundary Ω{\partial \Omega}, or Ω=(0,1){\Omega=(0,1)}, zη{ \frac{\partial z}{\partial \eta} } is the outward normal derivative of zz. Here f,g,h,qC2[0,r)C[0,)f, g, h, q\in C^{2} [0,r)\cap C[0,\infty) for some r>0r>0. Further, we assume that f,g,hf, g, h and qq are increasing functions such that f(0)=g(0)=h(0)=q(0)=0f(0) = g(0) = h(0) = {q}(0) = 0, f(0),g(0),h(0),q(0)>0f^\prime(0), g^\prime(0), h^\prime(0), q^\prime(0) > 0, and limsf(Mg(s))s=0\lim\limits_{s\to \infty}\frac{f(M g(s))}{s}=0 for all M>0M>0. Under certain additional assumptions on f,g,hf, g, h and q q we prove our existence and multiplicity results. Our existence and multiplicity results are proved using sub-super solution methods

    Structural growth in iron oxide clusters: Rings, towers, and hollow drums

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    It is shown that the transition from an elementary FeO molecule to the bulk rock-salt FeO proceeds via hollow rings, towers, and drums. Our first-principles electronic structure calculations carried out within a gradient-corrected density functional framework show that small FenOn (n=2,3,4,5) clusters form single, highly stable rings. Starting at Fe6O6, these elementary rings begin to assemble into nano columnar structures to form stable Fe6O6, Fe7O7, Fe8O8, Fe9O9, Fe10O10, and Fe12O12 towers. The rings and the empty towers can be further stabilized by capping O atoms at the ends, leading to FenOn+1 and FenOn+2 sequences. The theoretical results provide insight into the progression of mass intensities in the experimental mass spectra and account for the observed peaks in the negative ion photodetachment spectra of iron oxide clusters

    Circadian Entrainment Triggers Maturation of Human In Vitro Islets

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    Stem-cell-derived tissues could transform disease research and therapy, yet most methods generate functionally immature products. We investigate how human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) differentiate into pancreatic islets in vitro by profiling DNA methylation, chromatin accessibility, and histone modification changes. We find that enhancer potential is reset upon lineage commitment and show how pervasive epigenetic priming steers endocrine cell fates. Modeling islet differentiation and maturation regulatory circuits reveals genes critical for generating endocrine cells and identifies circadian control as limiting for in vitro islet function. Entrainment to circadian feeding/fasting cycles triggers islet metabolic maturation by inducing cyclic synthesis of energy metabolism and insulin secretion effectors, including antiphasic insulin and glucagon pulses. Following entrainment, hPSC-derived islets gain persistent chromatin changes and rhythmic insulin responses with a raised glucose threshold, a hallmark of functional maturity, and function within days of transplantation. Thus, hPSC-derived tissues are amenable to functional improvement by circadian modulation

    Brittleness of gas shale reservoirs: A case study from the north Perth basin, Australia

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    Shale reservoirs have gained the attention of many in recent years due to their potential as a major gas resource. Production from this kind of formation, however, requires an accurate estimation of brittleness and employments of hydraulic fracturing. There have been many studies as to how brittleness can be estimated, but few research works were carried out so far indicating how brittleness indices vary in gas shale formations. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the variation of brittleness in one of the gas shale reservoirs located in the north Perth Basin of Australia. The results obtained indicated that the lower part of the Carynginia shale should be selected for a hydraulic fracturing job due to a high brittleness index, although a careful analysis of Total Organic Content (TOC) might be required before initiating any plans. The mineralogical report and interpretations revealed that the space created by cross-plotting the elastic parameters is able to identify dominant minerals contributing into brittleness. Performing a series of true triaxial tests, which are capable of simulating the real field condition by applying three independent principal stresses, implied that as the stress anisotropy increases, a transition takes place from brittle towards the ductile behaviours. However, when this anisotropy becomes significant, samples regain their strength. This study, therefore, recommends more studies to get a practical conclusion on brittleness under true triaxial conditions

    Engineering an L-cell line that expresses insulin under the control of the glucagon-like peptide-1 promoter for diabetes treatment

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    Background: Diabetes mellitus is a complicated disease with a pathophysiology that includes hyperinsulinemia, hyperglycemia and other metabolic impairments leading to many clinical complications. It is necessary to develop appropriate treatments to manage the disease and reduce possible acute and chronic side effects. The advent of gene therapy has generated excitement in the medical world for the possible application of gene therapy in the treatment of diabetes. The glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) promoter, which is recognised by gut L-cells, is an appealing candidate for gene therapy purposes. The specific properties of L-cells suggest that L-cells and the GLP-1 promoter would be useful for diabetes therapy approaches. Results: In this study, L-cells were isolated from a primary intestinal cell line to create suitable target cells for insulin expression studies. The isolated cells displayed L-cell properties and were therefore used as an L-cell surrogate. Next, the isolated L-cells were transfected with the recombinant plasmid consisting of an insulin gene located downstream of the GLP-1 promoter. The secretion tests revealed that an increase in glucose concentration from 5 mM to 25 mM induced insulin gene expression in the L-cells by 2.7-fold. Furthermore, L-cells quickly responded to the glucose stimulation; the amount of insulin protein increased 2-fold in the first 30 minutes and then reached a plateau after 90 minutes. Conclusion: Our data showed that L-cells efficiently produced the mature insulin protein. In addition, the insulin protein secretion was positively regulated with glucose induction. In conclusion, GLP-1 promoter and L-cell could be potential candidates for diabetes gene therapy agents

    Inflationary Universe in Deformed Phase Space Scenario

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    We consider a noncommutative (NC) inflationary model with a homogeneous scalar field minimally coupled to gravity. The particular NC inflationary setting produces entirely new consequences. We first analyze the free field case and subsequently examine the situation where the scalar field is subjected to a polynomial and exponential potentials. We propose to use a canonical deformation between momenta, in a spatially flat FLRW universe, and while the Friedmann equation remains unaffected the Friedmann acceleration equation (and thus the Klein-Gordon equation) is modified by an extra term linear in the NC parameter. This concrete noncommutativity on the momenta allows interesting dynamics that other NC models seem not to allow. Let us be more precise. This extra term behaves as the sole explicit pressure that under the right circumstances implies a period of accelerated expansion of the universe. We find that in the absence of the scalar field potential, and in contrast with the commutative case, in which the scale factor always decelerates, we obtain an inflationary phase for small negative values of the NC parameter. Subsequently, the period of accelerated expansion is smoothly replaced by an appropriate deceleration phase providing an interesting model regarding the graceful exit problem in inflationary models. Moreover, in the case of the free scalar field, we show that not only the horizon problem is solved but also there is some resemblance between the evolution equation of the scale factor associated to our model and that for the R2R^2 (Starobinsky) inflationary model. Therefore, our herein NC model not only can be taken as an appropriate scenario to get a successful kinetic inflation, but also is a convenient setting to obtain inflationary universe possessing the graceful exit when scalar field potentials are present.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, Accepted to publish in Annals of Physic

    Experimental and numerical analysis of 3D printed cement mortar specimens using inkjet 3DP

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    Investigations involving the experimental and numerical analysis of inkjet (powder-based) 3DP are relatively limited for cement mortar materials. This study, by using cement mortar specimens, aimed to determine the optimum strength of 3D printed structural members in all three planes by identifying the compressive strength of cubes, the modulus of elasticity and Poisson’s ratio. In addition, this study aimed to analyse and verify the numerical model for 3D printed cementitious mortar (CP) prisms and beams using an inkjet 3D printer by considering the mechanical behaviour of the printed prisms under compression. Robust and optimal mechanical properties of the 3D printed cementitious mortar obtained from laboratory testing were utilised in the simulation of structural components using ABAQUS software. As inputs for simulation, the strength properties of the printed objects in all three cartesian planes were obtained from test results. The obtained results showed that the printed cementitious materials have orthotropic properties and that the results of experiments were consistent with the analytical solutions and hypothesised model for the different geometric shapes. This finding is extremely valuable in determining the optimum features of 3D printed structures