156 research outputs found

    Bioinformatic analysis of Rp1 gene causing visual disparity in humans

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    Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of inherited diseases that damage rod and cone cells located in human retina. A nonsense mutation R677X has been identified in RP1 gene which not only causes mRNA degradation but also results in truncated protein production leading towards visual disparity in humans. Secondary structure of RP1 gene was determined in order to elucidate the structural changes conferred due to nonsense mutation R677X. The structural differences among non mutated and mutated RP1 gene range from 23 to 43%. Similarly, the truncated protein also resulted in the loss of certain functional as well as active sites which were identified by predicting motifs. A detailed comparison between non mutated and mutated RP1 gene revealed the significance of R677X mutation causing significant structural (helix, turn, sheet and coil) as well as functional loss. Four domains of RP1 gene were predicted using ModWeb and SWISS – MODEL Comparative Modeling Server. The 3D structures of the domains were determined based upon the crystal structure of the homologous templates. The 3D structures were then verified using PROCHECK protein structure validation and verification tool. The quality of the structures obtained was good. This is also useful for future work for annotating the functions of protein using their structures.Keywords: Retinitis pigmentosa, secondary structure, comparative modelin

    Configuración mística velada de recursos operativos ágiles para la rentabilidad en empresas familiares de Pakistán

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    Resources act as an arm which often facilitates firm’s sustainable performance in volatile business markets. Few studies have emphasized the agile operant resources that propel family-owned firm’s profitability. The aim of this article is to show the concealed role of agile operant resources of firm owners that expedite family-owned businesses in profitability to ensure a firm’s sustainability. This research uses relativistic perspective based on interpretive worldview. For data collection, purposive sampling is used. While directing interviews, open-ended questions (interview guide) along with observations are used. Abductive research accompanied by Gioia methodology has been utilized for broader themes of discussion. The findings indicated relationship proneness, reputational resources, religious resources, agile soft skills, performance efficiency and excellency as hidden agile intangible resources which facilitate family firms of catering profitability. The paper presents a conceptual framework that highlights how family-owned firms can ensure profitability. The proposed research framework contributes to the present literature of family-owned firms by inspecting the mystical role of agile resources. It opens new avenues for practitioners to work on these resources that support to enhance profitability.Los recursos funcionan como un arma que a menudo facilita el rendimiento sostenible de las empresas en un mercado empresarial volátil. Pocos estudios han enfocado los recursos operativos ágiles que impulsan la rentabilidad de las empresas familiares. El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar el papel oculto de los recursos operativos ágiles de los propietarios de empresas que aceleran la rentabilidad de las empresas familiares para garantizar la sostenibilidad de las empresas. Esta investigación se basa en una perspectiva relativista e interpretativa a nivel mundial. Para la recopilación de datos, se utiliza un muestreo intencional/judicial. Durante las entrevistas, se emplea un cuestionario abierto (guía de entrevistas) junto con observaciones. Se ha utilizado una investigación abductiva acompañada de la metodología de Gioia para ampliar los temas de discusión. Los resultados indicaron que la propensión a las relaciones, los recursos reputacionales, los recursos religiosos, las habilidades blandas ágiles, la eficiencia y excelencia en el rendimiento son recursos intangibles ágiles ocultos que facilitan la rentabilidad de las empresas familiares. Este artículo propuso un marco conceptual que guía a las empresas familiares para lograr rentabilidad. El marco propuesto contribuye a la literatura actual sobre empresas familiares al examinar el papel místico de los recursos ágiles y recomendar a los profesionales pulir estos recursos que ayudan a mejorar la rentabilidad, lo que lleva a la sostenibilidad de las empresas familiares

    Ammonium chloride and urea based deep eutectic solvent: toxicological and antioxidant profile

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    In the present study, the toxicity potential of ammonium chloride and urea-based deep eutectic solvent (DES) was studied. A homogeneous DES solution was obtained by heating at 60°C for 20 minutes. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis was used to verify the synthesis. The toxicity profiling of ammonium-based DES was performed using in vitro cell lines (fibroblast growth factor) and microbes (fungi, Gram positive and gram negative bacteria) and in vivo model organism (fish). DES was found to the had maximum zone of inhibition against tested bacterial (Staphylococcus aureus) and fungal strains (Candida albicans). Ammonium chloride-urea DES had higher LC50 against Cyprinus carpio. DES was found to have a higher percentage of cell viability at higher concentration along with DPPH scavenging activity of 92%. In conclusion, ammonium chloride-urea based DES had been successfully formed and found less harmful at higher concentrations, thus can be used as promising solvents in the future

    Legitimacy and ethics or deterrence factors : which are more important for compliance with regulations among the artisanal fishers of Sudan?

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    This study applied a modified deterrence model to evaluate the effectiveness of legitimacy and ethical factors compared to deterrence measures for compliance with mesh size regulation in the Jebel Aulia Reservoir of Sudan. The ordered probit and zero-truncated negative binomial models were employed to examine influences of determining factors on the choice between typologies of violators and non-violators, and then on frequency of violations (extent) respectively. Reported violation rates were high (87.5%), combined with weak enforcement and effective evasion used by almost all (97%) violators, leading to a low probability of detection, as only 28% of violators were caught. This is consistent with widely observed phenomena in developing countries, calling for increased efficacy of detection, monitoring and enforcement of regulations and higher penalties to fight non-compliance. The study also confirmed the high importance of legitimacy and ethical factors, suggesting that the involvement of stakeholders in the process of designing, monitoring and enforcing regulations is crucial as a process factor that may be more important than mere deterrence measures. This advocates for participatory co-management systems that are most likely to be more effective than top-down mechanisms in promoting compliance. The study also suggests that investments in the education of fishermen, the provision of alternative income and employment opportunities outside of fishing, access to credit to finance the acquisition of legal nets, and the effective regulation of importation of illegal nets will be necessary for enhancing compliance with mesh size regulation in Sudan.http://www.aaae-africa.org/afjare/am201

    Natural resource modeling : allowing for inconstant probability of detection and frequency measures of violation within dynamic deterrence fishery models

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    The dynamic deterrence model (DDM) represents an analytical framework widely used for analyzing compliance with fishery regulations aiming for sustainable fishery management. However, applications of the DDM have so far been limited to the case of constant probability of detection that assumes independence of the length of time to detection. This paper modifies the DDM to allow for more flexible and broader specification by introducing, for the first time, two important variables to the supply of offences function, namely evasion activity and enforcement efforts and accommodating inconstant probability of detection specifications. Determinants of probability of detection are specified and important potential extensions of the modified DDM are discussed in this paper. The relative magnitude of the effects of each of these determinants on probability of detection, however, remains an important empirical question that requires further investigation for prioritization of policy actions.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1939-7445/hb201

    The Role of Lead Toxicity on Eruption Rate of Hypofunctional Incisors in Albino Wistar Rats

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    OBJECTIVES This objective of this study was to evaluate the role of a heavy metal- lead acetate in the eruption rate of hypo functional incisors in albino Wistar rats. METHODOLOGY An experimental study was done in animal house of Post Graduate Medical Institute, Lahore since March 2019 to March 2020. 34 adult albino Wistar rats were randomly divided into two groups (n=17 for each group) i.e., control and lead acetate group. Right mandibular incisors were selected for this study. Selected incisors were marked 1mm above the level of gingival papillae. The incisors were cut above this mark to make it hypo-functional. The readings were measured by digital Vernier caliper. This was considered as day 0. Incisors length was measured at day 0, 3, 6, 12 and 15 and eruption was calculated. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. RESULTS Eruption rate was similar throughout the study except last follow up. At the end of this study eruption of incisors in albino Wistar rats in control was 03.30±0.72mm, in lead 02.43±1.19mm. At day 15, the difference between control and lead group was statistically significant (p-value 0.033). CONCLUSION These results reveal that besides other causes of delayed tooth eruption excessive lead intoxication are also acausative factor of delayed tooth eruption

    Analysis and Design of Secure Sampled-Data Control Subject to Denial-of-Service Attacks

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    This study addresses the issue of secure control design for cyber-physical systems (CPS) against denial of service (DoS) attacks. We take into account a continuous-time linear system with a convex quadratic performance measure and a sampled linear state feedback control. DoS attacks impose constraints on the CPS, where packets may be jammed between the sensor and controller by a malicious entity, potentially resulting in system instability and performance degradation. We assume that the attacker can perform DoS attacks with a limited time and frequency due to energy restrictions. We devise an efficient procedure using the linear matrix inequality approach to compute an upper bound on the performance degradation brought on by the DoS attack. We also propose a redesign of the controller to minimize this performance degradation. Finally, a simulation example illustrates the computation of the performance degradation under a bounded DoS attack and the design of a secure controller. Simulation results show that the designed controller effectively keeps the feedback loop’s performance and stability under attack

    Evaluation of Toxicity on Ctenopharyngodon idella Due to Tannery Effluent Remediated by Constructed Wetland Technology

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    Aquatic pollution caused by industrial effluents is an environmental issue, imposing deleterious impacts on the overall environment, specifically, on humans, by disrupting the balance of the ecosystem. Among all the industries, tanneries are considered some of the most polluting due to heavy use of toxic organic and inorganic compounds during leather processing, most of which find their way into rivers, lakes, and streams, thus exerting adverse effects on aquatic life, particularly on fish. Considering the huge concentrations of pollutants present in tannery effluents, toxicity evaluation is of prime importance. Therefore, bioassays are usually employed to assess the acute toxicity of industrial effluents and efficiency of effluent clean-up technologies as they provide a thorough response of test species to the substances present in the tested media. In the present study, the toxic effects of tannery effluent on common grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) were studied for 96 h in laboratory conditions. The effluent was added at different concentrations, before and after treatment by constructed wetlands (CWs). During this period, mortality data was collected to calculate the 96 h-LC50 (lethal concentration inducing 50% mortality) and acute toxicity of C. idella. In addition to this, observations on change in morphological, physiological, and behavioural patterns were also made every 24 h. The present toxicity assay revealed that the raw tannery effluent changed the morphology, physiology, and behavioural response of fish. Moreover, fish exposure to raw/untreated effluent caused high acute toxicity and 100% mortality, due to the presence of high concentrations of salts and chromium (Cr) metal. While treatment of tannery effluent by CWs vegetated with different plants (B. mutica, L. fusca, and T. domingensis) significantly reduced its toxicity and fish mortality as well, and inoculation of salt and Cr-tolerant endophytic bacteria (Enterobacter sp. HU38, Microbacterium arborescens HU33, and Pantoea stewartii ASI11) further reduced (up to 90%) its toxicity level. Hence, the use of CWs for tannery effluent treatment can be recommended to favour public health and promote the overall safety of the environmentThis research was conducted under the grant number, No. 20-3854/R&D/HEC/14., of the Higher Education Commission (HEC), PakistanS
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