10 research outputs found

    Thermography based inflammation monitoring of udder state in dairy cows: sensitivity and diagnostic priorities comparing with routine California mastitis test

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    Objectives of this study is to evaluate possibilities for early detection of udder’s diseases of Lithuanian Black and White cows and compare thermography and routine California mastitis test (CMT) results. Cows were examined in the negative and at positive ambient temperature. Infrared thermography (IRT) applied skin surface thermograms of teats in the area of Furstenberg’s rosette analyzed as posing evidence based signs of subclinical mastitis coincide with the CMT. It is shown, that subclinical inflammatory processes of cow’s mammary gland can be simply and successfully identified at an early stage of pathology development applying the thermal imaging method. IRT results measuring the skin surface temperature of teat sphincters of healthy dairy cows and cows with subclinical mastitis were completely similar to the CMT findings. Effectiveness of IRT does not depend from ambient conditions: inflammation can be easily detected both in positive and negative ambient temperatures. We confirm IRT being as alternative, noninvasive, high sensitive, rapid and portable method for subclinical various origins inflammatory processes of cow’s udder, which can be certified for practical subclinical mastitis screening and subsequent detection

    UÄŤinak dodatka Lactobacillus sakei na prinos mlijeka, lipidni profil i oksidativni status krava u laktaciji

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    The aim of the study was to investigate if feeding with Lactobacillus sakei could be beneficial for dairy cows. For this purpose, twenty mid-lactation cows were randomly allocated into two groups: the control, which received standard food, and the test group, which received standard food with L. sakei supplementation (5.0*108 colony forming units of L. sakei per day) for a two month period. Before and after the experimental period milk production and serum lipid profile (total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, and triglycerides) and oxidative markers (paraoxonase 1, total antioxidant capacity [TAC], total oxidant status [TOS], and oxidative stress index [OSI]) were evaluated. After the experimental period the control group showed very a mild, although significant decrease in serum triglycerides, while in the test group significant decreases in serum total cholesterol and TAC, and increases in triglycerides, TOS, and OSI were observed. The results of the present research indicate that L. sakei supplementation may not be beneficial for dairy cows, as alterations in lipid profile and increased oxidative stress were observed, without any increase in milk production.Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti može li Lactobacillus sakei dodan u hranu poboljšati proizvodnju mlijeka u mliječnih krava. U tu je svrhu 20 krava u sredini laktacije nasumično bilo podijeljeno u dvije skupine: kontrolnu, koja je dobivala uobičajenu hranu i pokusnu, koja je dobivala uobičajenu hranu s dodatkom L. sakei (5,0x108 stanica L. sakei na dan). Pokus je trajao dva mjeseca. Prije i nakon pokusnog razdoblja promatrana je proizvodnja mlijeka i određivan lipidni profil (ukupni kolesterol, kolesterol visoke gustoće i trigliceridi) te oksidacijski biljezi (paraoksonaza 1, ukupni antioksidacijski kapacitet, ukupni oksidacijski status i indeks oksidacijskog stresa). Nakon pokusnog razdoblja kontrolna skupina pokazivala je blago, ali ipak signifikantno sniženje serumskih triglicerida, dok se u pokusne skupine značajno snizio ukupni kolesterol u serumu i ukupni antioksidacijski kapacitet, a povisili su se trigliceridi, vrijednosti ukupnog oksidacijskog statusa i indeks oksidacijskog stresa. Rezultati upućuju na zaključak da dodatak L. sakei nije bio od koristi za mliječne krave s obzirom na to da su bile ustanovljene promjene u lipidnom profilu i povišenje oksidacijskog stresa bez povećane proizvodnje mlijek

    Thermography based inflammation monitoring of udder state in dairy cows: sensitivity and diagnostic priorities comparing with routine California mastitis test

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    Objectives of this study is to evaluate possibilities for early detection of udder’s diseases of Lithuanian Black and White cows and compare thermography and routine California mastitis test (CMT) results. Cows were examined in the negative and at positive ambient temperature. Infrared thermography (IRT) applied skin surface thermograms of teats in the area of Furstenberg’s rosette analyzed as posing evidence based signs of subclinical mastitis coincide with the CMT. It is shown, that subclinical inflammatory processes of cow’s mammary gland can be simply and successfully identified at an early stage of pathology development applying the thermal imaging method. IRT results measuring the skin surface temperature of teat sphincters of healthy dairy cows and cows with subclinical mastitis were completely similar to the CMT findings. Effectiveness of IRT does not depend from ambient conditions: inflammation can be easily detected both in positive and negative ambient temperatures. We confirm IRT being as alternative, noninvasive, high sensitive, rapid and portable method for subclinical various origins inflammatory processes of cow’s udder, which can be certified for practical subclinical mastitis screening and subsequent detection

    Thermography based inflammation monitoring of udder state in dairy cows: sensitivity and diagnostic priorities comparing with routine California mastitis test

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    Objectives of this study is to evaluate possibilities for early detection of udder’s diseases of Lithuanian Black and White cows and compare thermography and routine California mastitis test (CMT) results. Cows were examined in the negative and at positive ambient temperature. Infrared thermography (IRT) applied skin surface thermograms of teats in the area of Furstenberg’s rosette analyzed as posing evidence based signs of subclinical mastitis coincide with the CMT. It is shown, that subclinical inflammatory processes of cow’s mammary gland can be simply and successfully identified at an early stage of pathology development applying the thermal imaging method. IRT results measuring the skin surface temperature of teat sphincters of healthy dairy cows and cows with subclinical mastitis were completely similar to the CMT findings. Effectiveness of IRT does not depend from ambient conditions: inflammation can be easily detected both in positive and negative ambient temperatures. We confirm IRT being as alternative, noninvasive, high sensitive, rapid and portable method for subclinical various origins inflammatory processes of cow’s udder, which can be certified for practical subclinical mastitis screening and subsequent detection

    Thermography based inflammation monitoring of udder state in dairy cows: sensitivity and diagnostic priorities comparing with routine California mastitis test

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    Objectives of this study is to evaluate possibilities for early detection of udder’s diseases of Lithuanian Black and White cows and compare thermography and routine California mastitis test (CMT) results. Cows were examined in the negative and at positive ambient temperature. Infrared thermography (IRT) applied skin surface thermograms of teats in the area of Furstenberg’s rosette analyzed as posing evidence based signs of subclinical mastitis coincide with the CMT. It is shown, that subclinical inflammatory processes of cow’s mammary gland can be simply and successfully identified at an early stage of pathology development applying the thermal imaging method. IRT results measuring the skin surface temperature of teat sphincters of healthy dairy cows and cows with subclinical mastitis were completely similar to the CMT findings. Effectiveness of IRT does not depend from ambient conditions: inflammation can be easily detected both in positive and negative ambient temperatures. We confirm IRT being as alternative, noninvasive, high sensitive, rapid and portable method for subclinical various origins inflammatory processes of cow’s udder, which can be certified for practical subclinical mastitis screening and subsequent detection

    European dog owner perceptions of obesity and factors associated with human and canine obesity

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    Abstract Obesity is a common nutrition-related disorder leading to reduced life expectancy in both humans and dogs. With the aim of identifying new prevention and control options, the study objectives were (1) to investigate dog-owner perceptions about obesity in terms of themselves and their dogs, and (2) to identify factors associated with obesity and possible social, environmental and economic drivers for its development in dog owners and their pets. A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was performed across multiple countries. The questionnaire focused on human and canine obesity, associated factors and potential drivers, and was distributed online and in the form of hard copies among dog owners in 11 European countries. In total, 3,185 responses from ten countries were included in multivariable analyses. Between 19.1% and 48.8% of the dog owners reported to be overweight/obese. Owner-reported overweight/obesity in dogs ranged from 6.0% to 31.3% based on body condition score charts, and 31.8% to 69.4% based on body fat index charts. Common factors associated with obesity in owners and their dogs were age, gender and owners’ attitudes to diet and physical activity. Dog owners who did not consider obesity to be a disease were more likely to have obese dogs

    Influence of metabolic cage on Wistar rat physiological state

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of metabolic cage housing on the Wistar rat physiological state and to analyze the correlation between the minerals in blood and urine. Thirty male rats were used in the experiment. Fifteen rats (control group) were housed individually in standard polycarbonate cages and fifteen rats (experimental group) in metabolic cages (Techniplast, Italy) for two weeks. Body weight, respiration rate, water and food consumptions were recorded for each animal at the beginning of the experiment. The same parameters, as well as blood and urine parameters of control and experimental animals were recorded during the experiment after 72 h, 168 h and 336 h of housing in standard cages and metabolic cages. Urine collection was measured only in the experimental group. Rats weight decreased from 3.84 % to 18.59 % (P<0.05), respiration rate from 18.65 % to 24.59 % (P<0.05) when rats were housed in metabolic cages. Consumption of food and water by the rat depended on how long the animal was kept in metabolic cage. Glucose concentration increased on average by 15.37 %, WBC count decreased by 5.83 % in the blood of rats housed in metabolic cages compared to the animals housed in standard cages. We did not observe significant changes of triglycerides concentration, red blood cells count and total protein between all rats. The positive moderate correlation of rat housing in a metabolic cage was between K blood and K urine, P blood and P urine, Na blood and K blood, between Na urine and P urine and significant negative moderate correlation was determined between K urine and P urine. These present study findings indicate that metabolism cage housing significantly affects rat’s physiological parameters and potentially may influence animal health and wellbeing

    Effect of electromagnetic field exposure on mouse brain morphological and histopathological profiling

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    Mobile phones (MP) and other electronic and communication devices that are used daily expose users to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and contribute to an increasing incidence of neurological disorders. Brain tissue is the closest organ to the MP as it operates, thus the influence of MP radiation on brain tissue is of particular concern, although research is still inconclusive. The present study investigated the possible effect of an EMF (1,350–1,375 megahertz (MHz)) from an MP on morphological and histopathological profiles in the mouse brain

    Application of hydrolases and probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici BaltBio01 strain for cereal by-products conversion to bioproduct for food/feed

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    The aim of this study was to apply the enzymatic treatment and fermentation by Pediococcus acidilactici BaltBio01 strain for industrial cereal by-products conversion to food/feed bioproducts with high amount of probiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB). LAB propagated in potato media and spray-dried remained viable during 12months (7.0 log10 cfu/g) of storage and was used as a starter for cereal by-products fermentation. The changes of microbial profile, biogenic amines (BAs), mycotoxins, lactic acid (LĂľ/D), lignans and alkylresorcinols (ARs) contents in fermented cereal by-product were analysed. Cereal by-products enzymatic hydrolysis before fermentation allows to obtain a higher count of LAB during fermentation. Fermentation with P. acidilactici reduce mycotoxins content in fermented cereal by-products. According to our results, P. acidilactici multiplied in potato juice could be used for cereal by-products fermentation, as a potential source to produce safer food/feed bioproduct with high amount of probiotic LAB for industrial production