44 research outputs found
A regulação endócrina dos balanços de cálcio
RESUMO: As concentrações circulantes de cálcio são notavelmente constantes a despeito das variações diárias na absorção intestinal e na eliminação renal deste elemento.
A regulação da calcémia é um sistema complexo que compreende vários factores controladores (a calcémia, a fosforémia, as concentrações circulantes de paratormona (PTH) e calcitriol além de muitos outros factores como hormonas esteróides em geral, outros iões como o magnésio e outros factores hormonais) e vários órgãos alvo (glândulas paratiroideias, osso, rim e intestino). As respostas dos órgãos alvo também são muito variadas. No caso mais simples, a cristalização de sais de cálcio corresponde a uma mudança de fase em que participam moléculas orgânicas que a iniciam, aceleram ou inibem. Em geral a combinação de um factor controlador com o respectivo receptor de membrana (para polipeptídeos ou iões) ou intracelular (hormonas esteróides) é apenas o primeiro passo de uma cadeia bioquímica que introduz uma enorme amplificação na resposta. A esta variedade de mecanismos de resposta correspondem grandes diferenças nos tempos de resposta que podem ser de minutos a semanas.
É hoje possível “observar” (medir) com apreciável rigor nos líquidos biológicos (sangue, urina, fezes, etc.) os factores mais importantes do sistema de regulação da calcémia (cálcio, fósforo, paratormona e calcitriol) assim como administrar estes factores em experiências agudas. Esta possibilidade reflecte – se na literatura neste campo que tem vindo a crescer.
O advento das técnicas da biologia molecular tem permitido a caracterização molecular de algumas das disfunções da homeostase do cálcio e é de esperar um diagnóstico fisiopatológico cada vez mais rigoroso dessas disfunções.
Com o avanço dos conhecimentos nesta área que não cessa de aumentar temos cada vez maiores capacidades para fazer diagnósticos e é cada vez mais difícil interpretar com rigor os correspondentes quadros metabólicos.
A análise ou síntese de sistemas complexos é a actividade mais nobre dos engenheiros que lhes permite desenhar pontes, diques, barcos, aviões ou automóveis. Com o aparecimento de computadores de médio ou grande porte foi – lhes possível utilizar descrições matemáticas não só para desenhar sistemas como ainda para interpretar eventuais falhas na sua operação. Essas descrições matemáticas consistem numa sequência de operações realizadas num computador segundo um “programa informático” que receberam a designação genérica de modelos, por analogia com as famosas leis (equações) da física que foram deduzidas a partir de um certo número de postulados e que permitem representar matematicamente processos físicos. As famosas leis de Newton são talvez os exemplos mais famosos de “modelos” de sistemas físicos. A introdução de modelos matemáticos em biologia e particularmente em medicina só se deu recentemente.MÉTODOS
No trabalho que aqui se apresenta construiu - se um modelo simplificado da homeostase do cálcio destinado ao cálculo de variáveis observáveis (concentrações de cálcio, fósforo, PTH e calcitriol) de modo a poderem comparar-se valores calculados com valores observados. A escolha dos componentes do modelo foi determinada pela nossa experiência clínica e pela informação fisiopatológica e clínica publicada. Houve a preocupação de construir o modelo de forma modular de modo a ser possível a sua expansão sem grandes transformações na descrição matemática (e informática) já existente.
Na sua fase actual o modelo não pode ser usado como instrumento de diagnóstico. É antes uma ferramenta destinada a esclarecer “em princípio” mecanismos fisiopatológicos.
Usou – se o modelo para simular um certo número de observações publicadas e para exemplificar a sua eventual aplicação clínica na simulação de situações hipotéticas e na análise de possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos responsáveis por situações de hipo ou hipercalcémias.
Simultaneamente fez – se uma análise dos dados acumulados relativos a doentes vistos no Serviço de Endocrinologia do Instituto Português de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil – Centro Regional Oncológico de Lisboa, S.A.
Numa população de 894 doentes com patologias variadas do Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa os valores da calcémia tiveram uma distribuição normal unimodal com uma média de 9.56 mg/dl, e um erro padrão de 0.41 mg/dl. Estas observações sugerem que a calcémia está sujeita a regulação.
A partir dos resultados publicados em que o metabolismo do cálcio foi perturbado por infusões de cálcio, calcitriol ou PTH, de estudos bioquímicos e fisiológicos sobre os mecanismos de acção de factores controladores da calcémia e do estudo do comportamento de órgãos alvo (paratiroideias, intestino, osso e rim) foi possível construir um modelo matemático de parâmetros concentrados do sistema de regulação da calcémia. As expressões analíticas usadas foram baseadas na cinética enzimática de modo a que os seus parâmetros tivessem um significado físico ou fisiológico simples.
O modelo revelou apreciável robustez e flexibilidade. É estável quando não perturbado e transita entre estados estacionários quando perturbado. Na sua forma actual gera simulações que reproduzem satisfatoriamente um número apreciável de dados experimentais colhidos em doentes. Isto não significa que possa ser usado como instrumento de diagnóstico aplicável a doentes individuais. O desenho do modelo comporta a adição posterior de novas relações quando surgirem situações para as quais se revele insuficiente.
A utilização exaustiva do modelo permitiu explicitar aspectos do metabolismo do cálcio que ou não estão contidas na sua formulação actual – o aparecimento de hipertrofia ou de adenomas das paratiroideias e as alterações na estrutura óssea , a participação de outros factores controladores – magnésio, ou estão insuficientemente descritas – alterações do metabolismo do fósforo nos hipoparatiroidismos.
A análise dos dados relativos aos doentes do Serviço de Endocrinologia do IPO permitiu o início da caracterização dos tipos de patologia que representam e de possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes. Estas observações são o ponto de partida para análises futuras. São exemplos das relações encontradas: a distribuição dos doentes por dois grandes grupos conforme a calcémia é determinada pelas concentrações circulantes de PTH ou estas são determinadas pela calcémia; a distribuição sazonal das concentrações de Vit. D25. no sangue; a correlação negativa entre estas e as concentrações de PTH no sangue. Também foi possível extrair a cinética do controlo da PTH sobre a síntese de calcitriol.
O estudo dos níveis circulantes de PTH no pós-operatório imediato de doentes paratiroidectomizados permitiu determinar as suas taxas de degradação metabólica.
O modelo permitiu simular as relações Ca/PTH no sangue, Ca/Fracção excretada da carga tubular, Ca/P no sangue para valores normais ou altos de Ca.
Foram feitas simulações de situações fisiopatológicas (em “doentes virtuais”): infusões crónicas de cálcio, PTH e calcitriol; alterações no comportamento de receptores. Estas simulações correspondem a experiências que não podem ser realizadas em humanos. São exemplos da utilização do modelo na exploração de possíveis mecanismos fisiopatológicos através da observação de resultados quantitativos inacessíveis à intuição.
O modelo foi útil em duas fases do trabalho: Primeiro, durante a sua síntese implicou uma escolha criticamente selectiva de informação, sua análise quantitativa e processamento, uma explicitação rigorosa (analítica) das relações funcionais entre os controladores e as variáveis e da sua integração numa estrutura global; Segundo, a simulação de situações experimentais ou clínicas (dados do Serviço de Endocrinologia do IPO) em doentes obrigou a explicitar raciocínios fisiopatológicos habitualmente formulados em bases puramente intuitivas. Esta prática revelou comportamentos óbvios após as simulações – acção reduzida das infusões PTH (simulação de hiperparatiroidismos primários) enquanto não há inibição total da respectiva secreção, necessidade de aumento da massa secretora da paratiroideia nas insuficiências renais avançadas, etc.
A síntese e utilização do modelo não implicaram uma preparação matemática avançada e foram possíveis mercê da disponibilidade de “software” interactivo especificamente desenhado para a simulação de sistemas dinâmicos em que os programas se escrevem em inglês usando a simbologia simples da álgebra elementar.
A função nobre de modelos desta natureza é semelhante à dos modelos usados pelos físicos desde o século XVII: permitir explicações de carácter geral funcionando como uma ferramenta intelectual para manipulação de conceitos e para a realização de “experiências pensadas” (“thought experiments”) respeitando certos princípios físicos (princípios de conservação) que estabelecem as fronteiras da realidade.
-------ABSTRACT: Calcium blood levels are remarkably constant despite great variations in calcium daily intake, intestinal absorption and renal excretion.
The regulation of the calcium concentration in the blood is achieved by a complex system that includes several controller factors (mainly the serum levels of calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone (PTH) and calcitriol but also of steroid hormones, ions such as magnesium and other hormonal factors) and several target organs (parathyroid glands, bone, kidney and intestine). The functional response to the controlling factors obeys a variety of kinetics. The precipitation of calcium salts is a simple phase transition in which organic molecules may provide nucleation centres or inhibit the process. The combination of a controller factor with its receptor located in the cell membrane (for peptides or ions) or in the nucleus (for steroid hormones) is only the first step of a biochemical chain that introduces a huge amplification in the response. To this great variability of response we have to add the times of response that vary from minutes to weeks.
It is possible to “observe” (measure) with great accuracy in biological fluids (blood, urine, faeces, etc.) the most important factors intervening in the calcium regulation (calcium, phosphorus, PTH and calcitriol). The response of the system to acute infusions of the controlling factors has also been studied.
Using molecular biology techniques it has been possible to characterize some calcium homeostasis dysfunctions and better physiopathological diagnosis are expected.
With the increasingly new knowledge in this area we have better capacity to diagnose but it is harder to explain correctly the underlying metabolic mechanisms.
The analysis or synthesis of complex systems is the noble activity of engineers that enables them to draw bridges, dams, boats, airplanes or cars. With the availability of medium-large frame computers it was possible to use mathematical descriptions not only to draw systems but also to explain flaws in its operations. These mathematical descriptions are generally known as models by analogy with the laws (equations) of physics that allow the mathematical description of physical processes. In practice it is not possible to find general solutions for the mathematical descriptions of complex systems but (numeric) computations for specific situations can be obtained with digital computers.
The introduction of mathematical models in biology and particularly in medicine is a recent event. METHODS
In this thesis a simplified model of calcium homeostasis was built that enables the computation of observable variables (concentrations of calcium, phosphorus, PTH and calcitriol) and allows the comparison between the simulation values and observed values. The choice of the model’s components was made according to our clinical experience and to the published clinical and physiopathological data. The model has a modular design that allows future expansions with minor alterations in its structure.
In its present form the model cannot be used for diagnosis. It is a tool designed to enlighten physiopathological processes.
To exemplify its possible clinical application in the simulation of hypothetical situations and in the analysis of possible mechanisms responsible for hypo or hypercalcemias the model was used to simulate a certain number of published observations.
An analysis of clinical and laboratory data from the Endocrinology Department of the Portuguese Cancer Institute (I.P.O.F.G.-C.R.O.L.,S.A.) is also presented.
In a population of 188 patients without an identifiable disease of the calcium metabolism at the Portuguese Cancer Institute the calcemia levels had a unimodal distribution with an average of 9.56 mg/dL and a S.E.M of 0.41 mg/dL. This observation confirms that serum calcium is regulated.
Using published data; in which calcium metabolism was disrupted by calcium, PTH or calcitriol infusions; from biochemical and physiological studies of the action of controller factors on the calcemia; in which the response of target organs (parathyroid glands, intestine, bone, kidney) was studied it was possible to build a mathematical model of concentrated parameters of the calcium homeostasis. Analytical expressions used were based on enzymatic kinetics.
The model is flexible and robust. It is stable when not disturbed and changes between steady states when disturbed. In its present form it provides simulations that reproduce closely a number of experimental clinical data. This does not mean that it can be used as a diagnostic tool for individual patients.
The exhaustive utilisation of the model revealed the need of future expansions to include aspects of the calcium metabolism not included in its present form –hypertrophy or adenomas of the parathyroid glands, bone structure changes, participation of other controller factors such as magnesium – or insufficiently described – phosphate metabolism in hypoparathyroidism.
The analysis of the data collected from the I.P.O.’s Endocrinology Department allowed the initial characterization of the different pathologies represented and of their possible physiopathological mechanisms. These observations are a starting point for future analysis. As examples of the relations found were: the distribution of patients in two groups according to the dependency of calcium by PTH levels or PTH levels by calcium concentration; the seasonal distribution of the serum concentrations of D25; its negative correlation with PTH concentration. It was also possible to extract the kinetics of the control of the synthesis of calcitriol by PTH.
The analysis of immediate post-surgical levels of PTH in parathyroidectomized patients allowed the determination of its metabolic clearance.
The model also allowed the simulation of the relations between Ca/PTH in blood, serum Ca/Fraction of tubular load excreted and Ca/P in blood for normal and high values of calcium.
Simulations were made of pathological situations (in “virtual patients”): chronic infusions of calcium, PTH and calcitriol; changes in the characteristics of receptors. These simulations are not possible in real persons. They are an example of the use of this model in exploring possible mechanisms of disease through the observation of quantitative results not accessible to simple intuition.
This model was useful in two phases: Firstly, its construction required a careful choice of data, its quantitative analysis and processing, an analytical description of the relations between controller factors and variables and their integration in a global structure.
Secondly, the simulation of experimental or clinical (I.P.O.’s Endocrinology Department) data implied testing physiopathological explanations that previously were based on intuition.
The construction and utilisation of the model didn’t demand an advanced mathematical preparation since user-friendly interactive software was used. This software was specifically designed for the simulation of dynamic systems. The programs are written in English using elementary algebra symbols.
The essential function of this type of models is identical to that of those used by physicists since the XVII century which describe quantitatively natural processes and are an intellectual tool for the manipulation of concepts and the performance of “thought experiments” based in certain physical principles (conservation principles) that are the frontiers of reality.------------------RESUMÉE:
Les concentrations circulantes de calcium sont constantes même pendant des variations de l’absorption intestinale et de l’élimination rénale de cet élément.
La régulation de la calcémie est un système complexe qui comprend plusieurs éléments contrôleurs (la calcémie, la phosphorémie, les concentrations circulantes de l’hormone parathyroïdienne (PTH) e du calcitriol et d’autres comme les hormones stéroïdes ou des ions comme le magnésium) et plusieurs organes (glandes parathyroïdiennes, l’os, le rein et l’intestin). Les réponses de ces organes sont variées. Dans le cas plus simple, la cristallisation des sels de calcium correspond à un changement de phase dans lequel y participent des molécules organiques que la débutent, l’accélèrent ou l’inhibent.
Généralement la combinaison d’un élément contrôleur avec leur récepteur de membrane (pour les peptides ou les ions) ou intracellulaire (pour les hormones stéroïdes) n’est que le premier pas d’une chaîne biochimique qu’introduit une grande amplification de la réponse. A cette variété de réponses correspondent des grandes différences des temps de réponses qu’y vont des minuits a semaines.
Il est possible « observer » (mesurer) dans les fluides biologiques (sang, urine, fèces, etc.) les éléments plus importants du système de régulation de la calcémie (calcium, phosphate, PTH et le calcitriol) et les administrer en expérimentes aigus. Cette possibilité est visible dans la littérature publiée dans ce domaine qui est en croissance permanente. L’avenir des techniques de biologie moléculaire a permis caractériser des nombreuses dysfonctions de la régulation de la calcémie et on attend un diagnostique physiopathologique de ces dysfonctions chaque fois plus rigoureuses.
Les connaissances dans ce domaine s’agrandissent et on a de plus de capacités pour faire des diagnostiques et il est chaque fois plus difficile les interpréter.
L’analyse ou synthèse de systèmes complexes est l’activité plus noble des ingénieurs qui les permit dessiner des ponts, bateaux, avions ou automobiles. Avec des ordinateurs de médium ou grand port il les est possible utiliser descriptions mathématiques pour dessiner les systèmes et interpréter des éventuelles fautes d’opération. Ces descriptions mathématiques sont une séquence d’opérations réalisées dans un ordinateur selon « un programme informatique » qui ont reçu la désignation générique de modèles, pour analogie avec les équations de la physique qui ont été déduits d’un nombre de postulées et qu’ont permit représenter des processus physiques en équations mathématiques. Les fameuses équations de Newton sont peut-être les exemples plus connus des systèmes physiques.
L’introduction des modèles mathématiques en biologie et en particulier en médecine est un évènement récent.
Dans ce travaille, on a construit un modèle simplifié de l’homéostasie du calcium pour calculer les variables observables (concentrations de calcium, phosphate, PTH et calcitriol) pour les comparer. Les choix des components a été déterminés par notre expérience clinique et par l’information physiopathologique et clinique publiée. Le modèle a été construit de façon modulaire ce que permit leur postérieur expansion sans des grandes altérations dans la description mathématique et informatique déjà existante.
Dans cette forme le modèle ne peut être utilisé comme un instrument de diagnostique. Il est un outil pour éclairer la physiopathologie. Le modèle a été utilisé pour simuler un certain nombre d’observations publiées et pour exemplifier leur possible utilisation clinique dans la simulation des hypothèses et de la physiopathologie des situations d’hypo ou hypercalcémie.
On a fait une analyse des éléments des procès cliniques des malades observées dans le Service d’Endocrinologie de l’IPOFG-CROL, SA.
Dans une population de 894 malades avec des différentes pathologies les valeurs de calcémie on une distribution uni modale avec une Médie de 9.56 mg/dL et une erreur standard de 0.41 mg/dL. Ces observations suggèrent que la calcémie soit sujette de régulation.
En utilisant des résultats de travaux publiés dans lesquels le métabolisme du calcium a été changé par des infusions de calcium, calcitriol ou PTH, des études biochimiques et physiologiques sur des mécanismes d’action des éléments contrôleurs de la calcémie et de l’étude du comportement des organes cible (parathyroïdes, intestin, rein, os), il a été possible de construire un modèle mathématique de paramètres concentrés du système de régulation de la calcémie. Les expressions analytiques utilisées ont été basées sur la cinétique enzymatique de façon à que les paramètres aient eu une signification physique ou biologique.
Le modèle est stable quand il n’est pas perturbé et transit entre états stationnaires quand il est sujet a des perturbations.
A ce moment il fait des simulations qui reproduisent de façon satisfaisant un nombre d’observations expérimentales.
La construction du modèle permit l’addiction de nouvelles relations dans les cas ou il est insuffisant.
L’utilisation exhaustive du modèle a permit expliciter des aspects du métabolisme du calcium qui y ne sont pas compris – l’hyperplasie ou la formation des adénomes des parathyroïdes, les altérations de la structure des os, la participation d’outres éléments régulateurs (magnésium), ou sont insuff
results of a temporal data analysis of a thirteen‐year study (2005–2017)
Background: Studies of drug utilization in patients with diabetes, a chronic disease that can be treated with a wide range of available medicines, have attracted substantial social and clinical interest. Objective: To characterize antidiabetic medicine consumption between 2005 and 2017, to evaluate the trends of these medicines in mainland Portugal, and to compare district consumption. An additional objective was to perform a statistical analysis on drug consumption in different regions of Portugal. Methods: A descriptive, longitudinal observational study; the setting was mainland Portugal (excluding Azores and Madeira). Each medicine has a respective defined daily dose (DDD). The sum of the DDD, provides the annual consumption in terms of the DDD for each district each year. When calculating the annual average for the resident district population and the number of days in a year, the denominator is expressed as 1000 inhabitants per day (TID). Main outcome measure: The DDD/TID for mainland Portugal (for all districts) between 2005 and 2017 for antidiabetic medicines. Information was obtained from the official database of prescription medicine invoices with reimbursement in mainland Portugal. Results: In mainland Portugal, the antidiabetic medicine consumption was 49.3 DDD/TID in 2005 and 88.2 DDD/TID in 2017. The consumption of insulins and their analogs increased from 10.8% to 17.4% compared to the total consumption of antidiabetic medicines. In 2017, the level of biguanide consumption was 23.1 DDD/TID, that of sulphonylurea consumption was 15.8 DDD/TID, that of DPP-4 inhibitor consumption was 6.8 DDD/TID, and that of SGLT2 inhibitor consumption was 3.0 DDD/TID. The oral consumption of fixed-dose combinations reached 21.4 DDD/TID. After employing a geographical division between north and south and between coastal and inland regions, the consumption of several different drugs showed statistically significant differences. Conclusions: When comparing 2017 with 2005, the panorama was quite different, with higher levels of consumption of antidiabetic medicines, insulins and their analogs, noninsulin medicines, long-acting and fast-acting insulins and their analogs, metformin, DPP-4 inhibitors and, mainly, metformin combined with a DPP-4 inhibitor. The SGLT2 inhibitors achieved a representative consumption. Different consumption patterns may be related to sociodemographic factors or to clinical practices.publishersversionpublishe
A statistical model to identify determinants of glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes with different pharmacotherapeutic profiles
Aim To develop a statistical model to identify determinants of glycemic control. Materials and methods A database was extracted from patients’ records with at least one glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) analysis and with antidiabetic therapy established and stabilized. A logistic regression model was designed to identify the statistical significance of factors associated with glycemic control. Results Higher probability of success (HbA1c ≤8% [64 mmol/mol]) was found for those who were older in age, those who were men, and those with higher education levels. Increased values for the following variables were associated with the poorest glycemic control: number of years of T2DM since diagnosis, number of antidiabetic medicines, body mass index, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, systolic blood pressure and number of diabetes consultations in the last twelve months. The following pharmacotherapeutic treatments were associated with glycemic control (in decreasing order of the results): oral antidiabetic drugs; oral antidiabetic drugs and insulin; insulin. Patients using metformin and a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors have a higher probability of success than do patients using metformin and a sulfonylurea, and patients using insulin and metformin have a higher probability of success than do patients using insulin alone. Conclusions Sociodemographic, clinical and therapeutic parameters can strongly affect glycemic control. Studies based on real-life patient data provide important information on the development of more effective glycemic control.publishersversionpublishe
Impact of blinded retrospective continuous glucose monitoring on clinical decision making and glycemic control in persons with type 2 diabetes on insulin therapy
Funding: The ADJUST study was supported by an investigatorinitiated grant from Medtronic. The company had no interference on study design or data analysis. All procedures were monitored by an external independent CRO. RR is supported by a grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH-BPD-110426-2015). The authors wish to thank the commitment of participants and care team at APDP e Diabetes Portugal.Background and aims: Blinded retrospective continuous glucose monitoring (rCGM) provides detailed information about real-life glycaemic profile. In persons with type 2 diabetes without adequate glycaemic control, the structured introduction of rCGM may be beneficial to sustain improvements in diabetes management. Methods and results: 102 individuals with insulin-treated type 2 diabetes, age less than 66 years old and HbA1c >7.5%, were recruited. Participants performed a 7-day blinded rCGM (iPro2) every four months for one year. Biochemical, anthropometric, and rCGM data was collected. Participants' and healthcare professionals’ perceptions were assessed. 90 participants completed the protocol. HbA1c was 9.1 ± 0.1% one year prior to enrolment and 9.4 ± 0.1% at enrolment (p < 0.01). With the rCGM-based intervention, a decrease in HbA1c was achieved at 4 months (8.4 ± 0.1%, p < 0.0001), and 12 months (8.1 ± 0.1%, p < 0.0001). A significant increase in time-in-range was observed (50.8 ± 2.4 at baseline vs 61.5 ± 2.2% at 12 months, for 70–180 mg/dL, p < 0.001), with no difference in exposure time to hypoglycaemia. After 12 months, there was an increase in self-reported diabetes treatment satisfaction (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In persons with type 2 diabetes and poor metabolic control, specific data from blinded rCGM informed therapeutic changes and referral to targeted education consultations on nutrition and insulin administration technique. Therapeutic changes were made more frequently and targeted to changes in medication dose, timing, and/or type, as well as to lifestyle. Together, these brought significant improvements in clinical outcomes, effective shared decision-making, and satisfaction with treatment. Registration number: NCT04141111.publishersversionpublishe
e-CoVig: a novel mHealth system for remote monitoring of symptoms in COVID-19
© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).In 2019, a new virus, SARS-CoV-2, responsible for the COVID-19 disease, was discovered. Asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic patients were forced to quarantine and closely monitor their symptoms and vital signs, most of the time at home. This paper describes e-CoVig, a novel mHealth application, developed as an alternative to the current monitoring paradigm, where the patients are followed up by direct phone contact. The e-CoVig provides a set of functionalities for remote reporting of symptoms, vital signs, and other clinical information to the health services taking care of these patients. The application is designed to register and transmit the heart rate, blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), body temperature, respiration, and cough. The system features a mobile application, a web/cloud platform, and a low-cost specific device to acquire the temperature and SpO2. The architecture of the system is flexible and can be configured for different operation conditions. Current commercial devices, such as oximeters and thermometers, can also be used and read using the optical character recognition (OCR) functionality of the system. The data acquired at the mobile application are sent automatically to the web/cloud application and made available in real-time to the medical staff, enabling the follow-up of several users simultaneously without the need for time consuming phone call interactions. The system was already tested for its feasibility and a preliminary deployment was performed on a nursing home showing promising results.This work was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) under the grants e-CoVig—Project 255_596880547, and LARSyS—Project UIDB/50009/2020, by FCT/MCTES through national funds and, when applicable, co-funded EU funds under the grant NICE-HOME—Project UIDB/50008/2020, and by the IT—Instituto de Telecomunicações under grant BI/No. 13—19 May 2020 “AIMHealth”, which is gratefully acknowledged.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Views and Experience of People with Diabetes, Informal Carers, and Healthcare Professionals in Portugal
INTRODUCTION: The increasing burden of diabetes poses a great challenge to healthcare systems and economy worldwide. Although modern therapeutic strategies for diabetes are widely available, most patients still fail to achieve optimal clinical targets and well-being. The primary objective of this study was to assess and explore potential drivers and successful management of diabetes among people with diabetes, family members and healthcare professionals in Portugal, by applying the protocol of the multinational study "Diabetes, Attitudes, Wishes and Needs (DAWN2)". MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 767 adults, including 417 people with diabetes, 123 family members and 227 healthcare professionals, participated in the study. Surveys assessed health-related quality of life, self-management, attitudes/beliefs, social support and priorities for improvement areas in diabetes care. RESULTS: Diabetes has a negative impact on the physical health and emotional well-being of patients in Portugal and is also a psychological burden for family members. Earlier diagnosis and treatment of diabetes were mentioned as a major area of improvement. Healthcare professionals indicated the need for diabetes self-management education. CONCLUSION: We have used for the first time in Portugal the DAWN2 protocol to address the wishes, needs, and attitudes of Portuguese diabetes patients, their relatives, and healthcare professionals regarding the disease.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin
From old indexes to new technologies
Funding Information: This work was supported by FEDER, Portugal2020, and co‐financed by Lisboa2020 and Alentejo2020 (ALT20‐03‐0247‐FEDER‐113469 and LISBOA‐01‐0247‐FEDER‐113469), ‘Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia’—FCT iNOVA4Health (UIDB/Multi/04462/2020), European Commission Marie Skłodowska‐Curie Action H2020 (mtFOIE GRAS, grant agreement n. 734719) and the Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The Authors. European Journal of Clinical Investigation published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Stichting European Society for Clinical Investigation Journal Foundation.Background: Diabetes is a heterogeneous and multifactorial disease. However, glycemia and glycated hemoglobin have been the focus of diabetes diagnosis and management for the last decades. As diabetes management goes far beyond glucose control, it has become clear that assessment of other biochemical parameters gives a much wider view of the metabolic state of each individual, enabling a precision medicine approach. Methods: In this review, we summarize and discuss indexes that have been used in epidemiological studies and in the clinical practice. Results: Indexes of insulin secretion, sensitivity/resistance and metabolism have been developed and validated over the years to account also with insulin, C-peptide, triglycerides or even anthropometric measures. Nevertheless, each one has their own objective and consequently, advantages and disadvantages for specific cases. Thus, we discuss how new technologies, namely new sensors but also new softwares/applications, can improve the diagnosis and management of diabetes, both for healthcare professionals but also for caretakers and, importantly, to promote the empowerment of people living with diabetes. Conclusions: In long-term, the solution for a better diabetes management would be a platform that allows to integrate all sorts of relevant information for the person with diabetes and for the healthcare practitioners, namely glucose, insulin and C-peptide or, in case of need, other parameters/indexes at home, sometimes more than once a day. This solution would allow a better and simpler disease management, more adequate therapeutics thereby improving patients' quality of life and reducing associated costs.publishersversionepub_ahead_of_prin
KIF13A mediates influenza a virus ribonucleoproteins trafficking
The deposited article version contains attached the supplementary materials within the pdf. This publication hasn't any creative commons license associated. The deposited article version is a "JCS Advance Online Article" provided by The Company of Biologists, and it is the "Accepted manuscript" posted online on 23 October 2017.Influenza A is a rapid evolving virus, successful in provoking periodic epidemics and occasional pandemics in humans. Viral assembly is complex as the virus incorporates an eight-partite segmented genome of RNA (in the form of viral ribonucleoproteins, vRNPs). Genome assembly, with implications to public health, is not completely understood. It was reported that vRNPs are transported to the cell surface on Rab11 vesicles using microtubules, but no molecular motor has been assigned to the process. Here, we have identified KIF13A, a member of the kinesin-3 family, as the first molecular motor efficiently transporting vRNP-Rab11 vesicles during IAV infection. Depletion of KIF13A resulted in reduced viral titres and less accumulation of vRNPs at the cell surface, without interfering with the levels of other viral proteins at sites of viral assembly. In addition, in overexpression conditions and using two artificial methods able to displace vRNP-Rab11 vesicles, KIF13A augmented vRNP levels at the plasma membrane. Together our results show that KIF13A is an important host factor promoting influenza A vRNP transport, which is a crucial step for viral assembly.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia grants: (PTDC/IMI-MIC/1142/2012, IF/00899/2013, SFRH/BPD/62982/2009, SFRH/BPD/94204/2013); Instituto Calouste Gulbenkian; Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian; Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale grant: (Equipe FRM DEQ20140329491 Team label); Fondation ARC pour la Recherche sur le Cancer grant: (PJA20161204965); CNRS; INSERM; Institut Curie.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
A comparative genomics approach for identifying host-range determinants in <i>Streptococcus thermophilus</i> bacteriophages
The authors would like to thank: Mimi Birkelund, Ditte E. Christiansen, Goncalo Covas, and Denise Coutinho for their help in collecting data; Ana Rute Neves for valuable discussions; Witold Kot and Lars H. Hansen for sequencing of phage genomes at Aarhus University (Roskilde, Denmark). This work is part of an Industrial PhD Project funded by Innovation Fund Denmark and Chr. Hansen A/S, grant no. 4135-00104B.Comparative genomics has proven useful in exploring the biodiversity of phages and understanding phage-host interactions. This knowledge is particularly useful for phages infecting Streptococcus thermophilus, as they constitute a constant threat during dairy fermentations. Here, we explore the genetic diversity of S. thermophilus phages to identify genetic determinants with a signature for host specificity, which could be linked to the bacterial receptor genotype. A comparative genomic analysis was performed on 142 S. thermophilus phage genomes, 55 of which were sequenced in this study. Effectively, 94 phages were assigned to the group cos (DT1), 36 to the group pac (O1205), six to the group 5093, and six to the group 987. The core genome-based phylogeny of phages from the two dominating groups and their receptor binding protein (RBP) phylogeny corresponded to the phage host-range. A role of RBP in host recognition was confirmed by constructing a fluorescent derivative of the RBP of phage CHPC951, followed by studying the binding of the protein to the host strain. Furthermore, the RBP phylogeny of the cos group was found to correlate with the host genotype of the exocellular polysaccharide-encoding operon. These findings provide novel insights towards developing strategies to combat phage infections in dairies.publishersversionpublishe
does it make workers healthier and productive? A cross-sectional study on a Southern European population
Funding Information: This paper is part of the TWork4Health project, which was financed by the La Caixa Foundation. Funding Information: The TWork4Health Group includes the following persons: Filipa Castanheira (Nova School of Business and Economics, Nova University of Lisbon); Jo\u00E3o Filipe Raposo (Nova Medical School, Nova University of Lisbon); Pedro Aguiar (Nova National School of Public Health, Nova University of Lisbon); Pedro Neves (Nova School of Business and Economics, Nova University of Lisbon); Sara Ramos (ISCTE - Instituto Universit\u00E1rio de Lisboa); S\u00F3nia Dias (Nova National School of Public Health, Nova University of Lisbon); Teresa Maia (Nova National School of Public Health, Nova University of Lisbon).We are grateful to La Caixa Foundation for the financing of the project, and to GFK for designing the platform for the data collection. We acknowledge the Portuguese Economic and Social Council for its support along the project, and for its decisive help in recruiting the participating companies. Publisher Copyright: © The Author(s) 2024.Background: Teleworking (TW) has recently shifted from a marginal into a common practice. Yet, concerns have been raised regarding potential work-health negative effects, related to the reduced socialization, and extended working hours with computers at home, possibly offset by reduced commuting time or better individual work-life balance. This paper aims at describing the influence of TW on health, well-being, and productivity perceptions, and how this is shaped by TW conditions. Methods: We collected data from workers of 25 companies that exert their activity in Portugal. Data were completed with a representative sample of workers who regularly participate in surveys (total N = 1,069). We applied an on-line questionnaire from September the 1st 2022 to December the 1st 2022. We performed a simple descriptive analysis of each variable. Then, we analyzed the relationship between TW conditions and self-reported health, and between TW conditions at home and productivity, using logistic regression models. Results: We observed a high prevalence of self-perceived health worsening (15.9%), mostly among those with poor TW conditions. Most teleworkers enjoyed favorable TW conditions, despite limited company support. Relevant changes were observed in lifestyle factors, towards more smoking (5.5%), alcohol drinking (4.5%), and worse diet (10.1%). Two thirds reported enhanced productivity. A statistically significant relationship was observed between inadequate TW conditions, health deterioration, and lower productivity. A 6.0% point (pp) increased risk of productivity worsening was observed when employees faced at least one inadequate condition at home (no private working place at home, inadequate heating, artificial light, or absence of well-being at home). The risk of health deterioration increased by 12.9 pp when facing at least one of these inadequate conditions, and by 6.3 under hybrid TW, compared to one or two days of TW. Conclusions: Most teleworkers highlighted a positive perspective about teleworking. Yet, TW conditions are not favorable for all workers, with consequences on health, well-being, and productivity, suggesting that further support is needed for teleworkers to protect their health at home, and reach its maximum benefit.publishersversionpublishe