142 research outputs found

    Alkaline phosphatase activity in ovaries Of some clupeoides

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    The alkaline phosphatase activity .has been determaned in the three different stages of growth of the ovary of Stolepliorux lieterolobus, Stolephorus commersonii, Thryssa mystax. Tliryssa sctirostris, Thryssa vitrirostiis and Sardinella jussieu. The phosphatase activity rises to a peak in the- maturing stage (Stage tl) and declines in the mature stage (Stage IM) to about the same level or slightly higher level than in the immature stag

    Iron, copper and molybdenum in the different body parts of some Clupeoids

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    The amounts of ifon, copper and molybdenum in the different tissues of eight species of clupeoids belonging to the genera Stolephonis, Thryssa and Sardinella were determined. Irt all the species, the concentration of each element did not bear any relation to Mze. It was observed that iron and copper were concentrated more in heart and liver than in stomach, pyloric caecae, kidneys, ovaries, testes, flesh and bone

    On some aspects of fishery and biology of sardines of Waltair area

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    Along the Waltair Coast the fishing season for Sardinella fimbriata starts in October-November and terminates in May-June, whereas for Sardinella gibbosa the fishing season is shorter, March to Juiie-July. The average annual landings of both the species together are 73 t. S. fimbriata measuring less than 120 mm domi- ' nates the esriier part of the season and larger specimens measuring more than 120 mm dominate the later part. The reverse is the case for 5. gibbosa. Both the sardines feed on planktonic copepods, diatoms and larvae of other organisms. Length-weight relationship, sex ratio and fecundity hajve been studied

    On some aspects of biology of Priacanthus macracanthus (Cuvier)

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    Analysis of stomach contents of Priacanthus macracanthus revealed that crustaceans and toleosts are the chief constiuents of food; Penaeus sp, Metapenaeus sp and Solenocera sp being the most important items. From frequency distributions of intraovarian eggs, spawning period seems to be from November to January. The ratio between males and females is not constant. Size frequency distribution showed that the species grows at the rate of 10 mm per month

    Relative abundance of sciaenid Along Andhra-Orissa coast

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    The distribution and relative abundance of sciaenids, a major constituent of the trawl fisheries of Andhra-Orissa coast, in space and time, are ndicated

    Fat and water contents of the muscle and ovary during the maturation cycle of Pseudosciaena aneus (Block) and Johnius carutta (Bloch)

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    In fishes fat accumulates mostly in muscles, liver, intestine and gonads for utilization during the reproductive activity (Milroy, 1898; Bruce, 1924; Channon and Saby, 1932; Lovern and Wood, 1937; Hickling, 1947; Bailey, 1952; Hoar, 1957; Love, 1957). Previous investigations (Milroy, 1898; Lovern and Wood, 1937; Hickling, 1947) revealed that during maturation the fats which are stored in various organs are transferred to maturing gonads

    Some aspects on bioloogy of Trachnocephalus myops

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    Size frequency distribution of Trachtnocephalus myops (Schneider) showed that the species grows 10 mm per month in specimens measuring 70-240 mm. Analysis of stomach contents revealed that teleosts and crustaceans are chief constituents of food, Leiognathus sp., Stolephorus sp., Penaeus sp., Metapenaeus sp. and Solenocera sp. being the important food items. From the frequency distribution of intra-ovarian eggs, spawning period is taken to be April to June. Generally females dominated over the males in percentage contribution. The ovaries of mature females contained an average of 18,545 eggs

    Observations on some aspects of biology of Pentaprion longimanus (Cantor)

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    Ehiring the period 1984 -'88, catches and catch per hour values of Pentaprion hngimanus fluctuated from year to year and month to month but the annual average catches together with catch rates showed increasing trend. The spawning period of P. hngimanus is short extending from December to March. Average fecundity was found to be 3,023 eggs and fecundity increased with weight of ovary and to a less extent with the length of fish

    Observations on some aspects of biology of Otolithus cuvieri (Trewaves) from Veraval

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    At Veraval, Otolithus cuvien together with Pseudosciaena diacanthus and Otolithus brmmeus contributes nearly 70% of total sciacnid catches. O. cuvieri is carnivorous in its feeding habits, subsisting mainly on prawns viz. Acetes sp., Solenocera sp., Hippolysmata sp. and teleosts. Tntraovarian studies showed that the spawning period of O. cuvieri extended from November to April. Fecundity in this species varied from 1,05,454 to 3,55,913. The relationship between fecundity and length of fish, weight of the ovary and fish weight was estimated

    Fishery of threadfin breams at Waltair with notes on some aspects of biology of Nemipterus mesoprion (Bleeker)

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    At Waltair, during 1980.82, threadfin breams were abundant in the catches of private trawlers during the fint half of the year. The average annual landings were 895 tonnes. Nemipterus mesoprion is carnivorous subsisting mainly on crustaceans and teleosts. Among crustaceans young prawns, crabs and Squilla sp. are dominant. Studies on growth rate of N. mesoprion showed that the fishery was supported mainly by fishes measuring 70-140 mm. The species showed a monthly growth rate of 10 mm in fishes measuring 70-140 mm. It was also observed that the percentage contribution of males was more than the females
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