32,685 research outputs found

    Quenching of fluorescence of aromatic molecules by graphene due to electron transfer

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    Investigations on the fluorescence quenching of graphene have been carried out with two organic donor molecules, pyrene butanaoic acid succinimidyl ester (PyBS, I) and oligo(p-phenylenevinylene) methyl ester (OPV-ester, II). Absorption and photoluminescence spectra of I and II recorded in mixture with increasing the concentrations of graphene showed no change in the former, but remarkable quenching of fluorescence. The property of graphene to quench fluorescence of these aromatic molecules is shown to be associated with photo-induced electron transfer, on the basis of fluorescence decay and time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopic measurements.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Anti-correlated time lags in the Z source GX 5-1: Possible evidence for a truncated accretion disk

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    We investigate the nature of the inner accretion disk in the neutron star source GX 5-1 by making a detailed study of time lags between X-rays of different energies. Using the cross-correlation analysis, we found anti-correlated hard and soft time lags of the order of a few tens to a few hundred seconds and the corresponding intensity states were mostly the horizontal branch (HB) and upper normal branch (NB). The model independent and dependent spectral analysis showed that during these time lags the structure of accretion disk significantly varied. Both eastern and western approaches were used to unfold the X-ray continuum and systematic changes were observed in soft and hard spectral components. These changes along with a systematic shift in the frequency of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) made it substantially evident that the geometry of the accretion disk is truncated. Simultaneous energy spectral and power density spectral study shows that the production of the horizontal branch oscillations (HBOs) are closely related to the Comptonizing region rather than the disk component in the accretion disk. We found that as the HBO frequency decreases from the hard apex to upper HB, the disk temperature increases along with an increase in the coronal temperature which is in sharp contrast with the changes found in black hole binaries where the decrease in QPO frequency is accompanied by a decrease in the disk temperature and a simultaneous increase in the coronal temperature. We discuss the results in the context of re-condensation of coronal material in the inner region of the disk.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Supplement (ApJS

    Novel magnetic properties of graphene: Presence of both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic features and other aspects

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    Investigations of the magnetic properties of graphenes prepared by different methods reveal that dominant ferromagnetic interactions coexist along with antiferromagnetic interactions in all the samples. Thus, all the graphene samples exhibit room-temperature magnetic hysteresis. The magnetic properties depend on the number of layers and the sample area, small values of both favoring larger magnetization. Molecular charge-transfer affects the magnetic properties of graphene, interaction with a donor molecule such as tetrathiafulvalene having greater effect than an electron-withdrawing molecule such as tetracyanoethyleneComment: 16 pges, 5 figure

    Femtosecond carrier dynamics and saturable absorption in graphene suspensions

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    Nonlinear optical properties and carrier relaxation dynamics in graphene, suspended in three different solvents, are investigated using femtosecond (80 fs pulses) Z-scan and degenerate pumpprobe spectroscopy at 790 nm. The results demonstrate saturable absorption property of graphene with a nonlinear absorption coefficient, betabeta, of ~2 to 9x10^-8 cm/W. Two distinct time scales associated with the relaxation of photoexcited carriers, a fast one in the range of 130-330 fs (related to carrier-carrier scattering) followed by a slower one in 3.5-4.9 ps range (associated with carrier-phonon scattering) are observed.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, 2 table

    Detection of a Series of X-ray Dips Associated with a Radio Flare in GRS 1915+105

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    We report the detection of a series of X-ray dips in the Galactic black hole candidate GRS 1915+105 during 1999 June 6-17 from observations carried out with the Pointed Proportional Counters of the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment on board the Indian satellite IRS-P3. The observations were made after the source made a transition from a steady low-hard state to a chaotic state which occuered within a few hours. Dips of about 20-160 seconds duration are observed on most of the days. The X-ray emission outside the dips shows a QPO at ~ 4 Hz which has characteristics similar to the ubiquitous 0.5 - 10 Hz QPO seen during the low-hard state of the source. During the onset of dips this QPO is absent and also the energy spectrum is soft and the variability is low compared to the non-dip periods. These features gradually re-appear as the dip recovers. The onset of the occurrence of a large number of such dips followed the start of a huge radio flare of strength 0.48 Jy (at 2.25 GHz). We interpret these dips as the cause for mass ejection due to the evacuation of matter from an accretion disk around the black hole. We propose that a super-position of a large number of such dip events produces a huge radio jet in GRS 1915+105.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    Different types of X-ray bursts from GRS 1915+105 and their origin

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    We report the X-ray observations of the Galactic X-ray transient source GRS 1915+105 with the PPCs of the Indian X-ray Astronomy Experiment(IXAE) onboard the Indian satellite IRS-P3 during 1997 June - August, which have revealed the presence of four types of intense X-ray bursts. All the observed bursts have a slow exponential rise, a sharp linear decay, and they can broadly be put in two classes: irregular and quasi-regular bursts in one class, and regular bursts in another class. The regular bursts are found to have two distinct time scales and they persist over extended durations. There is a strong correlation between the preceding quiescent time and the burst duration for the quasi-regular and irregular bursts. No such correlation is found for the regular bursts. The ratio of average flux during the burst time to the average flux during the quiescent phase is high and variable for the quasi- regular and irregular bursts while it is low and constant for the regular bursts. We suggest that the peculiar bursts that we have seen are charact- eristic of the change of state of the source. The source can switch back and forth between the low-hard state and the high-soft state near critical accretion rates in a very short time scale. A test of the model is presented using the publicly available 13-60 keV RXTE/PCA data for irregular and regular bursts concurrent with our observations.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, Accepted in APJ, emulateapj style use

    Magnetic and electron transport properties of the rare-earth cobaltates, La0.7-xLnxCa0.3CoO3 (Ln = Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy) : A case of phase separation

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    Magnetic and electrical properties of four series of rare earth cobaltates of the formula La0.7-xLnxCa0.3CoO3 with Ln = Pr, Nd, Gd and Dy have been investigated. Compositions close to x = 0.0 contain large ferromagnetic clusters or domains, and show Brillouin-like behaviour of the field-cooled DC magnetization data with fairly high ferromagnetic Tc values, besides low electrical resistivities with near-zero temperature coefficients. The zero-field-cooled data generally show a non-monotonic behaviour with a peak at a temperatures slightly lower than Tc. The near x = 0.0 compositions show a prominent peak corresponding to the Tc in the AC-susceptibility data. The ferromagnetic Tc varies linearly with x or the average radius of the A-site cations, (rA). With increase in x or decrease in (rA), the magnetization value at any given temperature decreases markedly and the AC-susceptibility measurements show a prominent transition arising from small magnetic clusters with some characteristics of a spin-glass. Electrical resistivity increases with increase in x, showed a significant increase around a critical value of x or (rA), at which composition the small clusters also begin to dominate. These properties can be understood in terms of a phase separation scenario wherein large magnetic clusters give way to smaller ones with increase in x, with both types of clusters being present in certain compositions. The changes in magnetic and electrical properties occur parallely since the large ferromagnetic clusters are hole-rich and the small clusters are hole-poor. Variable-range hopping seems to occur at low temperatures in these cobaltates.Comment: 23 pages including figure

    On the origin of the various types of radio emission in GRS 1915+105

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    We investigate the association between the radio ``plateau'' states and the large superluminal flares in GRS 1915+105 and propose a qualitative scenario to explain this association. We identify several candidate superluminal flare events from available monitoring data on this source and analyze the contemporaneous RXTE pointed observations. We detect a strong correlation between the average X-ray flux during the ``plateau'' state and the total energy emitted in radio during the subsequent radio flare. We find that the sequence of events is similar for all large radio flares with a fast rise and exponential decay morphology. Based on these results, we propose a qualitative scenario in which the separating ejecta during the superluminal flares are observed due to the interaction of the matter blob ejected during the X-ray soft dips, with the steady jet already established during the ``plateau'' state. This picture can explain all types of radio emission observed from this source in terms of its X-ray emission characteristics.Comment: Corrected typo in the author names, contents unchanged, accepted in Ap