134 research outputs found

    Amyloid Structures: Much More Than Just A Cross-β Fold

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    In recent years our understanding of amyloid structure has been revolutionised by innovations in cryo-electron microscopy, electron diffraction and solid-state NMR. These techniques have yielded high-resolution structures of fibrils isolated from patients with neurodegenerative disease, as well as those formed from amyloidogenic proteins in vitro. The results not only show the expected cross-β amyloid structure, but also reveal that the amyloid fold is unexpectedly diverse and complex. Here, we discuss this diversity, highlighting dynamic regions, ligand binding motifs, cavities, non-protein components, and structural polymorphism. Collectively, these variations combine to allow the generic amyloid fold to be realised in three dimensions in different ways, and this diversity may be related to the roles of fibrils in disease

    Methods to account for movement and flexibility in cryo-EM data processing

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    Recent advances in direct electron detectors and improved CMOS cameras have been accompanied by the development of a range of software to take advantage of the data they produce. In particular they allow for the correction of two types of motion in cryo electron microscopy samples: motion correction for movements of the sample particles in the ice, and differential masking to account for heterogeneity caused by flexibility within protein complexes. Here we provide several scripts that allow users to move between RELION and standalone motion correction and centring programs. We then compare the computational cost and improvements in data quality with each program. We also describe our masking procedures to account for conformational flexibility. For the different elements of this study we have used three samples; a high symmetry virus, flexible protein complex (~1 MDa) and a relatively small protein complex (~550 kDa), to benchmark four widely available motion correction packages. Using these as test cases we demonstrate how motion correction and differential masking, as well as an additional particle re-centring protocol can improve final reconstructions when used within the RELION image-processing package

    The structure of an infectious human polyomavirus and its interactions with cellular receptors

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    BK polyomavirus (BKV) causes polyomavirus-associated nephropathy and hemorrhagic cystitis in immunosuppressed patients. These are diseases for which we currently have limited treatment options, but potential therapies could include pre-transplant vaccination with a multivalent BKV vaccine or therapeutics which inhibit capsid assembly or block attachment and entry into target cells. A useful tool in such efforts would be a high-resolution structure of the infectious BKV virion and how this interacts with its full repertoire of cellular receptors. We present the 3.4-AËš cryoelectron microscopy structure of native, infectious BKV in complex with the receptor fragment of GT1b ganglioside. We also present structural evidence that BKV can utilize glycosaminoglycans as attachment receptors. This work highlights features that underpin capsid stability and provides a platform for rational design and development of urgently needed pharmacological interventions for BKV-associated diseases

    Structural insight into Pichia pastoris fatty acid synthase

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    Type I fatty acid synthases (FASs) are critical metabolic enzymes which are common targets for bioengineering in the production of biofuels and other products. Serendipitously, we identified FAS as a contaminant in a cryoEM dataset of virus-like particles (VLPs) purified from P. pastoris, an important model organism and common expression system used in protein production. From these data, we determined the structure of P. pastoris FAS to 3.1 Ã… resolution. While the overall organisation of the complex was typical of type I FASs, we identified several differences in both structural and enzymatic domains through comparison with the prototypical yeast FAS from S. cerevisiae. Using focussed classification, we were also able to resolve and model the mobile acyl-carrier protein (ACP) domain, which is key for function. Ultimately, the structure reported here will be a useful resource for further efforts to engineer yeast FAS for synthesis of alternate products

    Fibril structures of diabetes-related amylin variants reveal a basis for surface-templated assembly

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    Aggregation of the peptide hormone amylin into amyloid deposits is a pathological hallmark of type-2 diabetes (T2D). While no causal link between T2D and amyloid has been established, the S20G mutation in amylin is associated with early-onset T2D. Here we report cryo-EM structures of amyloid fibrils of wild-type human amylin and its S20G variant. The wild-type fibril structure, solved to 3.6-Å resolution, contains two protofilaments, each built from S-shaped subunits. S20G fibrils, by contrast, contain two major polymorphs. Their structures, solved at 3.9-Å and 4.0-Å resolution, respectively, share a common two-protofilament core that is distinct from the wild-type structure. Remarkably, one polymorph contains a third subunit with another, distinct, cross-β conformation. The presence of two different backbone conformations within the same fibril may explain the increased aggregation propensity of S20G, and illustrates a potential structural basis for surface-templated fibril assembly

    Plant-Made Nervous Necrosis Virus-Like Particles Protect Fish Against Disease

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    Virus-like particles (VLPs) of the fish virus, Atlantic Cod Nervous necrosis virus (ACNNV), were successfully produced by transient expression of the coat protein in Nicotiana benthamiana plants. VLPs could also be produced in transgenic tobacco BY-2 cells. The protein extracted from plants self-assembled into T = 3 particles, that appeared to be morphologically similar to previously analyzed NNV VLPs when analyzed by high resolution cryo-electron microscopy. Administration of the plant-produced VLPs to sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) showed that they could protect the fish against subsequent virus challenge, indicating that plant-produced vaccines may have a substantial future role in aquaculture

    CryoEM and stability analysis of virus-like particles of potyvirus and ipomovirus infecting a common host

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    Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV) and Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV) are members of the genera Potyvirus and Ipomovirus, family Potyviridae, sharing Ipomoea batatas as common host, but transmitted, respectively, by aphids and whiteflies. Virions of family members consist of flexuous rods with multiple copies of a single coat protein (CP) surrounding the RNA genome. Here we report the generation of virus-like particles (VLPs) by transient expression of the CPs of SPFMV and SPMMV in the presence of a replicating RNA in Nicotiana benthamiana. Analysis of the purified VLPs by cryo-electron microscopy, gave structures with resolutions of 2.6 and 3.0 Å, respectively, showing a similar left-handed helical arrangement of 8.8 CP subunits per turn with the C-terminus at the inner surface and a binding pocket for the encapsidated ssRNA. Despite their similar architecture, thermal stability studies reveal that SPMMV VLPs are more stable than those of SPFMV

    Structure of the shutdown state of myosin-2

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    Myosin-2 is essential for processes as diverse as cell division and muscle contraction. Dephosphorylation of its regulatory light chain promotes an inactive, ‘shutdown’ state with the filament-forming tail folded onto the two heads1, which prevents filament formation and inactivates the motors2. The mechanism by which this happens is unclear. Here we report a cryo-electron microscopy structure of shutdown smooth muscle myosin with a resolution of 6 Å in the head region. A pseudo-atomic model, obtained by flexible fitting of crystal structures into the density and molecular dynamics simulations, describes interaction interfaces at the atomic level. The N-terminal extension of one regulatory light chain interacts with the tail, and the other with the partner head, revealing how the regulatory light chains stabilize the shutdown state in different ways and how their phosphorylation would allow myosin activation. Additional interactions between the three segments of the coiled coil, the motor domains and the light chains stabilize the shutdown molecule. The structure of the lever in each head is competent to generate force upon activation. This shutdown structure is relevant to all isoforms of myosin-2 and provides a framework for understanding their disease-causing mutations

    Sal-type ABC-F proteins: intrinsic and common mediators of pleuromutilin resistance by target protection in staphylococci

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    The first member of the pleuromutilin (PLM) class suitable for systemic antibacterial chemotherapy in humans recently entered clinical use, underscoring the need to better understand mechanisms of PLM resistance in disease-causing bacterial genera. Of the proteins reported to mediate PLM resistance in staphylococci, the least-well studied to date is Sal(A), a putative ABC-F NTPase that—by analogy to other proteins of this type—may act to protect the ribosome from PLMs. Here, we establish the importance of Sal proteins as a common source of PLM resistance across multiple species of staphylococci. Sal(A) is revealed as but one member of a larger group of Sal-type ABC-F proteins that vary considerably in their ability to mediate resistance to PLMs and other antibiotics. We find that specific sal genes are intrinsic to particular staphylococcal species, and show that this gene family is likely ancestral to the genus Staphylococcus. Finally, we solve the cryo-EM structure of a representative Sal-type protein (Sal(B)) in complex with the staphylococcal 70S ribosome, revealing that Sal-type proteins bind into the E site to mediate target protection, likely by displacing PLMs and other antibiotics via an allosteric mechanism
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