35 research outputs found

    Incidence de l'onchocercose chez des sujets provenant de régions non endémiques et migrant dans une zone hyperendémique

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    The incidence of #Onchocerca volvulus$ infection was measured from 1992-93 to 1995 in six villages of initially uninfected migrants who settled in 1991 in the Vina Valley (Cameroon), an area of ongoing transmission of onchocerciasis. The mean annual incidence (MAI) exceeded 20 % in the three communities located in the first line, and fewer than 15 km from the hyperendemic areas of the Central African Republic. The MAI was lower than 16 % in the second line communities. As these populations are particularly at risk of developing ocular complications from onchocerciasis, it is recommended that repeated ivermectin distributions be organized in the migrant villages of the Vina Valley. (Résumé d'auteur

    Impact of repeated large scale ivermectin treatments on the transmission of Loa loa

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    We have studied the impact of large-scale treatment with ivermectin on the transmission of loiasis in a forest village in south Cameroon where loiasis was highly endemic, with a prevalence of 30%. After one year of parasitological and entomological surveillance without treatment, all consenting residents aged > 5 years received ivermectin 200 microg/kg every 3 months. For ethical reasons, treatment was interrupted after 2 years, but parasitological and entomological surveillance continued for 18 months after the end of treatment. The prevalence of loiasis was reduced to < 10% and the mean microfilaraemia decreased by 90% in 2 years. The prevalence and average intensity of infection remained stable during the 18 months after treatment ended. Two vector species were identified, #Chrysops dimidiata(representingabout90 (representing about 90% of the fly population) and #C. silacea. The infection rate (all stages) in #Chrysopsdecreasedby75 decreased by 75% and the infective rate (percentage of #Chrysops harbouring third-stage larvae of #Loa loainthehead)decreasedby85 in the head) decreased by 85% in #C. dimidiata and became zero in #C. silacea. After the end of treatment, the infection and infective rates increased gradually. Large-scale treatment seemed an efficient method for the control of #L. loa transmission provided high drug coverage was achieved. Nevertheless, because of the high risk of adverse effects when using the current microfilaricidal drugs, such a strategy remains unacceptable. (Résumé d'auteur

    Impact of repeated large scale ivermectin treatments on the transmission of Loa loa

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    We have studied the impact of large-scale treatment with ivermectin on the transmission of loiasis in a forest village in south Cameroon where loiasis was highly endemic, with a prevalence of 30%. After one year of parasitological and entomological surveillance without treatment, all consenting residents aged > 5 years received ivermectin 200 microg/kg every 3 months. For ethical reasons, treatment was interrupted after 2 years, but parasitological and entomological surveillance continued for 18 months after the end of treatment. The prevalence of loiasis was reduced to < 10% and the mean microfilaraemia decreased by 90% in 2 years. The prevalence and average intensity of infection remained stable during the 18 months after treatment ended. Two vector species were identified, #Chrysops dimidiata(representingabout90 (representing about 90% of the fly population) and #C. silacea. The infection rate (all stages) in #Chrysopsdecreasedby75 decreased by 75% and the infective rate (percentage of #Chrysops harbouring third-stage larvae of #Loa loainthehead)decreasedby85 in the head) decreased by 85% in #C. dimidiata and became zero in #C. silacea. After the end of treatment, the infection and infective rates increased gradually. Large-scale treatment seemed an efficient method for the control of #L. loa transmission provided high drug coverage was achieved. Nevertheless, because of the high risk of adverse effects when using the current microfilaricidal drugs, such a strategy remains unacceptable. (Résumé d'auteur

    Comparison of methods for early-readmission prediction in a high-dimensional heterogeneous covariates and time-to-event outcome framework

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    International audienceBackground: Choosing the most performing method in terms of outcome prediction or variables selection is a recurring problem in prognosis studies, leading to many publications on methods comparison. But some aspects have received little attention. First, most comparison studies treat prediction performance and variable selection aspects separately. Second, methods are either compared within a binary outcome setting (where we want to predict whether the readmission will occur within an arbitrarily chosen delay or not) or within a survival analysis setting (where the outcomes are directly the censored times), but not both. In this paper, we propose a comparison methodology to weight up those different settings both in terms of prediction and variables selection, while incorporating advanced machine learning strategies.Methods: Using a high-dimensional case study on a sickle-cell disease (SCD) cohort, we compare 8 statistical methods. In the binary outcome setting, we consider logistic regression (LR), support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), gradient boosting (GB) and neural network (NN); while on the survival analysis setting, we consider the Cox Proportional Hazards (PH), the CURE and the C-mix models. We also propose a method using Gaussian Processes to extract meaningfull structured covariates from longitudinal data.Results: Among all assessed statistical methods, the survival analysis ones obtain the best results. In particular the C-mix model yields the better performances in both the two considered settings (AUC =0.94 in the binary outcome setting), as well as interesting interpretation aspects. There is some consistency in selected covariates across methods within a setting, but not much across the two settings.Conclusions: It appears that learning withing the survival analysis setting first (so using all the temporal information), and then going back to a binary prediction using the survival estimates gives significantly better prediction performances than the ones obtained by models trained “directly” within the binary outcome setting

    Effets secondaires du traitement de la loase hypermicrofilarémique par l'ivermectine

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    Au cours des derniĂšres annĂ©es, le traitement de la loase par l'ivermectine Ă©tait apparu comme une alternative Ă  la diĂ©thylcarbamazine par son efficacitĂ© et sa bonne tolĂ©rance. Or plusieurs cas de rĂ©actions sĂ©vĂšres au traitement par l'ivermectine ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©crits au Cameroun depuis 1991 chez des sujets atteints de loase hypermicrofilarĂ©mique. L'Ă©tude a portĂ© sur 112 personnes de 19 Ă  60 ans, prĂ©sentant une loase avec microfilarĂ©mie supĂ©rieure Ă  3300 microfilaires/ml. Ces sujets ont tous Ă©tĂ© hospitalisĂ©s dans le service de mĂ©decine interne de l'HĂŽpital central de YaoundĂ© pour Ă©tudier leurs rĂ©actions cliniques et biologiques au traitement. Ils recevaient une dose unique d'ivermectine de 200 microg/kg. La tolĂ©rance globale du traitement est assez bonne mais des troubles cliniques bĂ©nins sont frĂ©quents : fiĂšvre, arthralgies, myalgies, cĂ©phalĂ©es, prurit, troubles digestifs. Les symptĂŽmes apparaissent avec un dĂ©calage de 24 Ă  36 heures aprĂšs la prise d'ivermectine et durent deux Ă  trois jours. Nous avons observĂ© 1 cas grave associant une rĂ©action gĂ©nĂ©rale algique et fĂ©brile, une glomĂ©rulonĂ©phrite oligoanurique transitoire et des troubles sĂ©vĂšres de la conscience. L'ensemble des troubles de ce patient ont rĂ©gressĂ© trois semaines. Pour l'ensemble des sujets, on note une chute rapide de la parasitĂ©mie les trois premiers jours, et une Ă©lĂ©vation de la protĂ©ine C rĂ©active. Chez une partie des malades, on voit apparaĂźtre une hĂ©maturie, une protĂ©inurie, un passage de microfilaires dans les urines et le liquide cĂ©phalorachidien. De nombreux signes cliniques ou biologiques apparaissent corrĂ©lĂ©s Ă  l'importance de la charge parasitaire initiale. D'autre part, il existe des signes d'atteinte rĂ©nale glomĂ©rulaire transitoire frĂ©quents chez les sujets Ă  forte charge parasitaire. Toutes ces informations conduisent Ă  Ă©voquer un mĂ©canisme de rĂ©action inflammatoire immunoallergique par lyse parasitaire massive. Le niveau de parasitĂ©mie au-dessus duquel on peut craindre la survenue d'effets secondaires graves peut ĂȘtre Ă©valuĂ© par cette Ă©tude Ă  30000 mf/ml de sang. La confirmation de l'existence de ces effets secondaires neurologiques graves doit rendre prudent dans la mise en oeuvre des traitements Ă  large Ă©chelle des filarioses dans les rĂ©gions d'endĂ©mie Ă  $Loa loa#. (RĂ©sumĂ© d'auteur

    Neurological complications of varicella zoster virus reactivation: Prognosis, diagnosis, and treatment of 72 patients with positive PCR in the cerebrospinal fluid

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    Abstract Background VZV infection can involve every level of the neurologic system: from the central nervous system (CNS) to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), including aseptic meningitis. Prognosis seems to differ between these neurological involvements. Prognostic factors remain unknown. Methods This is a retrospective multicenter study including all patients with a positive VZV polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from eight centers in Paris (France) between 2011 and 2018. Unfavorable outcome was defined as mortality linked to VZV or incomplete recovery. Modified Rankin Scale (mRS) evaluated disability before and after the infection, with the difference designated as Rankin Delta. Results Seventy‐two patients were included (53% male, median age 51 years, median mRS 0). Immunosuppression was reported in 42%. The clinical spectrum included 26 cases of meningitis, 27 instances of CNS involvement, 16 of PNS involvement, and 3 isolated replications (positive PCR but no criteria for neurological complications from VZV). Antiviral treatment was administered to 69 patients (96%). Sixty‐two patients completed follow‐up. Death linked to VZV occurred in eight cases. Unfavorable outcome (UO) occurred in 60% and was significantly associated with a higher prior mRS (Odd‐ratio (OR) 3.1 [1.4–8.8] p = .012) and the presence of PNS or CNS manifestations (OR 22 [4–181] p = .001, OR 6.2 [1.3–33] p = .03, respectively, compared to meningitis). In the CSF, higher protein level (p < .0001) was also significantly associated with a higher Rankin Delta. Conclusions Neurological complications of VZV with evidence of CSF viral replication are heterogeneous: aseptic meningitis has a good prognosis, whereas presence of CNS and PNS involvement is associated with a higher risk of mortality and of sequelae, respectively