391 research outputs found

    PENGARUH GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE DAN PROFITABILITAS TERHADAP PENGUNGKAPAN CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (Studi Pada Perusahaan S ektor Pertambangan Peserta CGPI ( Corporate Governance Perception Index ) yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2009 - 2016)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan Profitabilitas terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility (Studi pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertambangan Peserta CGPI ( Corporate Governance Perception Index ) yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode 2009 - 2016) . Penelitian ini menggun a kan nilai Z - Score sebagai klasifi kasi prediksi perusahaan pertambangan yang melakukan pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility . Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan Profitabilitas terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility secara parsial dan simultan pada Perusahaan Sektor Pertambangan Peserta CGPI ( Corporate Governance Perception Index ) yang terdaftar di B ursa Efek Indonesia periode 2009 - 2016 . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan verifikatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah perusahaan sektor pertambangan peserta Corporate Governance Perception Index ( CGPI ) yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek I ndonesia periode 2009 - 201 6 . Sampel yang diambil yaitu perusahaan sektor pertambangan yang terdaftar sebagai anggota CGPI dan laporan keuangan periode 2009 - 201 6 . Hasil penelitian secara parsial menunjukan bahwa Good Corporate Governance berpengaruh terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility sebesar 1 2 ,6 %, Profitabilitas berpengaruh terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility sebesar 10,2 %. Hasil penelitian secara simultan menunjukan bahwa Good Corporate Governance dan Profitabilitas berpengaruh terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility . Besar pengaruh Good Corporate Governance dan Profitabilitas berpengaruh terhadap Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibility yaitu sebesar 22,8 % . Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 77 ,2% dipengaruhi faktor lain yang tidak termasuk dalam variabel yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci: Good Corporate Governance , Profitabilitas dan Pengungkapan Corporate Social Responsibilit

    Fusion of axis with third cervical vertebra: A case report

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    Introduction: Fusion of one or more contiguous vertebral segments is usually the result of embryological failure of normal spinal segmentation. It may be associated with syndromes such as Klippel-Feil. Fused cervical vertebrae (FCV) may also be acquired or pathologic. FCV is generally associated with disease like tuberculosis, other infections, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and trauma. The commonest site of involvement is C2-C3. In condition of fusion the two vertebrae appear not only structurally as one but also function as one. This anomaly may be asymptomatic; however, it may also manifest in the form of serious clinical features such as myelopathy, limitation of the neck movement, muscular weakness, atrophy or neurological sensory loss.Case report: We observed the fusion of axis with 3rd cervical vertebra. Body, laminae and spines of C2 and C3 were completely fused on both anterior and posterior aspects, whereas the pedicles and transverse processes were not fused. Foramen transversarium was present on both the vertebrae bilaterally.Conclusion: This variation is noteworthy to neurosurgeons and radiologists in studying computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans

    PENGARUH INDEPENDENSI DAN KOMPETENSI AUDITOR TERHADAP SKEPTISISME PROFESIONAL AUDITOR (Survey pada Auditor yang Bekerja di Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Bandung yang terdaftar di BPK)

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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh Independensi dan Kompetensi Auditor terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Bandung yang terdaftar di BPK. Pendekatan penelitian ini yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan menggunakan data primer. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah auditor yang bekerja pada Kantor Akuntan Publik di Kota Bandung yang terdaftar di BPK dan jumlah sampel yang diambil sebanyak 30 auditor. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah simple random sampling. Analisis statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, analisis regresi linier sederhana, koefisien korelasi, regresi linier berganda, koefisien determinasi, uji t dan uji f. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa Independensi berpengaruh terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor sebesar 28,9% artinya semakin Independen seorang auditor maka sikap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor semakin baik. Kompetensi Auditor berpengaruh terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor sebesar 45,0% artinya semakin baik Kompetensi Auditor maka Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor semakin baik. Independensi dan Kompetensi Auditor berpengaruh secara simultan memberikan pengaruh besar sebesar 62,2% terhadap Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi Independensi dan Kompetensi Auditor maka Skeptisisme Profesional Auditor semakin baik. Kata kunci: Independensi, Kompetensi Auditor, dan Skeptisisme Profesional Audito

    Integrative analyses identify modulators of response to neoadjuvant aromatase inhibitors in patients with early breast cancer

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    Introduction Aromatase inhibitors (AIs) are a vital component of estrogen receptor positive (ER+) breast cancer treatment. De novo and acquired resistance, however, is common. The aims of this study were to relate patterns of copy number aberrations to molecular and proliferative response to AIs, to study differences in the patterns of copy number aberrations between breast cancer samples pre- and post-AI neoadjuvant therapy, and to identify putative biomarkers for resistance to neoadjuvant AI therapy using an integrative analysis approach. Methods Samples from 84 patients derived from two neoadjuvant AI therapy trials were subjected to copy number profiling by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH, n = 84), gene expression profiling (n = 47), matched pre- and post-AI aCGH (n = 19 pairs) and Ki67-based AI-response analysis (n = 39). Results Integrative analysis of these datasets identified a set of nine genes that, when amplified, were associated with a poor response to AIs, and were significantly overexpressed when amplified, including CHKA, LRP5 and SAPS3. Functional validation in vitro, using cell lines with and without amplification of these genes (SUM44, MDA-MB134-VI, T47D and MCF7) and a model of acquired AI-resistance (MCF7-LTED) identified CHKA as a gene that when amplified modulates estrogen receptor (ER)-driven proliferation, ER/estrogen response element (ERE) transactivation, expression of ER-regulated genes and phosphorylation of V-AKT murine thymoma viral oncogene homolog 1 (AKT1). Conclusions These data provide a rationale for investigation of the role of CHKA in further models of de novo and acquired resistance to AIs, and provide proof of concept that integrative genomic analyses can identify biologically relevant modulators of AI response

    The perspective of social-medical disability model towards people with disabilities in the Malaysian context

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    In the medical model, disability is perceived as a chronic issue that may involve physical or mental disability which subsequently leads to the inability to work and be actively involved in society. Contrastingly, the social model perceives individuals with disability as minority group that suffers from discrimination, stigma, social alienation, repression, isolation and various social barriers which prohibit them to be well accepted by the society. However, the model that is suitable to be used in the Malaysian context still remain unanswered. This issue is crucial to be investigated because the medical model perspective has been lacking in the Malaysian community towards the disabled. Furthermore, it is also linked to capitalism and meritocracy which have been dominating the world community (McLaughlin and Kenji Kuno). The current study used the grounded theory method to explore and generate a disability concept according to the perspective of social and medical model towards individualswith disability in Malaysia. The grounded theory analysis yields five perspectives in the social-medical model, namely acceptance, independence, equity, accessibility and power to make decision, followed by three sources of social-medical model which include self-awareness towards individuals with disability, society awareness and parents awareness. The grounded theory also includes six barriers of social model, namely inequility, stigma, discrimination, barrier, isolation and ineffectiveness of the law, followed by two strategies involving the idea of getting support and getting knowledge) and finally, the influence of social-medical model (well-being). It is concluded that by determining and producing a new disability model from the existing social model and medical model, it could provide a valuable information especially to the government prior to the implementation of programs or policies

    A review of duodenal metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix presenting as an upper gastrointestinal bleed

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    Upper gastrointestinal bleeding due to duodenal metastases is extremely uncommon. Extra-pelvic spread of squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the cervix to the small bowel is rare with only 6 reported cases in the English literature since 1981(PubMed, Medline)

    Identification of chemokine receptors as potential modulators of endocrine resistance in oestrogen receptor–positive breast cancers

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    Introduction Endocrine therapies target oestrogenic stimulation of breast cancer (BC) growth, but resistance remains problematic. Our aims in this study were (1) to identify genes most strongly associated with resistance to endocrine therapy by intersecting global gene transcription data from patients treated presurgically with the aromatase inhibitor anastrazole with those from MCF7 cells adapted to long-term oestrogen deprivation (LTED) (2) to assess the clinical value of selected genes in public clinical data sets and (3) to determine the impact of targeting these genes with novel agents. Methods Gene expression and Ki67 data were available from 69 postmenopausal women with oestrogen receptor–positive (ER+) early BC, at baseline and 2 weeks after anastrazole treatment, and from cell lines adapted to LTED. The functional consequences of target genes on proliferation, ER-mediated transcription and downstream cell signalling were assessed. Results By intersecting genes predictive of a poor change in Ki67 with those upregulated in LTED cells, we identified 32 genes strongly correlated with poor antiproliferative response that were associated with inflammation and/or immunity. In a panel of LTED cell lines, C-X-C chemokine receptor type 7 (CXCR7) and CXCR4 were upregulated compared to their wild types (wt), and CXCR7, but not CXCR4, was associated with reduced relapse-free survival in patients with ER+ BC. The CXCR4 small interfering RNA variant (siCXCR4) had no specific effect on the proliferation of wt-SUM44, wt-MCF7 and their LTED derivatives. In contrast, siCXCR7, as well as CCX733, a CXCR7 antagonist, specifically suppressed the proliferation of MCF7-LTED cells. siCXCR7 suppressed proteins associated with G1/S transition and inhibited ER transactivation in MCF7-LTED, but not wt-MCF7, by impeding association between ER and proline-, glutamic acid– and leucine-rich protein 1, an ER coactivator. Conclusions These data highlight CXCR7 as a potential therapeutic target warranting clinical investigation in endocrine-resistant BC

    Antipsychotics and Torsadogenic Risk: Signals Emerging from the US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System Database

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    Background: Drug-induced torsades de pointes (TdP) and related clinical entities represent a current regulatory and clinical burden. Objective: As part of the FP7 ARITMO (Arrhythmogenic Potential of Drugs) project, we explored the publicly available US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) database to detect signals of torsadogenicity for antipsychotics (APs). Methods: Four groups of events in decreasing order of drug-attributable risk were identified: (1) TdP, (2) QT-interval abnormalities, (3) ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia, and (4) sudden cardiac death. The reporting odds ratio (ROR) with 95 % confidence interval (CI) was calculated through a cumulative analysis from group 1 to 4. For groups 1+2, ROR was adjusted for age, gender, and concomitant drugs (e.g., antiarrhythmics) and stratified for AZCERT drugs, lists I and II (http://www.azcert.org, as of June 2011). A potential signal of torsadogenicity was defined if a drug met all the following criteria: (a) four or more cases in group 1+2; (b) significant ROR in group 1+2 that persists through the cumulative approach; (c) significant adjusted ROR for group 1+2 in the stratum without AZCERT drugs; (d) not included in AZCERT lists (as of June 2011). Results: Over the 7-year period, 37 APs were reported in 4,794 cases of arrhythmia: 140 (group 1), 883 (group 2), 1,651 (group 3), and 2,120 (group 4). Based on our criteria, the following potential signals of torsadogenicity were found: amisulpride (25 cases; adjusted ROR in the stratum without AZCERT drugs = 43.94, 95 % CI 22.82-84.60), cyamemazine (11; 15.48, 6.87-34.91), and olanzapine (189; 7.74, 6.45-9.30). Conclusions: This pharmacovigilance analysis on the FAERS found 3 potential signals of torsadogenicity for drugs previously unknown for this risk

    Primary de novo malignant giant cell tumor of kidney: a case report

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    BACKGROUND: Osteoclast-like giant cell tumors are usually observed in osseous tissue or as tumors of tendon sheath, characterized by the presence of multinucleated giant cells and mononuclear stromal cells. It has been reported in various extraosseous sites including breast, skin, soft tissue, salivary glands, lung, pancreas, female genital tract, thyroid, larynx and heart. However, extraosseus occurrence of such giant cell tumors in the kidney is extremely rare and is usually found in combination with a conventional malignancy. De-novo primary malignant giant cell tumors of the kidney are unusual lesions and to our knowledge this is the second such case. CASE PRESENTATION: We report a rare case of extraosseous primary denovo malignant giant cell tumor of the renal parenchyma in a 39-year-old Caucasian female to determine the histogenesis of this neoplasm with a detailed literature review. CONCLUSION: Primary denovo malignant giant cell tumor of the kidney is extremely rare. The cellular origin of this tumor is favored to be a pluripotential mesenchymal stromal cell of the mononuclear/phagocytic cellular lineage. Awareness of this neoplasm is important in the pathological interpretation of unusual findings at either fine needle aspiration or frozen section of solid renal masses

    Investigating socio-economic-demographic determinants of tobacco use in Rawalpindi, Pakistan

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To investigate the socio-economic and demographic determinants of tobacco use in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross sectional survey of households (population based) with 2018 respondent (1038 Rural; 980 Urban) was carried out in Rawalpindi (Pakistan) and included males and females 18–65 years of age. Main outcome measure was self reported daily tobacco use.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall 16.5% of the study population (33% men and 4.7% women) used tobacco on a daily basis. Modes of tobacco use included cigarette smoking (68.5%), oral tobacco(13.5%), hukka (12%) and cigarette smoking plus oral tobacco (6%). Among those not using tobacco products, 56% were exposed to Environmental tobacco smoke.</p> <p>The adjusted odds ratio of tobacco use for rural residence compared to urban residence was 1.49 (95% CI 1.1 2.0, p value 0.01) and being male as compared to female 12.6 (8.8 18.0, p value 0.001). Illiteracy was significantly associated with tobacco use. Population attributable percentage of tobacco use increases steadily as the gap between no formal Education and level of education widens.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There was a positive association between tobacco use and rural area of residence, male gender and low education levels. Low education could be a proxy for low awareness and consumer information on tobacco products. As Public health practitioners we should inform the general public especially the illiterate about the adverse health consequences of tobacco use. Counter advertisement for tobacco use, through mass media particularly radio and television, emphasizing the harmful effects of tobacco on human health is very much needed.</p
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