355 research outputs found

    Matter Fields and Non-Abelian Gauge Fields Localized on Walls

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    Massless matter fields and non-Abelian gauge fields are localized on domain walls in a (4+1)-dimensional U(N)cU(N)_c gauge theory with SU(N)L×SU(N)R×U(1)ASU(N)_{L}\times SU(N)_{R}\times U(1)_{A} flavor symmetry. We also introduce SU(N)L+RSU(N)_{L+R} flavor gauge fields and a scalar-field-dependent gauge coupling, which provides massless non-Abelian gauge fields localized on the wall. We find a chiral Lagrangian interacting minimally with the non-Abelian gauge field together with nonlinear interactions of moduli fields as the (3+1)-dimensional effective field theory up to the second order of derivatives. Our result provides a step towards a realistic model building of brane-world scenario using topological solitons.Comment: 45 pages, 3 figures, several typos corrected, to appear in Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (PTEP), several references was not cited in the text and were remove

    Relaxation of the cosmological constant in a movable brane world

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    We present numerical evidence that a domain wall in a background with varying vacuum energy density acquires velocity in the direction of decreasing Hubble parameter. This should lead to at least a partial relaxation of the cosmological constant on the wall.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 4 figure

    Stability and Fluctuations on Walls in N=1 Supergravity

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    The recently found non-BPS multi-wall configurations in the N=1 supergravity in four dimensions is shown to have no tachyonic scalar fluctuations without additional stabilization mechanisms. Mass of radion (lightest massive fluctuation) is found to be proportional to LambdaeπΛR/2Lambda {\rm e}^{-\pi\Lambda R/2}, where Λ\Lambda is the inverse width of the wall and R R is the radius of compactified dimension. We obtain localized massless graviton and gravitino forming a supermultiplet with respect to the Killing spinor. The relation between the bulk energy density and the boundary energy density (cosmological constants) is an automatic consequence of the field equation and Einstein equation. In the limit of vanishing gravitational coupling, the Nambu-Goldstone modes are reproduced.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Spectrum of TeV Particles in Warped Supersymmetric Grand Unification

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    In warped supersymmetric grand unification, XY gauge particles appear near the TeV scale along with Kaluza-Klein towers of the standard model gauge fields. In spite of this exotic low-energy physics, MSSM gauge coupling unification is preserved and proton decay is naturally suppressed. In this paper we study in detail the low-lying mass spectrum of superparticles and GUT particles in this theory, taking supersymmetry breaking to be localized to the TeV brane. The masses of the MSSM particles, Kaluza-Klein modes, and XY states are all determined by two parameters, one which fixes the strength of the supersymmetry breaking and the other which sets the scale of the infrared brane. A particularly interesting result is that for relatively strong supersymmetry breaking, the XY gauginos and the lowest Kaluza-Klein excitations of the MSSM gauginos may both lie within reach of the LHC, providing the possibility that the underlying unified gauge symmetry and the enhanced N=2 supersymmetry of the theory will both be revealed.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figure

    Exactly solved BPS wall and winding number in N=1 Supergravity

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    A BPS exact wall solution is found in N=1 supergravity in four dimensions. The model uses chiral scalar field with a periodic superpotential admitting winding numbers. Maintaining the periodicity in supergravity requires a gravitational correction to superpotential which allows the exact solution. By introducing boundary cosmological constants, we construct non-BPS multi-wall solutions for which a systematic analytic approximation is worked out for small gravitational coupling.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, final version to appear in Physics Letters

    A Simple and Realistic Model of Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We present a simple and realistic model of supersymmetry breaking. In addition to the minimal supersymmetric standard model, we only introduce a hidden sector gauge group SU(5) and three fields X, F and \bar{F}. Supersymmetry is broken at a local minimum of the potential, and its effects are transmitted to the supersymmetric standard model sector through both standard model gauge loops and local operators suppressed by the cutoff scale, which is taken to be the unification scale. The form of the local operators is controlled by a U(1) symmetry. The generated supersymmetry breaking and mu parameters are comparable in size, and no flavor or CP violating terms arise. The spectrum of the first two generation superparticles is that of minimal gauge mediation with the number of messengers N_mess = 5 and the messenger scale 10^11 GeV < M_mess < 10^13 GeV. The spectrum of the Higgs bosons and third generation superparticles, however, can deviate from it. The lightest supersymmetric particle is the gravitino with a mass of order (1-10) GeV.Comment: 19 pages, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    Constraining holographic technicolor

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    We obtain a new bound on the value of Peskin-Takeuchi S parameter in a wide class of bottom-up holographic models for technicolor. Namely, we show that weakly coupled holographic description in these models implies S>>0.2. Our bound is in conflict with the results of electroweak precision measurements, so it strongly disfavors the models we consider.Comment: 8 pages; journal versio

    Simple SUSY Breaking Mechanism by Coexisting Walls

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    A SUSY breaking mechanism with no messenger fields is proposed. We assume that our world is on a domain wall and SUSY is broken only by the coexistence of another wall with some distance from our wall. We find an N=1{\cal N}=1 model in four dimensions which admits an exact solution of a stable non-BPS configuration of two walls and studied its properties explicitly. We work out how various soft SUSY breaking terms can arise in our framework. Phenomenological implications are briefly discussed. We also find that effective SUSY breaking scale becomes exponentially small as the distance between two walls grows.Comment: 43 pages, latex, 7 figure

    Radius Stabilization in a Supersymmetric Warped Compactification

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    A supersymmetric (SUSY) model of radius stabilization is constructed for the S^1/Z_2 warped compactifications with a hypermultiplet in five dimensions. Requiring the continuity of scalar field across the boundaries, we obtain radius stabilization preserving SUSY, realizing the SUSY extension of the Goldberger-Wise mechanism. Even if we allow discontinuities of the Z_2 odd field across the boundary, we always obtain SUSY preservation but obtain the radius stabilization only when the discontinuity is fixed by other mechanism.Comment: 6 pages, revtex, Errors of the products of distributions are corrected and the results are reanalyzed, references added, final version to appear in PR

    Massless Localized Vector Field on a Wall in D=5 SQED with Tensor Multiplets

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    Massless localized vector field is obtained in five-dimensional supersymmetric (SUSY) QED coupled to tensor multiplets as a half BPS solution. The four-dimensional gauge coupling is obtained as a topological charge. We also find all the (bosonic) massive modes exactly for a particular value of a parameter, demonstrating explicitly the existence of a mass gap. The four-dimensional Coulomb law is shown to hold for sources placed on the wall.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, First version is completely replaced due to an error of submitting a different pape