16 research outputs found

    The hemochromatosis gene product complexes with the transferrin receptor and lowers its affinity for ligand binding

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    We recently reported the positional cloning of a candidate gene for hereditary hemochromatosis called HFE. The gene product, a member of the major histocompatibility complex class I-like family, was found to have a mutation, Cys-282 → Tyr (C282Y), in 85% of patient chromosomes. This mutation eliminates the ability of HFE to associate with β(2)-microglobulin (β(2)m) and prevents cell-surface expression. A second mutation that has no effect on β(2)m association, H63D, was found in eight out of nine patients heterozygous for the C282Y mutant. In this report, we demonstrate in cultured 293 cells overexpressing wild-type or mutant HFE proteins that both the wild-type and H63D HFE proteins form stable complexes with the transferrin receptor (TfR). The C282Y mutation nearly completely prevents the association of the mutant HFE protein with the TfR. Studies on cell-associated transferrin at 37°C suggest that the overexpressed wild-type HFE protein decreases the affinity of the TfR for transferrin. The overexpressed H63D protein does not have this effect, providing the first direct evidence for a functional consequence of the H63D mutation. Addition of soluble wild-type HFE/β(2)m heterodimers to cultured cells also decreased the apparent affinity of the TfR for its ligand under steady-state conditions, both in 293 cells and in HeLa cells. Furthermore, at 4°C, the added soluble complex of HFE/β(2)m inhibited binding of transferrin to HeLa cell TfR in a concentration-dependent manner. Scatchard plots of these data indicate that the added heterodimer substantially reduced the affinity of TfR for transferrin. These results establish a molecular link between HFE and a key protein involved in iron transport, the TfR, and raise the possibility that alterations in this regulatory mechanism may play a role in the pathogenesis of hereditary hemochromatosis

    Polymorphisms in the Sclerosteosis/van Buchem Disease Gene (SOST) Region Are Associated with Bone-Mineral Density in Elderly Whites

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    Osteoporosis has a strong genetic component, but the genes involved are poorly defined. We studied whether the sclerosteosis/van Buchem disease gene (SOST) is an osteoporosis-risk gene by examining its association with bone-mineral density (BMD). Mutations in SOST result in sclerosteosis, and alterations in the SOST gene expression may be causal in the closely related van Buchem disease. We used a set of eight polymorphisms from the SOST gene region to genotype 1,939 elderly men and women from a large population-based prospective-cohort study of Dutch whites. A 3-bp insertion (f=0.38) in the presumed SOST promoter region (SRP3) was associated with decreased BMD in women at the femoral neck (FN) (P=.05) and lumbar spine (LS) (P=.01), with evidence of an allele-dose effect in the oldest age group (P=.006). Similarly, a G variant (f=0.40) in the van Buchem deletion region (SRP9) was associated with increased BMD in men at the FN (P=.007) and LS (P=.02). In both cases, differences between extreme genotypes reached 0.2 SD. We observed no genotype effects on fracture risk, for the 234 osteoporotic fractures validated during 8.2 years of follow-up and for the 146 vertebral prevalent fractures analyzed. We did not find association between any of several frequent haplotypes across the SOST gene region and BMD. We did find evidence of additive effects of SRP3 with the COLIA1 Sp1 polymorphism but not with haplotypes of 3′ polymorphisms in the vitamin-D receptor gene. The SOST-COLIA1 additive effect increased with age and reached 0.5 SD difference in BMD at LS in the oldest age group (P=.02). The molecular mechanism whereby these moderate SOST genotype effects are mediated remains to be elucidated, but it is likely to involve differences in regulation of SOST gene expression