185 research outputs found

    Single Atom and Two Atom Ramsey Interferometry with Quantized Fields

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    Implications of field quantization on Ramsey interferometry are discussed and general conditions for the occurrence of interference are obtained. Interferences do not occur if the fields in two Ramsey zones have precise number of photons. However in this case we show how two atom (like two photon) interferometry can be used to discern a variety of interference effects as the two independent Ramsey zones get entangled by the passage of first atom. Generation of various entangled states like |0,2>+|2,0> are discussed and in far off resonance case generation of entangled state of two coherent states is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, revised version. submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Weak Charge of the Proton and New Physics

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    We address the physics implications of a precision determination of the weak charge of the proton, QWP, from a parity violating elastic electron proton scattering experiment to be performed at the Jefferson Laboratory. We present the Standard Model (SM) expression for QWP including one-loop radiative corrections, and discuss in detail the theoretical uncertainties and missing higher order QCD corrections. Owing to a fortuitous cancellation, the value of QWP is suppressed in the SM, making it a unique place to look for physics beyond the SM. Examples include extra neutral gauge bosons, supersymmetry, and leptoquarks. We argue that a QWP measurement will provide an important complement to both high energy collider experiments and other low energy electroweak measurements. The anticipated experimental precision requires the knowledge of the order alpha_s corrections to the pure electroweak box contributions. We compute these contributions for QWP, as well as for the weak charges of heavy elements as determined from atomic parity violation.Comment: 22 pages of LaTeX, 5 figure

    Identification of an age-dependent biomarker signature in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders

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    Background: Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are neurodevelopmental conditions with symptoms manifesting before the age of 3, generally persisting throughout life and affecting social development and com

    Trapped ions in the strong excitation regime: ion interferometry and non--classical states

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    The interaction of a trapped ion with a laser beam in the strong excitation regime is analyzed. In this regime, a variety of non--classical states of motion can be prepared either by using laser pulses of well defined area, or by an adiabatic passage scheme based on the variation of the laser frequency. We show how these states can be used to investigate fundamental properties of quantum mechanics. We also study possible applications of this system to build an ion interferometer.Comment: 9 pages, Revtex format, 5 compressed postscript figure

    Upper and lower airway cultures in children with cystic fibrosis: Do not neglect the upper airways

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    AbstractBackgroundAirways of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients are colonised with bacteria early in life. We aimed to analyse differences between results of simultaneously taken upper airway (UAW) and lower airway (LAW) cultures, to describe clinical characteristics of patients with positive versus negative cultures and to follow up the patients with P. aeruginosa positive UAW cultures.MethodsBacteriological and clinical data from 157 children were collected during annual check up. The number of positive UAW and LAW cultures and correspondence between these results and clinical characteristics were analysed.ResultsPositive LAW and UAW cultures were found in 79.6% and 43.9% of patients respectively (p<0.001). Patients with positive LAW cultures were significantly older (11.9 vs. 9.8years, p<0.05) and had more LAW symptoms (73.6% vs. 46.7%, p<0.05), especially when P. aeruginosa was found. Patients with positive UAW cultures (especially S. aureus) had more nasal discharge (50.7% vs. 25.0%, p<0.001). In 65% of patients with positive UAW and negative LAW culture for P. aeruginosa the next LAW became P. aeruginosa positive.ConclusionUAW cultures and LAW cultures differ in children with CF and there are differences in clinical characteristics between patients with positive versus negative culture results. P. aeruginosa positive UAW cultures appeared to precede positive LAW cultures in a substantial part of patients, suggesting some kind of cross-infection between the UAW and LAW

    Adaptive Approach for Modelling Variability in Pharmacokinetics

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    We present an improved adaptive approach for studying systems of ODEs affected by parameter variability and state space uncertainty. Our approach is based on a reformulation of the ODE problem as a transport problem of a probability density describing the evolution of the ensemble of systems in time. The resulting multidimensional problem is solved by representing the probability density w.r.t. an adaptively chosen Galerkin ansatz space of Gaussian distributions. Due to our improvements in adaptivity control, we substantially improved the overall performance of the original algorithm and moreover inherited the theoretical property that the number of Gaussian distribution stays constant for linear ODEs to the numerical scheme. We illustrate the approach in application to dynamical systems describing the pharmacokinetics of drugs and xenobiotics, where variability in physiological parameters is important to be considered

    Proofs of Randomized Algorithms in Coq

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    HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of sci-entific research documents, whether they are pub-lished or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et a ̀ la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Proofs of randomized algorithms in Co

    Radiative processes (tau -> mu gamma, mu -> e gamma and muon g-2) as probes of ESSM/SO(10)

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    The Extended Supersymmetric Standard Model (ESSM), motivated on several grounds, introduces two vectorlike families (16 + 16-bar) of SO(10)) with masses of order one TeV. It is noted that the successful predictions of prior work on fermion masses and mixings, based on MSSM embedded in SO(10), can be retained rather simply within the ESSM extension. These include an understanding of the smallness of V_{cb} ~ 0.04 and the largeness of nu_mu - nu_tau oscillation angle, sin^2 2 theta_{nu_mu nu_tau}^{osc} ~ 1. We analyze the new contributions arising through the exchange of the vectorlike families of ESSM to radiative processes including tau -> mu gamma, mu -> e gamma, b -> s gamma, EDM of the muon and the muon (g-2). We show that ESSM makes significant contributions especially to the decays tau -> mu gamma and mu -> e gamma and simultaneously to muon (g-2). For a large and plausible range of relevant parameters, we obtain: a_mu^{ESSM} ~ +(10-40) times 10^{-10}, with a correlated prediction that tau -> mu gamma should be discovered with an improvement in its current limit by a factor of 3-20. The implications for mu -> e gamma are very similar. The muon EDM is within reach of the next generation experiments. Thus, ESSM with heavy leptons being lighter than about 700 GeV (say) can be probed effectively by radiative processes before a direct search for these vectorlike leptons and quarks is feasible at the LHC.Comment: 27 pages LaTex, 2 figure

    Heritability of attention problems in children II: longitudinal results from a study of twins age 3 to 12.

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    this paper we present data of large samples of twin families, with an equal number of girls and boys. The well-known gender difference with boys displaying more OA and AP was observed at each age. Even at the age of 3, boys display more OA problems than girls. Clinical studies have indicated that severe problem behavior can be identified in very young children (see for review, Campbell, 1995; Keenan &amp; Wakschlag, 2000; Shaw, Owens, Giovannelli, &amp; Winslow, 2001) and that the onset of ADHD is during the pre-school period (Barkley, Fisher, Edelbrock, &amp; Smallish, 1990; Table 6 Top part includes percentages of total variances (diagonal) and covariances (off-diagonal) explained by additive genetic, genetic dominance, and unique environmental components based on best fitting models. Percentages for boys and girls are reported below and above diagonal, respectively. Lower part includes correlations calculated for additive genetic, genetic dominance, and unique environmental sources of variance between different ages. Correlations for boys and girls are reported below and above diagonal, respectively Relative proportions of variance and covariance BoysnGirls A% D% E% OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 50n41 73 79 75 22n33 17 13 14 28n26 10 8 11 AP 7 59 33n57 50 53 31 39n16 31 28 10 28n27 19 19 AP 10 86 31 41n48 47 6 51 31n25 32 8 18 28n27 21 AP 12 71 24 31 40n54 16 55 45 30n18 13 21 24 30n28 Correlations between different ages BoysnGirls ADE OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 AP 7 AP 10 AP 12 OA 3 1.00 .60 .66 .57 1.00 .30 .16 .20 1.00 .15 .12 .14 AP 7 .57 1.00 .62 .57 .41 1.00 .99 1.00 .15 1.00 .46 .41 AP 10 .68 .56 1.00 .61 .08 .94 1.00 1.00 .11 .42 1.00 .50 AP 12 .49 .42 .53 1.00 .20 .98 .99 1.00 .14 .45 .58 1.00 ..