871 research outputs found

    Política monetaria y oferta de dinero en uruguay (1931-1959): nuevos contextos y nuevos instrumentos

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    This paper brings a global approach to the principles characteristics of the monetary policy in the period 1931-1959 and its changes related to the national and international context. Two were the most important transformations. On one hand, the increasing role of the Republic Bank of Uruguay (Banco de la República Oriental del Uruguay, BROU) in the conduction of the monetary and exchange-rate policy. On the other hand, there were important changes in the monetary regime evolving to a more flexible system as the gold standard was abandoned. Considering the evolution of the emission regime since the beginning of the 20th century we can distinguish four phases: a metallic system until 1929; a period of transition between 1930 and 1934; the period 1935-1946 characterized by the two revaluations of the gold reserves and the introduction of rediscounts and; finally the last years until 1959 with an increasing use of rediscounts of documents as a source for issue money. In addition, we described the evolution of the monetary supply, the link with the economic activity and a first approximation to the effect of money on prices.monetary policy, money supply; Uruguay

    Measuring Software Process: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Context: Measurement is essential to reach predictable performance and high capability processes. It provides support for better understanding, evaluation, management, and control of the development process and project, as well as the resulting product. It also enables organizations to improve and predict its process’s performance, which places organizations in better positions to make appropriate decisions. Objective: This study aims to understand the measurement of the software development process, to identify studies, create a classification scheme based on the identified studies, and then to map such studies into the scheme to answer the research questions. Method: Systematic mapping is the selected research methodology for this study. Results: A total of 462 studies are included and classified into four topics with respect to their focus and into three groups based on the publishing date. Five abstractions and 64 attributes were identified, 25 methods/models and 17 contexts were distinguished. Conclusion: capability and performance were the most measured process attributes, while effort and performance were the most measured project attributes. Goal Question Metric and Capability Maturity Model Integration were the main methods and models used in the studies, whereas agile/lean development and small/medium-size enterprise were the most frequently identified research contexts.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2- RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    La validez de los contratos de útero subrogado desde la perspectiva constitucional y el derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva

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    El objetivo de la tesis fue determinar de qué manera la validez de los contratos de útero subrogado desde la perspectiva constitucional se expresa en el derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva. La investigación realizada es básica, observacional bajo un diseño descriptivo pro-positivo, en donde la recopilación de datos cualitativos para el marco teórico se realizó a través de las fuentes de consulta como libros, revistas, legislación y jurisprudencia nacional, y para los datos cuantitativos se empleó el cuestionario de expertos. En cuanto a los resultados de la investigación se tiene que el útero subrogado como técnica de reproducción humana asistida, no está regulada, solo existe una norma general que es el artículo 7° de la Ley General de Salud; el derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva se deriva del libre desarrollo de la personalidad como derecho fundamental que permite que la persona se desenvuelva con libertad, autonomía y dignidad en cada ámbito de su vida; y que la maternidad subrogada se viene regulando en varios países de forma amplia y restringida, siendo esta última la predominante. La conclusión principal es que la validez de los contratos de útero subrogado desde la perspectiva constitucional se expresa de manera eficaz en el derecho a la salud sexual y reproductiva, al permitir la consolidación del derecho a fundar y crecer en una familia, por lo que se recomienda la dación de una ley especial que regule la técnica del útero subrogado en donde se establezca los lineamientos generales que se debe tener en cuenta para su ámbito de aplicación.The objective of the thesis was to determine how the validity of surrogate uterus contracts from a constitutional perspective is expressed in the right to sexual and reproductive health. The research carried out is basic, observational under a pro-positive descriptive design, where the collection of qualitative data for the theoretical framework was carried out through consultation sources such as books, magazines, legislation and national jurisprudence, and for quantitative data. the expert questionnaire was used. Regarding the results of the investigation, the surrogate uterus as an assisted human reproduction technique is not regulated, there is only one general norm that is article 7 of the general health law; the right to sexual and reproductive health derives from the free development of the personality as a fundamental right that allows the person to develop with freedom, autonomy and dignity in every area of their life; and that surrogate motherhood has been regulated in several countries in a broad and restricted way, the latter being the predominant one. The main conclusion is that the validity of surrogate uterus contracts from a constitutional perspective is effectively expressed in the right to sexual and reproductive health, by allowing the consolidation of the right to found and grow in a family, thus recommends the issuance of a special law that regulates the surrogate uterus technique where the general guidelines that must be taken into account for its scope of application are establishedTesi

    IN2GESOFT: Innovation and Integration of Methods for the Development and Quantitative Management of Software Projects TIN2004-06689-C03

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    This coordinated project intends to introduce new methods in software engineering project management, integrating different quantitative and qualitative technologies in the management processes. The underlying goal to all three subprojects participants is the generation of information adapted for the efficient performance in the directing of the project. The topics that are investigated are related to the capture of decisions in dynam ical environments and complex systems, software testing and the analysis of the manage ment strategies for the process assessment of the software in its different phases of the production. The project sets up a methodological, conceptual framework and supporting tools that facilitate the decision making in the software project management. This allows us to eval uate the risk and uncertainty associated to different alternatives of management before leading them to action. Thus, it is necessary to define a taxonomy of software models so that they reflect the current reality of the projects. Since the software testing is one of the most critical and costly processes directed to guarantee the quality and reliability of the software, we undertake the research on the automation of the process of software testing by means of the development of new technologies test case generation, mainly based in metaheuristic and model checking techniques in the domains of database and internet applications. The software system developed will allow the integration of these technologies, and the management information needed, from the first phases of the cycle of life in the construction of a software product up to the last ones such as regression tests and maintenance. The set of technologies that we investigate include the use of statistical analysis and of experimental design for obtaining metrics in the phase of analysis, the application of the bayesian nets to the decision processes, the application of the standards of process eval uation and quality models, the utilization of metaheuristics algorithms and technologies of prediction to optimize resources, the technologies of visualization to construct control dashboards, hybrid models for the simulation of processes and others

    Urban Corridors Periferico Sur and Insurgentes Sur and its Impact on Mexico City Cultural Built Heritage (1980-2018)

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    In this paper we examine, from a historical perspective, how neoliberal policies become the underlying causes that affect cultural built heritage in the southern portion of Mexico City, at present. First, we document the development of cultural built heritage in Mexico during the 20th century. We underline that this idea is accompanied, however, by a series of destruction processes concerning cultural built heritage at the same time, as the urban sprawl of Mexico City expands far south. Then, we focus on morphological and functional transformations that occurred in Periferico Sur and Insurgentes Sur urban corridors. Quantitative data that support an amalgamation of building complexes and land uses is presented, which is strongly related to the tertiary sector. We highlight the contradictions concerning the preservation of cultural built heritage within the region in current days. A first case study deals with Cuicuilco Archaeological Zone and the lack of public investment in its maintenance. Second, we assess the reconversion of an old factory into a shopping mall with support of private investment. Finally, we deal with a group of monumental sculptures that remained abandoned by their owners, but also lack of any kind of official protection by the Mexican institutions, for years

    Analysis of corporate bond emissions and their impact on value creation of companies in Colombia for the period 1999-2009

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    This paper makes an analysis of the financing structures of large firms in Colombia and its effects on value creation for the period 1999 to 2009. In the first instance, this paper presents a theoretical review on value creation and capital structures in a second time are classified and characterized by companies in Colombia for their financial structures, and a third stage involves the calculation of Value Economic Added (EVA) for large companies in Colombia. The calculations are based on data from the Information System and Enterprise Risk (Sirem) of the Superintendency of CompaniesEste documento realiza un análisis sobre las estructuras de financiamiento de las grandes empresas en Colombia y sus efectos en la creación de valor para el periodo de 1999-2009. En primera instancia, el artículo aborda una revisión teórica sobre la creación de valor y las estructuras de capital; en un segundo momento, se clasifican y caracterizan las empresas en Colombia por sus estructuras de financiamiento, y en una tercera etapa, se realiza el cálculo del valor económico agregado (EVA) para las grandes empresas en Colombia. Los cálculos se realizan con base en los datos del Sistema de Información y Riesgo Empresarial (Sirem) de la Superintendencia de Sociedade

    Modular Software Process Simulation Models Through Metamodeling

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    In this paper we present the main concepts and principles of a multilevel architecture to help in the development of modularized and reusable software process models under the System Dynamics approach. The conceptual ideas of the multilevel architecture have been formalized using UML as a notation. Metamodeling is used to support the process of abstract modules development. The architecture proposed is also based on ISO’s Information Resource Dictionary System. The principles of the architecture and overall guide to develop software process simulation models are described in this work.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2004-06689-C03-0

    Improving software process maturity through dynamic modeling and simulation

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    Los modelos de procesos actuales como CMM, SPICE y otros recomiendan la aplicación de control estadístico y de guías de métricas para la definición, implementación y posterior evaluación de diferentes mejoras del proceso. Sin embargo, precisamente en este contexto no se ha considerado lo suficiente el modelado cuantitativo, reconocido en otras áreas como un elemento esencial para la adquisición de conocimiento. En este trabajo se describe la base conceptual y fundamental utilizada para el desarrollo de un marco enfocado a la mejora de procesos software que combina las técnicas de estimación tradicionales con la utilización extensiva de modelos dinámicos de simulación como herramienta para asesorar en el proceso de evolución entre los diferentes niveles de madurez propuestos por el modelo de referencia CMM. Tras la necesaria introducción a los conceptos fundamentales del modelado y simulación del proceso software y la justificación para la creación de dicho marco, se abordan las cuestiones fundamentales para su desarrollo, tales como el enfoque conceptual y su estructura, prestando especial atención al paradigma de desarrollo de los modelos dinámicos de simulación que le dan soporte.Current software process models (CMM, SPICE, etc.) strongly recommend the application of statistical control and measure guides to define, implement and evaluate the effects of different process improvements. However, whilst quantitative modelling has been widely used in other fields, it has not been considered enough in the field of software process improvement. During the last decade software process simulation has been used to address a wide diversity of management problems. Some of these problems are related to strategic management, technology adoption, understanding, training and learning, and risk management, among others. In this work a dynamic integrated framework for software process improvement is presented. This framework combines traditional estimation models with an intensive utilisation of dynamic simulation models of software process. The aim of this framework is to support a qualitative and quantitative assessment for software process improvement and decision making to achieve a higher software development process capability according to the Capability Maturity Model. The concepts underlying this framework have been implemented in a software process improvement tool that has been used in a local software organisation. The results obtained and the lessons learned are also presented in this paper.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIC2001-1143-C03-0

    A Dynamic Integrated Framework for Software Process Improvement

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    Current software process models (CMM, SPICE, etc.) strongly recommend the application of statistical control and measure guides to define, implement, and evaluate the effects of different process improvements. However, whilst quantitative modeling has been widely used in other fields, it has not been considered enough in the field of software process improvement. During the last decade software process simulation has been used to address a wide diversity of management problems. Some of these problems are related to strategic management, technology adoption, understanding, training and learning, and risk management, among others. In this work a dynamic integrated framework for software processimprovement ispres ented. Thisframework combinestraditional estimation models with an intensive utilization of dynamic simulation models of the software process. The aim of this framework is to support a qualitative and quantitative assessment for software process improvement and decision making to achieve a higher software development process capability according to the Capability Maturity Model. The conceptsunderlying thisframework have been implemented in a software process improvement tool that has been used in a local software organization. The results obtained and the lessons learned are also presented in this paperCICYT TIC2001-1143-C03-0