4,092 research outputs found

    Fiction and documentary traces: everyday life, space and territory in the cinema of Miguel Gomes

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    Numa abordagem cultural aplicada ao campo do audiovisual, este trabalho articula os conceitos de cotidiano, espaço e território, em busca de um modo de análise fílmica que problematize a representação de espaços e a produção de territorialidades a partir da compreensão do cotidiano, tomando como objeto de estudo filmes que mesclam ficção e documentário. Objetiva-se, com isso, identificar dimensões documentais em narrativas audiovisuais de ficção. Para tanto, tem-se como objeto de aplicação desse modelo de análise a obra do cineasta português Miguel Gomes, em especial o filme As mil e uma noites (2015), composto de três volumes.With a cultural approach applied to the audiovisual field, this article aims at problematizing the concepts of everyday life, space and territory within the representation of physical space and the production of territorialities. We regard movies that combine documentary dimensions in audiovisual fiction narratives. The audiovisual product of analysis was the work of the Portuguese filmmaker Miguel Gomes, especially his film Arabian Nights (2015), divided into three volumes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Paradigms and Approaches in Educational Research

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    This article aims to discuss the concepts of paradigms and approaches in educational research. It is a literature review based on the significant and recognized books on the subject. The results indicate that at least three main paradigms are used in educational research and that the basic approaches are quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods

    Technology and methodology: the “MADE BY THEM TO THEM” approach in early childhood

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    Knowing that the Internet has opened doors to information and to the possibility of ubiquitous communication, there is now a need to review ways of teaching and learning. Learning to learn assumes a significant predominance in the methodological design due to the centrality of the student in the learning process. In this sense, this study aims to understand the approach “Made by them to them: the students in the learning process” in early childhood, assuming that it 1) activates prior knowledge; 2) promotes personal and collaborative efforts in the construction of the didactic resource; 3) creates emotion in the learning process. This is a multiple case study in different educational contexts and levels whose data collection was carried out by analyzing reflective narratives carried out by intern students from higher education institutions in public and private institutions. The results suggest that this approach, in addition to activating prior knowledge that is important for the construction of a robust structure of knowledge and significantly involving children in an emotional process of well-being, stimulates the natural articulation of knowledge in an inclusive environment. We conclude that situated and contextualized learning in a growing process of child involvement facilitates the understanding of reality and promotes inclusion and the construction of complex thoughts.Knowing that the Internet has opened doors to information and to the possibility of ubiquitous communication, there is now a need to review ways of teaching and learning. Learning to learn assumes a significant predominance in the methodological design due to the centrality of the student in the learning process. In this sense, this study aims to understand the approach “Made by them to them: the students in the learning process” in early childhood, assuming that it 1) activates prior knowledge; 2) promotes personal and collaborative efforts in the construction of the didactic resource; 3) creates emotion in the learning process. This is a multiple case study in different educational contexts and levels whose data collection was carried out by analyzing reflective narratives carried out by intern students from higher education institutions in public and private institutions. The results suggest that this approach, in addition to activating prior knowledge that is important for the construction of a robust structure of knowledge and significantly involving children in an emotional process of well-being, stimulates the natural articulation of knowledge in an inclusive environment. We conclude that situated and contextualized learning in a growing process of child involvement facilitates the understanding of reality and promotes inclusion and the construction of complex thoughts.Knowing that the Internet has opened doors to information and to the possibility of ubiquitous communication, there is now a need to review ways of teaching and learning. Learning to learn assumes a significant predominance in the methodological design due to the centrality of the student in the learning process. In this sense, this study aims to understand the approach “Made by them to them: the students in the learning process” in early childhood, assuming that it 1) activates prior knowledge; 2) promotes personal and collaborative efforts in the construction of the didactic resource; 3) creates emotion in the learning process. This is a multiple case study in different educational contexts and levels whose data collection was carried out by analyzing reflective narratives carried out by intern students from higher education institutions in public and private institutions. The results suggest that this approach, in addition to activating prior knowledge that is important for the construction of a robust structure of knowledge and significantly involving children in an emotional process of well-being, stimulates the natural articulation of knowledge in an inclusive environment. We conclude that situated and contextualized learning in a growing process of child involvement facilitates the understanding of reality and promotes inclusion and the construction of complex thoughts

    Can knowledge intensive services be a new growth engine for Latin America?

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    En las últimas décadas el sector servicios no sólo ha seguido ganando peso en la estructura económica global, sino que ha sufrido transformaciones cualitativas profundas, entre las cuáles se destacan la emergencia y el crecimiento de un conjunto de actividades que se caracterizan por su alto nivel de innovación y su contribución al aumento de la productividad. Se trata de los llamados “servicios intensivos en conocimiento”, que agrupan a segmentos tan diversos como servicios contables y legales, arquitectura, audiovisuales, ingeniería, software, publicidad, investigación y desarrollo (I+D), o servicios de salud y educación, pero que comparten la característica de emplear intensivamente capital humano de alto nivel de calificación y de ser usuarias y productoras de información y conocimiento para prestar servicios a sus clientes. Alrededor de estos servicios, que son altamente transables, se han formado cadenas globales de valor, hecho que ha llevado a una activa competencia entre firmas y países para ingresar y escalar dentro de las mismas. Este artículo recoge evidencia respecto de la creciente relevancia de estos servicios en la economía mundial, analiza los determinantes de la competitividad en dichos sectores, y discute el actual rol y las potencialidades de América Latina en estos mercados, con el objetivo de derivar algunas lecciones de política para la región.In the last decades, the service sector has not only increased their presence in the global economic scenario, but it also has suffered deep qualitative transformations, including the emergence and the rapid growth of a number of activities that are characterized by high innovative standards and their contribution to a considerable growth in productivity. We refer to the so called “knowledge intensive services”, which include activities as diverse as accounting and legal services, architecture, audiovisuals, engineering, software, advertising, research and development (R&D), health and education. All these activities share two main features: a) they require an intensive use of high skilled human resources; b) they use and produce information and knowledge to deliver services to their customers. Global value chains have been created in recent years around these activities, which are highly tradable, something that has led to an intense competition between firms and countries to participate and upgrade within those chains. This paper gathers evidence regarding the growing relevance of these services in the global economy. It also analyzes the determinants of competitiveness in those industries, discusses the role and perspectives of Latin America and finally suggests some policy lessons for our region.Fil: Lopez, Andres Flavio. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ramos, Daniela. Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero; Argentin

    Servicios basados en conocimiento y desarrollo en América Latina

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    El buen desempeño macroeconómico de América Latina entre 2004 y 2011 (solo interrumpido en 2009 por los efectos de la crisis sistémica global) generó expectativas sobre el inicio de un posible sendero de crecimiento sostenido. Sin embargo, debido a una combinación de circunstancias externas e internas, en años recientes la situación se deterioró severamente (especialmente en Sudamérica), alejando de nuevo la esperanza de salvar las trampas del ingreso medio o bajo en el que se encuentran sumidos los países de la región.Fil: Lopez, Andres Flavio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Politica de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Instituto Interdisciplinario de Economía Politica de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Ramos, Daniela. Centro de Invest.para la Transformacion; Argentin


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    This work addresses the attention skill and intense interaction with digital technologies for accessing information and communication in childhood. The objective is to analyze whether the interaction with digital technologies and games in childhood interferes with the performance of different types of attention. Ex post facto research was carried out with 169 children from a Brazilian and two Portuguese schools, collecting data through the application of a questionnaire with parents or guardians and application of a battery of psychological tests that measured the performance of focused attention, split and alternated. The results indicated that the smartphone is the most used device, interaction with digital games and access to videos are the most frequent activities. There was no association between access time to digital technologies and games and the performance of the different types of attention measured. However, Portuguese children had a significantly higher attention performance than Brazilian children. It is noteworthy that knowing the different factors that influence this relationship can offer subsidies to the organization of curricula and public education policies, as well as prevent learning difficulties and ensure the quality of life and health of children and future adults.Este trabajo aborda la capacidad de atención y la interacción intensa con las tecnologías digitales para acceder a la información y la comunicación en la infancia. El objetivo es analizar si la interacción con tecnologías y juegos digitales en la infancia interfiere en el desempeño de diferentes tipos de atención. Se realizó una encuesta ex post facto con 169 niños de una escuela brasileña y dos portuguesas, recolectando datos a través de la aplicación de un cuestionario con los padres o tutores y la aplicación de una batería de pruebas psicológicas que midieron el desempeño de la atención concentrada, dividida y alternado Los resultados indicaron que el teléfono inteligente es el dispositivo más utilizado, la interacción con juegos digitales y el acceso a videos son las actividades más frecuentes. No se observó asociación entre el tiempo de acceso a tecnologías digitales y juegos y el desempeño de los diferentes tipos de atención medidos. Sin embargo, los niños portugueses tuvieron un rendimiento de atención significativamente mayor que los niños brasileños. Se destaca que conocer los diferentes factores que influyen en esta relación puede ofrecer subsidios a la organización de los currículos y políticas públicas de educación, así como prevenir dificultades de aprendizaje y asegurar la calidad de vida y salud de los niños y futuros adultos.Este trabalho aborda a capacidade de atenção e a intensa interação com as tecnologias digitais de acesso à informação e a comunicação na infância. O objetivo é analisar se a interação com as tecnologias e jogos digitais na infância interfere sobre o desempenho dos diferentes tipos de atenção. Realizou-se uma pesquisa ex post facto com 169 crianças de uma escola brasileira e de duas portuguesas, coletando dados por meio da aplicação de um questionário junto aos pais ou responsáveis e aplicação de uma bateria de testes psicológicos que mensuraram o desempenho da atenção concentrada, dividida e alternada. Os resultados indicaram que o smartphone é o dispositivo mais utilizado, a interação com jogos digitais e o acesso a vídeos são as atividades mais frequentes. Não se observou associação entre o tempo de acesso as tecnologias e jogos digitais e o desempenho dos diferentes tipos de atenção mensurados. Entretanto, as crianças portuguesas tiveram um desempenho da atenção signitivamente superior ao das crianças brasileiras. Ressalta-se que conhecer os diferentes fatores que influenciam sobre essa relação podem oferecer subsídios à organização dos currículos e políticas públicas de educação, bem como prevenir dificuldade de aprendizagem e zelar pela qualidade de vida e saúde das crianças e futuros adultos

    Uma reflexão sobre las políticas de bilinguismo em países não anglófonos da América Latina: o caso da Colômbia e da Argentina

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    English has been considered the official language in many non-English speaking countries. In the case of Latin America, language policies have been included in most of the countries where English has been officialized as the foreign language and it is mandatory to teach it in educational contexts. Most countries are aiming for the formation of bilingual citizens and professionals with proficiency in English to meet the demands of globalization. This article presents a reflection on the case of two countries that have implemented bilingualism policies such as Colombia and Argentina. These two countries have similarities in terms of policies and social, economic, geographic, and cultural factors, however, evaluating the level of English that each country has. It is shown a marked difference between the two. Argentina occupies the first place in the performance of communicative skills in English with a high level, while Colombia is in the last places and has been recognized as one of the countries with the lowest level.El inglés ha sido considerado la lengua oficial en muchos países de habla no inglesa. En el caso de América Latina, se han incluido políticas lingüísticas en la mayoría de los países donde el inglés ha sido oficializado como lengua extranjera y es obligatorio enseñarlo en contextos educativos. La mayoría de los países aspiran a la formación de ciudadanos y profesionales bilingües con dominio del inglés para responder a las exigencias de la globalización, Este artículo presenta una reflexión sobre el caso de dos países que han implementado políticas de bilingüismo como son Colombia y Argentina. Estos dos países tienen similitudes en cuanto a políticas y factores sociales, económicos, geográficos y culturales, sin embargo, evaluando el nivel de inglés que tiene cada país, se muestra una marcada diferencia entre ambos. Argentina ocupa el primer lugar en el desempeño de las habilidades comunicativas en inglés con un nivel alto, mientras que Colombia se encuentra en los últimos lugares y ha sido reconocido como uno de los países con menor nivel.O inglês tem sido considerado a língua oficial em muitos países que não falam inglês. No caso da América Latina, foram incluídas políticas linguísticas na maioria dos países onde o inglês foi oficializado como língua estrangeira é obrigatório ensiná-lo em contextos educacionais. A maioria dos países aspira à formação de cidadãos bilíngues e profissionais com domínio do inglês para responder às demandas da globalização. Este artigo apresenta uma reflexão sobre o caso de dois países que implementaram políticas de bilinguismo como Colômbia e Argentina. Esses dois países possuem semelhanças em termos de políticas e fatores sociais, econômicos, geográficos e culturais, porém, avaliando o nível de inglês que cada país possui, percebe-se uma diferença marcante entre eles. A Argentina ocupa o primeiro lugar no desempenho das habilidades de comunicação em inglês com alto nível, enquanto a Colômbia está nas últimas colocações e foi reconhecida como um dos países com o nível mais baixo. Além disso, para alcançar este objetivo, a abordagem qualitativa, o paradigma construtivista e o método de pesquisa documental serão levados em consideração

    Active methodologies and digital technologies: In defense of a de-centered pedagogy

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    The aim of this article is to explore how active methodologies and digital technologies can foster a more active participation of students in their learning process and suggests possible changes in pedagogical practices. Blended learning, conceived in a stricter sense as the mix of face-to-face and online activities, and in a broader sense as the mix of different methodologies and spaces, is considered the future of educational activities. The following methodologies are discussed: flipped classroom, peer instruction, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and game-based learning. Research shows that these methodologies, when adequately combined with information and communication technologies, result in greater motivation and involvement of the students. Although these strategies do not generate improvement in immediate retention of knowledge, more complex skills are developed when compared to traditional education methods, such as: problem solving, the transfer of knowledge to reality, and retention of knowledge in the longer term. The article concludes with a critique of the contemporary discourses that position the student at the center of the teaching and learning process, claiming for a de-centered pedagogy, in which students interact with each other, teachers and other actors, in collaboratively groups where there is no need for a center, or in which each of these actors can alternatively perform a central function

    Digital Games and the Exercise of Attention: Interventions in Small Groups in School

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    Digital games can be used to improve cognitive skills in schools, since they have rules, goals, challenges and propose actions that require the player’s attention, the use of problem-solving capacity, involving the planning of actions, keeping the goals and objectives in mind. Therefore, this article’s objective is to investigate indicators on the effects of the use of digital cognitive games in interventions carried out in small groups in the school context on the attention capacity. Therefore, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with 30 subjects, aged 7 to 11, which were divided into two groups, participant and control. Both were evaluated before and after the intervention through the application of a concentrated attention test. The results obtained indicated that the participant group had a significantly superior performance in relation to the quality of the attention because of less mistakes in the second application than the control group. The differences found in test variables that indicate the speed of discrimination of stimuli and attention more broadly were not significant