542 research outputs found

    A new approach to the design of time varying control systems with application to the space shuttle booster

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    A general approach toward the analysis and design of closed loop control for slowly time-varying linear systems was investigated. The approach is by the method of generalized multiple scales, in which slow and fast dynamics are systematically separated by employing different clocks which measure time at varying rates. The clocks, which are necessarily nonlinear functions of time, so that the system dynamics are asymptotically invariant with respect to the new time scale. A transfer function relating the output to the input for general linear slowly time-varying systems is developed and represents the actual system under certain conditions. The clock functions are shown to satisfy an algebraic characteristic equation and can be determined in general in terms of the coefficients

    Characterizing Driving Context from Driver Behavior

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    Because of the increasing availability of spatiotemporal data, a variety of data-analytic applications have become possible. Characterizing driving context, where context may be thought of as a combination of location and time, is a new challenging application. An example of such a characterization is finding the correlation between driving behavior and traffic conditions. This contextual information enables analysts to validate observation-based hypotheses about the driving of an individual. In this paper, we present DriveContext, a novel framework to find the characteristics of a context, by extracting significant driving patterns (e.g., a slow-down), and then identifying the set of potential causes behind patterns (e.g., traffic congestion). Our experimental results confirm the feasibility of the framework in identifying meaningful driving patterns, with improvements in comparison with the state-of-the-art. We also demonstrate how the framework derives interesting characteristics for different contexts, through real-world examples.Comment: Accepted to be published at The 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2017

    Satellite attitude prediction by multiple time scales method

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    An investigation is made of the problem of predicting the attitude of satellites under the influence of external disturbing torques. The attitude dynamics are first expressed in a perturbation formulation which is then solved by the multiple scales approach. The independent variable, time, is extended into new scales, fast, slow, etc., and the integration is carried out separately in the new variables. The theory is applied to two different satellite configurations, rigid body and dual spin, each of which may have an asymmetric mass distribution. The disturbing torques considered are gravity gradient and geomagnetic. Finally, as multiple time scales approach separates slow and fast behaviors of satellite attitude motion, this property is used for the design of an attitude control device. A nutation damping control loop, using the geomagnetic torque for an earth pointing dual spin satellite, is designed in terms of the slow equation

    Floral Biology and Breeding System of Garcinia Imberti Bourd.-A Critically Endangered Tree Species of Western Ghats, Kerala, India

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    Plant flowering and breeding characteristics are important to understand the reproduction of plant populations. Garcinia imberti belongs to the family Clusiaceae is a critically endangered tree species of Agasthyamalai hills and endemic to Western Ghats, Kerala, India. Present study is to investigate the floral biology and breeding system during 2012-13. The tree species is dioecious. The peak of male and female flowering was observed in Feb-May, but the male flowers were observed one week before the female flower. Female flowers are significantly larger than the male flower. Both sexual morphs have four petals and four sepals in imbricated arrangement. Controlled pollination experiment showed that Garcinia imberti was a self-incompatible species that produced fruits through cross-pollination. According to the field observations after pollination treatments fruit setting was observed as 53.33%, 30.00%, and 36.67% in cross pollination, apomixis and open pollination respectively. This indicates a functionally dioecious mating system and pollination limited fruit set in Garcinia imberti. Female flower bear fruits with 1-2 seeds. Floral visitors observed in only in male flowers. These are not pollinators and they never observed on female flowers

    Regulation of Caspase-3 and Bcl-2 Expression in Dalton's Lymphoma Ascites Cells by Abrin

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    The role of abrin, a toxic lectin isolated from seeds of Abrus precatorius Linn in inducing apoptosis in murine Dalton's Lymphoma Ascites (DLA) cells was evaluated. Abrin when incubated at the concentration of 10 ng per million DLA cells could bring about cell death as typical morphological changes with apoptosis. However, necrotic cell death dominated when a higher dose of abrin was used. DNA samples, isolated from DLA cells treated with abrin showed fragmentation. Abrin brought about induction of apoptosis by stimulating the expression of pro-apoptotic Caspase-3, at the same time blocking the expression of Bcl-2, which is an anti apoptotic gene. However, the expression of tumor suppressor gene p53 has not been observed in control and abrin-treated DLA cells. Results suggested that abrin effectively induced apoptotic changes in the tumor cells that led to cellular death

    Projector Light Control And Fuzzy Based Control For EDOC In Electric Vehicle For Two Wheelers

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    Projector light control mainly focus on the battery management in an e-vehicle. This provides a long time journey without any unnecessary wastage of the battery. This may be used in all sort of e-vehicle. The system can replace the hardware components of the Electric vehicles in Two wheelers and does not need extra equipment. The size and volume EDOC is reducedTo control electric drive onboard converter (EDOC) using Fuzzy in the DC (battery) side. To automate the projector light in an E-vehicle for two wheeler to reduce the battery consumptio

    Non-specific interstitial pneumonia as the initial presentation of biphenotypic acute leukemia: a case report

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    Nonspecific interstitial pneumonia has been linked to numerous etiologies including, most recently, haematologic malignancy. We present a 46-year-old woman with recent-onset rheumatologic illness who developed pulmonary symptoms as the presenting feature of biphenotypic acute leukaemia. Chest radiology demonstrated bilateral infiltrates, and lung biopsy revealed nonspecific interstitial pneumonia. Corticosteroid therapy resulted in resolution of both her pulmonary and rheumatologic symptoms, and her pulmonary symptoms did not recur following treatment of her leukemia. The case highlights the importance of searching for an underlying etiology when confronted with nonspecific interstitial pneumonia
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