7 research outputs found

    Robust adaptive immune response against Babesia microti infection marked by low parasitemia in a murine model of sickle cell disease.

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    The intraerythrocytic parasite Babesia microti is the number 1 cause of transfusion-transmitted infection and can induce serious, often life-threatening complications in immunocompromised individuals including transfusion-dependent patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Despite the existence of strong long-lasting immunological protection against a second infection in mouse models, little is known about the cell types or the kinetics of protective adaptive immunity mounted following Babesia infection, especially in infection-prone SCD that are thought to have an impaired immune system. Here, we show, using a mouse B microti infection model, that infected wild-type (WT) mice mount a very strong adaptive immune response, characterized by (1) coordinated induction of a robust germinal center (GC) reaction; (2) development of follicular helper T (TFH) cells that comprise ∼30% of splenic CD4+ T cells at peak expansion by 10 days postinfection; and (3) high levels of effector T-cell cytokines, including interleukin 21 and interferon γ, with an increase in the secretion of antigen (Ag)-specific antibodies (Abs). Strikingly, the Townes SCD mouse model had significantly lower levels of parasitemia. Despite a highly disorganized splenic architecture before infection, these mice elicited a surprisingly robust adaptive immune response (including comparable levels of GC B cells, TFH cells, and effector cytokines as control and sickle trait mice), but higher immunoglobulin G responses against 2 Babesia-specific proteins, which may contain potential immunogenic epitopes. Together, these studies establish the robust emergence of adaptive immunity to Babesia even in immunologically compromised SCD mice. Identification of potentially immunogenic epitopes has implications to identify long-term carriers, and aid Ag-specific vaccine development. © 2018 by The American Society of Hematology

    Selective deployment of transcription factor paralogs with submaximal strength facilitates gene regulation in the immune system

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    In multicellular organisms, duplicated genes can diverge through tissue-specific gene expression patterns, as exemplified by highly regulated expression of Runx transcription factor paralogs with apparent functional redundancy. Here we asked what cell type-specific biologies might be supported by the selective expression of Runx paralogs during Langerhans cell and inducible regulatory T cell differentiation. We uncovered functional non-equivalence between Runx paralogs. Selective expression of native paralogs allowed integration of transcription factor activity with extrinsic signals, while non-native paralogs enforced differentiation even in the absence of exogenous inducers. DNA-binding affinity was controlled by divergent amino acids within the otherwise highly conserved RUNT domain, and evolutionary reconstruction suggested convergence of RUNT domain residues towards sub-maximal strength. Hence, the selective expression of gene duplicates in specialized cell types can synergize with the acquisition of functional differences to enable appropriate gene expression, lineage choice and differentiation in the mammalian immune system

    Using machine learning probabilities to identify effects of COVID-19

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    <p>These notebooks accompany the journal article published is <i>Patterns </i>titled Using machine learning probabilities to identify effects of COVID-19 by Vijendra Ramlall, Undina Gisladottir, Jenna Kefeli, Yutaro Tanaka, Benjamin May, and Nicholas Tatonetti. </p><p>Summary:</p><p>COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has had extensive economic, social and public health impacts in the United States and around the world. To date, there have been more than 600 million reported infections worldwide with more than 6 million reported deaths. Retrospective analysis, which identified comorbidities, risk factors and treatments, has underpinned the response. As the situation transitions to an endemic, retrospective analyses using electronic health records will be important to identify long-term effects of COVID-19. However, these analyses can be complicated by incomplete records, which makes it difficult to differentiate visits where the patient had COVID-19. To address this, we trained a random forest classifier to assign a probability of a patient having been diagnosed with COVID-19 during each. Using these probabilities, we found that higher COVID-19 probabilities were associated with future diagnosis of myocardial infarction, urinary tract infection, acute renal failure and type 2 diabetes. </p&gt