11,357 research outputs found

    A comparative review of the main techniques for electromagnetic characterization of materials / Uma revisão comparativa das principais técnicas de caracterização eletromagnética de materiais

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    This paper presents the main techniques of electromagnetic characterization electromagnetic at microwave frequency. A detailed analysis of these is performed, indicating which materials under test (MUT) can be measured with the specific technique. Additionally, for the dielectric characterization, measurement results are presented with the best technique that suits this case

    Pediatric invasive Pneumococcal disease three years after PCV13 introduction in the National Immunization Plan—the continued importance of Serotype 3

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).The introduction of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PCV7 and PCV13 led to decreases in incidence of pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease (pIPD) and changes in serotype distribution. We evaluated the consequences of higher vaccine uptake after the introduction of PCV13 in the National Immunization Plan (NIP) in 2015. Besides culture and conventional serotyping, the use of molecular methods to detect and serotype pneumococci in both pleural and cerebrospinal fluid samples contributed to 30% of all pIPD (n = 232) in 2015-2018. The most frequently detected serotypes were: 3 (n = 59, 26%), 10A (n = 17, 8%), 8 (n = 16, 7%) and 19A (n = 10, 4%). PCV13 serotypes still accounted for 46% of pIPD cases. Serotypes not included in any currently available conjugate vaccine (NVT) are becoming important causes of pIPD, with the increases in serotypes 8 and 33F being of particular concern given the importance of serotype 8 in adult IPD and the antimicrobial resistance of serotype 33F isolates. This study highlights the importance of using molecular methods in pIPD surveillance since these allowed a better case ascertainment and the identification of serotype 3 as the leading cause of pIPD. Even in a situation of vaccine uptake >95% for 3 years, PCV13 serotypes remain important causes of pIPD.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    La integración de Redes de Colaboración entre Cuerpos Académicos

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    El tema de redes de colaboración nos involucra a quienes estamos cursando estudios de posgrado o realizando investigación en las Instituciones de Educación Superior al ser considerado por el Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado vigente, como una de las modalidades prioritarias para apoyar a quienes se han integrado, o lo están haciendo, a cuerpos académicos bajo esta nueva forma de organización del trabajo académico en colectivo que no necesariamente es en colaboración. En el curso del trabajo, se precisa el término redes pues, por ser polisémico, ha llegado a ser utilizado de tan diversas maneras que algunas de ellas suelen ser antónimas; aquí introduciremos el término cuerpo académico. En un segundo momento nos permitimos abrir un amplio paréntesis para tratar, de manera breve, algunos conceptos de Michel Gibbons sobre la nueva forma, o Modo 2, de producción del conocimiento. Posteriormente, retomando el concepto de redes y las características aplicables a redes educativas, veremos los planteamientos de otros autores, para concluir sobre cómo los cuerpos académicos podrán integrar las redes de colaboración

    Route planning using wireless sensor network for garbage collection in COVID-19 pandemic

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    Garbage collection is a responsibility faced by all cities and, if not properly carried out, can generate greater costs or sanitary problems. Considering the sanitary situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to take sanitary safety measures to prevent its spread. The challenge of the present work is to provide an efficient and effective solution that guarantees a garbage collection that optimizes the use of resources and prioritizes the attention to garbage containers located in or near contagion risk zones. To this end, this research proposes the integration of a basic garbage monitoring system, consisting of a wireless sensor network, and a route planning system that implements the decomposition of the Vehicle Routing problem into the subproblems of clustering and sequencing of containers using the K-Means and Ant Colony algorithms. For the monitoring of garbage, a significant reduction in the measurement error of waste level in the containers was achieved compared to other authors. About route planning, adequate error ranges were obtained in the calculation of the optimal values of distance traveled and travel time indicators with respect to an exhaustive enumeration of routes

    Uptake, accumulation and metabolization of the antidepressant fluoxetine by Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    Fluoxetine, a selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant, is among the most prescribed pharmaceutical active substances worldwide. This study aimed to assess its accumulation and metabolization in the mussel Mytillus galloprovincialis, considered an excellent sentinel species for traditional and emerging pollutants. Mussels were collected from Ria Formosa Lagoon, Portugal, and exposed to a nominal concentration of fluoxetine (75 ng L-1) for 15 days. Approximately 1 g of whole mussel soft tissues was extracted with acetonitrile:formic acid, loaded into an Oasis MCX cartridge, and fluoxetine analysed by liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MSn). After 3 days of exposure, fluoxetine was accumulated in 70% of the samples, with a mean of 2.53 ng g(-1) dry weight (d.w.) and norfluoxetine was only detected in one sample (10%), at 3.06 ng g(-1) d.w. After 7 days of exposure, the accumulation of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine increased up to 80 and 50% respectively, and their mean accumulated levels in mussel tissues were up to 4.43 and 2.85 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively. By the end of the exposure period (15 days), both compounds were detected in 100% of the samples (mean of 9.31 and 11.65 ng g(-1) d.w., respectively). Statistical analysis revealed significant accumulation differences between the 3rd and 15th day of exposure for fluoxetine, and between the 3rd and 7th against the 15th day of exposure for norfluoxetine. These results suggest that the fluoxetine accumulated in mussel tissues is likely to be metabolised into norfluoxetine with the increase of the time of exposure, giving evidence that at these realistic environmental concentrations, toxic effects of fluoxetine in mussel tissues may occur. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Modeling Microstrip Antenna

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    In this work, a rectangular microstrip antenna with inset is designed, simulated and optimized. In the optimization process the patch is deformed, it new antenna present a amorphous patch. The optimization process was conducted with Genetic Algorithm (GA), S11 parameters was obtained with full wave Finite-Differences Time-Domain (FDTD-3D), and the initial configuration (design) was obtained with line transmission and cavite method.Comment: 3 pages, six figure

    Correlacion de tres medidas posturales del pie en tres planos corporales en ninos de 5 a 6 anos del Colegio Antilen de Rengo

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    43 p.Diseño: Estudio experimental del tipo correlacional. Objetivos: Determinar si existe una correlación entre el plano sagital, frontal y horizontal a nivel del segmento pie en niños en edad crítica del desarrollo, 5 a 6 años del “Colegio Antilén”, de Rengo, en base a los resultados arrojados por el Modelo Estándar de Evaluación Postural (MEEP). Participantes: 79 niños, entre hombres y mujeres, con edades de 5 y 6 años, los cuales cursan Kinder y Primer año básico. Metodología: Se efectuó una evaluación postural a nivel del segmento pie en base al MEEP, el que contempla: Relación Calcáneo Calcáneo; Línea del Feiss; Bóveda Plantar. Se determinó las alteraciones de estas para cada niño a nivel del pie derecho e izquierdo. Para luego ser analizado de acuerdo a la correlación bivariada de Pearson. Resultados: no existe correlación de los tres planos de evaluación, pues, la correlación bivariada de Pearson en cada uno de los casos es cercana a cero. Sin embargo, si existe correlación entre la Relación Tendón Calcáneo- Calcáneo y Bóveda Plantar del pie izquierdo, con una significancia (sig.) de 0,044. Discusión: a pesar que en la literatura son diversas la pruebas destinadas a la evaluación del segmento pie, no existe referencia que establezca una relación entre ellas y por ende en los planos en las que se desarrollan, hecho fundamental si se considera que alteraciones tan comunes y bastante estudiadas como el pie plano, se dan en los diferentes planos que la componen, de ahí la importancia de verificar la correlación propuesta por MEEP, de modo de sustento a profesionales y alumnos que recurren a dicho modelo. Conclusiones: no existe correlación en los tres planos de evaluación postural del MEEP, es decir, ente la Relación Tendón Calcáneo-Calcáneo, Línea de Feiss y Bóveda Planta

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa MifS-MifR Two-Component System Is Specific for alpha-Ketoglutarate Utilization

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative, metabolically versatile opportunistic pathogen that elaborates a multitude of virulence factors, and is extraordinarily resistant to a gamut of clinically significant antibiotics. This ability, in part, is mediated by two-component regulatory systems (TCS) that play a crucial role in modulating virulence mechanisms and metabolism. MifS (PA5512) and MifR (PA5511) form one such TCS implicated in biofilm formation. MifS is a sensor kinase whereas MifR belongs to the NtrC superfamily of transcriptional regulators that interact with RpoN (sigma(54)). In this study we demonstrate that the mifS and mifR genes form a two-gene operon. The close proximity of mifSR operon to poxB (PA5514) encoding a beta-lactamase hinted at the role of MifSR TCS in regulating antibiotic resistance. To better understand this TCS, clean in-frame deletions were made in P. aeruginosa PAO1 creating PAO Delta mifS, PAO Delta mifR and PAO Delta mifSR. The loss of mifSR had no effect on the antibiotic resistance profile. Phenotypic microarray (BioLOG) analyses of PAO Delta mifS and PAO Delta mifR revealed that these mutants were unable to utilize C-5-dicarboxylate alpha-ketoglutarate (alpha-KG), a key tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate. This finding was confirmed using growth analyses, and the defect can be rescued by mifR or mifSR expressed in trans. These mifSR mutants were able to utilize all the other TCA cycle intermediates (citrate, succinate, fumarate, oxaloacetate or malate) and sugars (glucose or sucrose) except alpha-KG as the sole carbon source. We confirmed that the mifSR mutants have functional dehydrogenase complex suggesting a possible defect in alpha-KG transport. The inability of the mutants to utilize alpha-KG was rescued by expressing PA5530, encoding C-5-dicarboxylate transporter, under a regulatable promoter. In addition, we demonstrate that besides MifSR and PA5530, alpha-KG utilization requires functional RpoN. These data clearly suggests that P. aeruginosa MifSR TCS is involved in sensing a-KG and regulating its transport and subsequentmetabolism