1,516 research outputs found

    Automobile indexation from 3D point clouds of urban scenarios

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    In this paper, we introduce a methodology for the detection and segmentation of automobiles in urban scenarios. We use the LiDAR Velodyne HDL-64E to scan the surroundings. The method is comprised of three steps: (1) remove facades, ground plan, and unstructured objects, (2) smoothing data using robust principal component analysis (RPCA), and finally, (3) unstructured objects model and indexing. The dataset is partitioned into training with 4500 objects and test with 3000 objects. Mean Shift thresholds, the filter, the Delaunay parameters, and the histogram modelling are optimized via ROC analysis. It is observed that the car scan quality affects our method to a lesser degree when compared with state-of-the-art methods

    Surface Plasmon Resonance as a Characterization Tool for Lipids Nanoparticles used in drug delivery

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    The development of drug carriers based in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) aims toward the synthesis of non-toxic multifunctional nanovehicles that can bypass the immune system and allow specific site targeting, controlled release and complete degradation of the carrier components. Among label free techniques, Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) biosensing is a versatile tool to study LNPs in the field of nanotherapeutics research. SPR, widely used for the analysis of molecular interactions, is based on the immobilization of one of the interacting partners to the sensor surface, which can be easily achieved in the case of LNPs by hydrophobic attachment onto commercial lipid- capture sensor chips. In the last years SPR technology has emerged as an interesting strategy for studying molecular aspects of drug delivery that determines the efficacy of the nanotherapeutical such as LNPs' interactions with biological targets, with serum proteins and with tumor extracelullar matrix. Moreover, SPR has contributed to the obtention and characterization of LNPs, gathering information about the interplay between components of the formulations, their response to organic molecules and, more recently, the quantification and molecular characterization of exosomes. By the combination of available sensor platforms, assay quickness and straight forward platform adaptation for new carrier systems, SPR is becoming a high throughput technique for LNPs' characterization and analysis.Fil: Chain, Cecilia Yamil. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Daza Millone, Maria Antonieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Cisneros, José Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Ramirez, Eduardo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Vela, Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; Argentin

    Nifurtimox response of Trypanosoma cruzi isolates from an outbreak of Chagas disease in Caracas, Venezuela

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    Background & objectives: In Venezuela, Chagas disease (ChD) is considered a serious health problem, with about 6 million people at risk; and acute outbreaks due to oral transmission of Chagas Disease (OChD) are becoming increasingly important. In 2007 there was a major outbreak of OChD and although patients from this episode were treated with nifurtimox (Lampit®—Bayer), about 70% therapeutic failure was registered. These results led us to examine whether parasite’s drug susceptibility was related to this therapeutic failure. Methods: The Trypanosoma cruzi parasites were isolated by haemoculture of the peripheral blood drawn from the pre- and post-nifurtimox treated patients infected in the 2007 OChD outbreak at Caracas, Venezuela. The in vitro assays for drug testing were performed by the MTT methodology followed by calculation of inhibitory concentration-50 (IC50) values. Results: Parasite isolates obtained from the infected patients prior and after nifurtimox treatment when subjected to variable concentrations of the drug showed great heterogeneity in susceptibility with IC50 values ranging from 4.07 ± 1.82 to 94.92 ± 7.24 µM. Interpretation & conclusion: The high heterogeneity in nifurtimox IC50 values in the isolates and clones from the OChD patients, suggests that the therapeutic failure to nifurtimox could be due in part to a phenotypic variability that existed in the wild parasite population at the original source of contamination. Though, further pharmacological studies are needed to confirm the existence of natural nifurtimox resistance in the parasite.Fil: Muñoz Calderon, Arturo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Central de Venezuela; VenezuelaFil: Diaz Bello, Zoraida. Universidad Central de Venezuela; VenezuelaFil: Ramirez, José Luis. Fundacion Instituto de Estudios Avanzados Idea; VenezuelaFil: Noya, Oscar. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuela. Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud; VenezuelaFil: Alarcón de Noya, Belkisyolé. Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuel

    Factores de riesgo asociados a la seroprevalencia de lentivirus en rebaños ovinos y caprinos del noreste de México

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    A cross-sectional study was conducted with the purpose of determinate the risk factors associated with the serological frequency of small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) in sheep and goats from northeastern Mexico. From 128 herds, 71 of goats, 32 of sheep and 25 mixed herds (goats + sheep), 768 individual sera were collected from animals ≥1 yr old. From each herd, 4 to 5 serum samples were mixed and analyzed by ELISA to identify antibodies against SRLV glycoprotein 135. Samples were obtained from randomly selected animals in 2019 and 2020. A questionnaire was applied to the producers and the data were analyzed to determine the risk factors associated with herd seropositivity by logistic regression. The proportion of seropositive herds, overall, was estimated at 50.6 %. According to the type of herd, seropositivity in goat herds was 62.0 %, in sheep herds 25.4 % and 50.2 % in mixed herds. The risk factors associated with the presence of antibodies against SRLV were the presence of animals with arthritis, veterinary care, reuse of needles, nerve alterations, low pregnancy rate, type of herd and mastitis. Serological frequency indicates a high endemicity of SRLV in small ruminant herds from northeastern Mexico.Se realizó un estudio transversal con el propósito de determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a la frecuencia serológica de Lentivirus de los pequeños rumiantes (LvPR) en ovinos y caprinos del noreste de México. De 128 rebaños, 71 de caprinos, 32 de ovinos y 25 mixtos (caprinos + ovinos), se recolectaron 768 sueros individuales de animales ≥1 año de edad. De cada rebaño 4 a 5 muestras de suero fueron mezcladas y analizadas por ELISA para identificar anticuerpos contra la glucoproteína 135 del LvPR. Las muestras se obtuvieron de animales seleccionados al azar en los años 2019 y 2020. Se aplicó un cuestionario a los productores y los datos se analizaron para determinar los factores de riesgo asociados a la seropositividad del rebaño mediante regresión logística. La proporción de rebaños seropositivos en general fue estimada en 50.6 %. Acorde al tipo de rebaño la seropositividad en rebaños caprinos fue de 62.0 %, en ovinos de 25.4 % y de 50.2 % en rebaños mixtos. Los factores de riesgo asociados a la presencia de anticuerpos contra el LvPR fueron presencia de animales con artritis, asistencia veterinaria, reutilizar agujas, alteraciones nerviosas, bajo índice de preñez, tipo de rebaño y mastitis. La frecuencia serológica indica una alta endemicidad del LvPR en rebaños de pequeños rumiantes del noreste de México

    Hydrodynamic effects asociated to methyl ester sulphonation in falling film reactors

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    Falling film reactors (FFR) are widely used in industry, mainly in those processes which require an efficient heat exchange. Although, these devices have been studied for several years, there is not yet a full understanding of their behavior. This is due to the fact that the performance of the FFRs can be easily influenced by hydrodynamic factors which affect transport phenomena in the reactor. In this study, an experimental analysis of hydrodynamic factors influencing a FFR is presented, paying special attention to hydrodynamic phenomena such as the phases’ flow regimens and the residence time for the sulphonation of methyl ester (ME) from palm oil with SO3. The results show that along with the SO3/ME ratio the hydrodynamic of both phases (gas and liquid) present in the reactor have a strong influence over the sulphonation efficienc


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    El presente trabajo se implementa un controlador resonante integral para la atenuación del primer modo de vibración de una estructura flexible tipo viga en voladizo. El controlador se implementa mediante un circuito electrónico analógico y se utilizan actuadores piezoeléctricos. Se presenta el proceso de acondicionamiento de la señal de aceleración utilizada, la sintonización del controlador y finalmente se exponen los resultados obtenidos experimentalmente, donde se observa una disminución en el tiempo de estabilización superior al 50% con respecto al tiempo del sistema no controlado.Palabras clave: Control resonante, viga en voladizo, control activo de vibracione

    Actitudes de los docentes en formación inicial sobre videojuegos

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    Videogames (VGs), as a didactic resource, are an idiosyncratic tool that they generate diverse work dynamics and relationships in the classroom. This article opens up from the premise the previous recreational experience with VGs could determine later didactic use. In this way, the present study tries to characterize the teachers in initial formation on the use of the VGs, on the hypothesis that different profiles of VGs player could be found among the teachers in initial formation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of the VGs from a playful perspective, the tastes they have about the types and contents of the VGs and the motives that can attract the subject towards their use. Through a survey method of a total of 659 teachers in training, a non-parametric descriptive study was carried out. It is also accompanied by a descriptive factorial model. Factors such as gender or titling are key to the different variables treated. The work is accompanied by a discussion of results.Como recurso didáctico, los videojuegos (VJs) ofrecen elementos que los diferencia y que hacen que las dinámicas de trabajo y de relaciones que se generan con su utilización sean muy interesantes desde el punto de vista didáctico. En este sentido, ayudan a la contextualización de los aprendizajes, pudiendo evitar aquellas concepciones erróneas que desde la abstracción de estos se derivan. A la hora de poner en juego cualquier iniciativa formativa donde el VJ se presente como un importante recurso, se hace necesario conocer y caracterizar a los que serán los posibles usuarios de estos. En el presente estudio descriptivo, tratamos pues de caracterizar cuales son las actitudes de los maestros en formación inicial sobre el uso que hacen de ellos en su vertiente personal

    Lactic-acid bacteria increase the survival of marine shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, after infection with Vibrio harveyi

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    Este trabalho avaliou a adição de duas cepas de bactérias lácticas (2 e B6) na sobrevivência, qualidade de pós-larva e na população de bactérias na larvicultura de Litopenaeus vannamei experimentalmente infectado por Vibrio harveyi. Mil e quinhentos náuplios foram distribuídos em tanques de 20 L com quatro repetições. A sobrevivência dos animais controle foi menor (21%) do que a dos alimentados com as cepas B6 (50%) e 2 (44%). Sobrevivência de misis após desafio com V. harveyi foi maior em B6 do que nos outros tratamentos. A população total de bactérias na água e nas larvas, bem como de Vibrio ssp. na água não foi diferente entre os tratamentos. Não houve diferença, também, entre a população de Vibrio ssp. em larvas do grupo controle (5,5±0,5 log UFC/mL) e larvas alimentadas com a cepa 2 (5,4±0,1 log UFC/mL). Camarões do grupo controle e alimentados com cepa 2 apresentaram maior população de bactérias do que os alimentados com cepa B6 (1,2±0,2 log UFC/mL). Foi comprovada a menor presença de bactérias entéricas com potencial de patogenicidade nos animais alimentados com a cepa B6, apresentando também comportamento mais ativo e menor número de necroses em relação ao controle e cepa 2.This study evaluated the survival, post-larvae quality, and the population of bacteria in Litopenaeus vannamei after the addition of two strains of lactic-acid bacteria (2 and B6) experimentally infected by Vibrio harveyi. Fifteen hundred nauplii were distributed in 20 L capacity tanks with four replicates. The survival of control animals was lower (21%) than that of animals fed with the strains B6 (50%) and 2 (44%). Total bacterial population in the water and larvae, as well as of the Vibrio ssp. in water was not different among the treatments. No difference was observed in the population of Vibrio ssp. between the control larvae (5.5±0.5 log UFC/mL) and that fed with strain 2 (5.4±0.1 log UFC/mL). Shrimp from control and fed with strain 2 showed significantly higher bacterial population than those fed with strain B6 (1.2±0.2 log UFC/mL). It was detected the lower load of Vibrio ssp. bacteria with potential of pathogenicity after feeding with strain B6.Moreover, these larvae showed more active behavior and low number of necrosis in relation to the control group and to that fed with strain 2

    Factores asociados a dentición funcional en adultos mayores de la subred centro oriente, Bogotá, 2017

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    Resumen Introducción y objetivo: determinar los factores relacionados con la dentición funcional según el concepto de la Organización Mundial de la salud -OMS-; y su prevalencia en un grupo de adultos mayores usuarios del servicio de odontología de la Subred Centro Oriente de Bogotá en 2017. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal en el que se tomó como variable dependiente la dentición funcional. Mediante regresión logística binaria se identificaron las variables independientes que explican mejor la dentición funcional. Los datos fueron tomados de historias clínicas diligenciadas por odontólogos capacitados y para los análisis estadísticos se empleó el software IBM-SPSS versión 24. Se analizaron 394 historias de adultos, mayores de 60 años, valorados en el servicio de odontología. Resultados: la prevalencia de dentición funcional fue del 17%. El análisis multivariado determinó que los factores que mejor explicaron la dentición funcional fueron sexo (RP^1,6), edad (?^-0,08), presencia de comorbilidades (RP^3,4), y uso de seda dental (RP^1,2). Conclusiones: los datos evidencian baja prevalencia de dentición funcional en la población estudiada. Ser de edad más avanzada, ser mujer y no usar la seda dental, fueron factores relacionados con menor dentición funcional, mientras que la presencia de comorbilidades, por su parte, se asoció a mayor dentición funcional en la población estudiada. Los hallazgos del estudio sugieren la importancia de fortalecer el componente de actividades preventivas a lo largo del ciclo vital, e incluso, desde edades tempranas para disminuir la pérdida dental.Abstract Introduction and objective: To determine the factors related to functional dentition according to the concept of the World Health Organization -OMS-and its prevalence in a group of elderly users of the dentistry service of the Central East Subred of Bogotá in 2017. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional study in which the functional dentition was taken as a dependent variable. By means of binary logistic regression, the independent variables that better explain the functional dentition were identified. The data were taken from clinical records filled by trained dentists and for the statistical analysis the software IBM-SPSS version 24 was used. We analyzed 394 clinical records of adults, older than 60 years, assessed in the dentistry service. Results: the prevalence of functional dentition was 17%. The multivariate analysis determined that the factors that best explained the functional dentition were sex (RP ^ 1.6), age (? ^ -0.08), presence of comorbidities (RP ^ 3.4), and use of dental floss (RP ^ 1,2) Conclusions: the data show a low prevalence of functional dentition in the studied population, being older, being a woman and not using dental floss, were factors related to lower functional dentition, while the presence of comorbidities on the other hand, it was associated with greater functional dentition in the study population. The findings of the study suggest the importance of strengthening the component of preventive activities throughout the life cycle, and even, from an early age to reduce dental loss