749 research outputs found

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    The Electrochemical Syntheses And Characterizations Of Nickel Nanoparticles And Zinc-Nickel Nanoalloy On Composite Graphite Substrate

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    Nanohablur nikel (Ni) dengan purata saiz 9.7 ± 2.3 nm dimendapkan ke atas komposit elektrod grafit daripada larutan saduran 5.0 mM NiCl2.6H2O dan 1.0 M NH4Cl menggunakan kadar imbasan 6500 mVs-1. The nickel (Ni) nanocrystals with an average size of 9.7 ± 2.3 nm were deposited onto composite graphite electrode from a plating solution of 5.0 mM NiCl2.6H2O and 1.0 M NH4Cl using scan rate of 6500 mVs-1. The initial potential −1.5 V vs. Ag/AgCl, final potential −0.5 V and applied time 120 s were used for the whole deposition process

    The mediating role of professional ethics and career anchors on the causal relationship between psychological well-being and quality of work life for nurses

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    Background and Aims: Nurses are one of the largest groups delivering health - therapy care in the private and public sectors and their interactions with patients is very high compared with the other employees. This study aimed to investigate the role of intermediary in professional ethics and career anchors on the causal relationship between psychological well-being and quality of work life of nurses. Methods: The statistical population consisted of all nurses working in public hospitals of Urmia (1363 subjects) in 2016 who 300 nurses selected by stratified random sampling method. Data were collected using 4 Standard questionnaires: professional ethics, career anchors, psychological well-being scale and quality of work life questionnaire. Data were analyzed using t-test and structural equation modeling by SPSS and LISREL software. Results: The results showed that the direct effect of variable psychological well-being on professional ethics (r=0.23, P<0.01). The direct effect of psychological well-being variable on career anchors and professional ethics on the quality of working life was significant, respectively (r=0.48, P<0.01), (r=0.39, P<0.01). Also, the direct effect of career anchors on the quality of working life was significant (r=0.31, P<0.01). It was reported a significant and indirect effect of psychological well-being on the quality of working life (P<0.01). Conclusion: Regarding the research results, it is suggested to promote the quality of nurses’ work life, enhancing psychological well-being followed by professional ethics and support employment are taken into consideration

    Harnessing the Power of Hugging Face Transformers for Predicting Mental Health Disorders in Social Networks

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    Early diagnosis of mental disorders and intervention can facilitate the prevention of severe injuries and the improvement of treatment results. Using social media and pre-trained language models, this study explores how user-generated data can be used to predict mental disorder symptoms. Our study compares four different BERT models of Hugging Face with standard machine learning techniques used in automatic depression diagnosis in recent literature. The results show that new models outperform the previous approach with an accuracy rate of up to 97%. Analyzing the results while complementing past findings, we find that even tiny amounts of data (like users' bio descriptions) have the potential to predict mental disorders. We conclude that social media data is an excellent source of mental health screening, and pre-trained models can effectively automate this critical task.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Knowledge Identity (KI): A New Approach to Integrating Knowledge Management into Enterprise Systems

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    Despite the extensive studies about KM over the past four decades, the discipline still lacks a clear and practically comprehensive understanding of how KM can be integrated into enterprise systems. To a high degree, the issue is associated with the ambiguous assumptions taken by organizations about knowledge. Many of the assumptions of information systems theories about knowledge require revision, particularly how knowledge is managed. Conceptualizing knowledge as processed data and information has led contemporary design and implementation of enterprise systems to fail to capture the complexity of knowledge. In this article, we critically examine these views. We argue that the answer to the question as to how and to what extent enterprise systems can support KM, depends on the assumptions that organizations take towards the nature and sources of knowledge. To address this question, we introduce the concept of Knowledge Identity (KI) and a model of Enterprise Knowledge Integration

    White Phase Intersection Control through Distributed Coordination: A Mobile Controller Paradigm in a Mixed Traffic Stream

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    This study presents a vehicle-level distributed coordination strategy to control a mixed traffic stream of connected automated vehicles (CAVs) and connected human-driven vehicles (CHVs) through signalized intersections. We use CAVs as mobile traffic controllers during a newly introduced white phase, during which CAVs will negotiate the right-of-way to lead a group of CHVs while CHVs must follow their immediate front vehicle. The white phase will not be activated under low CAV penetration rates, where vehicles must wait for green signals. We have formulated this problem as a distributed mixed-integer non-linear program and developed a methodology to form an agreement among all vehicles on their trajectories and signal timing parameters. The agreement on trajectories is reached through an iterative process, where CAVs update their trajectory based on shared trajectory of other vehicles to avoid collisions and share their trajectory with other vehicles. Additionally, the agreement on signal timing parameters is formed through a voting process where the most voted feasible signal timing parameters are selected. The numerical experiments indicate that the proposed methodology can efficiently control vehicle movements at signalized intersections under various CAV market shares. The introduced white phase reduces the total delay by 3.2% to 94.06% compared to cooperative trajectory and signal optimization under different CAV market shares in our tests. In addition, our numerical results show that the proposed technique yields reductions in total delay, ranging from 40.2% - 98.9%, compared to those of a fully-actuated signal control obtained from a state-of-practice traffic signal optimization software.Comment: 15 pages. 20 figures, 4 table

    Comparative Histological Analysis of Caspian Thin-Toed Gecko (Reptilia, Squamata) and Persian sturgeon (Actinopterygii, Acipenseriformes) Skin

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    We carried out a comparative study on Caspian thin-toed gecko with Persian sturgeon. The skin plays a role in preventing damage to internal organs from mechanical stress and the harmful effects of sunlight, and is colored depending to the environment to protect against enemies. It also plays the role in the recognition and reproduction of members. The epidermis of Tenuidactylus caspius (Eichwald, 1831) resembles mammals and birds more than the epidermis of reptiles. The stratum corneum layer of the epidermis is the same thickness in the same body area of the Caspian thin-toed gecko representatives. T.c. insularis, which live by the seaside in horizontal position, have relatively few stratum corneum cells that cover the underside of the body, however, there are many air-filled cavities inside these cells. The stratum corneum underside of T.c. caspius, which are adapted to living in a vertical position, have a large number of cells, but they are flatter and have fewer air cavities. The stratum compactum layer of the dermis in the T.c. caspius, is denser and more compact than in the T.c. insularis. Acipenser persicus (Borodin, 1897) epidermis consist of outermost surface layer, middle layer and stratum germinativum. In sturgeon, the outer surface of skin is covered with a cuticle. Below it are mucous cells, taste buds and stratified flattened cells. The stratum compactum of Acipenser persicus is thick and covers the body like a shiel

    Fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodules in a general teaching hospital setting performing moderate number of biopsies: outcome of indeterminate cytologic results

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    Introduction: Our aim was to assess the usefulness of fine-needle aspiration cytologic biopsy (FNA) of the thyroid in our general teaching hospital with average health care facility performing moderate number of such procedures and to evaluate the outcome of Indeterminate Cytologic Results. Material and methods: We studied on all consecutive patients referred for FNA of the thyroid nodule. All samplings were performed primarily by one endocrinologist performing moderate number of samplings and interpreted by one pathologist. Cytological findings were classified as malignant, histologic control recommended (suspicious or indeterminate), benign, and unsatisfactory. Results: Four hundred and seventy six biopsies were performed. Patient acceptance of this procedure was good and no complication was encountered. 64/476 of samples were considered as insufficient (13.4%). Of the remaining samples (355 F, 57 M), 321 specimens (67.4%) were reported to be non-neoplastic lesions, including 251 (52.7%) colloid nodules, 39 (8.2%) hemorrhagic nodules and 31 (6.5%) cases of thyroiditis. A neoplastic nodule was confirmed in 91/476 of cases (19.1%), of which 14 were cytologically malignant (3.0%). Follicular lesions were identified in the remaining 77/476 cases (16.1%). Excluding 21 patients who were lost to follow-up, the remaining 56 patients (72.7%) were surgically followed up. Upon excision, benign lesions were diagnosed in 47/56 (83.8%), of which 32 lesions (57.1%) were follicular adenoma and 15 cases (26.7%) of colloid nodules. Malignancy was confirmed histopathologically in 9 cases (16.2%), including 4 follicular variant papillary carcinomas and 5 follicular carcinomas. Conclusions: FNA is an inexpensive, safe, practical, well tolerated, and easily applied method, even in not fully-experienced hands and provides useful information. Based on our study findings, suspicious cytologic results (cytologically follicular neoplasms) are inconclusive and are associated with a remarkable chance of malignant involvement; hence surgical treatment is necessary for clarification. (Pol J Endocrinol 2008; 59 (5): 385-389)Wstęp: Celem badania była ocena użyteczności biopsji aspiracyjnej cienkoigłowej tarczycy w szpitalu klinicznym przeciętnie wyposażonym w sprzęt, przeprowadzającym stosunkowo rzadko takie procedury oraz ocena częstości uzyskiwania niejednoznacznych wyników badania cytologicznego. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono wszystkich pacjentów zgłaszających się na biopsję cienkoigłową guzków tarczycy. Wszystkie bioptaty zostały pobrane przez jednego endokrynologa, wykonującego stosunkowo niewiele takich procedur, a następnie ocenione przez jednego patomorfologa. Wynik badania cytologicznego klasyfikowano następująco: zmiana złośliwa, zalecana dalsza kontrola histologiczna (zmiana podejrzana lub nieokreślona), zmiana łagodna, niedostateczna ilość materiału biopsyjnego. Wyniki: Wykonano łącznie 476 biopsji. Akceptacja badania wśród pacjentów była dobra, nie odnotowano żadnych powikłań związanych z tą procedurą. Sześćdziesiąt cztery sposród 476 próbek zawierało zbyt mało materiału, aby przeprowadzić badanie (13,4%). Pozostałe bioptaty (355 kobiet, 57 mężczyzn) oceniono następująco: w 321 próbkach (67,4%) stwierdzono zmiany nienowotworowe, w tym 251 (52,7%) guzków koloidowych, 39 (8,2%) guzków krwotocznych i 31 (6,5%) przypadków zapalenia tarczycy. Nowotworowy charakter zmian stwierdzono u 91/476 badanych (19,1%), z czego 14 miało cytologiczne cechy złośliwości (3,0%). Zmiany pęcherzykowe wykryto u 77/476 badanych (16,1%). Po wykluczeniu 21 osób niedostępnych do dalszej obserwacji, pozostało 56 pacjentów (72,7%), których poddano leczeniu chirurgicznemu. Badanie histopatologiczne wyciętych tkanek wykazało łagodny charakter zmian u 47/56 osób (83,8%), w tym 32 przypadki (57,1%) gruczolaka pęcherzykowego i 15 przypadków (26,7%) guzków koloidowych. Zmiany złośliwe potwierdzono u 9 (16,2%) chorych, w tym 4 przypadki raka brodawczakowego i 5 raka pęcherzykowego. Wnioski: Biopsja aspiracyjna cienkoigłowa jest niedrogą, bezpieczną, praktyczną, dobrze tolerowaną przez pacjentów i łatwą do przeprowadzenia procedurą (nawet przez lekarza nie mającego dużego doświadczenia w przeprowadzaniu tego typu procedur), a przy tym dostarczającą przydatnych informacji. Badanie autorów wskazuje, że wyniki badania cytologicznego określone jako zmiana podejrzana (zmiany pęcherzykowate) są niekonkluzywne i wiążą sie ze znacznym ryzykiem procesu złośliwego; dlatego w celu wyjaśnienia wątpliwości diagnostycznych konieczna jest interwencja chirurgiczna. (Endokrynol Pol 2008; 59 (5): 385-389