250 research outputs found

    Work-related musculoskeletal disorders among pesticide sprayers of tea plantations in South India

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    Introduction: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) are conditions in which the work environment and performance of work contribute significantly to the  musculoskeletal condition. The objective of this study was to assess the work-related musculoskeletal disorders among the pesticide sprayers in tea plantations. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 290 chemical sprayers in selected tea plantations in South India from September to October 2018. Simple random sampling was done to select the sprayers for the study, written informed consent was taken and face–to–face interview was done with the sprayers. Socio-demographic factors and work profiles were noted. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was used for the evaluation of musculoskeletal complaints. Results: Among the 290 sprayers in the study, all of them were males and the mean age of the participants was 45.6±8.5 years. More than half of the study participants 152 (52.4%) suffered from at least one musculoskeletal complaint and most of them 104 (35.8%) had pain in more than one body part. Among them, more than one-third 101 (34.8%) suffered from knee joint pain in the past twelve months. Shoulder problems (27.6%), lower back (22.8%) and upper back pains (19.3%) were the other major work-related musculoskeletal disorders that the study participants faced in the past year. Knee pain (31.7%), low backache (20.7%) and shoulder pain (24.1%) were the musculoskeletal problems that were related to their absence from work. Conclusion: More than half of the sprayers had at least one musculoskeletal complaint. Most common issues included knee joint pain, shoulder pain and back pains


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    The paper examines sectoral return predictability for eleven sectoral indices of National Stock Exchange (NSE). The article shows that investors can predict the movement of sectoral indices using the index valuation ratios of those sectors. A predictive regression using the index valuation ratios as predictor variables was run for each sector using Generalized Methods of Moments (GMM). Lagged dependent variables were used as instruments to solve the problem of endogeneity. The study also uses Newey-West (HAC) correction to get unbiased coefficients. The index valuation ratios predict the returns in nine out of eleven sectors for the sample period running from 2005 to 2019. The findings assist individual investors and fund managers to forecast the sectoral returns and develop an informed trading strategy to maximize returns and diversify their portfolio to minimize the loss

    Impact of parenting style and upbringing on menstrual stress in adolescent South Indian girls

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    Background: School absenteeism because of major symptoms like dysmenorrhea has ranged from 14% to 51% and this has affected the participation of school going girls in school related activities. In developing countries, adolescent girls face health issues due to socio-economic, environmental conditions and gender discrimination. The parenting style has been explained by Baumrind, which harbours a particular coping mechanism. This study aimed to determine the level of stress in adolescent girls during menstruation using one of these standardised scales. Objective of this study was to assess stress levels during menstrual period among adolescent girls, problems faced during menstrual period and parenting skill effect on menstrual stress.Methods: This was a cross sectional study done on adolescent girls 13 to 19 years of age. The tool used in this study included demographic details, parenting style, (PSDQ scale), prevalence of stress (PSS). All the adolescent girls aged 13-19 years.Results: The study participants 54 (24.9%) felt stressed during the days of the menstrual period, 186 (85.7%) regarded their mother as the major source for menstruation related health issues, 112 (49.3%) did not get support from their family during the time of the menstrual period. Girls with parents who are very authoritarian 28 (31.5%) and very involved 34 (34%), had stress during the menstrual period.Conclusions: Parents play a very important role during the growing phase of an adolescent girl. The communication between parents and children related to menstrual health issues is dependent on educational status of the parents and their knowledge about menstrual health

    Role of Cyclonic Eddy in enhancing Primary and New production in the Bay of Bengal

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    Highlights: • First direct measurements of new production in an eddy in the Bay of Bengal. • 100% increase in nutrient concentrations is seen due to the eddy. • Eddy enhanced new and primary production in the otherwise less productive Bay of Bengal. Abstract: Eddies can be important in sustaining primary production in the tropical oceans, but their role for nutrient cycling is poorly understood in the under-sampled northern Indian Ocean. To assess the role of cyclonic eddies in enhancing primary production, measurements of primary production were carried out at four stations in the northern Bay of Bengal during the early winter 2007, around a cyclonic eddy close to 17.8 °N, 87.5 °E. Shallowing of the thermocline and halocline by 10 m was observed within the eddy compared to the surroundings; mixed layer depth was also reduced within the eddy. The highest surface productivity (2.71 μM C d− 1) and chlorophyll a (0.18 μg L− 1) were found within the eddy, while the lowest, at its outer edge. Further, the eddy supplied nutrients to the surface layers, shallowing the subsurface chlorophyll maximum as well. Integrated production in the euphotic top layers was more than twice within eddy compared to its outer edge, confirming the role of cyclonic eddies in enhancing the primary production in the otherwise less productive Bay of Bengal. Given new nitrogen input via vertical mixing, river discharge or aerosol deposition, the additional primary production due to this new nutrient input and its contribution to the total production (f-ratio, fraction of exportable organic matter) increased significantly from 0.4 to 0.7, and thus the Bay of Bengal can potentially transfer a high fraction of its total production to the deep, assisted by eddies. We suggest possible improvements in experiments for future studies, and the potential for assessing the role of eddies in biogeochemistry

    A study of eosinophil count in nasal and blood smear in allergic respiratory diseases in a rural setup

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    ABSTRACT: Allergic respiratory disorders are fairly common visiting cases in pediatrics outpatient department (OPD). With an appropriate history and detailed examination, diagnosis may not be problematic. Routine investigation may not contribute much to the final diagnosis but may help in ruling out other possibilities. This study was done to evaluate sensitivity and specificity of blood or nasal eosinophilia in subjects suffering from allergic respiratory disorders and also to assess the feasibility of nasal cytogram which is a simple, economical and reliable investigation in allergic respiratory disorders. This is a prospective clinical correlation study of patients attending outpatient department. 100 subjects aged between 2-18 years of either sex were selected for the estimation of eosinophil count in nasal and peripheral smear in allergic respiratory disorders. All allergic respiratory cases based on eosinophillia. The nasal and blood eosinophilia were compared with each other and clinical findings of allergic rhinitis with or without asthma were studied. In this study peak age incidence was seen between 11-18 years and it was more common in males. Rhinorrhoea, pale mucosa and nasal obstruction were common findings in allergic rhinitis with bronchial asthma. Nasal eosinophilia was seen in 52.4% and 64.9% of cases of allergic rhinitis and allergic rhinitis with asthma respectively. Blood eosinophilia was seen in 54% and 56.8% of cases of allergic rhinitis with asthma respectively. Nasal cytogram which is a simple, economical and non- invasive procedure can be used as an alternative to invasive peripheral smear eosinophilia as both are equally efficacious in diagnosing allergic respiratory diseases.KEYWORDS: Eosinophilia; Allergic rhinitis; Bronchial asthmaInternet Journal of Medical Update 2012 January;7(1):40-4

    Assessment of self-perceived risk and risk rating among chemical sprayers in selected tea plantations in South India

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    Introduction: Chemical sprayers of the tea plantation industry perceive various degrees of risk involved in their daily work. The objective of the study was to assess self-perceived risk and to rate these risks among the pesticide sprayers working in selected tea plantations in South India. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 290 chemical sprayers in six selected tea plantations in South India from September to October 2018 after approval from the Institutional Ethics Committee and permission from the plantations. Data was collected by structured interview schedule with the chemical sprayers and key informant interviews were conducted with their supervisors. The risks perceived by the sprayers were rated and expressed using the Risk Rating Matrix. Results: The mean age of the participants was 45.6±8.5 years and all of them were males. The most common risks encountered were leech bites (76%), other insect bites (58%) and bruises (46%). Chemical spills, splashes, slips, falls and backaches were considered as minor hazards in risk rating. Animal attacks and falls from trees were assigned the highest risk rating scores. Conclusion: Insect bite was the most common risk perceived and animal attacks attained the highest risk score. Regular supervision and monitoring of work-related risk factors can help in the reduction of common injuries thereby ensuring safety at the workplace


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    India is enriched in diversity of flora since ages. The ancient professionals have kept records of their work related to the plants and their works are a source of research today. Shankhpushpi is a well known herb since the most primitive works on Ayurveda have its therapeutic uses well elaborated and its morphological features well described. Later on, controversies erupt as locals in different parts of India used different plant species in the name of Shankhpushpi. Mainly four different plant species are considered in the name Shankhpushpi across India. These are Convolvulus pluricaulis, Clitorea ternatea, Evolvulus alsenoides and Canscora decussata. Shankhpushpi is a widely used herbal drug in the management of cognitive disorders from the times of Acharya Charak (200 BC) till today. Shankhpushpi has been categorized as a Medhya drug i.e. an efficient brain tonic by all ancient texts with no exceptions. Modern researches have established Shankhpushpi as an effective drug to be used either single or in combination, in the treatment of central nervous system disorders and boosting intellect. This article is an attempt to review the morphological features of the plant taken as Shankhpushpi along with the review of literature regarding the therapeutic values described from 200 BC to 20th century.


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    Aragvadh (Cassia Fistula Linn) also known as Purging Cassia or Indian Laburnum is an important medicinal plant used in Indian system of medicine The Purging Cassia also called Cassia fistula Linn. is a moderate to medium sized deciduous tree which is very common in Indian continent. The fruit pulp contains the anthraquinone and rhein(I) in the free state as well as in the form of glycoside, responsible for significant mild purgative action. The oldest record of its medicinal use can be traced as far as 3000 years when Charak and Sushruta used Aragvadh in the treatment of different kinds of skin diseases (Kushthas). The present article gives an account of updated information on this important plant which is highly beneficial for different ailments. The review reveals about different activities of plant like purgative, diuretic, laxative, anti-asthmatic, hepato protective, anti-allergic and various other important medicinal properties. This will also provide valuable information which will assist the scientists in getting more advanced knowledge about this plant species


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    Ayurveda practitioners have managed and cured physical as well as mental health related disorders when there was no other stream of medicine evolved. The science of Ayurveda has evolved and emerged from ancient times to contemporary era as one of the most significant approach in medicine to treat various diseases. Ayurveda scholars from ancient times have invented and documented various medicinal herbs and their preparation and formulations to be used for the treatment. All Samhita Granths, Chikitsa Granths and Nighantus have quoted many such drugs with their specific uses and indications in particular diseases. Various Nighantus are rich source of knowledge regarding identification, place of origin and indications of various medicinal plants. Later on, with the evolution of technology, more researches were done on the medicinal plants and their utilities in specific disorders were re-evaluated. Mandukparni is one such drug which has been quoted many times in ancient texts as well as in various Nighantus and then more research work was done regarding the medicinal properties of the plants in different ailments. The herb is indicated as Medhya and Rasayana primarily by nearly all Ayurvedic texts including Nighantus. Mandukparni is named Centella asiatica in binomial system of nomenclature. Modern researches have also signified the use of this herb as a potent cognitive drug and having anti-oxidant properties. Alongside, the herb is indicated in many other diseases in ancient and modern texts. This article is an attempt to throw a light on the mentions, formulations and indications of this herb as described in all available texts and research works.

    Morbidity profile of migrant workers attending health camps in Bangalore urban during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Introduction: Global pandemic of COVID-19 resulted in a nationwide lockdown which affected the migrants in terms of healthcare service accessibility. This led to an increase in the prevalence of various morbidity. The objective of this study was to assess the morbidity profile of camp attendees in Bangalore urban conducted during the lockdown period of the COVID-19 pandemic.  Methods: During the pandemic lockdown, health camps were conducted in selected urban underprivileged areas of Bangalore city targeting the migrant workers and these records were reviewed and relevant data were analyzed. Variables included age, gender, residential address, occupation, and morbidity. Results: Among the 484 participants who had attended the medical camp, the youngest patient was 1 year old and the oldest was 75 years with a median age of 27 years (IQR: 20 – 35). The majority of the camp attendees were males (78%) and migrants (77%). Common morbidities noted were hypertension (5%) followed by musculoskeletal pain (4%). The other illnesses were anemia (3%), gastritis (2.5%), pre-diabetes (1.7%) and combined diabetes and hypertension (1.5%). There was no significant relationship between migrant status and the presence of any morbidity. Conclusion: Hypertension and musculoskeletal pain are the most common morbidity among camp attendees
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