46 research outputs found

    Pressure Induced Structural Phase Transition and Elastic Properties of Lutetium Chalcogenides (LuX, X: S, Se and Te)

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    We have investigated, the cohesive energies, pressure-volume relationship, phase transition pressure (Pt) and elastic constants for lutetium chalcogenides (LuX, X: S, Se, Te), using an interionic potential theory with modified ionic charge which includes Coulomb screening effect due to f-electrons.  These compounds undergo structural phase transition from NaCl (B1) to CsCl (B2) structure at high pressure (ranges from 10 to 60 GPa).  The B1 (NaCl) phase is found to be lower in energy than the B2 (CsCl) phase and more stable at zero pressure. Keywords: Rare earth chalcogenides; high pressure; elastic properties; equations-of-state;  phase transition

    Acute intermittent porphyria with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) and neurological crisis, successfully treated with haemodialysis

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    We report a 35 years old male, a case of Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP) with Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone secretion (SIADH) and neurological crisis for its rarity. Since specific parenteral medication (hemin) was not available, patient was empirically treated with haemodialysis with satisfactory outcome

    Atrial fibrillation associated with high voltage electric shock in a young healthy female: a case report

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    Atrial fibrillation is amongst the various arrhythmias resulting after electrical injury but its incidence has been reported to be extremely rare. Here we are reporting a case of 35 years old lady presenting to our Emergency department with atrial fibrillation with fast ventricular rate after accidentally being injured by high voltage electrical current. She was managed successfully with pharmacological cardioversion followed by a period of observation. The rhythm reverted back to normal sinus rhythm on 3rd day. This approach of management is amongst one of the few published cases where patient was managed conservatively

    Myxoedemic coma: an uncommon presentation of Sheehan syndrome

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    This is a rare case of a 35 year old multiparous female who presented with electrolyte abnormality, hyponatremia in a setting of seizure and moderate pallor. She had a significant past history of childbirth complicated with post-partum haemorrhage after which she developed secondary amenorrhoea and lactation failure. Workup showed suppressed levels of all pituitary hormones and was treated as myxoedemic coma. A diagnosis of Sheehan’s syndrome presenting as myxoedemic coma - a rare but emergency presentation was made

    Indian scenario and an institutional experience of fatalities in COVID-19: a narrative review

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is an ongoing global pandemic that has devastated our globalized economic system. Apart from infecting 12,102,328 human beings and taking a toll of over 551,046 lives globally by the 11th of July 2020, it has fundamentally affected the way we live, work, travel, and relate to each other. Despite imposing early preventive measures, India has crossed a total caseload of 820,916 with a total death of 22,123 till-date, ranking third in the descending list of worst-affected nations. Although comparatively lower, the case fatality rate in India is 2.72% against the global fatality of 4.53%. It is an empirical fact that every process and institution must evolve to meet the needs of its time. A model for categorization of fatality among real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) positive COVID-19 patients has been developed at Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences (UPUMS), to address the issue of patients being transferred very late in the course of the disease to level-3 facilities. The UPUMS model of categorization of fatalities of COVID-19 patients at level-3 center comprises of category-1 as ‘Institutional COVID-19 fatalities’, category-2 as ‘Imported COVID-19 fatalities’ and category-3 being ‘Imminent with Incidental COVID-19’ fatalities. This endeavor of categorizing COVID-19 fatalities is an opportunity to analyze facts and contemporary science to assess our response to this pandemic and thereby take lessons to prepare better for the future. Following proper analysis, we noted that most of these fatalities (64%) at the higher center are because of delayed referrals hence termed as imported fatalities, which need a modality of early attention and referral. However, there are fatalities which occur because of severe systemic illness like liver failure, cardiovascular accident (CVA), myocardial infarction (MI), etc. They need due treatment at a regional center. These constitute up to 18%. Authors found that actual COVID-19 deaths constitute only 18% of the total projected fatalities

    Pattern of macrovascular disease phenotypes amongst newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients in a rural institute in Uttar Pradesh, India

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    Background: The objective of current study was to determine the proportion of Macrovascular Disease (MVD) phenotypes amongst newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients in our institute by dividing the cases into sub-groups according to the MVD sites involved (NMVD - no macrovascular disease; NSCS - non-significant carotid stenosis; CBVD - cerebrovascular disease; CAD - coronary artery disease; PAD - peripheral artery disease; PVD - polyvascular disease) and studying the anthropometric, clinical and laboratory parameters in each group.Methods:The study included a cohort of 136 newly diagnosed patients with T2 DM. Demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters were included in analyses. Standardized procedures were used to assess the risk factors of associated metabolic syndrome (MetS).Results:The proportion of patients with MVD was 27.94% amongst the participants in the study. The majority of patients with MVD were in the CAD group (15.44%). Age, male sex and smoking history were independent risk factors in the CAD and PAD groups (P <0.01). A low HDL-C value was an independent risk factor in the CAD and PVD group P = 0.03). Very high frequencies of MetS were observed in the PAD and PVD groups (90% and 91.7% respectively). Prevalence of PVD was three times more common in males as compared to that in females. All patients with PAD had associated CAD also.Conclusion: This study projects a high proportion of MVD amongst newly diagnosed Type 2 diabetics in rural sub-population in Uttar Pradesh. High rates of mortality and morbidity in these patients due to macroangiopathy warrant early screening of MVD to ensure timely preventive and therapeutic measures.

    Review of Intelligent and Nature-Inspired Algorithms-Based Methods for Tuning PID Controllers in Industrial Applications

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    PID controllers can regulate and stabilize processes in response to changes and disturbances. This paper provides a comprehensive review of PID controller tuning methods for industrial applications, emphasizing intelligent and nature-inspired algorithms. Techniques such as Fuzzy Logic (FL), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), and Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) are explored. Additionally, nature-inspired algorithms, including evolutionary algorithms like Genetic Algorithms (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Differential Evolution (DE), Ant Colony Optimization (ACO), Simulated Annealing (SA), Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Firefly Algorithm (FA), Cuckoo Search (CS), Harmony Search (HS), and Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO), are examined. While conventional PID tuning methods are valuable, the evolving landscape of control engineering has led to the exploration of intelligent and nature-inspired algorithms to further enhance PID controller performance in specific applications. The study conducts a thorough analysis of these tuning methods, evaluating their effectiveness in industrial applications through a comprehensive literature review. The primary aim is to offer empirical evidence on the efficacy of various algorithms in PID tuning. This work presents a comparative analysis of algorithmic performance and their real-world applications, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the discussed tuning methods. Findings aim to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of diverse PID tuning methods in industrial contexts, guiding practitioners and researchers. This paper is a sincere effort to address the lack of specific quantitative comparisons in existing literature, bridging the gap in empirical evidence and serving as a valuable reference for optimizing intelligent and nature-inspired algorithms-based PID controllers in various industrial applications. Keywords— PID controller; Intelligent and Nature-Inspired Algorithms; Fuzzy Logic; Artificial Neural Network; Adaptive NeuroFuzzy Inference System; Genetic Algorithm; Particle Swarm Optimization; Differential Evolution; Ant Colony Optimization; Simulated Annealing; Artificial Bee Colony; Firefly Algorithm; Cuckoo Search; Harmony Search; Grey Wolf Optimization

    Evaluating effects of allo-vedic preparation Raj Nirwan Bati on symptomatic cases of COVID-19 at a tertiary level health care facility in rural setting of northern India

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    Background: The present pandemic of COVID-19 has created a huge pressure on the current health system of the world as the burden is increasing exponentially day by day. Study evaluated the effect of the novel allo-vedic formulation named Raj Nirwan Bati (RNB) on the clinical symptoms, microbiological, bio-chemical, haematological and radiological profile of patients of COVID-19.Methods: Prospective single arm, non- randomized clinical trial was conducted which enrolled 40 reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) confirmed patients of severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). Each patient was given one dosage of RNB twice a day for 10 days. Patients were evaluated on the clinical symptoms, microbiological, bio-chemical, haematological and radiological profile of patients of COVID-19. Cochran’s Q tests was used to assess statistical significance.Results: The study revealed that 31 (77.5%) of the COVID-19 cases were having mild, 6 (15%) moderate and 3 (7.5%) having severe form of illness. The association between absence of clinical symptom (fever, cough, breathlessness, sore throat, fatigue and myalgia) and the day of evaluation (first, fifth and tenth day) after start of RNB intervention was found to be statistically significant (p&lt;0.001, p&lt;0.001, p=0.002, p&lt;0.001, p&lt;0.001 and p&lt;0.001) respectively. Thirty (75.0%) of the cases on RNB intervention became negative for SARS-CoV-2 after day 5 on naso-pharyngeal and oro-pharyngeal RT-PCR testing (p&lt;0.001). Statistically significant association was observed only for changes in proportion of cases with elevated lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) values and C-reactive protein (CRP) positive from day 1 to day 10 of RNB intervention (p&lt;0.001).Conclusions: RNB may be considered a drug to fight against COVID-19


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