72 research outputs found

    The impact of some morphological characteristics on running 200 meters

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    The knowledge of morphological development and their impact on motor skills in short-distance athletes should be one of the main concerns of athletics coaches, because any scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports is about proving the development and evaluation of anthropological characteristics which are responsible for achieving success in athletics. This paper explores the impact of some anthropometric features on running 200 meters. The aim is to establish the link between the anthropometric and specific characteristics of running 200 meters, as a predictive system of running at 200 meters as a criterion system. The research was conducted by 60 male students aged 17Ā±6months, in the gymnasium "Zenel Hajdiniā€ Gjilan. The measurements were executed during September in the hall of the gymnasium, while the 200, meter runs in the stadium "City stadium "Gjilan. The only condition that was used during the determination of the sample was: that the students are involved in regular physical education classes (and on the day of the measurement be healthy, without the flu, cold or other symptoms).The variables which are applied in this research have been 8 anthropometric variables and 1 motor-specific variables. The results obtained after their processing indicate that the impact of anthropometric variables is higher in running at 200 meters. Short distance running and long-distance running reduces the impact of anthropometric parameters whereas the influence of metabolic factors of energy production is increased. These results were also confirmed using regression analysis, so that groups of predictors of anthropometric characteristics, specific motor skills that statistically significantly influenced each variable of individual criteria. The world records below the 19.20-second limit, in the 200 m, near the 19-meter limit, show not only the high level of sports, but also the strong impact on the growth, especially of strength indicators, speed-strength, explosive force, as main and applied motor skills in sports and athleteā€™s everyday life

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Posisi Semi Fowler dengan Murottal Al-Qurā€™an terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Pasien Hipertensi

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    Nyeri merupakan pengalaman sensorik dan emosional yang tidak menyenangkan akibat kerusakan jaringan, baik aktual maupun potensial atau yang digambarkan dalam bentuk kerusakan. Nyeri adalah suatu pengalaman sensorik yang multidimensional. Pengaruh kombinasi posisi semi fowler dengan murotal Al-Qurā€™an memiliki peran penting dalam kaitannya dengan tingkat nyeri pada pasien hipertensi, karena mampu meningkatkan perasaan rileks pada pasien sehingga mengalihkan perhatian pasien dari nyeri yang dirasakannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan bagaimana pengaruh kombinasi posisi semi fowler dengan Murottal Al-Qurā€™an terhadap tingkat nyeri pasien hipertensi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif quasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan pretest post-test one group melalui pengukuran berulang selama 3 hari. Hasil penelitian diperoleh nilai asymp.sig (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 dengan taraf signifikansi <0,05. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa posisi semi fowler dengan Murottal Al-Qurā€™an memiliki pengaruh terhadap penurunan tingkat nyeri pasien hipertensi. Perawat dapat memberikan intervensi posisi semi fowler dengan terapi murottal Al-Qurā€™an pada pasien hipertensi untuk menurunkan tingkat nyeri pasien

    Penerapan Teknik Probing untuk Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Siswa pada Materi Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan di Sman 3 Pekanbaru

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    The research on application of probing technique has been done to improve of student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product in SMAN 3 Pekanbaru. Form of the research is experimental research with pretest-posttest design. The sample consist of two classes, namely class XI IPA 4 as the experimental and class XI IPA 5 as control class which randomly selected after had tested normality and homogeneity. Experiment class was given implementing probing technique while the control class was not given implementing probing technique. Data analysis technique used the t-test. Based on the result of the final data processing t-test formula obtained tarithmetic>ttable (5,64 > 1,67) means the application of probing technique can improve student achievement on the subject of solubility and solubility product in class SMAN 3 Pekanbaru, with category increased student achievement on experiment class including high with the normalized gain scores (N-gain) about 0,71

    Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Rare and Life-threatening Association

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    Introduction: The association between thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is uncommon. Diagnosis is often difficult because of their clinical and biologicalsimilarities. The presence of TTP in SLE worsens the prognosis and causes high mortality in the absence of early therapeutic interventions.Case report: We report the case of a 20 year-old man, admitted with nephrotic range proteinuria, hematuria and rapidly progressive renal failure. He also had anemia, thrombocytopenia and pericardial effusion.The diagnosis of SLE was made based on these clinical findings along with positive antinuclear and anti dsDNA antibodies. Renal biopsy revealed class IV/ V lupus nephritis (LN) with active lesions of thrombotic microangiopathy. The evolution of neurological deficit, persistent thrombocytopenia and active microangiopathic changes suggested the diagnosis of associated TTP. The patient was treated initially with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide. Plasmapheresis could only be started 16 days later. Mycophenolate mofetil and rituximab weresuccessively tried in the absence of improvement in renal function and persistent thrombocytopenia. The patient&#8217;s neurological condition deteriorated necessitating transfer to the intensive care unit and mechanical ventilation. There he developed pneumonia and died of septic shock two months after presentation.Conclusion: The coexistence of TTP and SLE needs to be considered early in SLE patients with complicated course. It may not respond to the conventional immunosuppressive treatment of SLE

    Possibility of application nuclear magnetic resonance for measurement of fluid-flow

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    The paper considers the application of nuclear magnetic resonance for measurement of fluid-flow. The paper is of an experimental nature. Flowmeter based on nuclear magnetic resonance is extremely precise. The combined measurement uncertainty can be 0.1 %. Such a value of measurement uncertainty indicates that it is a matter of a deterministic and not of a stochastic quantity. This high degree of reliability of the method is theoretically and mathematically described. The paper presents a measurement scheme for flow measurement. Water flow measurement was performed on the principle of nuclear magnetic resonance and on the basis of tritiated water (which is considered to be the most accurate classical method). The obtained results show that the measurement of flow based on nuclear magnetic resonance is more accurate (especially at higher flow). This is explained by the higher inertial mass of HTO tritiated water molecules than the standard H2 O mass and the possible transition of tritiated water to H3HeO. In this way, it has been proven that tracing water based on nuclear magnetic resonance is the only real tracing of water by water. The obtained results show that tracing water with tritiated or heavy water is not tracing water by water which is explained by different inertial masses

    Data Evaluation of a Low-Cost Sensor Network for Atmospheric Particulate Matter Monitoring in 15 Municipalities in Serbia

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    Conventional air quality monitoring networks typically tend to be sparse over areas of interest. Because of the high cost of establishing such monitoring systems, some areas are often completely left out of regulatory monitoring networks. Recently, a new paradigm in monitoring has emerged that utilizes low-cost air pollution sensors, thus making it possible to reduce the knowledge gap in air pollution levels for areas not covered by regulatory monitoring networks and increase the spatial resolution of monitoring in others. The benefits of such networks for the community are almost self-evident since information about the level of air pollution can be transmitted in real time and the data can be analysed immediately over the wider area. However, the accuracy and reliability of newly produced data must also be taken into account in order to be able to correctly interpret the results. In this study, we analyse particulate matter pollution data from a large network of low-cost particulate matter monitors that was deployed and placed in outdoor spaces in schools in central and western Serbia under the Schools for Better Air Quality UNICEF pilot initiative in the period from April 2022 to June 2023. The network consisted of 129 devices in 15 municipalities, with 11 of the municipalities having such extensive real-time measurements of particulate matter concentration for the first time. The analysis showed that the maximum concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 were in the winter months (heating season), while during the summer months (non-heating season), the concentrations were several times lower. Also, in some municipalities, the maximum values and number of daily exceedances of PM10 (50 Ī¼g/m3) were much higher than in the others because of diversity and differences in the low-cost sensor sampling sites. The particulate matter mass daily concentrations obtained by low-cost sensors were analysed and also classified according to the European AQI (air quality index) applied to low-cost sensor data. This study confirmed that the large network of low-cost air pollution sensors can be useful in providing real-time information and warnings about higher pollution days and episodes, particularly in situations where there is a lack of local or national regulatory monitoring stations in the area

    Passive and active shielding against electromagnetic radiation

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    In nuclear physics experiments, it is very important to isolate the measured quantities from electromagnetic noise. Without this possibility, it is impossible to obtain usable experimental results since natural electromagnetic noise can be several orders of magnitude larger than the measured magnitude. In order to enable such measurements, it is necessary to eliminate electromagnetic noise from the experimental procedure. This is achieved by shielding against electromagnetic radiation. In this paper, experiments were performed to protect a room from electromagnetic noise. By applying all known methods of shielding against electromagnetic radiation, it was concluded that the room can be protected from the electrical component, but it is impossible to protect it from the magnetic component of electromagnetic radiation

    In fluence of gamma radiation on Josephson junction

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    Quantum mechanics consideration, supported by a concrete example, yielded standard sources of di rect volt age mea sured by frequency (which is the most ac cu rate measur able phys-ical quantity) and extremely sensitive instrument for measuring magnetic induction SQUID (which is an ac ro nym based on the term Supercon duct ing Quan tum Inter fer ence Device). The pos sibility of these mea sure ments is based on the Josephson junc tion. In this paper, the in flu ence of gamma ra diation on the mea sure ment un cer tainty Type A, of a com mercial Josephson compound, is investi gated. The conclu sion is that both dy namic gamma radiation and the dose of gamma ra di ation, un der the con ditions of the ex per iment, have a neg ligible ef-fect on the mea sure ment uncer tainty of the Josephson junc tion. Based on the ob tained re sult, it was con cluded that in the primary metrological con di tions, the mea sure ment un cer tainty type A of the Josephson junc tion is neg ligible, i. e., that the secondary cosmic radiation does not af fect the stan dard of the DC volt age source. Ā© 2021, Vinca Inst Nuclear Sci. All rights reserved

    Encouraging female entrepreneurship in Jordan: environmental factors, obstacles and challenges

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    The number of female entrepreneurs and their contribution to the economy is steadily rising. Yet research suggests that female entrepreneurs face more challenges and barriers than their male counterparts. This is expected to be even more prevalent in Islamic contexts, which are characterised by conservative and patriarchal societies. In this research, 254 female business students from a private and a public university responded to a questionnaire that gauges their perceptions about potential barriers to entrepreneurship in Jordan and whether the business education they are receiving helps to prepare them for future entrepreneurial activity. Our results help to form a basis on which a deeper understanding of the phenomena can be achieved through more in depth future research. Among the main environmental factors that worry potential female entrepreneurs are the weakness of Jordanian economy, lack of finance, fear of risk, gender inequality and inability to maintain a work and private life balance. Our results also show that students are really not aware of the opportunities available to them and are unable to make a proper assessment. We call on both universities and the Jordanian government to put more emphasis on practical entrepreneurial education and encouraging women to play a much more active role within the workforce
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