664 research outputs found

    Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process to Prioritize Urban Transport Options - Comparative Analysis of Group Aggregation Methods

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    The present study presents a comparative analysis of different group aggregation methods adopted in AHP by testing them against social choice axioms with a case study of Delhi transport system. The group aggregation (GA) methods and their correctness were tested while prioritizing the alternative options to achieve energy efficient and less polluting transport system in Delhi It was observed that among all group aggregation methods, geometric mean method (GMM) - the most widely adopted GA method of AHP - showed poor performance and failed to satisfy the most popular pareto optimality and non-dictatorship axiom raising questions on its validity as GA method adopted in AHP. All other group aggregation methods viz. weighted arithmetic mean method with varying weights and equal weights (WAMM, WeAMM) and arithmetic mean of individual priorities (AMM) resulted in concurring results with the individual member priorities. This study demonstrates that WeAMM resulted in better aggregation of individual priorities compared to WAMM. Comparative analysis between individual and group priorities demonstrates that the arithmetic mean (AMM) of priorities by individual members of the group showed minimum deviation from the group consensus making it the most suitable and simple method to aggregate individual preferences to arrive at a group consensus.AHP, decision making, GMM, group aggregation, transportation, WAMM

    Application of analytic hierarchy process to prioritize urban transport options: Comparative analysis of group aggregation methods

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    The present study presents a comparative analysis of different group aggregation methods adopted in AHP by testing them against social choice axioms with a case study of Delhi transport system. The group aggregation (GA) methods and their correctness were tested while prioritizing the alternative options to achieve energy efficient and less polluting transport system in Delhi. It was observed that among all group aggregation methods, geometric mean method (GMM) - the most widely adopted GA method of AHP - showed poor performance and failed to satisfy the most popular "pareto optimality and non-dictatorship axiom" raising questions on its validity as GA method adopted in AHP. All other group aggregation methods viz. weighted arithmetic mean method with varying weights and equal weights (WAMM, WeAMM) and arithmetic mean of individual priorities (AMM) resulted in concurring results with the individual member priorities. This study demonstrates that WeAMM resulted in better aggregation of individual priorities compared to WAMM. Comparative analysis between individual and group priorities demonstrates that the arithmetic mean (AMM) of priorities by individual members of the group showed minimum deviation from the group consensus making it the most suitable and simple method to aggregate individual preferences to arrive at a group consensus.AHP, decision making, GMM, group aggregation, transportation, WAMM

    Prioritization of Strategies to Overcome Barriers for Cleaner and Energy Efficient Alternatives in Urban Transportation - Multi-criteria Approach

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    Adoption of cleaner and energy efficient technologies (CEETs) in urban transport experiences certain barriers and deriving a set of policies to remove/reduce barrier in the case of Delhi and Mumbai transport systems was attempted in this study. A set of policy alternatives and measures (PAMs) were identified for each barrier and a pool of barriers PAMs for all barriers were identified which were finally analysed for their potential based on 4 important criteria namely administrative costs, financial burden, human resource benefits, administrative backup and political acceptability. Based on aggregated multi-criteria assessment, the policy of distinct colouring scheme for alternate fuel vehicles (AFVs) stood first followed by awareness campaigns to the drivers, training programs to the workers, single window/priority check points, financial incentives and task force to carry out check. To realize the completeness, potential of PAMs in handling barriers was analysed considering not only a set of criteria but also their potential in handling more than one barrier. In overall ranking, policy to develop partnerships among major stakeholders and awareness campaigns to the drivers showed highest potential in removing barriers for the adoption of CEETs. Based on the ranking under both approaches a set of seven policy measures and alternatives were selected to remove barriers to CEETS and they are partnership between the Government, public sector undertakings and private actors in proving better infrastructure; Financial incentives like free or priority parking, separate lanes for alternative fuel vehicles and free inspection and maintenance; Task force to carry our checks; Heavy fines on defaulters; Distinct colour coding for AFVs; Demonstration of AFVs and their advantages; and Awareness campaigns to drivers. This set of PAMs would be able to control all seven pre-identified barriers to the adoption of CEETs in Delhi and Mumbai urban transportation systems.Barriers, CEETs, multi-criteria, policy analysis, urban transport

    Economy-wide CO2 Emission Reduction Due to Carbon Tax in the Power Sector A Structural Decomposition Analysis

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    In this paper, a structural decomposition analysis based on an input-output framework has been developed to examine the factors, which affect the economy-wide CO2 emission changes due to the introduction of carbon tax in the Indonesian power sector during 2011-2030. There are three major components that affect the total economy-wide change in CO2 emissions, i.e., fuel mix-, structural-, and final demand- effects. The results show that, the CO2 mitigation under the carbon tax of US200/tCwouldbe20.5timeshigherthanthatwiththecarbontaxrateofUS200/tC would be 20.5 times higher than that with the carbon tax rate of US5/tC. The fuel mix effect is found to be most influential in reducing the CO2 emission during the planning horizon under all of the carbon tax rates considered and is followed by the final demand- and structural-effects


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    This paper analyses the environmental implications of considering renewable portfolio standard (RPS) in power sector development in Indonesia during 2006-2025. An input-output analysis was carried out to examine the CO2 emission changes in the whole economy. There are four main factors that affect the CO2 emission changes, i.e., fuel mix effect, structural effect, final demand effect and joint effect. The results show that the CO2 emission sin the whole economy would be mitigated by about 6.1%, 12.6% and 17.8% if RPS levels of 5%, 10% and 15% are considered respectively during 2006-2025. Of the total CO2 emission mitigation, the share of fuel mix effect would be the highest to the total reduction of CO2 emission and then followed by the structural effect. Unlike the fuel mix- and structural-effects, the final demand effect would reduce the CO2 emission at all RPS levels considered (i.e., 5%, 10% and 15%). The share of joint effect is negligible

    Barriers to the adoption of renewable and energy-efficient technologies in the Vietnamese power sector

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    This paper examines the major barriers to the deployment of geothermal, small hydro and advanced coal power generation technologies in Vietnam. It ranks their severity by applying the analytical hierarchy process to data from a survey of 37 domestic experts and stakeholders. Key barriers to a wider penetration of small hydro generation technologies are insufficient capital, a lack of domestic suppliers and unsatisfactory government policies. Barriers to geothermal power are related to information and awareness problems, a lack of R&D and industrial capability, a weak policy framework and the remoteness of geothermal sites. For advanced coal power technologies, the barriers are weak industrial capability, high cost and a lack of technical knowledge. The experts consulted in this study view changes in government actions as the key to overcoming the abovementioned barriers. They recommend investing more in R&D activities, improving R&D capacity through joint-venture schemes and reforming investment policy/legislation for the electric power industry as the most appropriate solutions.analytical hierarchy process; renewables; energy efficient technologies.

    Seasonal and Altitudinal Prevalence of Fascioliasis in Buffalo in Eastern Nepal

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    Buffalo is the most important livestock commodities for milk, meat production and several other multipurpose uses distributed densely from southern tarai to northern mid-hills in Nepal. Among several internal parasitic diseases fascioliasis is highly economic one caused by Fasciola in buffaloes. However, there are only few studies carried on prevalence of fascioliasis emphasizing buffaloes in relation to seasonal (summer and rainy, and winter) and altitudinal variations. Therefore, we examined prevalence of fascioliasis seasonally and vertically. For the purpose, we selected two districts of eastern Nepal and sampled from low altitude area known as Madhesha ranging from 175-200, Dhankuta from 800-1200 m, and Murtidhunga from 1800-2200 m elevation from the sea level, representing tarai, mid hills and high hills, respectively. Altogether from February 2013 to January 2014 at every two months interval we collected 798 fecal samples from buffaloes; 282 from Murtidhunga, 239 from Dhankuta and 277 from Madhesha. The samples were examined microscopically for the presence of Fasciola eggs using sedimentation technique. Results showed that overall prevalence of fascioliasis in buffaloes was 39.9% (319/798), ranging highest 42.6%in Madhesha followed by 39.7% in Murtidhunga and 37.2% in Dhankuta, respectively. The prevalence of fascioliasis was found to be significantly (p <0.05) high in winter (44.9%) comparing to rainy season (34.4%). The prevalence of fascioliasis in buffaloes was relatively higher in low altitude than high altitude, although it was not statistically significant (p <0.05). In our findings the female buffaloes showed higher prevalence for fascioliasis than in male. Since the fascioliasis in buffaloes is highly endemic, thus strategic deworming in high risk period is recommended along with measure to prevent pasture contamination with buffalo feces

    Spatial heterogeneity of enteric fever in 2 diverse communities in Nepal

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    Background: Typhoid fever is endemic in the urban Kathmandu Valley of Nepal; however, there have been no population-based studies of typhoid outside of this community in the past 3 decades. Whether typhoid immunization should be prioritized in periurban and rural communities has been unclear.Methods: We performed population-based surveillance for enteric fever in 1 urban catchment (Kathmandu) and 1 periurban and rural catchment (Kavrepalanchok) as part of the Surveillance for Enteric Fever in Asia Project (SEAP). We recruited individuals presenting to outpatient and emergency departments at 2 study hospitals with suspected enteric fever and performed blood cultures. Additionally, we conducted a household survey in each catchment area to characterize care seeking for febrile illness. We evaluated spatial heterogeneity in febrile illness, care seeking, and enteric fever incidence.Results: Between September 2016 and September 2019, we enrolled 5736 participants with suspected enteric fever at 2 study hospitals. Among these, 304 (5.3%) were culture positive for Salmonella Typhi (249 [81.9%]) or Paratyphi A (55 [18.1%]). Adjusted typhoid incidence in Kathmandu was 484 per 100 000 person-years and in Kavrepalanchok was 615 per 100 000 person-years. While all geographic areas for which estimates could be made had incidence \u3e200 per 100 000 person-years, we observed spatial heterogeneity with up to 10-fold variation in incidence between communities.Conclusions: In urban, periurban, and rural communities in and around Kathmandu, we measured a high but heterogenous incidence of typhoid. These findings provide some support for the introduction of conjugate vaccines in Nepal, including outside urban areas, alongside other measures to prevent enteric fever

    Large scale genome assemblies of Magnaporthe oryzae rice isolates from Italy

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    We report long-range sequencing of nine rice-infecting Magnaporthe oryzae isolates from different rice-growing regions of Italy using Oxford Nanopore Technology. We aquired chromosome-level genome assemblies, polished with Illumina short reads, and removed mitochondrial sequences to improve the quality of the assemblies.We provide the genome assemblies to the public with open access
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