187 research outputs found

    Creación de una empresa productora de cuaderno a base de papel reciclado en el cantón Santa Elena, provincia de Santa Elena, año 2013

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    El presente documento presenta, la aplicación de la metodología de la trasformación tecnológica para la reutilización del papel reciclado a través de indicadores para la creación de una empresa productora de cuaderno a base de papel reciclado en el cantón Santa Elena. En primera instancia se presenta el problema y la importancia de esta investigación, orientada a la necesidad de invertir en una empresa productora de cuaderno a base de papel reciclado, como contribución a los problemas de medio ambiente que dejan la limita cultura de reciclaje, lo que a su vez resolvería otros problemas económicos activando el desarrollo productivo del cantón empleando esta nueva forma de generar riquezas

    Severe odontogenic infections : epidemiological, microbiological and therapeutic factors

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    Objectives: A retrospective study is made of the odontogenic infections treated in La Paz University Hospital (Madrid, Spain) during 2007 and 2008, with an epidemiological and microbiological analysis of a large group of patients.Study Design: A retrospective descriptive study was made, involving the consecutive inclusion of all patients with odontogenic infection requiring admission to our hospital in the period between January 2007 and December 2008. Results: A total of 151 patients were included, with a mean age of 40.3 years and a balanced gender distribution. The most frequently affected teeth were those located in the posterior mandibular segments, caries being the main underlying cause. Most isolates comprised mixed flora, particularly viridans streptococci, different species of Prevotella, Micromonas micros, and different species of Actinomyces. Susceptibility analysis of the microbial isolates showed a high percentage resistance to clindamycin (42.8% of all isolates), particularly among viridans streptococci.Conclusions: The use of antibiotics in head and neck infections requires updated protocols based not only on the existing scientific evidence but also on the epidemiological reality of each center. On the other hand, identification is required of the surgical factors determining infection and how they influence morbidity associated with this type of pathology. © Medicina Oral

    Semantic segmentation of major macroalgae in coastal environments using high-resolution ground imagery and deep learning

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    Macroalgae are a fundamental component of coastal ecosystems and play a key role in shaping community structure and functioning. Macroalgae are currently threatened by diverse stressors, particularly climate change and invasive species, but they do not all respond in the same way to the stressors. Effective methods of collecting qualitative and quantitative information are essential to enable better, more efficient management of macroalgae. Acquisition of high-resolution images, in which macroalgae can be distinguished on the basis of their texture and colour, and the automated processing of these images are thus essential. Although ground images are useful, labelling is tedious. This study focuses on the semantic segmentation of five macroalgal species in high-resolution ground images taken in 0.5 x 0.5 m quadrats placed along an intertidal rocky shore at low tide. The target species, Bifurcaria bifurcata, Cystoseira tamariscifolia, Sargassum muticum, Sacchoriza polyschides and Codium spp., which predominate on intertidal shores, belong to different morpho-functional groups. The study explains how to convert vector-labelled data to raster-labelled data for adaptation to convolutional neural network (CNN) input. Three CNNs (MobileNetV2, Resnet18, Xception) were compared, and ResNet18 yielded the highest accuracy (91.9%). The macroalgae were correctly segmented, and the main confusion occurred at the borders between different macroalgal species, a problem derived from labelling errors. In addition, the interior and exterior of the quadrats were correctly delimited by the CNNs. The results were obtained from only one hundred labelled images and can be performed on personal computers, without the need to resort to external servers. The proposed method helps automation of the labelling process.SIFundación Biodiversidad, the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y 383 el Reto Demográfico through the Pleamar program, co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), call 2018; and Xunta de Galicia for human resources and competitive reference groupsFundación Biodiversidad, the Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y 383 el Reto Demográfico through the Pleamar program, co-funded by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF), call 2018; and Xunta de Galicia for human resources and competitive reference groupsMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades -Gobierno de Españ

    Metric potential of a 3D measurement system based on digital compact cameras

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    P. 4178-4194This paper presents an optical measuring system based on low cost, hogh resolution digital cameras. Once the cameras are synchronised, the portable and adjuntable system can be used to observe living beings, bodies in motion, or deformations of very different sizes. Each of the cameras has been modelled individually and studied with regard to the photogrammetric potential of the system. We have investigated the photogrammetric precision obtained from the crossing of rays, the repeatability of results, and the accuracy of the coordinates obtained. Systematic and random errors are identified in validity assessment of the definition of the precision of the system from crossing of rays or from marking residuals in images. The results have clearly demonstrated the capability of a low-cost multiple-camera system to measure with sub-millimetre precision.S

    Efficiency of Manchega Sheep Milk Intended for Cheesemaking and Determination of Factors Causing Inefficiency

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    Understanding the factors that determine and regulate cheese yield would allow, through deterministic parametric efficiency models, the determination of the most appropriate milk characteristics for the industry, and the estimation of a technological value for these characteristics. The present study aims to evaluate coagulation performance of Manchega sheep milk intended for cheesemaking and explores two models to determine milk technological efficiency. For this purpose, 1200 Manchega sheep milk samples were collected, and analyses were performed for composition, milk coagulation properties (MCP), somatic cell count (SCC), and milk color values. A first model was built based on curd yield (CE) and a second one based on dry curd yield (DCE). GLM and MANCOVA analyses were used to identify the factors that determine curd yield efficiency, which mainly depended on pH, casein, and lactose content and, to a lesser extent, on the speed of coagulation and curd firmness. When comparing both models, differences were linked to the water retention capacity of the curd. Based on this, the DCE model was considered much more accurate for prediction of coagulation efficiency in a wider variety of cheeses, as it does not seem to be affected by moisture loss

    Metric Potential of a 3D Measurement System Based on Digital Compact Cameras

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    This paper presents an optical measuring system based on low cost, high resolution digital cameras. Once the cameras are synchronised, the portable and adjustable system can be used to observe living beings, bodies in motion, or deformations of very different sizes. Each of the cameras has been modelled individually and studied with regard to the photogrammetric potential of the system. We have investigated the photogrammetric precision obtained from the crossing of rays, the repeatability of results, and the accuracy of the coordinates obtained. Systematic and random errors are identified in validity assessment of the definition of the precision of the system from crossing of rays or from marking residuals in images. The results have clearly demonstrated the capability of a low-cost multiple-camera system to measure with sub-millimetre precision

    Numerical modeling of ice behavior under high velocity impacts

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    In this work a constitutive relation for ice at high strain rates and an algorithm for its numerical integra tion are developed. This model is based on the Drucker Prager plasticity criteria, which allows a different behavior in tension and in compression. In addition a failure criteria, based on pressure cut offs, is imple mented to describe the ice damage. In order to validate the constitutive model, numerical simulations were compared with experimental results, in which ice cylinders were impacted against a steel plate, allowing the measurement of the contact load. Three different numerical solvers are used in order to ana lyze its performance to appropriately modeling the ice behavior.This research was done with the financial support of the Span ish Ministry of Education under Project reference DPI2010 15123 and of the Region of Madrid and University Carlos III of Madrid under Project reference CCG10 UC3M/DPI 4694.Publicad

    Utilización de GPS RTK en entornos costeros: aplicación a la playa de Samil (Vigo-Pontevedra)

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    P. 36-38El objetivo principal consiste en desarrollar un método o forma de trabajo para la realización de levantamientos altimétricos y planimétricos, utilizando equipos GPS, para la obtención de altos rendimientos en el número de puntos tomados por unidad de tiempo sobre un arenal, que permiten hacer competitivo este método. Desarrollar una forma de trabajo, que con los datos tomados en campo nos permitan elaborar un MOdelo Digital del Terreno (MDT), en arenales utilizando equipos GPS, sobre el que se podrán realizar diversos estudiosS

    Relationship of somatic cell count and composition and coagulation properties of ewe’s milk

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    The relationship between somatic cell count (SCC) and raw milk composition and its coagulation properties measured at native or standardised pH values were investigated in Manchega ewes’ milk. A total of 84 bulk tank milk samples from flocks included in the National Association of Manchega Sheep Breeders were used. According to their SCC, milk samples were divided into three terciles named low (562±138 cells/mL), medium (956±115 cells/mL) and high (1705±428 cells/ mL) SCC groups. Within each SCC group, two pH treatments were applied before determining coagulation properties (rennet clotting time, curd firming time and curd firmness): no acidification of milk (coagulation at native pH) and acidification of milk at pH 6.5. Native milk pH significantly increased (P0.05) by SCC, protein content tended to be higher in the high SCC group (P=0.05) and lactose content was significantly lower (P<0.05) in that group. At native pH, the high SCC group had longer rennet clotting time, higher curd firming time and lower curd firmness after 30 min of rennet addition than the low and medium SCC groups (P<0.05). Standardising milk pH at 6.5 prior to rennet addition clearly cancelled out (P<0.05) the negative effects of high SCC on milk coagulation properties. In conclusion, despite the fact that acidification before renneting improved the coagulation properties of milk with high SCC, more research would be needed to determine the sensorial properties of cheese manufactured under such conditions

    Cartografía de usos del suelo por fotointerpretación mediante Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG): análisis comparativo de los sistemas ráster y vectorial

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    Los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG), son un potente instrumento para la recogida, almacenamiento, gestión, análisis y representación de datos geográficos referidos a un territorio concreto. Gracias a esta capacidad son sistemas utilizados en la obtención de cartografía temática.Entre los dos tipos principales de SIG, vectorial y ráster, hay importantes diferencias que exigen la elección del sistema mejor adaptado al tipo de datos a analizar y representar en la cartografía temática.En este trabajo se realiza un estudio comparativo de los mapas de uso del suelo, obtenidos mediante un SIG vectorial (ArcViewTM) y el mapa de usos obtenido a través de un SIG ráster (IdrisiTM