239 research outputs found

    Los inicios de la moderna diplomacia española

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    Reseña de: Palacios Bañuelos, et al, Estudio y documentos para la historia de la diplomacia española en el siglo XVIII, Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba e Instituto de Humanidades de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2011, 488 pp

    The Disengagement of the Spanish Left from the Concept of Nation

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    En los momentos actuales la propia definición de España como ente nacional, histórico y soberano se encuentra en crisis. A dicha situación no se habría llegado si la izquierda española no hubiera asumido como propias muchas de las ideas, procedentes de los nacionalismos periféricos, sobre el concepto de nación española. En el presente artículo tratamos de descubrir las causas de dicha identificación a través del estudio de los textos propagandísticos que sobre el concepto nacional tenía la oposición al franquismo rescatados en las sentencias del Tribunal de Orden Público. En ellos observaremos como la oposición al franquismo en el País Vasco, Cataluña, Galicia y Canarias mezclaba en sus mensajes las ideologías marxistas y nacionalistas, pero con grandes diferencias de fondo en cada una de esas regiones. Además, certificamos que el “Proceso de Burgos” fue el punto de inflexión que cimentó la identificación de la izquierda española de todo el país con los movimientos nacionalistas.Today the definition of Spain as a national, historical and sovereign entity is in crisis. This situation has been reached because the Spanish left has assumed as its own many of the ideas about the concept of the Spanish nation of peripheral nationalisms. In this article we try to discover the causes of this identification through the study of the propaganda texts that the opposition to the Franco regime had on the national concept, rescued in the rulings of the Public Order Court. In them we will observe how the opposition to Francoism in the Basque Country, Catalonia, Galicia and the Canary Islands mixed Marxist and nationalist ideologies in their messages, but with great fundamental differences in each of these regions. Furthermore, we certify that the "Burgos Process" was the turning point that cemented the identification of the Spanish left throughout the country with the nationalist movements

    Neto and Giadán: The Last Two Spanish in the Qing Dynasty

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    本文考察力拓有限公司在韦尔瓦矿的两名 铸造工人马努艾尔⋅吉塔恩⋅鲁伊斯和侯赛⋅安东 尼奥内⋅托冈萨雷斯在 1912 年因帝国铜矿合同 反对甘肃政府的这一事件。通过对该事件的考 察,我们试图探讨晚清时期洋务运动失败的根 本原因,从而进一步探讨辛亥革命失败和中华 民国诞生的原因。根据内托和吉塔恩的观点, 新诞生的中华民国不能改变殖民势力对其进行 掠夺的局势,同时,通过这一事件,我们也发 现中华民国由于缺乏军事实力而不得不屈服于 包括西班牙在内的欧洲列强,被迫在利益上一 再退让。本文对《管理档案》、《国家历史档 案》、《红河基金会的历史矿工档案》、《韦 尔瓦省档案》、《维尔瓦教会档案》和《涅尔 瓦市政档案》等原版资料进行了分析,同时对 由甘肃政府兰州道尹彭英甲发动的工业运动的 经理比利时人林辅臣及其子林阿德编写的《比 利时外交档案》和《比利时技师档案》进行了 补充。 The present article examines the claim that Manuel Giadán Ruiz and Jose Antonio Neto González, Copper foundry workers, former employees of Rio Tinto Company Limited in Huelva, against the Government of the Republic of China in 1912 for breach of contract of the Imperial Copper Works. This enterprise was owned by the Gansu Provincial Government. Through this claim we can observe the causes of the failure of the modernization attempts carried out by the “Westernization Movement” in late Qing times; and also we can see the causes of frustration of Xinhai Revolution and the beginnings of the Republic of China. In particular, the “Neto and Giadan Claim” shows how the nascent Republic of China is unable to shake off the exploitation to which China was subject by the colonial powers. In fact, through this case, we see how the Republic of China was forced to yield to the economic claims of any European country, even to Spain, which at that time lacked the coercive or military capacity to impose its wishes on China. For the writing of this article, we have used original documentation from The Archive of Administration, The Archive of National History; The Archive of Historical Miner of Red River Fundation; The Archive of Huelva Province; Archivo of Huelva Diocesan, and The Archive Nerva Municipal. We have supplemented this documentation with the Belgian Foreign Ministry Archive and the personal archives of Belgian “technicians” led by "Belgian Mandarin" Paul Splingaerd and his son Alphonse. They were the managers of the industrialization process of Gansu Province launched by the Taotai of Lanzhou Peng Yingjia

    Spanish strategic thought in China and the private initiative (1864-1914)

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    Las relaciones entre España y China a lo largo de la Edad Contemporánea se han caracterizado por la atonía. Dentro de dicha tónica, la economía no ha supuesto una excepción. El presente artículo aborda el análisis de las huellas históricas dejadas por diversas empresas españolas afincadas en China entre el momento del establecimiento de relaciones diplomáticas modernas (1864) y el estallido de la I Guerra Mundial (1914). A través de los documentos encontrados en The First Historical Archive of China y el Archivo General de la Administración, estudiamos seis casos distintos que describen la presencia empresarial española en la etapa final del imperio chino como: personal, puntual, fragmentaria y relacionada con Filipinas. Un débil nervio económico que necesita el continuo apoyo de los diplomáticos españoles, constreñidos entre el deseo de jugar un papel como potencia europea que no les corresponde y sus relaciones personales (guanxi) con los funcionarios chinos.Relations between Spain and China throughout the Contemporary Age have been characterized by atony. Within this trend, the business economic aspect has not been an exception. This article addresses the analysis of the historical traces left by various Spanish companies settled in China between establishment of modern diplomatic relations (1864) and the outbreak of World War I (1914). Through the documents found in The First Historical Archive of China and the General Archive of the Administration, we study six different cases that, together, describe the Spanish business presence in the final stage of the Chinese empire such: personal, punctual, fragmentary and related to the Philippines. A weak economic nerve that needs the continuous support of Spanish diplomats, constrained between the desire to play a role as a European power that does not correspond to them and their personal relationships (guanxi) with Chinese officials

    El papel de España en las Relaciones entre Europa, Latinoamérica y China: La 'triangulación” imposible

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    Relations with China have taken on great importance in the foreign policy of all countries since the extraordinary growth of the Asian giant since the end of the last century. As we will see throughout this paper, Spanish-Chinese relations are a priority issue in our foreign policy, but they are not exclusive to the 21st century. Spain has a long and ancient history of its encounters with China. It also occupies a "key" position as a geographical and cultural bridge between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, between Europe and Africa and between Europe and Latin America. Moreover, with the latter region, Spain has a community of culture and interests. Therefore, Spain is the central point of three crossroads: historical, cultural and economic, which it can use to compensate for its peripheral position with respect to the central axes of the "Belt and Road Initiative", and perhaps play an important role in the near future, through what in Spain is called "triangulation", fundamentally, with Latin America. This article attempts to critically approach this Spanish aspiration of "triangulation" with respect to Europe and Spanish-speaking America.Las relaciones con China han cobrado una gran importancia en la política exterior de todos los países a partir del extraordinario crecimiento del gigante asiático desde finales del pasado siglo. Como veremos a lo largo de este trabajo, las relaciones hispano-chinas son asunto prioritario en nuestra política exterior, pero no son exclusivos del siglo XXI. España tiene una larga y vieja historia de sus encuentros con China. Asimismo, ocupa una posición "clave" como puente geográfico y cultural entre el Mar Mediterráneo y el Océano Atlántico, entre Europa y África y entre Europa y América Latina. Además, con esta última región, España posee una comunidad cultural y de intereses. Por tanto, España es el punto central de tres encrucijadas: la histórica, la cultural y la económica, que puede utilizar para compensar su posición periférica respecto a los ejes centrales de la “Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta”, y quizás jugar un papel importante en un futuro próximo, a través de lo que en España se llama la “triangulación”, fundamentalmente, con Latinoamérica. Este artículo intenta acercarse de una manera crítica a esa aspiración española de “triangulación” respecto a Europa y la América de lengua española

    The historical role of the consumption tax in the province of Cordoba (1902-1931)

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    El protagonismo histórico del Impuesto de Consumos trascendió el de una simple tasa impositiva. Designado como principal fuente de fi nanciación de los Ayuntamientos de la Restauración, su fracaso en tal objetivo, condicionó el desarrollo político del sistema liberal español desde su base municipal. En el presente artículo, a través del análisis de la huella que los “consumos” dejaron en las Actas Capitulares de los municipios de la provincia de Córdoba y en las Sentencias de su Audiencia Provincial, retratamos a aquel impuesto como una de las causas de la pervivencia del caciquismo

    El impacto de revolución rusa en el campo cordobés: una aproximación desde la prensa y las Actas Capitulares de los ayuntamientos

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    El artículo muestra cuál fue el impacto de la Revolución rusa en el mundo rural español. Se utilizan dos fuentes históricas distintas. De un lado se rastrea el impacto que en la prensa tuvo la caída del zar y la implantación del régimen bolchevique, con lo que se calibra cuál es la imagen y la influencia que la revolución tuvo en España. De otro, se acude a las Actas Capitulares de los ayuntamientos cordobeses, con lo que se comprueba como la crisis social, agravada por la guerra, derribó al imperio ruso y golpeó a la monarquía española y sus instituciones, que incapaces de hacer frente a la situación, entraran irremisiblemente en crisis, aunque aún pudieron superar el “Trienio Bolchevique”

    Evolutionary composition of QoS-aware web services: a many-objective perspective

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    Web service based applications often invoke services provided by third-parties in their workflow. The Quality of Service (QoS) provided by the invoked supplier can be expressed in terms of the Service Level Agreement specifying the values contracted for particular aspects like cost or throughput, among others. In this scenario, intelligent systems can support the engineer to scrutinise the service market in order to select those candidates that best fit with the expected composition focusing on different QoS aspects. This search problem, also known as QoS-aware web service composition, is characterised by the presence of many diverse QoS properties to be simultaneously optimised from a multi-objective perspective. Nevertheless, as the number of QoS properties considered during the design phase increases and a larger number of decision factors come into play, it becomes more difficult to find the most suitable candidate solutions, so more sophisticated techniques are required to explore and return diverse, competitive alternatives. With this aim, this paper explores the suitability of many-objective evolutionary algorithms for addressing the binding problem of web services on the basis of a real-world benchmark with 9 QoS properties. A complete comparative study demonstrates that these techniques, never before applied to this problem, can achieve a better trade-off between all the QoS properties, or even promote specific QoS properties while keeping high values for the rest. In addition, this search process can be performed within a reasonable computational cost, enabling its adoption by intelligent and decision-support systems in the field of service oriented computation.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-1867Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2012-32273Junta de Andalucía TIC-5906Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55252-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015- 71841-REDTMinisterio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes FPU13/0146

    In vitro Evaluation of Trimethoprim and Sulfamethoxazole from Fixed-Dose Combination Generic Drugs using Spectrophotometry: Comparison of Flow-Through Cell and USP Paddle Methods

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    Purpose: To develop a first-order derivative spectrophotometric method for the determination of trimethoprim (TMP) and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) from fixed-dose combination generic products using a flow-through cell technique.Methods: Absorbance measurement was achieved at 247.8 and 257.9 nm for trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole, respectively. USP Apparatus 4 with 22.6 mm cells, laminar flow at 16 ml/min, and 0.1 N HCl at 37 °C as dissolution medium, were used. Dissolution profiles were compared with modeldependent and independent methods.Results: All the products met the pharmacopeial dissolution criterion (Q ≥ 70 %, at 60 min), except SMX in two products (SC 400 mg and SB1 800 mg) using the flow-through cell (53.62 and 49.74 % dissolved, respectively). Using both USP apparatuses, significant differences in mean dissolution time and dissolution efficiency values were found (p < 0.05). All products were in line with Weibull’s kinetics and significant differences in derived parameters (Td) values were found (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Determination of TMP and SMX by derivative spectrophotometry can easily be employed for dissolution studies using the flow-through cell technique. However, it would be necessary to determine correlation with in-vivo test results in order to assure safe interchangeability.Keywords: Trimethoprim, Sulfamethoxazole, Flow-through cell method, First-order derivative spectrophotometry, Fixed-dose combination generic drug