64 research outputs found

    The calyx of Held

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    The calyx of Held is a large glutamatergic synapse in the mammalian auditory brainstem. By using brain slice preparations, direct patch-clamp recordings can be made from the nerve terminal and its postsynaptic target (principal neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body). Over the last decade, this preparation has been increasingly employed to investigate basic presynaptic mechanisms of transmission in the central nervous system. We review here the background to this preparation and summarise key findings concerning voltage-gated ion channels of the nerve terminal and the ionic mechanisms involved in exocytosis and modulation of transmitter release. The accessibility of this giant terminal has also permitted Ca2+-imaging and -uncaging studies combined with electrophysiological recording and capacitance measurements of exocytosis. Together, these studies convey the panopoly of presynaptic regulatory processes underlying the regulation of transmitter release, its modulatory control and short-term plasticity within one identified synaptic termina

    Molecular mechanisms governing Ca2+ regulation of evoked and spontaneous release

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    The relationship between transmitter release evoked by action potentials and spontaneous release has fascinated neuroscientists for half a century, and separate biological roles for spontaneous release are emerging. Nevertheless, separate functions for spontaneous and Ca2+-evoked release do not necessarily indicate different origins of these two manifestations of vesicular fusion. Here we review how Ca2+ regulates evoked and spontaneous release, emphasizing that Ca2+ can briefly increase vesicle fusion rates one-millionfold above spontaneous rates. This high dynamic range suggests that docked and readily releasable pool (RRP) vesicles might be protected against spontaneous release while also being immediately available for ultrafast Ca2+-evoked release. Molecular mechanisms for such release clamping of highly fusogenic RRP vesicles are increasingly investigated. Thus, we view spontaneous release as a consequence of the highly release-competent state of a standing pool of RRP vesicles, which is molecularly fine-tuned to control spontaneous release

    A Synaptotagmin Isoform Switch during the Development of an Identified CNS Synapse

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    Various Synaptotagmin (Syt) isoform genes are found in mammals, but it is unknown whether Syts can function redundantly in a given nerve terminal, or whether isoforms can be switched during the development of a nerve terminal. Here, we investigated the possibility of a developmental Syt isoform switch using the calyx of Held as a model synapse. At mature calyx synapses, fast Ca2+-driven transmitter release depended entirely on Syt2, but the release phenotype of Syt2 knockout (KO) mice was weaker at immature calyces, and absent at pre-calyceal synapses early postnatally. Instead, conditional genetic inactivation shows that Syt1 mediates fast release at pre-calyceal synapses, as well as a fast release component resistant to Syt2 deletion in immature calyces. This demonstrates a developmental Syt1-Syt2 isoform switch at an identified synapse, a mechanism that could fine-tune the speed, reliability, and plasticity of transmitter release at fast releasing CNS synapses

    Robo3-Driven Axon Midline Crossing Conditions Functional Maturation of a Large Commissural Synapse

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    SummaryDuring the formation of neuronal circuits, axon pathfinding decisions specify the location of synapses on the correct brain side and in correct target areas. We investigated a possible link between axon midline crossing and the subsequent development of output synapses formed by these axons. Conditional knockout of Robo3 in the auditory system forced a large commissural synapse, the calyx of Held, to be exclusively formed on the wrong, ipsilateral side. Ipsilateral calyx of Held synapses showed strong transmission defects, with reduced and desynchronized transmitter release, fewer fast-releasable vesicles, and smaller and more variable presynaptic Ca2+ currents. Transmission defects were not observed in a downstream inhibitory synapse, and some defects persisted into adulthood. These results suggest that axon midline crossing conditions functional maturation of commissural synapses, thereby minimizing the impact of mislocalized synapses on information processing. This mechanism might be relevant to human disease caused by mutations in the ROBO3 gene

    An Alien Divalent Ion Reveals a Major Role for Ca2+ Buffering in Controlling Slow Transmitter Release

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    Ca2+-dependent transmitter release occurs in a fast and in a slow phase, but the differential roles of Ca2+ buffers and Ca2+ sensors in shaping release kinetics are still controversial. Replacing extracellular Ca2+ by Sr2+ causes decreased fast release but enhanced slow release at many synapses. Here, we established presynaptic Sr2+ uncaging and made quantitative Sr2+ - and Ca2+ -imaging experiments at the mouse calyx of Held synapse, to reveal the interplay between Ca2+ sensors and Ca2+ buffers in the control of fast and slow release. We show that Sr2+ activates the fast, Synaptotagmin-2 (Syt2) sensor for vesicle fusion with sixfold lower affinity but unchanged high cooperativity. Surprisingly, Sr2+ also activates the slow sensor that remains in Syt2 knock-out synapses with a lower efficiency, and Sr2+ was less efficient than Ca2+ in the limit of low concentrations in wild-type synapses. Quantitative imaging experiments show that the buffering capacity of the nerve terminal is markedly lower for Sr2+ than for Ca2+ (similar to 5-fold). This, together with an enhanced Sr2+ permeation through presynaptic Ca2+ channels (similar to 2-fold), admits a drastically higher spatially averaged Sr2+ transient compared with Ca2+. Together, despite the lower affinity of Sr2+ at the fast and slow sensors, the massively higher amplitudes of spatially averaged Sr2+ transients explain the enhanced late release. This also allows us to conclude that Ca2+ buffering normally controls late release and prevents the activation of the fast release sensor by residual Ca2+

    Phorbol esters modulate spontaneous and Ca2+-evoked transmitter release via acting on both munc13 and protein kinase C

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    Diacylglycerol (DAG) and phorbol esters strongly potentiate transmitter release at synapses by activating protein kinase C (PKC) and members of the Munc13 family of presynaptic vesicle priming proteins. This PKC/Munc13 pathway has emerged as a crucial regulator of release probability during various forms of activity-dependent enhancement of release. Here, we investigated the relative roles of PKC and Munc13-1 in the phorbol ester potentiation of evoked and spontaneous transmitter release at the calyx of Held synapse. The phorbol ester phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (1 mu M) potentiated the frequency of miniature EPSCs, and the amplitudes of evoked EPSCs with a similar time course. Preincubating slices with the PKC blocker Ro31-82200 reduced the potentiation, mainly by affecting a late phase of the phorbol ester potentiation. The Ro31-8220-insensitive potentiation was most likely mediated by Munc13-1, because in organotypic slices of Munc13-1H567K knock-in mice, in which DAG binding to Munc13-1 is abolished, the potentiation of spontaneous release by phorbol ester was strongly suppressed. Using direct presynaptic depolarizations in paired recordings, we show that the phorbol ester potentiation does not go along with an increase in the number of readily releasable vesicles, despite an increase in the cumulative EPSC amplitude during 100 Hz stimulation trains. Our data indicate that activation of Munc13 and PKC both contribute to an enhancement of the fusion probability of readily releasable vesicles. Thus, docked and readily releasable vesicles are a substrate for modulation via intracellular second-messenger pathways that act via Munc13 and PKC

    Synaptotagmin2 (Syt2) Drives Fast Release Redundantly with Syt1 at the Output Synapses of Parvalbumin-Expressing Inhibitory Neurons

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    Parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory neurons in the mammalian CNS are specialized for fast transmitter release at their output synapses. However, the Ca2+ sensor(s) used by identified inhibitory synapses, including the output synapses of parvalbumin-expressing inhibitory neurons, have only recently started to be addressed. Here, we investigated the roles of Syt1 and Syt2 at two types of fast-releasing inhibitory connections in the mammalian CNS: the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body to lateral superior olive glycinergic synapse, and the basket/stellate cell-Purkinje GABAergic synapse in the cerebellum. We used conditional and conventional knock-out (KO) mouse lines, with viral expression of Cre-recombinase and a light-activated ion channel for optical stimulation of the transduced fibers, to produce Syt1-Syt2 double KO synapses in vivo. Surprisingly, we found that KO of Syt2 alone had only minor effects on evoked transmitter release, despite the clear presence of the protein in inhibitory nerve terminals revealed by immunohistochemistry. We show that Syt1 is weakly coexpressed at these inhibitory synapses and must be genetically inactivated together with Syt2 to achieve a significant reduction and desynchronization of fast release. Thus, our work identifies the functionally relevant Ca2+ sensor(s) at fast-releasing inhibitory synapses and shows that two major Syt isoforms can cooperate to mediate release at a given synaptic connection

    Munc18-1 is a dynamically regulated PKC target during short-term enhancement of transmitter release

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    Transmitter release at synapses is regulated by preceding neuronal activity, which can give rise to short-term enhancement of release like post-tetanic potentiation (PTP). Diacylglycerol (DAG) and Protein-kinase C (PKC) signaling in the nerve terminal have been widely implicated in the short-term modulation of transmitter release, but the target protein of PKC phosphorylation during short-term enhancement has remained unknown. Here, we use a gene-replacement strategy at the calyx of Held, a large CNS model synapse that expresses robust PTP, to study the molecular mechanisms of PTP. We find that two PKC phosphorylation sites of Munc18-1 are critically important for PTP, which identifies the presynaptic target protein for the action of PKC during PTP. Pharmacological experiments show that a phosphatase normally limits the duration of PTP, and that PTP is initiated by the action of a 'conventional' PKC isoform. Thus, a dynamic PKC phosphorylation/de-phosphorylation cycle of Munc18-1 drives short-term enhancement of transmitter release during PTP

    An Exclusion Zone for Ca2+ Channels around Docked Vesicles Explains Release Control by Multiple Channels at a CNS Synapse

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    The spatial arrangement of Ca2+ channels and vesicles remains unknown for most CNS synapses, despite of the crucial importance of this geometrical parameter for the Ca2+ control of transmitter release. At a large model synapse, the calyx of Held, transmitter release is controlled by several Ca2+ channels in a "domain overlap" mode, at least in young animals. To study the geometrical constraints of Ca2+ channel placement in domain overlap control of release, we used stochastic MCell modelling, at active zones for which the position of docked vesicles was derived from electron microscopy (EM). We found that random placement of Ca2+ channels was unable to produce high slope values between release and presynaptic Ca2+ entry, a hallmark of domain overlap, and yielded excessively large release probabilities. The simple assumption that Ca2+ channels can be located anywhere at active zones, except below a critical distance of ~ 30 nm away from docked vesicles ("exclusion zone"), rescued high slope values and low release probabilities. Alternatively, high slope values can also be obtained by placing all Ca2+ channels into a single supercluster, which however results in significantly higher heterogeneity of release probabilities. We also show experimentally that high slope values, and the sensitivity to the slow Ca2+ chelator EGTA-AM, are maintained with developmental maturation of the calyx synapse. Taken together, domain overlap control of release represents a highly organized active zone architecture in which Ca2+ channels must obey a certain distance to docked vesicles. Furthermore, domain overlap can be employed by near-mature, fast-releasing synapses

    Nigrostriatal overabundance of α-synuclein leads to decreased vesicle density and deficits in dopamine release that correlate with reduced motor activity

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    α-Synuclein (α-syn) is a presynaptic protein present at most nerve terminals, but its function remains largely unknown. The familial forms of Parkinson's disease associated with multiplications of the α-syn gene locus indicate that overabundance of this protein might have a detrimental effect on dopaminergic transmission. To investigate this hypothesis, we use adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors to overexpress human α-syn in the rat substantia nigra. Moderate overexpression of either wild-type (WT) or A30P α-syn differs in the motor phenotypes induced, with only the WT form generating hemiparkinsonian impairments. Wild-type α-syn causes a reduction of dopamine release in the striatum that exceeds the loss of dopaminergic neurons, axonal fibers, and the reduction in total dopamine. At the ultrastructural level, the reduced dopamine release corresponds to a decreased density of dopaminergic vesicles and synaptic contacts in striatal terminals. Interestingly, the membrane-binding-deficient A30P mutant does neither notably reduce dopamine release nor it cause ultrastructural changes in dopaminergic axons, showing that α-syn's membrane-binding properties are critically involved in the presynaptic defects. To further determine if the affinity of the protein for membranes determines the extent of motor defects, we compare three forms of α-syn in conditions leading to pronounced degeneration. While membrane-binding α-syns (wild-type and A53T) induce severe motor impairments, an N-terminal deleted form with attenuated affinity for membranes is inefficient in inducing motor defects. Overall, these results demonstrate that α-syn overabundance is detrimental to dopamine neurotransmission at early stages of the degeneration of nigrostriatal dopaminergic axon
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