12 research outputs found
An overview of the experimental research use of lysimeters
The lysimeter is most often defined as a box filled with soil with an intact structure for measuring the amount of infiltration and evapotranspiration in natural conditions. At the bottom of the device there is an outflow for atmospheric precipitation water infiltrating to a measuring container. Lysimeter studies are included in the group of dynamic leaching tests in which the leaching solution is added in a specified volume over a specific period of time. Lysimeter studies find applications in, amongst others, agrotechnics, hydrogeology and geochemistry. Lysimeter tests may vary in terms of the type of soil used (anthropogenic soil, natural soil), sample size, leaching solution, duration of the research and the purpose for conducting it. Lysimeter experiments provide more accurate results for leaching tests compared with static leaching tests. Unlike several-day tests, they should last for at least a year. There are about 2,500 lysimeters installed in nearly 200 stations around Europe. The vast majority of these (84%) are non-weighing lysimeters. There are a few challenges for lysimeter research mostly connected with the construction of the lysimeter, estimating leaching results and calibrating numerical transport models with data obtained from lysimeters. This review is devoted to the analysis of the principal types of lysimeters described in the literature within the context of their application. The aim of this study is to highlight the role of lysimeters in leaching studies
Estimating the NEMA characteristics of the J-PET tomograph using the GATE package
The novel whole-body PET system based on plastic scintillators is developed
by the {J-PET} Collaboration. It consists of plastic scintillator strips
arranged axially in the form of a cylinder, allowing the cost-effective
construction of the total-body PET. In order to determine properties of the
scanner prototype and optimize its geometry, advanced computer simulations
using the GATE software were performed.
The spatial resolution, the sensitivity, the scatter fraction and the noise
equivalent count rate were estimated according to the NEMA norm as a function
of the length of the tomograph, number of the detection layers, diameter of the
tomographic chamber and for various types of the applied readout. For the
single-layer geometry with the diameter of 85 cm, strip length of 100 cm,
cross-section of 4 mm x 20 mm and silicon photomultipliers with the additional
layer of wavelength shifter as the readout, the spatial resolution (FWHM) in
the centre of the scanner is equal to 3 mm (radial, tangential) and 6 mm
(axial). For the analogous double-layer geometry with the same readout,
diameter and scintillator length, with the strip cross-section of 7 mm x 20 mm,
the NECR peak of 300 kcps was reached at 40 kBq/cc activity concentration, the
scatter fraction is estimated to about 35% and the sensitivity at the centre
amounts to 14.9 cps/kBq. Sensitivity profiles were also determined
Commissioning of the J-PET detector in view of the positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
The Jagiellonian Positron Emission Tomograph (J-PET) is the first PET device built from plastic scintillators. It is a multi-purpose detector designed for medical imaging and for studies of properties of positronium atoms in porous matter and in living organisms. In this article we report on the commissioning of the J-PET detector in view of studies of positronium decays. We present results of analysis of the positron lifetime measured in the porous polymer. The obtained results prove that J-PET is capable of performing simultaneous imaging of the density distribution of annihilation points as well as positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy
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praca magistersk
Kaszel — czy to tylko problem kliniczny? Diagnoza i terapia kaszlu przewlekłego
Kaszel jest reakcją odruchową, powstającą w wyniku pobudzenia zakończeń nerwowych znajdujących się w błonie śluzowej. Umożliwia oczyszczenie dróg oddechowych z zalegającej wydzieliny bądź ciał obcych. Stanowi objaw wielu jednostek chorobowych, z którymi lekarze spotykają się w codziennej praktyce klinicznej. Często kaszel bywa jednym z pierwszych powodów zgłaszania się pacjentów po pomoc, ale zdarza się, że jest bagatelizowany zarówno przez nich, jak i przez lekarzy. Dodatkowo przewlekły kaszel nierzadko jest objawem mogącym mieć wiele przyczyn, wymagającym wielodyscyplinarnego podejścia. Należy mieć świadomość, jak istotne znaczenie ma kaszel w diagnostyce wielu chorób o różnym podłożu — związanych z układem oddechowym, przewodem pokarmowym czy ośrodkowym układem nerwowym. W pracy opisano, czym jest kaszel, jego etio-patogenezę, mechanizmy powstawania, typy, możliwe przyczyny występowania, algorytmy diagnostyczne oraz terapeutyczne, a także zwrócono uwagę na problemy kliniczne związane z leczeniem
Inflammasome signalling pathway in the regulation of inflammation – its involvement in the development and exacerbation of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Inflammasomes are multiprotein oligomers, whose main function is the recruitment and activation of caspase-1, which cleaves the precursor forms of interleukin (IL)-1b and IL-18, generating biologically active cytokines. Activation of inflammasome is an essential component of the innate immune response, and according to recent reports it is involved in epithelial homeostasis and type 2 T helper cell (Th2) differentiation. In recent years, the contribution of inflammasome dependent signalling pathways to the development of inflammatory diseases became a topic of multiple research studies. Asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are the most prevalent obstructive lung diseases. Recent studies have focused on inflammatory aspects of asthma and COPD development, demonstrating the key role of inflammasome-dependent processes. Factors responsible for activation of inflammasome complex are similar in both asthma and COPD and include bacteria, viruses, cigarette smoke, and particulate matter. Some recent studies have revealed that NLRP3 inflammasome plays a crucial role, particularly in the development of acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD). Activation of NLRP3 inflammasome has been linked with neutrophilic severe steroid-resistant asthma. Although most of the studies on inflammasomes in asthma and COPD focused on the NLRP3 inflammasome, there are scarce scientific reports linking other inflammasomes such as AIM2 and NLRP1 with obstructive lung diseases. In this mini review we focus on the role of molecular pathways associated with inflammasome in the most prevalent lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. Furthermore, we will try to answer the question of whether inhibition of inflammasome can occur as a modern therapy in these diseases
Renal function in obese women with impaired fasting glucose
WSTĘP. Nadwaga i otyłość są ważnymi czynnikami ryzyka zaburzeń
gospodarki węglowodanowej i przewlekłej choroby nerek niezależnie
od etiologii tych schorzeń.
Celem niniejszego badania było porównanie podstawowych
wskaźników czynności nerek u kobiet otyłych z nieprawidłową
i prawidłową glikemią na czczo oraz u kobiet zdrowych z prawidłową
masą ciała.
MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem objęto 2 grupy kobiet otyłych:
z nieprawidłową glikemią na czczo (grupa A = 16 osób), prawidłową
glikemią na czczo (grupa B = 18 osób) oraz 16 zdrowych kobiet
(grupa K).
U wszystkich badanych wykonano pomiary antropometryczne.
W surowicy krwi żylnej oznaczono stężenia: insuliny, kreatyniny,
β2-mikroglobuliny, białka C-reaktywnego. Insulinowrażliwość oceniono
za pomocą wzoru HOMA. W porannej próbce moczu oceniono
stężenie albumin. Wielkość filtracji kłębuszkowej (GFR, glomerular
filtration rate) określono jako klirens kreatyniny wyliczony
na podstawie wzoru Cockcrofta-Gaulta.
WYNIKI. U otyłych kobiet z nieprawidłową glikemią na czczo (IFG,
impaired fasting glicemia) stwierdzono znamiennie większe przesączanie
kłębuszkowe, stężenie kreatyniny oraz większą insulino-insulinooporność
niż u kobiet otyłych z prawidłową glikemią na czczo.
W grupie A stwierdzono znamiennie większe przesączanie kłębuszkowe,
stężenie kreatyniny, białka C-reaktywnego, glukozy, insuliny,
większą insulinooporność oraz znamiennie mniejsze stężenie
β2-mikroglobuliny niż u zdrowych kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała.
W grupie B stwierdzono znamiennie większe stężenie kreatyniny,
białka C-reaktywnego oraz znamiennie mniejsze stężenie β2-mikroglobuliny
niż u kobiet z grupy kontrolnej.
WNIOSKI. Obserwowane większe GFR, większa kreatyninemia oraz
tendencja do zwiększonej albuminurii u otyłych kobiet z IFG przemawiają
za większym ryzykiem rozwoju przewlekłej choroby nerek
w powyższej grupie w porównaniu z kobietami otyłymi bez zaburzeń
gospodarki węglowodanowej.INTRODUCTION. Overweight and obesity are significant risk factors
of impaired glucose regulation and for progression of chronic
kidney disease.
The aim of the study was to compare markers of renal function
between obese women with impaired fasting glucose, obese women
with normal fasting plasma glucose and healthy, normal weight
MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study group consisted of obese
women with impaired fasting glucose (group A = 16 subjects)
and obese women with normal fasting plasma glucose (group B
= 18 subjects). The control group consisted of 16 healthy women.
In all patients serum levels of insulin, creatinine, β2-microglobulin and C-reactive protein were assessed. Insulin resistance was estimated
using HOMA formula. Albumin urine level was measured in
morning urine sample. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated
using Cockcroft-Gault formula.
RESULTS. Obese patients with inferior fronal gyrus (IGF) had significantly
increased glomerular filtration rate, creatinine serum level
and higher insulin resistance in comparison to obese patients
with normal fasting plasma glucose. In comparison to controls in
group A we found higher GFR, serum creatinine level, serum
C-reactive protein level, serum glucose level, serum insulin level,
increased insulin resistance and significantly decreased β2-microglobulin
serum level. We found higher serum creatinine level, serum
C-reactive protein level and decreased serum β2-microglobulin
level in group B as compared with controls.
CONCLUSION. An increased GFR, higher creatinine serum level
and tendency for albumin to be elevated in obese women with
IFG may indicate the higher risk for development of chronic kidney
disease in this group of patients in comparison to women with
normal fasting glucose
Evaluation of renal function in obese women
WSTĘP. Otyłość jest podstawowym czynnikiem ryzyka chorób
sercowo-naczyniowych, a także ważnym czynnikiem rozwoju przewlekłej
choroby nerek.
Celem niniejszej pracy było porównanie wskaźników czynności
nerek kobiet z otyłością prostą i kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała.
MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem objęto 36 kobiet z otyłością
prostą. Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 16 zdrowych kobiet z prawidłowym
wskaźnikiem masy ciała (BMI, body mass index).
U wszystkich badanych wykonano pomiary antropometryczne
i obliczono BMI. W surowicy krwi żylnej oznaczono stężenia:
kreatyniny, β2-mikroglobuliny i białka C-reaktywnego. W porannej
próbce moczu oceniano stężenie albumin. Wielkość filtracji
kłębuszkowej (GFR, glomerular filtration rate) określono
jako klirens kreatyniny obliczony na podstawie wzoru Cockcrofta-
WYNIKI. W grupie badanej stwierdzono większe przesączanie kłębuszkowe
(GFR), stężenie kreatyniny oraz białka C-reaktywnego
oraz mniejsze stężenie β2-mikroglobuliny w porównaniu z grupą
kontrolną. Zaobserwowano większe wydalanie albumin u kobiet
otyłych w porównaniu z osobami z prawidłową masą ciała. Wykazano
dodatnie korelacje między BMI i masą ciała a klirensem kreatyniny. WNIOSKI. Niezależnie od przyczyny, zwiększona albuminuria (nawet
w granicach prawidłowych) u osób otyłych może być wskaźnikiem
ryzyka rozwoju przewlekłej choroby nerek, podobnie jak
u chorych na cukrzycę.INTRODUCTION. Obesity is not only a major risk factor for development
of cardiovascular diseases but also it is an important factor
for development of chronic kidney disease.
The aim of the study was to compare markers of renal function
between obese women and women with normal body
MATERIAL AND METHODS. 36 obese perimenopausal women
without concomitant diseases were enrolled into the study. Control
group consisted of 16 healthy women with normal body weight.
In all patients serum concentrations of creatinine, β2-microglobulin
and C-reactive protein were assessed. Albuminuria was measured
in morning urine sample. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated
using Cockcroft-Gault formula.
RESULTS. Obese patients had increased GRF, creatinine and
C-reactive protein serum levels and decreased β2-microglobulin
serum level in comparison to healthy controls. Obese women had
higher albumin excretion rate than controls. We found positive
correlation between body mass index, weight and clearance of
CONCLUSION. An elevated albumin excretion (even within the
normal range) in obese patients, independently of cause, can be
a risk factor for development of chronic kidney failure, similarly as
it happens in diabetics
Comparative Analysis of Exosomes and Extracellular Microvesicles in Healing Pathways: Insights for Advancing Regenerative Therapies
Exosomes and microvesicles bear great potential to broaden therapeutic options in the clinical context. They differ in genesis, size, cargo, and composition despite their similarities. They were identified as participating in various processes such as angiogenesis, cell migration, and intracellular communication. Additionally, they are characterized by their natural biocompatibility. Therefore, researchers concluded that they could serve as a novel curative method capable of achieving unprecedented results. Indeed, in experiments, they proved remarkably efficient in enhancing wound regeneration and mitigating inflammation. Despite immense advancements in research on exosomes and microvesicles, the time for their large-scale application is yet to come. This article aims to gather and analyze current knowledge on those promising particles, their characteristics, and their potential clinical implementations
Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Hybrid Breeding in Wheat
Disclosure of markers that are significantly associated with plant traits can help develop new varieties with desirable properties. This study determined the genome-wide associations based on DArTseq markers for six agronomic traits assessed in eight environments for wheat. Moreover, the association study for heterosis and analysis of the effects of markers grouped by linkage disequilibrium were performed based on mean values over all experiments. All results were validated using data from post-registration trials. GWAS revealed 1273 single nucleotide polymorphisms with biologically significant effects. Most polymorphisms were predicted to be modifiers of protein translation, with only two having a more pronounced effect. Markers significantly associated with the considered set of features were clustered within chromosomes based on linkage disequilibrium in 327 LD blocks. A GWAS for heterosis revealed 1261 markers with significant effects