47 research outputs found

    Determination of the Effectiveness of the ZetrOZ Wearable Ultrasound Device (SAM) for the Post-exercise Clearance of Lactic Acid

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    Athletes performing in multiple round competitions seek rapid recovery from exercise and restoration of optimal muscle function. The increase in blood lactic acid concentration while performing intense exercise has been well documented; however interventions have not demonstrated the ability to significantly improve lactate removal beyond that of passive recovery. Low intensity therapeutic ultrasound has been previously shown to increase blood flow, fluid circulation, vasodilation, and cellular metabolism. PURPOSE: To determine if wearing a long-duration ultrasound therapy device on muscles can accelerate lactic acid kinetics to promote clearance from blood. METHODS: A randomized, double blind cross-over study utilizing a lactate-inducing circuit weight training protocol was performed by 10 male participants (22.1 ± 0.46 years). During the first visit to the lab, the 1-repetition maximum (1-RM) for each participant was estimated for the following exercises 1) lunge, 2) squat, 3) leg press, 4) leg extension, and 5) leg curl. During the next two visits participants performed two circuits of the five aforementioned lower body exercises at 70% of their 1-RM. The exercises were performed while wearing functional ultrasound devices during one visit and placebo devices during the other visit. The ultrasound devices were attached to both the quadricep and hamstring muscle groups and worn for 1 hour. Blood lactic acid was measured in duplicate at baseline as well as at 0, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, and 60 min post-exercise. The area under the curve (AUC) of lactic acid concentration versus post-exercise time was calculated. RESULTS: AUC resulting from functional ultrasound devices (344.31 ± 41.12) was significantly lower than placebo devices (396.09 ± 35.24). Lactic acid values from functional devices at time 0, 2, 5, 20, and 40 min post-exercise (10.83 ± 0.8, 10.61 ± 0.83, 10.15 ± 0.96 , 6.97 ± 1.04, 3.60 ± 0.55 mmol/L) were significantly lower than placebo respectively (12.71 ± 1.07, 11.86 ± 0.61, 11.69 ± 0.62, 7.94 ± .909, 4.48 ± .55 mmol/L). There were no significant differences at time-points 10 and 60 min post-exercise. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that a wearable therapeutic ultrasound device promotes blood lactic acid clearance immediately following high intensity exercise, but may offer reduced benefit later in the recovery process

    Smoking and Other Determinants of COVID Severity Among Cancer Patients

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    Introduction Cancer patients might be more susceptible to COVID-19 infection. With a higher incidence of acute complications, severe disease and higher mortality rates. Identifying factors contributing to severe disease remains essential to avoid the risk of severe and often fatal COVID-19 exposure. We report on the predisposing factors for severe COVID-19 and increased hospitalization burden in cancer patients at the Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center (SKCC) in Philadelphia.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/medoncposters/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Geopolymers based on spent catalyst residue from a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process

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    This paper assesses the use of alkali activation technology in the valorization of a spent fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) catalyst, which is a residue derived from the oil-cracking process, to produce geopolymer binders. In particular, the effects of activation conditions on the structural characteristics of the spent catalyst- based geopolymers are determined. The zeolitic phases present in the spent catalyst are the main phases participating in the geopolymerization reaction, which is driven by the conversion of the zeolitic material to a highly Al-substituted aluminosilicate binder gel. Higher alkali content and SiO2/Na2O ratio lead to a denser structure with a higher degree of geopolymer gel formation and increased degree of crosslinking, as identified through 29Si MAS NMR. These results highlight the feasibility of using spent FCC catalyst as a precursor for geopolymer production.This study was sponsored by research scholarship BES-2008-002440 and EEBB-2011-43847 from the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia of Spain, the European regional development fund (FEDER), and the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Spain). The participation of SAB and JLP was funded by the Australian Research Council through the Discovery Projects program, and also including partial funding through the Particulate Fluids Processing Centre, a Special Research Centre of the ARC. The authors wish to acknowledge the Advanced Microscopy Facility at The University of Melbourne for assistance with the electron microscopy experiments conducted in this study.Rodriguez Martinez, ED.; Bernal, SA.; Provis, JL.; Gehman, JD.; Monzó Balbuena, JM.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ.; Borrachero Rosado, MV. (2013). Geopolymers based on spent catalyst residue from a fluid catalytic cracking (FCC) process. Fuel. 109:493-502. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2013.02.053S49350210

    A sense of national identity as a personal interest. A civil-law study

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    Wydział Prawa i Administracji: Katedra Prawa Cywilnego, Handlowego i UbezpieczeniowegoW pracy sformułowano i wykazano prawdziwość tezy, że poczucie tożsamości narodowej jest dobrem osobistym w rozumieniu Kodeksu cywilnego (art. 23 i 24 k.c.) i korzysta z ochrony cywilnoprawnej niezależnie od ochrony przewidzianej przez inne przepisy. Poczuciem tożsamości narodowej jest ten element samoświadomości człowieka, który odnosi się do jego przynależności do narodu. Przejawia się on w zespole poglądów i przekonań związanych z uczestnictwem we wspólnocie narodowej, z którą identyfikuje się człowiek. Ze względu na miejsce tego poczucia w hierarchii wartości cenionych w społeczeństwie oraz w systemie prawnym, należy ono do dóbr prawnie chronionych i jako dobro osobiste gwarantuje stan wolny od ingerencji w poglądy i przekonania, będące jego przejawem. Określenie to odwołuje się do kulturowej koncepcji narodu, która tworzy prawidłową perspektywę wyodrębnienia racji aksjologicznych oraz systemowych, przemawiających za istnieniem i ochroną poczucia tożsamości narodowej wśród dóbr osobistych. W szczególności w opracowaniu wykazano, że dobro to jest ugruntowane w społecznym wymiarze osobowości i godności człowieka, określono jego zakres (treść) i sposób ochrony. Potrzeba tej ochrony istnieje m.in. z uwagi na liczne wypowiedzi o „polskich obozach koncentracyjnych”. Wypowiedzi te deprecjonują wewnętrzne przekonanie człowieka o jego własnej wartości jako członka narodu polskiego.This dissertation substantiates a thesis that a sense of national identity constitutes a personal interest within the Civil Code (Art. 23 and 24 of the CC) and as such deserves the civil law protection regardless of the protection provided for by other provisions. A sense of national identity is the human self-awareness aspect which relates to a human being’s belonging to the nation. This is manifested in views and beliefs connected with participation in a national group, which a person identifies with. Due to the place a sense of national identity has in the hierarchy of values widely-acknowledged in society and law, it is an interest legally protected and which guarantees the freedom from interference with views and beliefs which are its manifestation. This notion refers to a cultural concept of a nation, which constitutes a proper perspective to identify the axiological and systemic axis for the existence and protection of a sense of national identity among personal interests. In particular, this dissertation proves that this interest is well-grounded in the social dimension of a human being’s personality and dignity, as well as it defines its scope (content) and protection methods. Its protection is needed because of numerous remarks concerning “Polish concentration camps”. Such remarks depreciate a person’s inner conviction of his or her value as a Polish nation member

    Novel Mechanisms for Post-Transplant Maintenance Therapy in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

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    Allogeneic stem cell transplantation has improved survival for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), especially for patients with disease at high risk of relapse. However, relapse remains the most common cause of treatment failure and death in the post-transplant period. Maintenance therapy, an extended course of treatment after achieving remission to reduce the rate of relapse, is an important component of the treatment of various hematologic malignancies; however, its role in the treatment of AML is far less well-defined. Recently, there has been significant interest in the use of novel therapeutic agents as maintenance therapy after allogeneic stem cell transplant, utilizing new mechanisms of treatment and more favorable toxicity profiles. In this review, we will discuss the mechanistic and clinical data for post-transplant maintenance therapies in AML. Then, we will review several emergent and current clinical trials which aim to incorporate novel agents into maintenance therapy regimens

    Smoking Cessation in the Inpatient Setting

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    Project AIM: To increase assessment of patient’s smoking status and increase rates of tobacco cessation pharmacotherapy prescription at discharge by 10% over the course of six months in patients admitted for coronary artery diseas

    Use of Naltrexone for Alcohol Use Disorder: Closing The Gap in Inpatient Initiation

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    Project AIM: increase the prescribing of this medication as an inpatient to ideally provide more support to patients with alcohol use disorde